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Liar (a FAUX-MANCE novel)

Page 9

by Stephanie St. Klaire

  The smell of breakfast wafted through the air, reminding her he was here and cooking, which sent her libido into another flip. Running her hands through her tangled hair, she decided a quick shower and more presentable clothes were in order so it felt more natural and less like an odd, we didn’t even have sex, I just slept in your bed walk of shame.

  While digging through her suitcase to find something to wear, she decided to unpack while she was at it. She was here for the better part of a month and didn’t feel it sensible to live out of a suitcase for so long. When she went into the large walk-in closet, however, she was shocked to find women’s clothing. A lot of it.

  She looked to her left to see Nick’s things, then back to her right at all the lovely, expensive items. Clothes, shoes, accessories…a full wardrobe. Anger flared, coursing through her. She was being played. Did he think she wouldn’t notice — for an entire month — that another woman lived here? A wife? Girlfriend? Mistress? It didn’t matter; she wasn’t a homewrecker or the other woman in anyone’s relationship.

  She tossed her things back in her bag in a heap, threw on the first thing she found that mostly matched, grabbed her purse, and pulled her suitcase behind her. She parked the suitcase at the end of the hall that led from the living room to the foyer and stood with her hands on her hips, staring through the open living room, straight into the kitchen where Nick stood, making breakfast.

  He looked up, sensing her presence. His smile quickly fell. “Where are you going? What’s wrong?”

  “I won’t be the other woman, Nick. Errr…fake other woman. It’s not right,” she said, flailing her arms in frustration. “Is this all just a joke to you? Is Phillip in on it? He is, isn’t he? So, you’re married? Live in girlfriend?”

  She finally paused, giving him a chance to speak. “What are you talking about? There’s no one else, other than Bunny, but he’s new here.”

  Cori didn’t find any humor in his half assed explanation. “Why are you doing this?”

  “Because I genuinely like you — a lot. We talked about this, Cori.” He was absolutely confused, and had no idea where she was coming from.

  She froze. He liked her? He said he genuinely liked her, and her heart did the flip this time. Quick to remind herself she didn’t care, she went right back to angry. “Don’t distract me with your…handsome looks and…charming ways! Fool me once…”

  “Cori. I don’t know what’s going on or what you think you know, but I swear to you…I’m the only one who lives here. I take that back. I’m engaged…to you. So, tell me what has you so upset.”

  “So, I suppose you like to wear dresses and high heels in your spare time? Clutch or handbag, Nick?”

  “All right, you really need to help me on this one. Why would I wear dresses?” He moved from behind the kitchen counter and stood in front of her with his hands on her shoulders, honestly concerned. She could see it, and believed it.

  Her voice dropped to a near whisper, anxious for answers but fearful of them too, which she found interesting. “Whose clothes are in the closet? Did you think I wouldn’t notice them or mind that someone else’s clothes were in there?”

  “They’re yours,” he said plainly.

  “Mine? I don’t own anything like those, and…I never unpacked. Whose are they, Nick?”

  “I bought them for you. Eve and Gwen actually picked most of them out — had a great time doing so, to be honest — but they are yours. There are a few events coming up we talked about attending, and I didn’t want you to worry about what to wear…so I took care of it so you wouldn’t have to.”


  “If you don’t like them, we can get rid of them…find something else. I should have just let you pick them to begin with — but I was afraid you would say no. I knew it. I just wanted to surprise you, and I guess I forgot last night.”

  “I still don’t understand why you are doing…so much for me,” she said in a small voice.

  “Because nobody else ever has…”

  She stood still, unable to think beyond his words, stuck on the idea that he did the things he did for her simply because no one else had. Nobody had ever done anything close to this for her — he was right — nor had she expected them to. Here was a man who had everything he could possibly want in the world, and all he wanted, in that moment, was to give her something she didn’t have.

