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My French Billionaire (In Bed with a Billionaire Book 5)

Page 5

by Marian Tee

  A reprieve then, the billionaire thought. Just for tonight, he would give her that because he, too, needed time to think.

  He came to his feet. “It’s getting late.”

  She rose, looking flustered. “Umm, yes, I…I guess it is.” Her brown eyes looked into his searchingly. “Is everything okay?”

  “Everything’s fine. Why do you ask?”

  A hesitant look crossed her face, and then his little mutant mumbled, “Umm…nothing.”

  He frowned. “If something’s wrong---”

  She gave him an extremely bright smile. “Nothing’s wrong.”

  “Then I’ll drive you home?”

  “You don’t have to---”

  He gave her an odd look. Did she really think he was the type of guy to let her walk or take a cab home?

  After providing him directions, she was silent for the rest of the ride, causing him to ask her several times what was wrong. She shook her head and insisted everything was fine.

  But of course it was not.

  What the hell had gone wrong?

  When they made it to her place – an honest-to-goodness farm located at the outskirts of the town – she all but rushed out of his car, and Christien found himself running after her.

  “Hold up!” He caught her arm from behind just before she could reach the front door and spun Kharis around to face him. To his shock, he found her brown eyes glistening with tears. “Why are you crying?” he demanded.

  “Why do you think?” she muttered.

  He was disbelieving. “Are you saying I’m the cause of your tears? What the hell did I say---”

  “Just because I didn’t want to take my makeup off,” she flung at him shakily, “you couldn’t get rid of me fast enough? You realized I’m not the easy type and you think I’m not worth the trouble of---”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “You’re all alike,” Kharis cried out. “You and Tony---”

  Stiffening at the mention of another man’s name, he said coldly, “Don’t ever compare me to another man again.”

  “Even if it’s true?” she challenged. “Both of you think you can get away with anything, both of you are the same, both of you---”

  Christien’s temper snapped, and he snarled, “Shut up.”

  Kharis jerked.

  “Whoever the fuck that Tony is, he’s nothing like me,” the billionaire growled down at her. “No other man can be like me. I’m Christien di Luca, and he can try a thousand times, kiss my fucking arse for all I care, but he won’t even be a fraction like me. Do you understand?”


  And Christien slowly came back to his senses.

  Ah, fuck.

  Had he really said something that obnoxious – and stupid?

  In front of him, Kharis’ hideous-looking lips were starting to tremble.

  Piercing blue eyes narrowed at her. “Don’t.”

  But this only made her lips tremble harder.

  “I’m warning you,” he grated out in a low voice.

  But it was too late.

  Peals of laughter filled the air, with the damn little mutant even doubling over. When she straightened to gasp for air, her gaze fell on the billionaire’s stoic-looking face, and she gasped incoherently, “Kiss! Fucking! Arse!”

  It started all over again, Kharis laughing harder.

  “Good night,” he said stiffly.

  The billionaire turned and walked away.

  So discovery #1 about himself: he had a nasty temper.

  Discovery #2: he didn’t take kindly to being laughed at.

  He knew he had to thank Kharis Stamos for these things, but right now all he wanted to do with the little mutant was wring her pretty little neck. It was her damn fault that he had said such stupid things anyway.


  He ignored her call, only continuing to walk back to his car at a steady brisk pace.

  “Please wait.”

  The ‘please’ could have mollified him, but then he heard her smother another laugh and the billionaire’s pace became brisker.

  Damn little mutant.

  “Stop, please!”

  And not a moment later, the billionaire found himself being tackled from behind.

  What the hell?

  He grunted as he fell heavily to the rocky ground. Goddammit. He turned on his back under her, ready to give the little mutant an earful, but then---

  The billionaire realized a couple of important things.

  One: she was lying on top of him.

  Two: their positions aroused the hell out of him…

  Three: and her.

  She jerked above him, seemingly realizing the same things a little too late, but before she could pull away he already had her trapped, reversing their positions in a moment.

  A little whimper escaped Kharis as she found her trembling body imprisoned under the billionaire’s large, powerful frame.

  “C-could you---”

  He smiled down pleasantly at her. “No.”

  Another little whimper escaped her, and it was music to his ears.

  “Now,” he said in the same pleasant tone, “you will explain yourself, starting with what the hell I had said or done that could have driven you to tears.” She shook her head, but this time the billionaire wasn’t fooled. He had thought earlier it was stubbornness on her part, but now he realized it was past hurt holding her back.

  “Tell me,” he said quietly, “what that bastard did to you.”

  Her eyes flew to his.

  “He hurt you, didn’t he? Tony?”

  “It’s not like that,” she whispered.

  “Then make me understand.”

  She looked away, and just when he started to think she would never speak at all, her thready voice reached his ears.

  “We’ve been friends all our life.”

  So he was up against a fucking childhood friend, the billionaire thought grimly.

