Bear-ever Yours: BBW Bear Shifter (BWWM) Romance Standalone

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Bear-ever Yours: BBW Bear Shifter (BWWM) Romance Standalone Page 8

by Terry Bolryder

  Her lip curled. “If you think we’re compatible, you don’t remember working together very well.”

  He sighed. “Look, I had to let you know who was alpha. And I had to keep you busy so other lesser shifters weren’t sniffing around.”

  “If everyone could smell me, why couldn’t I smell other shifters?”

  “It’s something you have to be aware of on a very deep level,” he said, backing her up towards the bedroom.

  Oh hell no.

  “Look, just let me go. I’m not interested, Ignus.”

  He kept walking, his tall, lean frame pushing her back through the hallway despite her attempts to get away. “Which bedroom is yours?” he asked.

  She said nothing, but he figured it out and pushed her toward it. She tried to knee him in the groin, but he dodged. Now she knew why there had always been an inner tingle of fear about Ignus. It was because her bear had known deep down that he wasn’t good. That he’d force her if she defied him.

  She never should have sent Sky away.

  Her bedroom door was closed. It was her only hope for stalling things. “Ignus, wait. You can’t just force me.”

  “Oh can’t I? I’m bigger, I’m stronger, and I know what’s good for you better than you do. Some weak alphas feel the female should just choose, but I know better. After all, you’d choose some island loser over a property holding alpha in New York? Are you out of your mind? I’m the better mate by far. I’m just helping you make the right choice when you aren’t smart enough to do it on your own.”

  That made her angry, so she swung unexpectedly up at his eyes, making him dodge back far enough that she could make a run for it. She was halfway past him when he caught her around the waist and slung her over his shoulder. She kicked and struggled.

  “Yes, keep doing that, I like the feel of it,” he drawled. His words and his tone made her sick. Her bear cried out for Sky.

  He pushed the bedroom door open and headed straight for the bed. She kicked and struggled, trying to get a piece of anything, his eye, his face.

  Then she had an idea. Would Sky be able to hear her if she was in her bear form? She wasn’t good at shifting into it, but she had to try. She focused deeply, and could feel herself swirling and her fangs lengthening. She wasn’t full bear but the bear was very close to the surface, and she wasn’t strong enough to go further. She’d have to try it now.

  Help me, she thought with the voice of her bear, sending it out as far as she could, hoping he could hear her. Sky, I need you.

  She wasn’t full bear but her bear was close to the surface for those few seconds of strength. Then she felt herself caught back in human form and sighed in frustration.

  Ignus took advantage of the moment to push her back against the bedspread. He grabbed the tie from around his neck and used it to bind her hands to the headboard.

  Why had she ever left Sky? Why had she even thought of it? Why had she wanted a break? She hadn’t trusted the best thing in her life. Could Ignus really mate her against her will? Make her his forever? It couldn’t be.

  The door to the suite crashed open, and she heard heavy thumps and scratches and rough, animalistic breathing.

  Her mate was here. Something inside her just knew it.

  He appeared in the doorway, fully transformed into a bear. Ignus froze and looked up in bald panic. “He’s a polar bear. Shit.”

  “Hell yeah, I’m a polar bear. And if you don’t get your fucking hands off my mate I’m going to tear your head off and make you eat your own dick,” Sky growled. There was murder in his tone, for her.

  She’d never been more relieved. She watched as his eyes noted her bonds, her position beneath Ignus on the bed, and the tears of frustration lingering on her cheeks.

  “I said get the fuck away from my mate.”

  “I’m Ignus. I had a prior claim, before your family’s trick to bring her out here.”

  Sky took another intimidating step into the room. “That’s not how it works. Either she chooses, or I choose to murder you.”

  “I choose Sky,” she choked out, and she saw a flash of pleasure in his eyes at being chosen. But then he returned his angry focus to his opponent, who was still frozen over her.

  Ignus shook his head and slowly got off the bed. She took in a deep breath at the relief from his weight. Ignus began to transform.

