Italian resistance in southern, 552–54
Jewish leadership in, 118–21, 416–18
Jewish powerlessness in, 9, 440–43
Jewish star in, 378–80 liberation of, 612
Nazi occupation of, 67, 69, 75, 78
passivity in, 125–26 public reaction in, xxii, 418–19
rescue operations in, 84
Franciscan monks, 229
Franco, Francisco, 447
Frank, Anne, 64, 183–84, 438–39, 550, 608–10, 662
Frank, August, 498
Frank, Hans, 35–40, 46, 76, 82, 104–5, 136, 138–39, 146–47, 215, 347
Frank, Hermann, 76
Frank, Margot, Otto, and
Edith, 183, 408, 610
Frank, Walter, 162, 164
Franz, Günther, 589–90
Fredericks, K. J., 123
Freier, Recha, 60
Freisler, Roland, 339
French Reformed (Calvinist)
Church, 115
Frenkel, Pawel, 524
Freud, Sigmund, 5–6
Freudiger, Fülöp, 615
Freund, Elisabeth, 253
Frick, Wilhelm, 142, 170, 426
Friedman, Philip, 62, 436, 588–89
Friedmann, Berkus, 222–23
Friedmann, Richard, 352
Friling, Tuvia, 457–58
Frisch, Karl Ritter von, 141–42
Fritz, Stephen G., 634
Fromm, Friedrich, 418
Fry, Varian, 84, 193
Fürle, Günther, 300–301
furniture, 499, 550
Galen, Clemens von, 202, 303
Galewski, Marceli, 558
Galicia, 12, 36, 212–15, 297–98, 321–22, 399–400, 427
Gall, Franz Joseph, 166
Gallimard, Gaston, 381–82
Ganzenmüller, Theodor, 491–92
Ganzweich, Abraham, 157
Garsden, 219
awareness of, by diarists, 438–47
awareness of, by public, 510–17
carbon monoxide, 16, 234, 357
of Dutch Jews, 404–13
expansion of, 356–65
expropriation and, 497–501 extermination sites for, 234, 283–84, 346, 356–65,
405 (see also extermination sites)
gas chambers, 235–36, 356–59, 503–4
gas vans, 234, 286, 358, 363–64
German informants about, 458–61
skeleton collection and, 592
of Slovakian Jews, 372–74
of Warsaw Jews, 426–33, 491
Gellately, Robert, 653–54
Gemmeker, Albert, 549
General Government, 12, 30–37, 83, 104–7, 136, 138–39, 144, 215, 266, 342, 347, 350, 426–27, 491–92, 496–97. See also
Galicia; ghettos;
Kraków; Lodz ghetto;
Lublin ghetto; Warsaw
Gens, Jacob, 241, 246, 436–38, 446, 530–33
Gerlier, Jules-Marie, 176, 420
German Evangelical
Churches, 300–301
German Protectorate of
Bohemia and Moravia.
See Bohemia; Moravia
German Red Cross, 579. See also Red Cross
Germany. See Nazi Germany Gerron, Kurt, 637
Gerstein, Kurt, 458–59, 539–40
Gestapo, 345, 601. See also
RSHA (Reich Security Main Office)
ghettos. See also Kovno ghetto; Lodz ghetto; Lublin ghetto; Vilna ghetto; Warsaw ghetto
bribery in, 42, 374
creation of Polish, 38–39, 104–6
Dutch opposition to, 123
execution of Jews in Riga, 261–63
Hungarian, 614, 641–42
Jewish Councils in, 37–43, 153–57
Jewish culture in, 150–53, 382–84
Jewish persecution in, 144–60
mass executions and, 208–12
Romanian, 226 slave labor and, 154–55, 347–48
in Soviet territories, 215
starvation and disease in, 144–50, 157–58
Ghigi, Pellegrino, 489
Gienanth, Kurt von, 495
Gies, Miep and Jan, 408, 610
Gigurta, Ion, 80
Gillette, Guy, 596
Gilloix, André, 611
Giraudoux, Jean, 8
Glasberg, Alexandre, 420
Globke, Hans, 303
Globocnik, Odilo, 35, 37, 283, 346, 432, 458
Glücks, Richard, 343–44, 346, 648
Godesberg Declaration, 56–57 Goebbels, Joseph. See also
propaganda campaign academic research and, 160–64
anti-Jewish films of, 19–22, 98–102, 593, 637
anti-Jewish speeches of, 76, 276, 472–79, 645–46
authority of, 472 diary of, xxii, 17, 21, 462–63, 538
feud of, with Rosenberg, 22–23, 102–3
on Himmler, 543 on Hitler, 129–30, 204, 238–39, 267, 269, 279–82, 334–37, 348–49, 403, 475–76, 604, 654–55
Jewish star and, 143, 251–52
on Lindbergh, 272
on Pope Pius XII, 466, 565, 567–68
on protests, 30, 462
Hitler’s suicide and, 659–60
on Warsaw uprising, 525
Goerdeler, Carl, 55, 634–35
Goeth, Amon, 529
Goga, Octavian, 168
gold, 498, 560
Goldhagen, Daniel Jonah, xx
Goldman, Nahum, 66
Goldstein, Israel, 596
Göring, Hermann, 41, 55, 76, 136, 237–38, 336, 403–4, 538, 660–61. See also expropriation campaign
Gottong, Heinrich, 164
Gottschalk, Joachim, 308
government-in-exile, Dutch, 410
government-in-exile, Polish, 47–48, 250–51, 454–58, 461–62, 598–99
Grabe, Elisabeth, 510–11
Grabner, Maximilian, 544