  “We got along really well until he started working for his Uncle Phil. He lives in the next town. He dotes on Tony, so he lets Tony drive his sports car every weekend. It was nice at first.” And again, that same wistful look he had seen earlier was back in her eyes. “We had fun, and it wasn’t---” She flashed him an embarrassed smile. “It wasn’t bad, to see how people looked at us because we were in a sports car.”

  When she fell silent, he slowly reached for one of her hands, which was clenched against her side. Her eyes jerked to Christien as his fingers tightened around hers.

  He said quietly, “I won’t judge.”

  “There’s nothing to judge.” Hers was barely audible. “But even if there were---” She gave him a hesitant smile. “I knew you wouldn’t do something like that.”

  “Because I’m crushing on you?”

  Her smile widened, and she said solemnly, “Exactly.”

  “Well,” he drawled. “You’re right.”

  A tiny laugh escaped her. “Oh, Christien.” Her brown eyes sought his. “Do you feel it too?” Her voice turned into a shaky whisper. “How different it is between us?”

  “Yes.” And he did – only the billionaire wasn’t sure if this was so because it was his only chance for survival.

  She glanced away, but the billionaire remained silent, patient and waiting. He was nothing if not good at reading between the lines. It was what had allowed him to pretend this long, and now it was what told him that she needed this silence.

  And finally, she said---

  “It wasn’t his first time to kiss me. But it was his first time not to stop when I said no---”

  The billionaire’s body went taut. “Did he force himself on you?”

  Horrified eyes flew to his. “Oh, no! It never went that far! I got away from him easily.” And another shame-faced look. “I’m a black belt in taekwondo, and I kinda…his…you know.”

  It took him a second to understand she was talking about kneeing the man in the balls, but even so he said mercilessly, “You
should have chopped them off instead.”

  His little mutant choked back a laugh. “He’s still my friend.”

  “Then you’re an idiot.”

  She sent him a chiding glance. “He got carried away, and he apologized for it.”

  “And you believed him?” The billionaire was incredulous once again. He was beginning to accept it was his fate whenever the little mutant was concerned.

  “He’s my friend.” Her fingers tightened reflexively around his. “But it’s never been the same after that.”

  “As it should be---”

  She shook her head. “And it’s not because he tried to kiss me rather forcefully, but…it was the things he said. He really thought that him driving a sports car changed everything. He got so mad, and he made it seem like I was being an idiot for turning him down.” She looked up at the billionaire, remnants of her pain darkening her gaze. “We’ve known each other for years. How could he think a stupid sports car would change everything?”

  Easily, the billionaire thought, because a stupid sports car would have changed everything for most women, even if it were on loan.

  But out loud, all the billionaire said was, “Because he was an ass and he didn’t know what he had in you.”

  Sure, he understood that Tony was a boy and boys did stupid things, but Christien was a man, and men did what was best for them. And right now, what was best was making sure that Tony had no way of slithering back into his little mutant’s life.

  Looking down at her, he said grimly, “That’s why you thought we were the same? Because when I asked you to show yourself without your mask and you refused---”

  “You sent me away,” she finished unevenly, “like how Tony cut me off in his life just because I didn’t want him to kiss me.”


  “And you still believe that?”

  Her eyes avoided his, and she mumbled, “I don’t know anything anymore---”

  “Then know this.” The billionaire brought her hand up to his mouth, and her stunned gaze jerked back to his. “I want you.” He pressed his lips to her knuckles, and her lips parted in silent shock. “I want you---” The billionaire’s voice roughened. “More than I’ve ever wanted any woman.”

  Her entire body shook, and so did his.

  His gaze captured hers as his lips slowly ran over her clenched fingers. Her skin had a natural scent to it, roses kissed by burgundy, and the billionaire inhaled deeply. The scent was as magical as the rest of her, and he had a feeling he wouldn’t have enough of it.

  Had he really thought he wasn’t attracted to this woman?

  With the way his body was so fucking hard right now, the thought was absolutely ludicrous, and he would have laughed if he could –

  He would’ve laughed if a tiny goddamn part of him still weren’t convinced.

  Was this attraction or desperation?

  Was this the billionaire merely grasping at straws, knowing that Kharis Stamos was his only chance to escape the oblivion his apathetic existence craved?

  His eyes closed.

  Please God. Please let it be fucking her. Please.

  For everyone’s sake---

  “Christien?” Her tremulous voice drew his gaze back to hers, and his body grew more taut as she wetted her lips.

  “What is it?” The billionaire’s voice was rough with desire.

  “You could…” She swallowed hard. “I think…I think you could kiss me---” Her voice caught, and her cheeks turned a pale shade of pink. “If you wanted to?”

  Ah. The billionaire slowly shook his head. “A tempting offer, but…” He cupped her chin. “You’re not the kind of woman to take lightly, so…no, not just yet.”

  There was a long moment of silence, and the billionaire’s chest slowly tightened. Had he hurt her? Had he pushed her away? Had he---

  And then she looked up at him, and her smile was so fragile it almost made the tawdry shade of her lips unnoticeable.

  He wanted to say her name, but he couldn’t. Shouldn’t. He had no right to, knowing that there were things she believed of him - things that he wished, for both their sakes, were true…but weren’t.