  Ignus was a much bigger bear than she would have guessed. Tall, not as tall as Sky, but wide through the shoulders with a shorter neck and rounder head.

  A grizzly.

  The room suddenly felt tiny, and then Ignus crashed toward Sky, knocking him out of the hall and into the main room. She strained at her bonds, wanting to see.

  * * *

  SKY PACED, circling the other bear in the middle of the living room. He didn’t know how the man had gotten out here so fast, but he was glad he’d slept in the suite next to Leah’s. Something in him just hadn’t been able to leave her alone, not with the feelings of dread he’d been experiencing.

  He had been counting on her to call to him if something was wrong. Call with her bear. And she had. Pride swelled up in him.

  He’d already heard muffled noises and was on his way into the room when he’d heard her call him. Sky, I need you. The command still rang in his ears, making him unbelievably strong for the woman who needed him.

  “She’s mine,” Ignus said. “I found her first.”

  “This isn’t finders keepers, you piece of shit,” Sky spat.

  Ignus lunged forward with a slash and Sky knocked him to the side, leaving angry red slashes on the fur on Ignus’ face. He was tempted to play with his opponent, but he knew Leah was still in the other room, tied up and probably terrified. He needed to end this quickly and get to her soon.

  Ignus recovered and turned to him with rage again. Sky swiped down and Ignus rolled, barely missing the blow. He came up and tried to bite onto Sky’s leg, but Sky roared and lunged down to catch the other bear’s neck in his mouth.

  It was a feral moment. Kill or be killed. Protect one’s mate or have one’s mate be taken.

  The human in him said not to kill. The bear in him said he had no choice.

  Ignus lived in New York, he would be missed.

  “Go ahead,” Ignus grated out. “Do it. They’ll come for you and lock you up, and then neither of us will have Leah.”

  Sky’s heart pounded. He didn’t want to leave Leah, but he couldn’t leave this man alive to threaten her again.

  He sunk his teeth a little farther into the other male’s neck and listened to his hiss of pain. It was satisfying. The bear in him tasted blood and wanted to finish things. The mate must be safe, it seemed to say.

  Still, he resisted the instinct. The human in him wanted all of the nights under the stars with Leah he had imagined. Wanted to stay around and protect her forever. Not either go to jail or on the run.

  Ignus started struggling, weakly at first, and then stronger. Sky didn’t have much time to stall. It was the point in a fight where you either finish the opponent or let him go, and Sky could do neither.

  And then the door banged against the frame and he heard footsteps approaching.

  Two massive polar bears shouldered their way through the frame, splintering it. His brothers. His shoulders sagged in relief.

  “That’s enough, Sky,” Scott’s bear said. “Your big brothers are here to take care of it.”

  Normally he hated being called the little brother, but in this case he was more than happy for the back-up. “Damn, you’re late,” he said.

  “Excuse us for not being able to read your mind,” Sebastien drawled, walking forward to look down at Ignus, who seemed just now to be realizing how dire his situation was.

  “It’s a good thing your mate was able to call us. What should we do with him?” Scott asked in a relaxed tone that was edged with dark threat.

  “If I kill him, they’ll come looking. He’s some bigwig in New York,” Sky said.

  Sebastien huffed. “He�
�s no bigwig here. But if you’re worried about it, how about we detain him while you take care of your mate.”

  Sky sighed in relief. That was perfect. They could rough him up a bit and lock him up until he had time to settle things with Leah. That’s if she still wanted him as much as he wanted her. When she’d left last night, he’d seen doubt in her eyes. Doubt that worried him intensely since he was so sure of his feelings for her.

  “It may be a while,” Sky said. “I’m not going to rush her. I need to make sure she’s okay.”

  Sebastien nodded. “Take as long as you need. We’ll enjoy showing him what happens when you mess with a polar bear’s mate.”

  Sky grinned. He had a feeling from his paw on Ignus’ neck and the slashes on Ignus’ face that Ignus already had somewhat of an idea.

  He lifted his paw and Ignus snarled and came up, just in time to have his head caught in a bear hug by Sebastien, the most violent of the three of them.

