Nazi Germany and the Jews, Volume 2: The Years of Extermination

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Nazi Germany and the Jews, Volume 2: The Years of Extermination Page 112

by Saul Friedlander

  Dachau concentration camp, 14, 584, 646–47, 651

  Daluege, Kurt, 13, 31, 138 Dannecker, Theodor, 121, 172–73, 178, 258,

  376–78, 484, 560–61

  Darlan, François, 112, 170, 256

  Darnand, Joseph, 554, 610

  Darré, Walther, 141

  death marches. See marches

  Deelman, H. T., xiii

  de Jong, Jan, 411, 412

  de Jong, Louis, 407 de-Judaization, 32–33, 161

  Delasem, 560

  Delp, Alfred, 511–12 Denmark, 66, 69, 75, 545–47, 610

  deportations. See also extermination campaign

  from Belgium, 374–75, 421–23, 443–44

  from Bulgaria, 452, 484–85

  from Croatia, 487

  from Denmark, 545–47

  expropriation campaign and, 289–91

  from Finland, 449

  from France, 374–78, 550–57

  from Germany, 65–66, 93–94, 136, 138–39, 203, 262–67, 300, 306–14, 369–72, 424–26, 490–97, 652–53

  from Greece, 487–90, 613

  Himmler and, 30–37, 76

  Hitler and beginning of, 263–67

  from Holland, xiii–xv, xxvi, 124, 374–76, 405–13

  from Hungary, 483–84, 615–19

  from Italy, 559–64, 612

  Jewish protests of, 103–4

  Jewish Question and, 237–40

  from Norway, 454

  planned, to Madagascar, 81–82, 93, 103–4, 136, 203, 265

  within Poland, 30–37, 46

  from Romania, 450–51, 483

  from Slovakia, 231, 372–74, 463, 485–86

  Swedish response to, 449

  Swiss response to, 447–49 to

  Switzerland, 625, 638 train transports and, 490–97

  transit camps and, 351–56 (see also transit camps)

  from Warsaw, 426–33

  Deutsche Bank, 308

  de Wolff, Leo, 408–9

  diamonds, 498


  Willy Cohn, 96–97

  Wilhelm Cornides, 399–400

  Joseph Goebbels as, xxii

  (see also Goebbels, Joseph)

  Jean Guéhenno, 174

  Franz Halder, 27

  Jewish (see diarists, Jewish)

  Iryna Khoroshunova, 197

  Jochen Klepper, 51, 64

  Nazi opposition members, 54–55

  non-Jewish individual reactions, xxii–xxiii

  in Poland, 29–30

  William Shirer, 95

  Hermann Voss, 236–37

  diarists, Jewish. See also diarists by name

  anonymous, in Lodz, 629–31

  awareness of

  exterminations by, 326–28, 438–47

  on deportations and executions, 318–28

  fate of, 440, 662–63 in France, 119–20

  in Holland, 182–84 in Kovno, 241–42

  Lodz ghetto chroniclers, vii, 146, 245–46, 388–89, 433–35, 585–86, 632, 662

  on Nazi Eastern Front assault on Soviet Union, 197–202, 268–69

  on Nazi occupation of Europe, 77–79

  personal stories of, xxiv–xxvi

  in Poland, 3–6, 29–30, 63–64, 106

  of special commandos, 580–82

  in Stanislawow, 282–83

  Warsaw ghetto (Oneg Shabat) chroniclers, 106, 146, 150, 394, 445, 528

  on Warsaw uprising, 527–28

  Diaspora Month, 597–98

  Dietrich, Otto, 17, 22–23, 204, 252, 268

  Dietze, Konstantin von, 512

  Diewerge, Wolfgang, 206

  Diner, Dan, 557

  discrimination by Jews. See solidarity, Jewish

  diseases, 147, 150, 157–58, 243. See also tuberculosis; typhus

  Dmowski, Roman, 26

  Dobroszycki, Lucjan, vii

  Dodds, Harold W., 595

  Donati, Angelo, 553

  Dönitz, Karl, 660–61

  Dora-Mittelbau, 646

  Douvan, Serge von, 588

  Drancy concentration camp, 257, 415–18, 469–70, 551–52, 601–2

  Dresden, 3, 644, 653

  Dresdner Bank, 179–80

  Dreyfus affair, 114

  Drieu la Rochelle, Pierre, 380

  Drohobycz, 246–47

  Dubnow, Simon, 247, 262, 590

  Duckwitz, Georg F., 546

  Durcansky, Ferdinand, 80

  Dürkefälden, Karl, 334

  Dutch Nazi Party, 122–24, 178–80, 375–76

  Dutch Protestant Churches, 125

  Eastern Europe, 6–8, 11–14, 71, 126–27. See also


  Eastern Front Nazi assault on Soviet Union, 129–38, 197–202, 267–69, 327–28, 331, 400–402, 470–71, 540–41, 628

