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Raw Silk

Page 18

by Lisabet Sarai

  “Let’s both work on him,” said Noi after Kate’s third stroke. “That should bring him around fairly quickly. You concentrate on his butt; I will work on his thighs, which as you can see, have barely been touched.”

  Kate and Noi began beating Harrison simultaneously, Kate with the riding crop and Noi with the belt. They quickly fell into a pattern of alternation, so that each had time to prepare and deliver a careful stroke and yet Harrison never had a moment’s respite.

  Kate realised she was in a state of heightened concentration. She breathed deeply and steadily, her body flowing smoothly from one position to the next, as if she were dancing. Her mind was clear. She noted each change in the colour of Harrison’s flesh, each moan, each change in his breath. She was gloriously aware of her own strength and power. She felt the same power emanating from the woman beside her.

  There was excitement, incredible arousal, but it was controlled, harnessed, focused on her victim. She realised, suddenly, that she no longer felt angry with Harrison, that she felt only pity and amusement at his plight.

  He began moaning and crying in a new voice. “Please, forgive me, Katherine. I’m sorry, so sorry. Please accept my apology. Please, please, stop, I can’t take any more.”

  Noi paused, and Kate did likewise. “What do you think?” the Thai asked. “Is he sincere? Should we stop?”

  Kate stood next to the table, looking into Harrison’s tear-stained face. She knew that her own face was flushed, that her undergarments clung to her body, damp with her sweat. She did not care. She was full of power.

  Harrison looked at her, true contrition in his face. “Please, Katherine…” he said.

  “I think he really means it,” said Kate finally. “I think that he will think twice in the future, before underestimating a woman.”

  “Should I untie him?” she asked Noi, who was over at the trunk again.

  “Not quite yet,” said Noi. “He has one more lesson. I want to teach him what it feels like to be fucked.”

  As Noi returned to the table, Kate caught her breath. The Thai was wearing a large, realistic phallus strapped to her groin. With her swelling breasts, muscular physique and the magnificent, erect penis, Noi looked like some fantastic hermaphrodite.

  Kate sank back into her chair, feeling a bit weak. She found the sight unbelievably erotic.

  Noi walked around to where Harrison could see her. She thrust the rubber phallus into his face. “Suck it,” she said, her voice a bit husky. “Get it nice and wet. The wetter you make it, the less it will hurt.”

  Harrison seemed to have given up all resistance. Meekly, he took the simulated cock into his mouth and liberally anointed it with his saliva. Kate watched intently as the perverse scene continued to unfold.

  Noi returned to her former position behind Harrison. She grabbed his strap-reddened cheeks and held them open, as she positioned her dildo against his anus. “Relax, Edward,” she said briefly, and then with a jerk of her hips, she entered him.

  A loud groan came from Harrison’s lips. Kate could see that half of Noi’s phallus was buried in his ass. The Thai pulled back, so that only the tip remained within the tight circle of muscle, then pushed again, penetrating more deeply.

  Harrison did not move or struggle. He simply lay there, moaning, as Noi ploughed his asshole, slow then fast, straight in and then from an angle, the muscles in her buttocks tensing beautifully with each thrust.

  Kate slipped her hand inside her soaking crotch. She could not help herself. She could see that Noi was getting excited, too. Perhaps the dildo was double-ended, and the Thai had a matching rod buried in her cunt. The thought thrilled her. Noi’s eyes were closed and she was panting. Straining, every muscle taut, she pushed every centimetre of her cock into Harrison’s aching hole, and ground her pelvis against him.

  Noi gave a little cry as her frame went limp in the spasms of orgasm. Kate was only moments away from her own climax, when she felt a hand on her shoulder. “Stop,” said Gregory. “Not yet. Not quite yet.” He gently took her wrist and pulled her hand away from her pulsing sex. Then he raised it to his lips and kissed her fragrant, sticky fingers.

  “Ah, my Kate,” he murmured, nuzzling her hand. In the midst of sexual frustration, she felt a different kind of relief. His cold, harsh manner was gone. Had it all been nothing more than an act, for Harrison’s benefit?

