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Highlander's War 0f Clans (Scottish Medieval Historical Romance)

Page 9

by Adamina Young

  Caitlin awoke bright and early, excited that her wedding day had approached. She was bright-eyed and there was no sense of fatigue inside her at all. She threw off the bedclothes and jumped out, ready to eat breakfast and wash, before she got ready for the ceremony in the afternoon. The midnight visit from Rhys had filled her heart with delight. He had a warrior’s heart, but he was also tender and romantic too. He wasn’t like what she thought a Frasier was at all, and she longed to be with him more to peel back the layers of his soul. Every kiss was more passionate than the last and she was eager to be with him properly on their wedding night. Her heart beat frantically with nerves, but the instincts and natural urges of her body were giving her more things to be excited about.

  Her chambers were busy all morning as people came in with gifts and well-wishes. Caitlin barely had a chance to think straight as the blur of people came rushing by, but she was grateful to them all, and it made her heart swell to hear how people were going to miss her when she left. Her brothers came in as well, looking excited. Pip was curious about all the flowers on display and her dress that she was waiting to put on. Mark was rather stoic, and Dominic was somewhere in between.

  “I heard about ye wee fight with Rhys,” Caitlin teased. Mark’s cheeks went red and he looked away.

  “It’s fine Mark, ye dinnae hae tae be ashamed. He’s almost ten years older than ye. It would have been a miracle if he had won, but please dinnae start any trouble taeday. Ye are gaeing tae hae tae get used tae the idea that he is nae ye enemy. None of them are any longer. Ye dinnae hae tae worry about gaeing intae battle. Ye can be whatever ye want tae be!” Caitlin said excitedly.

  “I dinnae trust them,” Mark said, pouting. Caitlin tilted her head and walked up to him. She placed her hand on his shoulder and looked him earnestly in the eyes.

  “I know this is hard for ye because of all the stories ye hae been told. It was difficult for me at first tae, but ye must understand that things hae tae change in life. If ye get tae know them ye will see they are nae really that different from us. It’s gaeing tae be fine, and everyone is gaeing tae be happy. I know that Rhys is never gaeing tae hurt me,” Caitlin said.

  “He’s just sad because he’s gaeing tae miss ye, nae that he’ll admit it,” Dominic said. Mark shot a glare at his younger brother. Caitlin looked at him more closely and saw that his eyes were rimmed with tears.

  “Is that true?” she asked. Mark mumbled something unintelligible in reply, and he refused to meet her gaze, but that told her more than anything. She smiled and brought him in for a hug, which prompted Dominic to join too. Pip, of course, didn’t want to be left out so he ran up to them and wrapped his arms around their waists. Caitlin was overwhelmed with emotion as she enjoyed this embrace. Life had not always been easy with three brothers. They were smelly, they teased her, and sometimes she had gotten so angry with them that she had screamed until her throat was raw. But despite all of that she loved them with all her heart, and she couldn’t hug them tightly enough. It felt as though her heart was going to burst with emotion, and she just had to hope that they knew how much they meant to her.

  “Ye hae always been a wee bit of trouble in my life, but I’m gaeing tae miss seeing ye every day,” Caitlin said. “I want ye tae come and visit me whenever ye can.” She broke off the hug and regarded them each individually. She faced Mark first.

  “I want ye tae take care of Ma and Da. Yer a strong lad and a mighty fine warrior. One day all this is gaeing tae be yours.” She gestured around the room with a hand, as though she could encompass the entire keep. “I know ye are gaeing tae take good care of it.” Then she turned to Dominic. “Ye can be anything ye want Dominic. I know ye hae always wanted tae be like me and Mark, but I want ye tae promise that ye will find ye own path. Ye are good with a sword, but I think we both know that yer destiny lies elsewhere. Ye are the smartest man I know, and ye should make sure ye live a life ye can be proud of.”