  She had nothing to give in return, and he didn’t ask for anything. All she had to offer was her friendship, some kindness, and unrelenting loyalty — he knew that — and here he was, asking for nothing more. He was thoughtful and kind, warm and generous, smart and beautiful. He was nothing of what the world depicted him as. The tabloids and media were wrong. He was a good man, and he just wanted to see her happy.

  “I’m sorry. I should’ve asked.” His hands were no longer on her shoulders, but stroking her arms instead as his stare bore into her, his sincerity all she could see. “I just wanted you to feel comfortable in my world. I’m so sorry I upset you and probably even offended you.”

  He cared about her. Why, she didn’t know, but he did. The feeling had to be mutual, or she wouldn’t have been so upset or moved by his words. Speechless, unable to find the words to apologize, put his mind at ease, or even say thank you, she let the tears that had been threatening to spill over do so.

  He wiped away the stream of emotion cascading down her cheeks, and all she could do was offer a small smile, and say, “Your eggs are burning.”

  “Oh shit!” He pivoted on his toes and ran to the kitchen, pulling the hot pan from the burner and turning each nob to off. He watched her grab her bag and head back toward the hallway that led to the bedroom and bathroom, feeling a little relieved.

  She turned to him, and said, “I’m going to take a quick shower.”

  “I’ll figure out breakfast.” His relieved smile pinched her heart.

  Standing in the closet, wheeling her suitcase to the side, she looked around at the beautiful things hanging on her side of the closet. Overwhelmed by the items as much as her encounter with Nick, she couldn’t seem to focus on any one thing. Well, there was one thing: her reflection in the full-length mirror.

  She was wearing an inside out sweatshirt and cropped pajama pants with boots and her hair in a messy twist on top of her head. Cute. In her fury, she hadn’t paid much attention to what she’d tossed on, and if she had ever been grateful for anything, it was that she didn’t leave looking like that. In that part of the city, dressed as she was, pulling a suitcase, she was liable to get arrested for loitering or something while waiting for a ride. There wasn’t a cab in town that would have picked up the homeless girl on the corner.

  Opting for a bath in the large soaker tub, Cori took her time and relaxed. What was she doing? Why were her emotions so frayed? Why did Nick having somebody, or not, bother her so much that it sparked a near lunatic reaction? Why were they playing childlike games with two people who didn’t even matter?

  Was that their connection — their only connection? She sunk to the bottom of the tub, pulling her entire head under the warm water, and soaked as long as she could while trying to reconcile the thoughts and emotions all of her internal questioning provoked. She was in over her head with her heart on the line, literally and figuratively.


  Cori planned on yoga pants and a sweatshirt, but when she returned to the bedroom, still in her robe and hair in a towel, she found a spring dress laying on the bed with a note.

  CI wasn’t sure about shoes and accessories because I’m a man (this is where I pound my chest), but I thought this dress matched your beautiful emerald green eyes. Wear comfortable shoes. We’re going exploring. I’ll be back with breakfast in a few — sadly, the eggs didn’t make it.

  − N

  Chuckling at the sad face he drew after the death of the eggs comment, and focusing on the heart he added before his initial, she hugged the note. She had been feeling a bit foolish about her reaction to finding the clothes
, but his note suggested he had moved beyond it, so she would too. Exploring the city with Nick Blackthorne — this would be interesting.

  With a little time on her hands, she played in the closet, trying different shoes and accessories to complete the look Nick had set out for her. Most women might take offense to a man picking her clothes, but she found it endearing. The idea that he picked the dress he did, a beautiful one at that, spoke volumes.

  With a pair of white floral print flats, a matching handbag, and a few simple gold chains, she was ready in her sassy spring dress. She made her way to the living room and saw Nick standing in the kitchen unloading a bag full of what had to be breakfast. His attention was immediate, and he finally shook his head when he realized he was staring.

  “That dress was made for you,” he said. “Do you…like it?”

  “Very much. You have great taste.”