  Noi had recovered and was now bustling around, untying Edward Harrison’s arms and legs and helping him to sit up. “Are you all right?” she asked him. He nodded mutely. “Good. Then get dressed, and get out of here. We are finished with you.” Slowly, stiffly, he began to don his clothes. He looked around for his tie.

  Noi was wearing it around her neck. “I think I will keep this,” she said with a little laugh. “To remember you, Edward.”

  Now Gregory spoke up. “If I were you, Harrison, I’d get out of the country. It won’t be long before Hakim and Malachevsky come looking for you. Didn’t I hear something about South America?”

  Harrison gave a tired nod. “I already have the tickets. I will move up my departure plans and leave tomorrow night.”

  He paused. “What about the ransom, the five hundred thousand baht for Katherine’s release?”

  “As you can see, Edward, Kate is here of her own free choice.” Kate blushed at the implication, then shook her shame away. What did she care what Edward Harrison thought of her? Given what she knew, what she had seen tonight, she could damage his reputation far more than he could injure hers.

  “Besides, with five million baht in hand, I hardly need five hundred thousand more.” Gregory pulled himself to his full height. “Now get out,” he said, a hint of menace in his voice. “I never want to see your face again.”

  Noi unlocked the padlock and Harrison scurried out the door, slamming it behind him.

  In the wake of his departure, the three of them stood there, looking at each other. For a moment, Kate had the urge to laugh. Then she sensed the tension, the electricity flowing among them. The dynamics had shifted. Her power had subsided, sinking back into the hidden recesses of her soul from which it had emerged. She was, once again, Gregory’s slave.

  Gregory gave her a smile that was at once both sweet and mocking. “Now it is your turn, Kate. I, for one, have not forgotten that you are my prisoner.”

  He laughed a little. “Get out of those wet clothes,” he said, “and get up on the table.”

  Kate unfastened her bra and peeled off her sodden knickers. She stood next to the table, unsure of what was expected.

  “Chest on the table,” said Gregory, “and ass in the air. More or less the same position as your hapless former boss.”

  Her heart pounding, Kate complied.

  “Should I tie her, Ji?” asked Noi.

  “Oh, I do not think that will be necessary,” said Gregory. “Kate knows how to be still and obey.”

  Noi came close to the table, checking and adjusting Kate’s position. She folded Kate’s T-shirt and put it like a pillow under Kate’s cheek. The Thai was tall enough that her sex was just even with the table edge. Kate could not take her eyes off the smooth folds and dark crevices. She caught a whiff of Noi’s scent, and before she realised it, stuck her tongue out, reaching for that fragrant valley.

  “Aha!” said Noi. “So you want to taste me, do you, Kate?” Mortified, Kate closed her mouth. Noi leaned close, and kissed Kate’s lips. “Some other time, Kate, I will make you eat me until I come. Tonight, though, we have other plans for you.”

  Now Gregory came into view. “Which would you prefer, Kate? The strap or the crop?” Kate realised that Noi had kept Harrison’s belt as well as his necktie.

  Kate considered the question seriously. She longed to feel and understand the sensations she had inflicted on Harrison with the riding crop. On the other hand, Noi had said that the belt was more painful. She wondered if she could endure it.

  A part of her mind listened to this internal debate, horrified and amazed that she could be en
gaged in such an argument. She pushed that part of her away.

  “The strap,” she said finally.

  “You’re sure?” asked Gregory with respect and concern in his voice. “You know that Noi will not spare you.”

  She nodded, feeling she had made the right choice. “I know,” she said.

  The first cut made her wonder, though. The hard edge of the leather left a burning trail on her flesh, which became more painful over time instead of subsiding. She whimpered in spite of herself. Noi did not pause, but delivered sharp, rhythmic blows that felt like knives carving into her. She felt her skin tearing open, though she knew from watching Noi with Harrison that her strokes would not draw blood.

  Kate gripped the edges of the table and gritted her teeth. Gregory sat in a chair opposite her, observing her face and Noi’s artistry.