  Dominic nodded too, and there were even tears in his eyes. Caitlin moved to her youngest brother and leaned down a little. Pip did not have as much emotional control as his other two brothers, so his lower lip was already trembling and his eyes swam with tears. “I want ye tae learn from ye brothers, and listen tae Ma and Da. Ye may nae always agree with what they say, but they mean well and they’ll always take care of ye. When ye grow up, never lose yer passion or yer happy mood. I can never be sad around ye, Pip. Naebody can, and that’s a good quality. Ye are gaeing tae need tae make people laugh around here because everyone is gaeing tae be sad when I leave,” she said with a hint of self-mockery, but even she too felt sad. Pip flung his arms around her and trembled against her body. She held him tightly and a tear trickled down her cheek as well. She sniffed and composed herself, and then gazed with love at her brothers.

  “But I dinnae want anything like this tae happen for the rest of the day,” she said in a scolding tone, wagging her finger at them. “This is my wedding and the happiest day of my life. It’s the beginning of an era of peace, sae the rule is nae more tears, dae ye understand?” she asked. The boys nodded and rubbed their eyes. Caitlin quickly ushered them out for they had to get ready, but she knew that if they remained in her company she would only grow more emotional and succumb to tears again.

  The parade of guests and congratulations continued. Caitlin wasn’t sure if it was a blessing or a curse. It was good in a way, as it meant her mind didn’t settle; she was so busy talking with people that she had no chance to become overwhelmed with emotion. But it also meant that time went by in a blur and she wasn’t properly able to enjoy her wedding day. Still, she wasn’t about to let it be ruined by all of this. In moments of quiet contemplation, she thought about Rhys and how her initial feelings of reservation had turned into quite an extraordinary excitement. She thought back to a mere few days ago and was astounded by how quickly her feelings had changed. There were times when life seemed to roll along at a slow pace, and other times when it moved with the speed of a galloping stag. Rhys had had such a huge impact on her life, and the strength of her feeling was such that she knew she could trust him with everything she had.

  In time her mother and aunt came to join her to get her ready for the ceremony. It was similar to what had happened during the initial feast, when she had been presented to Rhys for the first time. Violet was twining flowers into Caitlin’s hair while Iris was making a few tiny adjustments to the dress, adding in some precious jewels so it would sparkle as it caught the sun.

  “Ye look excited,” Violet said. Caitlin giggled and clasped her hands together. Her face was already beginning to ache from smiling so much and she didn’t know how it was going to feel by the end of the day.

  “Oh I am,” Caitlin said happily. “I cannae wait tae stand there with Rhys and take our vows.”

  Iris snorted. “I wouldnae be sae happy if I were ye, lass. Dinnae forget that ye are marrying a Frasier,” she said. Violet glared at her, and Caitlin’s smile fell.

  “He may be a Frasier, but I am nae gaeing tae judge him by his name. He’s warm, kind, funny, and charming! He’s nae like I’d thought he’d be at all, and ye should give him a chance, Aunt Iris. Ye will hae tae give all of them a chance.”

  “I dinnae hae tae dae anything!” Iris replied with more force than Caitlin was prepared for. “Ye mark my words, ye best be careful because the Frasiers will nae be interested in peace. Oh aye, they might claim they are for a while, but eventually, they’ll find some reason tae come and attack us again. It is their way. Peace haes never lasted between our clans before, sae I dinnae see a reason why it would last now.”

  “Because things are different this time,” Caitlin said. “This time I’m involved and I will nae let peace gae. Neither will Rhys. We both want the same thing. And the only thing stopping us is people like ye, people who cannae let gae of the past.” She twisted around, which made her mother scowl, but Caitlin’s words were heated and she wasn’t going to let her aunt ruin her wedding day like this. “Ye need ta
e understand that the world is changing. Things can be better. We can trust Rhys, and we can trust this treaty. Da wouldnae hae agreed tae it if he didnae think it would work, and I wouldnae be sitting here if I didnae think it would dae some good. Rhys thinks the same as me. We’re gaeing tae join the clans. Ye’ll see, Aunt. Ye’ll see what can happen when people believe in something.”

  Iris narrowed her already thin face and when she spoke her voice was a low growl. “Oh aye, I believe in something alright. I believe that people never really change their natures. Rhys may well be different, but what about his da? What about his brothers? A Frasier is a Frasier. Ye wouldnae be surprised if a wild wolf came and attacked ye if ye were in the woods alone, and ye shouldnae be surprised if a Frasier declares war. That’s all they dae. Ye are as bad as ye da for believing in the best of them, but I hope ye are right Caitlin. I want ye tae hae a good and happy marriage, but I just want ye tae be aware that the Frasiers hae been the way they are for a long time and I dinnae think they are gaeing tae change now.”