  “Can you please,” she whispered unevenly, “just be honest with me?”

  The rawness of her plea had him clenching his fists.

  You still have time to end this, Death reminded him.

  He knew that. He fucking knew that, and he sure as hell didn’t need Death to remind him of it. He also knew that he was taking a risk – and it was the kind where she had everything to lose while he had only everything to gain.

  But if he were to turn away now---

  Her fragile smile caught his gaze.

  Wouldn’t he be hurting her even more?

  Wouldn’t it be better to give whatever this was between them – a chance?

  After all, he flew almost two thousand miles and chased the end of a rainbow for her.

  “I don’t want to kiss you,” he muttered under his breath, “until I know I deserve you.”

  A soft gasp escaped her.

  “So if you don’t mind, perhaps I can do something else…”

  He reached for her fist again, and this time he unfolded her fingers carefully before bringing them back to his lips.

  His lips parted, but he didn’t make any other move.

  It was up to her to do what was next.

  Their gazes collided once more, and this time her brown eyes were filled with trepidation. But they were also shining…with excitement.

  Slowly, one of her fingers moved…in…

  Farther and farther---

  Until he had every right to suck on her finger.

  And so he did.

  Without taking his gaze off hers, he continued sucking on her finger, all the while feeling her tremble more and more. When he finally pulled her finger out, the billionaire was breathing hard while she was slightly panting---

  And God, the sound was even more magical, more addictive.

  Christien said tautly, “This is the only thing I deserve to kiss for now.” Freeing her hand, he let his own hands slowly move down her form – allowing her to familiarize herself with his touch – before settling them on her waist.

  His grip tightened, and she swallowed hard.

  “Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  A tiny nod.

  “Good.” Releasing her, he slowly got them back to their feet but didn’t let her go. Tipping her chin, he added warningly, “I’m not the type to share.”

  She bit her lip. “I w-wouldn’t want you to.”

  He didn’t smile. “I’ll see you later tonight.” It wasn’t a question but a claim of ownership, a declaration that from hereon, everything that made Kharis Stamos – her time, her body, even her soul – was his.

  A part of him expected her to shy away from such a demand. It wasn’t the kind of promise to be taken lightly, and she had to know that.

  But instead---

  She only nodded. “Okay.” And she pulled her hand slowly away from his. “I’ll see you tonight.”

  The billionaire frowned, thinking that she was being unusually succinct. But in the end, he decided to let it go---

  Because you don’t care enough, Death murmured.

  He ignored the words as he turned to walk away. But when he reached his car and bent down to open the door, that was when he heard her speak again.

  “Good night…Mr. It Doesn’t Matter.” Her tone was soft, teasing – and his.

  The billionaire’s lips curved. So she wanted to play this game, did she? Opening the door, Christien paused before getting in and without looking back, he said, “Good night…” He bent down and stepped inside of the car. “Little mutant.”

  He pulled the car door shut just as he heard her gasp, and his lips twitched.

  He pushed the button for the window to slide down, and that was when he heard her crying out, “Why I am a mutant?”

  As Christien drove away, his last glimpse of her through the r
earview mirror was of his little mutant glaring at him, hands planted on her hips.

  It was a beautiful sight, a funny sight, a terrifying sight, and the billionaire’s grip tightened on the steering wheel as a film of cold sweat turned his hands clammy.

  She affected him, brought him to life, and made him feel – that much he was sure of.

  But how much of it was real?

  Chapter 6

  Contrary to popular belief, Christien di Luca did not actually have a “type” when it came to women he dated. While he was photographed frequently with long-legged beauties like Karolina, it was only because women like Karolina were the ones who had the confidence to approach him.

  It had never been the other way around. There hadn’t ever been a woman Christien had wanted enough to pursue…or at least not until Kharis.

  And speak of the little mutant, he thought broodingly.

  He watched her come out of the kitchen, dressed in her usual cowgirl uniform, his ominously dark mood causing the other people who had been about to take a seat by the counter to hurriedly change their minds and go for one of the empty tables instead.

  “You’re scaring the customers,” Marvin the bartender grumbled.

  “I’ll pay for the loss,” he dismissed.

  Marvin harrumphed, but the billionaire was already used to this. He had been seeing Kharis for three nights in a row now – and in that same amount of time, the bartender and the cook had made it very clear they didn’t approve of Christien for their friend’s granddaughter.

  It was a unique situation to say the least. For so long, Christien had been the target of every matchmaking parent in Miami and elsewhere. And now that he had found the one woman he needed permanently in his life, it had to be someone whose family and friends didn’t like him at all.

  Could it be karma at work or Death once again playing a joke on him?

  Either way, he didn’t give a damn.

  The little mutant was his – or so she should remember.

  His teeth began to gnash as he saw the way the assistant cooks inside the kitchen followed her around like lapdogs while she sweetly dished out orders. Put that box there please. Fix this please. Pick that one up please.

  Didn’t she see that all those fools were masochists, and the more she ordered them around, the happier she made them?


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