  From under half-closed eyelids, Kate watched her master watching her. His steel-blue eyes flitted from her face to her leather-torn flesh. His sensual lips were parted; she could see his excitement. His powerful hands rested on his thighs, and as she watched, began to move up and down in rhythm with Noi’s strokes. He was so beautiful, so wild, seething with energy barely held in check.

  The pain had begun to blur; she relaxed and concentrated on the sensations as the leather kissed her again and again. Her sex tingled and twitched, hungering for penetration, but she did not strain or rub herself against the table. She was perfectly still, perfectly open, a willing sacrifice to her master’s pleasure.

  “Enough,” she heard him say sharply. “I think we are losing her.” The blows stopped, and suddenly, the pain rushed in like a tidal wave. She suddenly felt dizzy, and a little scared.

  “I’m okay,” she reassured him, her voice shaky. “I’m fine.”

  “You deserve a reward,” said Gregory, smoothing her hair away from her eyes. “Noi, come over here so Kate can see you.”

  The Thai came into view. She had removed the corset; she was now gloriously nude, aside from her boots. As Kate watched in fascination, Noi snapped a leather harness around her waist, anchoring it with straps around her thighs. Then she attached another dildo.

  Unlike the realistic phallus she had used to bugger Harrison, this one did not mimic a penis. It was bright purple and circled with concentric ridges. It bulged, much wider at the end than at the base. And it was obviously much larger than the seemingly enormous cock Noi had used on Harrison. Kate judged that at its narrowest, the dildo was four inches in diameter, an inch or two thicker at the end.

  “I’ll bet your hot little cunt is really hungry, after tonight’s activities,” laughed Marshall. “But I think Noi can satisfy even you.”

  The mamasan positioned herself behind Kate, in exactly the same position she had used on Harrison. Kate gasped in pain as the Thai dug her fingernails into her lacerated bottom, and then in pleasure as Noi slid the hard rubber dildo into her eager cunt.

  Despite the size of the toy, it went in easily. Gregory was right, of course; her whole being ached to be fucked. And Noi was ready to oblige.

  The rubber felt foreign, solid and unyielding, no respite, no escape. Noi hammered into her, then pulled out slowly, so that Kate could feel each of the ridges as it caught and then released the edges of her hole. The huge dildo stretched her deliciously, but she wanted more. She pushed her hips back toward the woman fucking her, begging for deeper penetration, harder strokes.

  As if in answer, Noi removed herself entirely. “No,” cried Kate, “please don’t stop!” The next instant, she was full again, but this time with living, burning flesh.

  Gregory! It was not possible, of course, but he felt longer, thicker, harder than the outrageous dildo. Meanwhile she could feel his cock pulse, shift, probe, alive and aware, seeking the heart of her pleasure.

  As before, she felt his heat, his inner fever igniting her. Blazing, searing, hot desert winds blowing through her inner canyons, tropical sun scorching her. Pain and yet not pain. She saw herself naked on an altar, consumed by the flames of sacrifice.

  “I’ll fuck you forever, Kate,” she heard Gregory’s speak, through his laboured breathing. “I’ll fuck every hole, every inch of your body, in every crazy, profane, perverse way you can imagine. You are mine, my slut, my slave, my goddess of sin.”

  She felt him swelling, ballooning, about to explode. She let herself float, be pulled along with him. “Fuck you, Kate, fuck you!” he yelled, his cock bursting within her. “I love you.”

  Chapter Ten


  Kate awoke after the scene at the fishing shack with the disquieting feeling that the world had changed. The red traces of Noi’s strapping were still clearly visible, tattooing her buttocks. She swallowed hard as she looked over her shoulder, studying them in the mirror. This was the first time her encounters with Gregory had left lasting marks. She guessed that it would not be the last.

  The sight of the livid stripes crisscrossing her flesh scared and fascinated her. Gingerly, she touched one of the welts with her finger. It stung, though the pain was a faint echo of the original stroke. Details from the previous night ran in her mind: the intoxicating flow of power, rushing through her arm to the crop as she punished Harrison; Noi, glorious and severe with her pierced nipples and strap-on; rapture and release as Gregory’s cock seared her sex. She ached there now, remembering, wanting him.