  “Remember, don’t kill him,” Sky said.

  Sebastien sighed. “Fine. Then I suggest you change. Right fucking now.”

  Ignus did.

  Sky watched his brothers manhandle him out of the room and then ran for his mate.


  * * *

  LEAH HAD GOTTEN one hand free and was able to dial the main hotel line and get one of Sky’s brothers. She’d simply gasped that she needed help in the suite and given them the room number. Moments later she’d heard reassuring male voices, and had sagged back against the headboard, knowing Sky would be all right.

  Would he be upset with her for interfering?

  The fight seemed to be over and the men seemed to be discussing something together.

  Then footsteps headed her way and she winced, for a second afraid it was Ignus. But the eyes that looked around the doorframe were the most beautiful she’d ever seen.

  “Sky!” she cried out, reaching out for him and getting pulled back to the headboard. Damnit. Her eyes watered as she tried to get free, to get to her mate.

  “Hush,” he said, jumping onto the bed to untie her hand. She realized he was naked and closed her eyes with a flush. Damn, she wanted to look at him, but she should be respectful, since he’d shifted just for her.

  The tie loosened and her hand fell free. She rubbed it as Sky jumped off the bed and went to the closet.

  “Sorry, I’ll just get something to change into, and be right there.”

  Good, she needed him.

  The second he was done changing and came over to the bed, Leah fell into his arms in relief.

  It felt so good to be held by him. To be safe and encircled by him. The bear in her was stirred up by his rescue of her, his show of dominance. Her easy-going, sweet Sky bear had threatened unspeakable things when she was in danger. It was clear she meant everything to him.

  He rubbed her back and uttered soothing words. He explained that his brothers would keep Ignus out of the way until they were ready to make the mating official. After that, Ignus should lose all interest.

  “I don’t want you to feel pressured,” he said. “We will wait until you’re ready. But Leah… I just know you’re mine, okay?” he said, putting her hand over his heart. “So will you just accept this polar bear as your own and let me spend my life proving I was made for you? Before I go crazy?”

  She listened deep inside herself. Her bear roared in agreement. This was him. Her mate for life. “Yes,” she said. “Yes, I agree. I want you.”

  He hugged her tight and she could almost feel the happiness coursing through him. Their heartbeats were in sync, as were their breaths.

  Then her stomach growled loudly, and he laughed. “Well, first things first, let’s get you fed.”

  “I have a feeling you’re going to be feeding me a lot,” she said.

  “It’s a bear thing. We want to keep our women happy.” He flashed her a smile and reached his hands out for her to take. He helped her stand. “Get dressed and I’ll call room service.”

  “Wait, Sky?” she asked, as something occurred to her. “How were you here so fast?”

  He scratched the back of his neck, looking a little like a bear with his paw caught in the honey jar. “Um. I sort of was in the suite next door.”

  Her jaw dropped in amazement. “Unbelievable.” She pointed a finger at him. “Stalker bear!”

  He moved his weight to one sexy hip and folded his arms. “Let’s not forget it was my stalking that made it possible to get to you.”

  “I know,” she said. “I’m just teasing you. Stalker bear.”

  “Hey,” he said.

  She hugged him and ushered him out of the bedroom to call room service. “Now go out there and get us some food and let me change.”

  “Fine,” he called back.

  She started to change with slightly shaky hands. The adrenaline was finally fading, leaving her slightly tired.

  She heard a light knock on the door. “Food’s here,” he called.

  She walked out and into his arms again, loving the warm feel of him. How safe he felt. She couldn’t believe this was going to be hers, always.

  “Thank you for rescuing me,” she said against his chest.

  “Always,” he said, “I’d give my life for you. Every day.”

  She hugged him tight. That was a wonderful thing to hear. “So, food and then sex?”

  He laughed. “As much sex as you want, for the rest of your life. But with us, it’s never going to be just sex.” He stopped and cupped her face. “I love you, Leah. Please believe the bear in me when I say that. And I’m only going to grow to love you more every day.”