  It was the last thing Caitlin wanted to hear, especially on her wedding day. It was as though her aunt was determined to pour cold water to dampen her mood. Violet quickly ushered Iris out as soon as she was done talking.

  “Dinnae pay attention tae anything she said. She’s just angry because of what happened tae ye uncle. I dinnae think she’s ever gaeing tae forgive the Frasiers for that.” She looked away and exhaled deeply. “I think that a lot of people are gaeing tae feel the same.” Caitlin went to speak, but Violet looked at her quickly and spoke with swift words. “I know ye want everyone tae believe in peace, and I’m sure that people dae, but ye hae tae understand that there’s a lot of bad blood. Ye cannae expect people tae forget that sae easily. It’s gaeing tae take some time for the wounds tae heal. People like ye aunt…they’ve lost a lot because of the battles between the clans and they’ve felt sae bitter for such a long time that it’s nae easy tae let gae. It’s natural tae them, and ye are gaeing tae hae tae be patient.”

  “I suppose I never thought about it like that. I suppose I got caught up in my own feelings and forgot that nae everyone feels the same way as me.” Caitlin sighed. She looked up to her mother, and although she was getting married, she still felt like a small girl.

  “It’s gaeing tae be fine Ma, yes? I just want tae know that everything is gaeing tae be well.”

  Violet offered her a reassuring smile and kissed her on the forehead in a maternal manner. “Of course it is, lass. Ye dinnae hae tae worry about the way other people feel. As long as ye are happy that’s all that counts.”

  “I am,” Caitlin said, and smiled happily. She pushed her feelings of doubt to the back of her mind and hoped that, in time, people would begin to believe that peace between the two clans was sustainable. She hoped that she and Rhys could provide a beacon of hope to guide everyone towards a better future where they didn’t have to worry about their safety collapsing onto them, and that in some way it might help to assuage their bitterness about the lives that had been taken.

  Caitlin dried her eyes as emotions were getting the better of her. Violet soon finished twining the fingers in her hair, and then it was time for Caitlin to put on the dress. It fit her perfectly, and the added garnishes and sparkles made the dress come alive. It was long and white, reaching her ankles. Iris had stitched in different colors here and there, imbuing the dress with all the subtle, shifting colors of nature. The small jewels caught the light and made it appear as though the dress was dancing. Caitlin’s eyes lit up and as she looked down at herself. She twirled and the dress flowed out around her, and she was completely happy.

  The prized necklace hung around her neck and her cheeks had a rosy glow. Violet kissed her on either cheek and welled up with emotion herself, unable to believe that her little girl looked so grown up. Caitlin applied a scent of lilac to her body and the air became more vibrant around her. It was a far cry from the girl who used to scamper from the words, or who would take part in axe-throwing competitions. She was elegant and graceful, and she thought she looked perfect for her wedding day. She couldn’t stop smiling.

  Time had moved swiftly and it was almost time for her to walk down and meet Rhys, her future husband. Nerves fluttered inside and then Bryn entered to escort his daughter to the wedding. His eyes widened and his mouth hung open in astonishment as he gasped and bestowed praise upon her. He embraced her and kissed her on both cheeks, just as Violet had done, and then he stood beside his wife and looked upon their daughter with such love and devotion. Tears lined his eyes and his lower lip trembled as he swelled with pride that he had given the world such a beautiful creature. Caitlin stood before them, feeling every inch a woman, knowing that the moment when her life was about to change was approaching quickly.

  When she looked at her parents she did so with the eyes of a child, remembering how she used to feel when she would run behind them and ask them to play or to go outside, or just to spend time with them. They had seemed so tall then, so impossibly tall that Caitlin couldn’t comprehend ever being an adult like them. But she had grown up into a fine woman, shedding all the youthful naivety that came with being a girl. Now she was getting ready to begin her own life, to fully embrace adulthood. Her parents looked older than they used to and they had lost some of their vigor, but she knew she could still count on them to take care of her. Even though she was leaving them to embark upon her own life, she knew she could always return whenever she needed their support. She saw all the hope in their eyes, the hope of the best for their daughter, and in them she also saw a reflection of the future as well. One day she would be standing in the same position, looking upon her child with pride.