  She recalled his harshness and his moodiness. It was atypical. Normally he remained serenely in control, confident and a bit condescending as he observed and manipulated those around him. Last night he had been different, torn, unsettled. She had caught flashes of some darkness in him, some confusion or indecision. She did not understand.

  He had driven her home, stonily silent for the entire trip. Kate wondered if he was angry. Had she displeased him somehow? His brutal passion in the shack suggested otherwise. He had kissed her tenderly when he left her at the threshold, then disappeared without a word, leaving her perplexed and disturbed.

  She could only wait, Kate told herself, be patient and see what happens next. She found this passive stance strangely comforting.

  Kate dressed for work, selecting a loose skirt and eschewing underclothes. Even so, the slightest brush of fabric on her skin reminded her of her hidden badges of submission. Each twinge brought a little smile to her face, and increased the dampness in her crotch. Have I really come to this, she thought, that I take such pleasure in my fall? She knew it was an idle question.

  At DigiThai the next morning, everyone seemed to know that Harrison had disappeared. His office was emptied of personal belongings. Kate assumed the role of temporary manager. She reassured the staff and encouraged them to get on with their work. Then she asked Anchana to make an appointment for her to see Somtow, realising she could not put off her confession any longer.

  She sat in her office, staring blankly at the screen and trying to collect her thoughts. Anchana rang to tell her that Somtow would come by at two o’clock. She had hardly hung up when the telephone rang again. It was David.

  “Kate. I’m glad that I caught you in.”

  “Hello, David. It’s good to hear your voice.” It was. His warm tone and familiar inflections immediately soothed her jangled nerves.

  “How are things?” he asked.

  “Oh, David, you wouldn’t believe it if I told you.” Then she did tell him, an edited version of the tale that included Harrison’s double-dealing, unmasking and flight, but omitted her Grotto performances and the very personal punishment meted out to her former boss.

  “So now what?” David asked when she was through. “Will you be staying in Thailand? Or are you coming home?”

  “At the moment, I am the acting general manager of DigiThai. I certainly can’t leave until they find someone to replace me.” In fact, Kate realised in surprise, the thought of leaving Bangkok had not even crossed her mind.

  “So you’ll be there for the next week or two.”

  “It looks like it.”

  “That’s great.
Because I am coming to visit, next week.”

  Kate felt a surge of panic. David, here? What would she do about Somtow? About Gregory?

  “Are you sure you can get the time off, David? It’s such a long trip, you shouldn’t plan to come for less than two weeks.”

  “It’s already done. I picked up the tickets this morning. I arrive in Bangkok around midnight next Wednesday.”

  Kate said nothing, full of discomfort. She cared deeply for David; he was her faithful friend and long-time lover. Somehow, though, she could not imagine him here, could not fit him, mentally, into the crazy patchwork of her current life.

  Across the miles, David sensed her hesitation.

  “I really miss you, Kate,” he said softly. “But I understand that things might be different between us. I just want to the chance to see you, a chance for us both to see where we stand.”

  His generous spirit melted her. “Of course, David. I miss you, too. I am so confused by everything that has happened here, that I really don’t know what I want or need.” Or who, she added to herself. She was beginning to understand that the time for choice was coming.

  “Wonderful. I’ll send you my detailed itinerary by email. Can you meet me at the airport?”

  “I’ll be there,” she replied, noting that he did not ask if he could stay with her.

  “I made a hotel reservation,” he said quietly. “I wasn’t sure that you’d be comfortable with the idea of having me as your house guest.”

  Bless his sensitivity, Kate thought. “Thank you, David. You are truly a remarkable person.”

  “So are you, Kate.”

  There was an awkward pause.

  “I’ll see you next Wednesday, then,” said Kate finally.

  “Next Wednesday. I can hardly wait.”

  Somtow arrived promptly at two. Kate met with him in the conference room. Somehow she felt that she needed to keep a table between them. She made sure that the door was closed.

  “Katherine, you are looking lovelier than ever,” the Thai began.


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