  She gulped and tuned into her own natural feelings. “I’m pretty sure I love you, too,” she said. “Weird as it is that it can happen so fast.”

  He barked a laugh and held her even tighter. “It’s not weird. I’m awesome, after all. A polar bear. King of the Arctic.”

  “A scuba diving polar bear,” she grumbled. “A scu-bear diver.”

  He laughed. “I like that. Call me that in bed sometime.” He winked at her and she shook her head.

  “Never,” she said.

  “Fine,” he said. “As long as I get to keep you, you can call me whatever you want.”

  She laughed. He was incorrigible. “All right bear. Get me some food and some snuggles. We have time to pass until nightfall.”

  His eyes widened an his face grew serious. “You’re willing to wait until nightfall, like I wanted? But I know things have been…”

  “I want it all, babe. The stars over us, the fantasy you imagined. Give me everything.”

  “Definitely,” he said. “But first, I’m giving you some food.”

  She grinned. “No complaints there.”


  When it was nightfall, Sky led Leah out onto the balcony of the most private suite in the hotel. It was on the top floor and looked out over the ocean and the island. The waves looked tiny, the little white caps of them catching the moonlight, and the stars were bright overhead.

  He walked to a ladder at the side of the balcony and gestured for her to go first. He steadied her at the waist as she climbed and then followed right after.

  She gasped at the sight in front of her. They were high here, so high that it felt she was almost level with the stars. She turned to him with wonder in her eyes and he grinned and pulled her against him, her back to his front. He wrapped his arms around her. “This was always my favorite place to go as a child. As a romantic young bear, I used to get ideas of bringing a girl up here. But that never happened. I got caught up in diving and was just…never interested. Until you.” He nuzzled her head and his hair tickled the sides of her face. She turned to face him but he released her.

  “One sec,” he said, pulling two fluffy mattresses from nearby lawn chairs and laying them out on the concrete. He grabbed a couple cushions for pillows and waved her over. He helped her get comfortable beside him and they looked up at the stars together.

  “They’re beautiful out
here, right?” he asked, putting an arm under her head to support her as she looked up.

  She smiled in wonder. “They’re amazing. Nothing like the city. Are they always like this?”

  The entire galaxy sparkled in front of her and she was too aware of the quiet in and out of her breath, her heartbeat, and something cosmic that surrounded them as they stayed there in silence, looking at the glowing sentinels above them.

  “I want to always be under this sky with you,” he said. “With the stars as witness, will you be my mate?”

  She grinned. “Of course. I’ve been waiting forever.”

  He smiled and got onto his knees, ready to pull his shirt over his head. She licked her lips, ready to see more of his skin again, but then hesitated. “What?” he asked, pausing with his hands half lifted.

  “It’s just, is it private enough here?” she asked.

  He grinned. “Yes, we have the only roof access. No one will bother us. And the next couple of floors are empty. No one will hear us.”

  “I don’t know about that,” she said. It seemed like if anyone could make her scream it’d be him. “What if I screamed?”

  “Then I’d catch it with my mouth, so that only I could hear you. And then sweep you away to a private cabin for a week so you could scream for me to your heart’s content.”

  She flushed and went wet between her legs. “I like the sound of that.”

  “Me too,” he said, winking. He took his shirt off in one smooth motion, leaving her eye-to-eye with the most perfect pecs ever made, and a wall of rippling abs. It made it clear just how dangerous he’d be to anyone who threatened her, and she was warm at the thought of his strength.

  He’d be a good protector for her cubs, should any of those come along as well.

  He seemed to read her mind. “I’d love to have cubs with you. I hope we make one tonight even.”

  She shrugged. “It’s always possible, I guess. We have to do it unprotected, right?”

  “Right,” he said. “Are you ready?”

  “I don’t know,” she said, rubbing her arms. “I’m kind of nervous.”

  “I can help with that,” he said, coming forward to rub her arms and then take her face and kiss her softly. Then the kiss intensified, and his tongue swept into her mouth, claiming and owning her, letting her know just what he intended to do.


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