Bear-ever Yours: BBW Bear Shifter (BWWM) Romance Standalone

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Bear-ever Yours: BBW Bear Shifter (BWWM) Romance Standalone Page 7

by Terry Bolryder

  She smiled. “Sometimes we’ll have to take time apart,” she said.

  “Promise me you’ll be here when I get back. Stay here, with the doors locked.”

  She cocked her head and raised an eyebrow. “Why?”

  “I know it sounds silly. I just want you to be safe. It’s a strange island, and you don’t know anyone, and well, I’d just feel better if I knew you were here and safe. I don’t know why, but my internal alarm is going off.”

  She bit back a smile. He was cute, so overprotective, but he’d need to get over it just a little if he wanted them to be together. “I’m going to be fine. You go over there with your brother.”

  He bristled. “I’m sure he’s fine. Men in our family know how to handle their business. We just like to keep each other apprised.”

  “Apprised of what?” she asked.

  “Family business.”

  Well, that was cryptic, but she let it go.

  “All right then, mate,” Sky said, giving her a boyish grin and swiping his blond hair back again. “If you promise to stay here, I’ll go.”

  “I’ll try.”

  He growled at that, his dimple disappearing. “I don’t like the sound of that.”

  “Go,” she said, laughing. “I’ll be fine. Besides, I need some time away from my over-possessive bear.”

  “I’m not over-possessive,” he grumbled. “I’m just the right amount of possessive. But fine, woman. I’m going.”

  He strode away and she sighed as she admired his fine, wide back and hair that seemed to shimmer even in the waning evening light.


  Leah chuckled and shut the glass sliding door behind him, doing up the lock. She knew it was a crazy, but a part of her ached at just being apart. Her bear was gaining strength, and she was roaring to take him.

  She shook her head and the phone on the bed caught her eye. It was flashing with the voicemail from before. She guessed she should probably listen to it.

  Then this would all be over, and she could say she’d done all she could. She’d never loved that job. It had felt like there was something missing, but it paid the bills and she couldn’t think of anything she’d wanted to do. Perhaps that’s why she was so willing to leave her stable, office job behind and fly around the world to this remote island on a giveaway she was sure she hadn’t entered.

  Or maybe it was that animal instinct that Sky talked about.

  She sighed and sat on the bed. She turned on a lamp because the room was darkening. Outside, she could see Sky pacing the beach with his brother, lost in thought as he listened. She loved that about him. He asked questions and then really listened.

  She swiped the phone open, unlocked it and went to the voicemail button. Taking a deep breath and holding it, she pressed it.

  “Ms. Maitland. Leah,” the voice began. Ignus was much older than her and his voice was craggy and harsh. “There’s something you don’t understand. I may not always have been the best of employers, but there’s a reason I didn’t want you to go on this vacation. A reason I’ve been texting you.”

  Her heart started to pound. This didn’t sound like typical Ignus. Typical Ignus was demanding and obnoxious, but not urgent and concerned.

  “You see, the family out there, well, I couldn’t say it without coming right out about things, but they aren’t normal. If you are going against me, I can only guess that you’ve met another alpha. As I am. And you are under his thrall.”

  “What the hell?” she muttered aloud to herself. She flipped the phone over and Ignus’ voice got quiet, so she flipped it back.

  “All I can say is that they are tricking you. You are valuable, far more than you know. If someone has said they are your mate, then it is all a ploy to get you to do something irrevocable that will benefit them.”

  Her eyes flashed to Sky, now putting an arm around his brother. She didn’t believe he’d be trying to trick her into something she’d regret. She’d seen his face when he looked at the sky. And then Ignus said something on the phone that made her catch her breath.

  “I know about bears, Leah. I am one.”

  Her heart nearly stopped, and only when she put a had up to her chest did she feel it beating. The voicemail cut off, but there was another one.

  “I’m a bear, too,” he said. “I had hoped one day to… Well, I guess I went about it the wrong way. But anyway, Leah, come home. Come home, or I’ll come there.”