  Eastern Orthodox Church. See also Catholic Church

  Bulgarian, 485

  Romanian, 167–68, 226

  Serbian, 228–30

  East Prussia, 14

  Eberl, Irmfried, 432

  Eckart, Dietrich, 133, 273, 278

  Ecole Libre des Sciences

  Politiques, 118

  economic goals, Nazi, xvi–xvii. See also

  expropriation campaign

  economic status, Jewish, 6–8, 24–25

  Edelman, Marek, 148 Edelstein, Jakob, 351–53, 636

  Eden, Anthony, 462, 623, 627

  Edinger, Georges, 552, 611 education, ghetto, 150–53 Edvardson, Cordelia, 299, 577, 651–52

  Ehrenburg, Ilya, 249, 645 Eichmann, Adolf, 35, 81, 82, 88, 92–93, 266–67, 284, 339, 344, 345, 351–52, 372, 374, 426, 450, 486, 479–80, 579–80, 592, 613, 620–25, 637–38

  Eichmann in Jerusalem, xxiii–xxiv

  Eicke, Theodor, 13

  Eimann, Kurt, 15

  Einsatzgruppen (operational groups), 13–14, 26–27, 30, 135–36, 187, 207. See also RSHA (Reich Security) office

  elderly camp. See

  Theresienstadt transit camp

  Eliade, Mircea, 77

  elites. See leadership

  Elkes, Elchanan, 242, 323–24, 584

  Ellenbogen, Marianne, 355

  Emergency Rescue Committee (ERC), 84, 127

  emigration. See migration,


  Endeks, 26, 71

  Endre, Laszlo, 614

  England. See Great Britain Engzell, Gösta, 449

  Entress, Friedrich, 505, 544 Eppstein, Paul, 55, 578, 636–37

  Epting, Karl, 118

  Eretz Israel. See Palestine

  (Eretz Israel); Yishuv

  Erlich, Henryk, 250–51

  Ernest, Stefan, vii

  Espinosa, Eugenio, 203

  Estonia, 223, 449, 632–33

  Eternal Jew, The (film), 19–22, 99–102, 189, 593

  Etter, Philippe, 461

  Ettinger, Adam, 243

  eugenics, 15–16. See also

  euthanasia campaign


  antiliberalism and anti-Semitism in, xvii–xviii attitudes and reactions of populations in, xxi–xxiii (see also populations)

  Catholic attitudes in, 184–87 (see also Catholic Church) diversity of Jewry in, 4–10 (see also Jews)

  Nazi occupation of, 75–77

  euthanasia campaign. See also extermination campaign

  gas vans and, 234

  German Catholic protests against, 185–86, 202 in Lodz ghetto, 245–46 in Poland, 14–16, 364

  Pius XII and, 568

  evacuations. See deportations; migration, Jewish

  Evangelical Churches,

  German, 300–301

  Evangelical Lutheran

  Church, German, 56–57

  Ewige Jude, Der. See Eternal Jew, The (film)

  exchange Jews, 582–84, 594, 620–25, 638, 647–48

  executions. See also euthanasia campaign; extermination campaign; starvation campaign

  in Belorussia, 364–65

  during camp evacuations, 649–52

  in Croatia, 487

  of Dutch rebels, 181–82

  in Estonian labor camps, 633

  of Herbert Baum group, 348–49

  of Hungarian slave laborers, 642–43

  of Jewish traitors (by Jews), 522–23, 494

  of Lidice population, 349–50

  of Lwov Jews, 435–36

  Nazi move toward mass, 208 (see also mass executions)

  of Nazi opposition leaders

  of Hitler assassination attempt, 634

  of Polish elite and Jews, 13–14, 26–30

  of Romanian Jews, 166–69

  of Soviet POWs and civilians, 236–37

  SS guidelines for, 134–35 of tuberculosis test subject children, 655–56


  Dutch certificates, xiv forced labor, 42–43

  Warsaw deportations, 428

  expropriation campaign. See also Aryanization campaign; Göring, Hermann; Rosenberg, Alfred

  announcement about, 462

  anti-Semitism, vested interests, and, xx–xxi

  archives and libraries, 590–91

  art, 164–66

  in Austria, 34–35, 139

  corruption and, 544

  at extermination sites, 431–32, 497–501, 581–82

  in France, 115–16, 256, 374

  in Germany, 49, 53–54, 65–66, 94, 289–91, 369

  in Italy, 560 in Kielce, 321 in Holland, 179–80, 375–76, 550

  Nazi economic goals and, xvi–xvii

  in Poland, 28–29, 41–43, 389

  registration of property, 41, 65–66, 180, 289–91, 375–76

  Rosenberg’s reports on, 481–82

  in Slovakia, 231

  extermination campaign.