  “No, you’re just…beautiful.” He was staring again, and based on her blushing cheeks, it was both awkward and noticeable.

  Sitting on the counter were two large coffee drinks in to-go cups. “You went all the way to the coffee shop by the office?”

  He was putting a breakfast bagel sandwich on a plate when he replied, “No, but I thought about it. I did get a white chocolate mocha and ham and brie bagel, exactly as you like it.”

  “If you didn’t go to Lilley’s shop, then…?”

  He smiled, proud of the confession he was about to make. “I called them. I asked what you usually get. Since there wasn’t enough time to get there and back, I just went to the shop on the corner.”

  “Wow, very resourceful of you, and thoughtful. Thank you.”

  “I figure now that we are living together, we’ll figure out each other’s likes and dislikes rather quickly.”

  Breakfast was their do over and set the pace and tone for the rest of their weekend. Cori hadn’t done much exploring since being in Portland. She had always been too busy with school, then work. Nick took her on an adventure, though. They quickly started to learn each other’s likes and dislikes as they made their way through much of the city’s big must-see landmarks. From museums to parks, even a bike drawn rickshaw ride along the iconic waterfront. They did it all ending with a romantic dinner at the top of Big Pink — Portland’s tallest building made of what looked like pink mirrored glass — before they took in a traveling Broadway show.

  It had been a long, busy day, but one full of joy and laughter, and maybe a few snorts at bad jokes. They ended their day with a late-night round of tacos from a food cart on their walk home. If this was the world Nick wanted her to feel comfortable in, she was going to fit right in.

  Monday morning started with yet another hard-on — after dreaming all night about Cori — and a flat mattress that had clearly popped sometime in the night. He’d have to thank the dogs for that one. Since his bed was no longer, thanks to them, they had snuggled up in bed with Cori. Once again, he wished for a moment — oh, to be one of those dogs.

  After a quick trip to the restroom to get the extension of himself under control, he returned to the room. Sitting at the edge of the bed, he gently woke her, to which she responded with a soft, sweet smile — a smile he could get used to seeing every morning.

  “Hey. Want to ride into work together? Since we’re going to the same place, I mean.”

  “Makes sense.” She smiled.

  “Okay, you take the bathroom first. I’ll start breakfast.”

  And that started their new morning routine together. Up early, breakfast together at the table, overlooking the city, while discussing their daily agenda. Like a real couple. They were getting good at this.

  On the ride to work, Cori decided to send a quick text to James. It had been a few days since they’d talked, and that wasn’t like them at all. Fake fiancé or not, she needed to make time for him. A quick text asking how he was doing, how the play was going, and that they needed to have lunch as soon as he got back was sent and had a quick reply.

  You are all over the internet and social media, even here in Ohio — lunch may not be long enough.

  When she read his text, her heart sunk, and she went online to see what he was talking about. It didn’t even take Nick’s full name for the search bar to pull up all the stories James had been referring to. The list was endless, as were the pictures of them from early Saturday to them walking into their building late at night. Where had the pictures come from, and why hadn’t she noticed anyone taking them? She’d always thought the paparazzi was brutal, but she hadn’t seen a single one.

  “Nick. We’re everywhere. How did this happen? Where were all of these people? Our whole Saturday is…right here! On the internet!”

  He looked over her shoulder, shaking his head. “There are always photogs out snapping pictures, but that is…more than usual. I’m typically not that interesting. They were tipped off.”


  “Probably. It’s a little odd, though. Why would she want us to get attention? She did us a favor, really…the ruse is really working.”

  “Maybe so they’re also paying attention when it’s all over — so that can be plastered everywhere too,” Cori said sadly. She didn’t want to think about what happened after the islands, but it was their reality. This was temporary.

  Two morning coffees became three; Nick was hooked and she loved it. The couple entered the building, and the volume went to near mute as all eyes shifted to them. It seemed everyone had been on the internet and were curious themselves.