  Her heart thudded into her chest. Come here? He couldn’t. He wouldn’t. Just the flight would be hours and hours. She looked at her watch. It’d been a couple of hours since she called. Ignus was rich, he could be there soon if he wanted.

  She looked up at Sky, pacing out on the sand. He’d gotten his stuffy brother to laugh, and they looked like they were wrapping it up.

  Ignus was evil. Bad. But now that the voicemail was over and his poison wasn’t echoing in the room, her own doubts surfaced. Sky had said his dad set the whole thing up. He had said that she’d been chosen for her bloodline. What if the whole thing really was a sham?

  Had she been stupid? Had she been set up all along? But she felt so right in his arms. She felt so at home. It couldn’t be a sham.

  She put her head in her hands, knowing she could go to Sky, tell him her troubles, let him hold her. But right now it just all seemed too much. She needed time to heal from Ignus’ words, to get space from Sky’s touch and romantic words. To just get in touch with herself, and above all, to get some fucking sleep.

  She stretched and stumbled to the door. She knew Sky wouldn’t like what she’d have to say, but she’d say it anyway.

  “Sky,” she called out.

  He jogged over to her. “You ready for some more snuggling?”

  Half of her said ‘hell yes’. The other half said, ‘girl, you promised us some alone time and some sleep’. She bit her lip.

  “You don’t want to sleep with me tonight,” he said, reading her mind.

  “I just. I listened to the voicemail from Ignus, and… I just need some space. It’s a lot to deal with in one day.”

  He frowned. “You said you’d stay with me.”

  “Yes, but I can’t stay with you every minute of every day.”

  “Why not?” he asked, folding his arms and towering over her.

  “Because you’re so sexy I can’t think straight, and right now I damn well need to think!” She threw her arms in the air and walked away from him, knowing if he was really her mate, he could forgive her in the morning and they could pick up where they left off. He should understand she needed time. Time she didn’t have as long as he was touching her with those hot, capable hands.

  “I’ll see you in the morning then,” he said.

  That made her smile. “Definitely. Looking forward to it.” She walked back to him and took his hands. “I’m sorry, Sky. I just need a moment to myself.”

  He looked off at the horizon and then back into her eyes. “When you’re ready, we can try bear form again. It’s a really great way to get that alone time.”

  “Um, except that you can read my mind.”

  “Ah, yes. I forgot.” He scratched his head, adorably tousling the hair. “So I’ll walk you back then?”

  “Yes, if you promise not to stay outside my door all night.”

  “I promise nothing.”


  “Fine. I want to be your alpha, and if that means taking a few orders, I’ll do it. But don’t disappear on me, okay? I can tell you have doubts, I can see it in your eyes. Just please don’t walk away on me until we figure this out.”

  “I won’t,” she said. “I promise.”

  He squeezed her hand and walked her to her room. When they were in front of it, he cradled her face in his hands and kissed her gently. “Goodnight, mate. I hope this is our last night apart.”

  A part of her sighed at the thought of it. When she let go of reason, of nerves, of doubt, she felt ready to float away into this fantasy. But not right this second. If it wa
s real, it would be real in the morning. But oh, how she would miss holding him tonight.

  When he turned to go, she nearly pulled him back, but stopped herself. She needed time to consider Ignus’ words so she knew whatever decision she made, it was of her own accord and not Sky’s persuasion.

  “I trust you,” he said. “I hope soon you learn to trust me.”

  “I will,” she said. “I do. I just need time.”

  He nodded. “I understand.” He swept a thumb over her cheek. “Sweet dreams, mate. Tomorrow, I want to claim you.”

  “Tomorrow, I want that too,” she said, knowing deep inside herself that it was true, and that she would probably know it even more firmly in the morning.

  She knew it even now as he turned and walked away down the hall. Her bear was angry at her for letting him go. But her human had reached its limit and needed a break.

  She had a feeling life would be difficult, trying to negotiate between the two of them.