  “We should be gaeing,” Bryn said. “I’d hate tae keep Rhys waiting. I’m proud of ye Caitlin. I know it was a lot tae ask, and I know we’ve been lucky that Rhys is a good man, a better man than we could ever have expected. I love ye, and I want ye tae know that I’m proud of what ye are daeing and who ye hae become.”

  “It’s all thanks tae ye Da, and ye Ma,” Caitlin replied with great respect, and a trembling voice as the emotions inside were beginning to get the better of her. She hugged her parents one last time, almost not wanting to let go, but of course, she had to release her arms. She carried a bouquet of cornflowers, roses, and lilacs as Bryn linked his arm in with hers and escorted her out of the room. Violet followed. Caitlin could hear Violet trying to stifle her sobs, and that only made Caitlin more likely to cry. She trembled as she walked through the keep and went into the field outside. The sun was bright and warm, and it made her dress look so beautiful. Her skin felt the kiss of the sun. She was glad of her father’s support, as she was certain that she would have buckled under the sheer force of her emotion otherwise.

  The crowd was out in force. The entire keep had filtered out onto the wide field, and all the members of the two clans had gathered. The Frasier camp clustered together towards the rear and gave out a loud cheer as the bride approached. The McClearey clan, not wanting to be outdone, gave an even louder cheer. Caitlin gazed around in astonishment at all the people and for the first time wondered how she was going to cope with getting married in front of so many people, but then she saw Rhys standing at the end of the aisle, looking so handsome in his tight-fitted doublet. The golden trim gleamed in the sun and the dark red was the color of love and passion. He stood taller than anyone else in attendance, and as he towered above them Caitlin thought of him as the peak of a mountain that was visible from miles around. He would always be her tower, a landmark that she could look for and would guide her away from any confusion or doubt. If she was lost she could look to him, and then move towards him, knowing that he would always be there to lead her to safety.

  A minstrel plucked the strings of his lute as Caitlin walked towards Rhys. The people around her all faded into the background as her vision became solely focused on him, her future husband. She smiled as she approached, ready to give herself to him in marriage. Truthfully, she had alre
ady given him her heart.


  Rhys shifted his weight between his feet as he waited. The sea of people stood before him. He knew that many of the McClearey clan still bore him hostility because of his name, and there was an edge of tension to the proceeding. No doubt a few of them still thought that the wedding would be interrupted by a declaration of war, but he was glad that he had won over the important people. He just had no idea what he was going to do when his father went through with the plan. Rhys pulled at his clothes, wishing that he could have gotten married in something more comfortable. Sweat prickled on his brow and a drop ran down his temple, nestling against his neck. He wiped it away and suddenly felt uncomfortably hot. The sun beamed down brightly, blinding him. The air was sweet and fresh, and the keep stood behind the crowd, tall and foreboding, impenetrable…unless it was attacked from the inside.

  Rhys could have told them all then. He could have addressed everyone and bellowed out the truth as loud as he could. His gaze drifted across to his father, who was sitting in the front row, hands on his thighs. Malcolm glared at Rhys. Rhys felt his throat tighten and he swallowed his nerves, although the lump in his throat didn’t disappear entirely. If he did as he thought, he would be branded a troublemaker, a liar, and would be cast as the villain. It wouldn’t stop his father from attacking.

  The morning had been fraught with tension. Rhys would have loved to have only concentrated on getting ready for the wedding, not on worrying about preventing a massacre. He had gone to see his father. Malcolm had been in bed with a serving wench, who was dismissed with a slap on the rump and a cheeky smile. Rhys avoided making eye contact with her as she adjusted her dress and scampered out of the room, her cheeks rosy with satisfaction. Malcolm looked smug as he lay in bed, his huge form filling every inch of it.

  “I tell ye lad, the lasses here…oh, they almost make me want tae reconsider my plan. I’ll hae tae make sure that we take a few back with us.” He chortled to himself and scratched his chest, then belched.


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