  Putting on a show, so as not to disappoint, Nick kissed her sweetly and went onto the elevator that went to his floor while Cori went to see Tony. With her previous week’s meeting rescheduled for today, she only had a minute to catch him up and told him to check the internet if he had any questions — it was all there.

  When she exited the elevator, her audience was immediate. She heard whispers and saw the smiles, but kept her head up and charged on to her office. Once the meeting commenced, the weirdness wore off, and her team was back at it, planning and delegating. Cori’s focus was slightly pulled in a different direction, for the time being, but she would still knock her proposal out of the park with her team’s help.

  At the meeting’s conclusion, Cori had asked if there were any questions, and there were plenty. All about her and Nick. She felt bad, lying to all of them. After all, the relationship was temporary.

  On cue, Nick exited the elevator as if it were planned for him to join the question and answer session. He addressed Cori’s team with a hello and answered most of their questions by walking behind her desk and giving her a kiss. She excused them all from the meeting, officially, letting them know she would be available should they have any questions or run into problems.

  When the door closed behind the last employee, Nick asked, “How about lunch today? You in?”

  “As much as I’d love to, I can’t. I’m a bit behind on my proposal and planned on working through lunch.”

  “We can do that. I’ll order in. We’ll have a working lunch in my office. I can help, if you’d like.”

  “Nick, this proposal is my try at the VP job. Wouldn’t that be a little like cheating if you helped me?

  “My company, my rules?” he tried, with a swoony smile.

  She laughed at his attempt to charm her. “It’s not right, and you know it. I want this job — more than you know — but I want to get it on my own. The right way.”

  He respected that, admired it really. He was offering her an opportunity to bag the VP job, and she’d turned it down. “Fine. I won’t say a word then. See you at noon. We’ll eat in here.”

  Before she could say one way or the other, he was out of his seat and out the door. He caught her watching his ass all the way to the elevator and tossed her a sultry wink that had her libido’s attention as the doors began to close. Caught — but she didn’t seem to care.

  When noon rolled around, he was promptly exiting the elevator, food in hand, ready to dominate her work space w
ith his larger-than-life presence. It seemed he had a good memory because he brought none other than Guido’s — exactly what she wanted. Though she needed to work, they spent the hour talking and laughing, not working.

  She didn’t complain, though. When he left her office, it was with a kiss and promise to see her in the lobby at five. Never one to leave on time, she suddenly liked the sound of that. Maybe it had to do with having someone to go home with.


  A stop at the fresh food market later, and they were on their way home. It was a short jaunt to the penthouse from there, and they only had a couple bags, so they opted to walk and enjoy the warm spring evening. Something about the walks home felt intimate, personal, and both craved the time together.

  Cori made it clear that Nick was the cook when boiling water for pasta ended in an overflowing mess they’d laughed over. New rules established, she sat at the other end of the counter and kept him company while he cooked, then they switched roles after they ate, and he kept her company perched from the same spot while she cleaned up the after-dinner mess.

  Their evening ended with a movie on the couch together where she fell asleep. Careful not to wake her, he carried her to his bed, pulled back the covers, and gently laid her down. His bed was no longer, so he grabbed a pillow and blanket to take to the couch when she grabbed his hand softly and muttered to stay.

  “Cori…” he whispered, afraid she wasn’t fully coherent and the extra glass of wine had skewed her judgement.

  “It’s a big bed…stay. Just don’t cross the line in the middle,” she mumbled.


  “Please? I’ll sleep better knowing you aren’t rolling off the couch. We’re adults. We can do this.”

  Her eyes were still shut, and he heard her breathing slow — she was back to sleep already. He pulled off his shirt and peeled back the covers, climbing in next to her, careful not to cross the proverbial center line she mentioned. It didn’t matter how careful he was to stay on his side, however, because the minute he relaxed into the bed, she was snuggled into his side, sound asleep.


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