  * * *

  SHE SHUT THE DOOR, leaned back against it with a sigh, and found herself looking into two sets of curious female eyes, just like she had when she’d first come.

  “Girl,” Kim said, shaking her braids and flashing gorgeous gray eyes at her. “If a man like that knows you’re his mate, you don’t fight that shit.”

  Leah swallowed. “You know about that?”

  Kim stood and rose to full height, much taller than Leah. “Of course I know, I’m full bear. I know my mate when I see one, and I would expect someone as pure-blooded as a Weston to know his when he sees her.”

  “But what if they’re trying to trick me?” Leah asked. “I mean, Sky says females in our species are rare. What if he’s just trying to make me—”

  “Girl, I’mma stop you right there,” Kim said, putting up a hand. “Our males just aren’t that sneaky. They just want to mate. Period.”

  Mara laughed softly, drawing Leah’s attention to where she was seated near a window, painting a beautiful view of the setting sun. “She’s right, Leah. Generally, you can trust one of our alphas. I’m not saying there aren’t bad seeds, but generally, you’d be able to recognize those ones with your gut.”

  Like she had with Ignus. She sighed in relief and plopped on the couch. The room was dimly lit with low burning lamps. Kim sat on the hammock and all three of them just watched the ocean for a moment.

  Suddenly, Leah just wanted to run back to her mate and do everything she’d just run away from. But the nervousness welled up in her again and she decided to just stay put. If what they had was real, it would be there tomorrow.

  “So how are your weeks going?” she asked the other women.

  Mara looked over with a blush on her cheeks and then turned back to her painting. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Oh come on,” Kim said, sidling up to her. “I figured it out after the first day when we were all assigned activities with a brother. The alpha here is matchmaking, and he lined you up with that hottie in a suit.”

  Mara flushed and shook her head. “I don’t know what you mean. I’m not here to look for a mate, and that man is too stiff for me, even if he was.”

  “I’d like to get him stiff,” Kim joked.

  Mara’s back went ramrod straight and she turned to them, glaring. “Excuse me?”

  Kim sent Leah a mischievous grin and went back to teasing Mara. “I mean, I think if you are going to get jealous like that, you should get down to ‘business’, if you know what I mean.”

  Mara made a choking noise and then shook her head and tried to go back to painting. “I’ve already gotten down to ‘business’, as you call it. Not that that’s anything of your business. And how are you making out with the hot ship captain?”

  Kim fanned her face. “He drives me crazy, in the good way. I drive him crazy, in the bad way. But I think he’s my mate, and I’m not giving up yet.”

  Mara laughed. “Well Leah, it looks like you’ve got the best prospects of all of us. A simple man who knows what he wants, and that’s you. What are you waiting for?”

  “It still doesn’t make sense,” Leah said. “I mean, I’m a human too, right? And we spend years dating, and then get engaged, and then there’s all this work.”

  Kim grinned and Leah swore she saw a fang flash in the low light. “That’s the great thing about shifters, girl. We don’t have to live by those rules. Humans do because they don’t have our instincts.”

  “So, why didn’t one of you tell me what I was? Did you know when you met me?”

  “I scented you,” Kim said. “But I figured if you didn’t want to talk about it, that was your prerogative. Mara and I already knew about each other from bear reunions. Say, how did you not know?”

  “I’m adopted,” Leah said.

  “Ah, that makes sense,” Kim replied, walking over to her to crush her in a bear hug.

  “Stop, you’ll squeeze the life out of her,” Mara said, coming over to pull her away from Kim only to crush her in a soft hug of her own. “You’re one of us,” she said, running a hand through Leah’s hair in a way that didn’t feel intrusive or disturbing. It’s not that you can’t have your family, but you have two families now.”

  “Yeah,” Kim said, joining in a group hug. “And a hot alpha who wants to claim you. I’d get on that ASAP.”

  “That’s what he said,” Leah said wearily. “I guess I should have listened.”