  See also anti-Jewish

  measures; Jews;

  executions; expropriation

  campaign; mass

  executions; propaganda

  campaign; starvation


  acceleration and expansion of, 330–31, 345–51, 405–10

  administration of, 339–45, 478–79

  anti-Semitism as mobilizing myth for, xix–xx, 19, 288, 478 (see also anti-Semitism)

  Christian churches and (see Christian churches)

  deportations and, 30–32 (see also deportations)

  development of gassing, 233–37 (see also gassings)

  European Jewry before, 4–10

  evolution of, 187–92, 208, 237–40, 602–3

  as Final Solution to Jewish Question, xvi, xix, 92–93, 187, 339–40 (see also Jewish Question) history of, xiv–xviii, xxiii–xxv

  Himmler and (see

  Himmler, Heinrich)

  Hitler and, xviii–xix, 11–16, 282–88 (see also Hitler, Adolf)

  progress report on, 479–83

  public awareness of, and reaction to, xxi–xxiii, 454–63 (see also awareness, public; individuals; populations)

  slave labor vs., 345–47 (see also slave labor, Jewish) suicides (see suicides)

  vested interests and, xx–xxi

  extermination camps, 234, 283–84, 346, 356–65, 405. See also Auschwitz

  concentration camp;

  Auschwitz II–Birkenau

  extermination camp;

  Belzec extermination

  site; Chelmno

  extermination camp;

  gassings; Jasenovac

  extermination camp;

  Majdanek extermination

  site; Sobibor

  extermination camp;

  special commandos,

  Jewish; Treblinka

  extermination site

  extortion, 145, 534–37, 559–60, 647. See also bribery

  Fabre-Luce, Alfred, 90

  Falkenhausen, Alexander von, 259

  family camp, Auschwitz, 502, 577–82, 636

  Faral, Edmond, 118

  fascism, European, xvii–xviii, 5, 68, 70, 74, 232, 612

  Faulhaber, Michael, 299, 302

  Favez, Jean-Claude, 461

  Fédération des Sociétés Juives

  de France, 176

  Fegelein, Hermann, 527

  Feiner, Hertha, 97, 143–44, 320, 370, 426, 662

  Feiner, Leon, 392


  Ferenc, 603

  Ferenzy, Oscar de, 113

  Ferida, Luisa, 612

  Ferrière, Susanne, 461

  Feuchtwanger, Lion, 109

  Fiehler, Karl, 369

  Filderman, Wilhelm, 226

  films, anti-Jewish, 19–24, 96, 98–102, 355, 394, 593, 637

  Final Solution, xvi, 92–93, 187, 339–40. See also extermination campaign;

  Jewish Question

  Finbert, Elian J., 379

  Finland, 11, 66, 449

  Fischboek, Hans, 179

  Fischer, Ludwig, 105, 147

  Flandin, Pierre-Étienne, 170

  Fleischmann, Gisi, 374

  Fleming, Gerald, 482

  Fliethmann, Elfriede, 296–98

  Flinker, Moshe, 64, 183, 397, 442–44, 473–74, 610, 662

  Foà, Ugo, 559–60

  food supply, 50, 145–46, 201–2, 208, 312–14, 629–31. See also

  starvation campaign

  forced labor. See slave labor, Jewish

  foreign Jews

  Belgian, 122, 174–78

  Bulgarian, 452

  Dutch, 375, 609–10

  French, 108–9, 112, 122, 174–78, 285–86, 380, 413–15

  Hungarian, 232

  Fossoli assembly camp, 561 FPO (United Partisans Organization), 325–26, 531–33

  France. See also Vichy France

  anti-Jewish measures in, 108–21, 169–78, 256–59, 378–80, 413–21

  anti-Semitism in, 610–12

  awareness in, about exterminations, 318

  concentration camps in, 415–16

  deportations from, 374–78, 413–23, 469–70, 550–57, 610–12

  diarists in, 318–20

  entry into war of, 18

  expropriation campaign in, 164–66

  extermination of children from, 601–2

  extermination plan for, 340–41

  foreign Jews in, 7–8, 416–18

  French Resistance, 418–19, 610–11

  Hitler’s phony peace offer and, 12

  illegal emigration from, 90–91


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