  “Damn straight,” Kim said. “And now I’m off to find myself an alpha of my own. If ship captain doesn’t want to be it, I’m still gonna get some action on this island.”

  Leah frowned. “Be careful,” she said.

  “Careful is my middle name!” Kim shouted back. Then she paused at the door, hands on her curvaceous hips. “No wait, I think it’s Edith. I like careful better.” She opened the door and waved to them. “But you two should be a little less careful. Don’t let that man slip away, Leah!” Then she was gone, the door slamming behind her.

  “She’s like a whirlwind,” Leah muttered to Mara, who was cleaning up. Mara was wearing a swimsuit under a silk wrap and it fluttered behind her as she carried her painting out onto the covered deck to look at it in the setting sun.

  A low, masculine voice cleared its throat and both women looked up to see Scott, the suited brother, coming toward them. His gray suit was flapping in the breeze, and his collar was loosened. Even his short blond hair looked tousled and a little undone. He was stunning like his brothers, but right now, he looked ready to grovel at Mara’s feet.

  “Can I talk to you?” he said. “There’s something you don’t understand.”

  Mara looked at Leah and Leah gave her an encouraging nod. “Go ahead, don’t make my mistake.”

  Mara nodded and handed Leah the painting. “Can you put this back inside on the easel?”

  “Sure,” Leah said. “You go have fun.” She gave Mara a wink and Mara blushed but walked toward the man who had more than a foot in height on her.

  Sadness washed over Leah and she wanted to find Sky. Wanted to take back what she’d said and go find him. She set the painting down on the easel and walked back through the suite. She decided to go knock on his door. There was no answer. A maid came up with towels draped over her arm.

  “Can I help you miss?”

  “Yes, I was just wondering where Sky went.”

  “If he’s not in there, then he’s probably out diving.” Then the maid gave her a kind smile and moved past her to continue down the hall.

  Of course he’d gone to the ocean. That was the only other thing he loved, and after being rejected, it probably offered some solace.

  She walked slowly back to her room, picked a book up out of her purse, and began to read. Hours later, the other girls weren’t back, and she guessed she was the only one who would be without her mate tonight.

  So she clicked off the lamp, tucked herself into bed, and went to sleep.

  Hours later, she awoke to a knocking on the door. Her heart leapt. That would be Sky. She sk
ipped out of bed, not caring that she was in her pajamas, and swung the door open wide. She couldn’t wait to tell him that she was ready.

  But the man standing at the door, sweaty and irritated, looming over her, was not Sky. She took a step back, hand over her mouth.

  It was Ignus.


  She tried to shut the door but he wedged his body in the way. “What are you doing here?” she gritted out, trying to shove him back. “How did you get here so fast?”

  “Private jet,” Ignus said. “For Pete’s sake just let me in. I just need to talk to you.”

  She gave up because it was fruitless and let him into the room. He straightened. His pale, milky skin was clammy from the heat and his dark brown hair looked stringy and limp. His craggy features looked extra tired from the long flight. He tightened his tie as he walked in. Her lip curled. Sky could wear nothing but board shorts and look more intimidating than this bastard.

  “Did you get my message?” he said. “I couldn’t let you make a decision like that without hearing me out.”

  “How did you know that’s what I was doing?” she asked.

  “What else would make a woman want to leave her home and quit her job? I know the mating thrall when I see it. But it’s just a ruse, just pheromones from an alpha. There is no such thing as fated mates.”

  “I don’t care, and I don’t think I believe you,” she said, listening to her bear. “I choose Sky.”

  “Ah, so where is he? Do you think your alpha is patient enough to wait?”

  “He probably has a dive class this morning.”

  “Hm, perhaps I did see that on his schedule,” Ignus said, locking the door behind him. “So he won’t be here to bother us.”

  Fear moved through her. “Bother us for what?”

  “I have the right to mate you, as a fellow bear. Even if you aren’t enthralled with me, I’d make a good mate. A powerful mate. I’m a better match for you. You’ve known me a long time, we’ve worked together. I live where you live. We’re compatible.”


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