Gradowski, Zalman, 580–82, 663
Granaat, D., xiii
Grasset, Bernard, 117
Grau, Wilhelm, 162–64
Great Britain, 7–8, 9, 10, 12, 18, 20, 67, 89–90, 129–30, 201, 304, 329–30, 392, 461, 540–41, 594
Greece, 6, 131, 487–90, 613
Greek noses, 586–87
Greifelt, Ulrich, 496
Greilsheimer, Joseph, 371
Greiser, Arthur, 76, 82, 144–45, 263, 284, 585
Groag, Willy, 639
Gröber, Conrad, 94, 302, 515, 576
Groscurth, Helmuth, 216–19
Gross, Jan T., 45, 535
Gross, Karl, 338–39
Gross, Walter, 163, 291–92
Grossman, Moshe, 46
Gross-Rosen, 649, 651
Grosz, Bandi, 621–23
Groyanowski, Yakov, 317–18
Gruenbaum, Itzhak, 305, 597
Grundmann, Walter, 57, 161
Grüninger, Paul, 193
Guéhenno, Jean, 174
Guerry, Émile, 114
Guggenheim, Paul, 461
Gunther, Franklin Mott, 168–69, 227
Günther, Hans, 351–52, 416, 592–93
Günther, Karl, 436
Günther, Rolf, 351, 487
Gurs concentration camp, 109
Gusenbauer, Eleanore, 295
Gutman, Yisrael, 63, 508
Gypsies, xix, 14, 312, 316–17, 502
Habermalz, Herbert, 528–29
Häfner, August, 215–17
Hagelin, Wiljam, 80
Hahn, Otto, xxi
Haiti, 87
Halder, Franz, 27, 132, 269, 400
Halvestad, Felix, 411
Hamburg, 471, 500–501
Hamel, Gustav Israel, 251–52
Hammacher, Friedrich
Wilhelm, 308 hangings, 435–36
Hanneken, Hermann von, 546
Hanukkah, 585–86
Harlan, Veit, 20, 99–100, 173–74
Harshav, Benjamin, 633
Harster, Wilhe
lm, 179
Hart, Wiktor, 151
Hartglas, Apolinary, 62
Harvey, Elisabeth, 510
Hassell, Ulrich von, 55, 165, 295, 400, 526, 634
Hayes, Peter, 509
Heim, Franz, 479
Heine, Heinrich, xv
Heissmeyer, Kurt, 655–56
Helbronner, Jacques, 176, 420, 555, 556
Held, Adolphe, 84
Henriot, Philippe, 610
Henry-Haye, Gaston, 1
Herbert Baum group, 348–49
Herf, Jeffrey, 657
Herzl, Theodor, 353
Herzl-Neumann, Trude, 353
Hess, Rudolf, 137
Hewel, Walter, 603
Heydrich, Reinhard, 13–14, 30–31, 34, 39–40, 49–50, 76, 82–83, 87–88, 134–38, 207, 263, 283, 285, 339–45, 349–50. See also RSHA (Reich Security) office
Hilberg, Raul, 147
Hildebrandt, Richard, 587 Hillesum, Etty (Esther), 182–83, 376, 407–8, 439, 549–50, 599–600, 662
Himmler, Heinrich. See also
RKFDV agency anti-Jewish film and, 96, 100
Auschwitz visit of, 404–5
authority of, 200, 472
cessation of Jewish emigration by, 284–85
on corpses, 462–63
deportations and, 31–37, 76, 81, 263–67, 343–44, 492
evacuation of camps by, 648
on expropriated property, 500–501
extermination campaign
acceleration by, 350–51
extermination campaign progress reports of, 480–83
Hungarian industrial empire purchase by, 625
on Hungarian Jews, 624
Italian visit of, 452–53
Finland visit of, 449
Lodz ghetto plans of, 584–85
mixed-breed Jews and, 52
Polish terror campaign and, 13, 15
research on Jews and, 586–87
Riga ghetto extermination and, 261–62
secret diplomacy of, 646–48, 660–61
skull collection theft, 166
on slave labor, 495–97
Soviet Jews and, 135–38
as witness of mass execution, 207–8
Hingst, Hans, 432, 530
Hippler, Fritz, 20
Hirsch, Fredy, 352, 580
Hirsch, Otto, 60, 103–4
Hirt, August, 591–92
histories, Holocaust, xv–xviii, xxiii–xxv. See also extermination campaign
Hitler, Adolf. See also Nazi Germany
anti-Jewish conversations of, 16–17, 80, 203, 237–40, 272–73, 603–7, 644–46
anti-Jewish measures and, 52, 142–43
anti-Jewish speeches by, 4, 11, 17–19, 79–80, 132–33, 166, 202–4, 272–82, 331–39, 402–4, 472–78, 541–43, 604–5, 645
anti-Semitism of, xviii–xxi
assassination attempts on, 18, 633–34
charismatic leadership of, xx, 656–59
declaration of war on U.S., 272, 278–79
deportation decision of, 263–67
Eastern Front and, 267, 269, 331
extermination decision of, 282–88
military defeats and, 470–79
plans of, for Poland, 11–14
plans of, for Soviet territory, 130–38
Pope Pius XII and, 564–68
Private Testament, Political Testament, and suicide of, 655–61
prophecy of, 132, 166, 265, 273–74, 287, 331–39, 402–4
public restraint of, 17–19, 79–80, 202–4
religiousness of, 17
Hlinka, Andrej, 230
Hlinka Guard, 71, 230–31, 373, 639
Hlond, August, 25–26
Hódosy, Pal, 641
Höfle, Hermann, 347, 356, 427, 479–80
anti-Jewish measures in, 121–24, 178–84, 190, 378–79
buying freedom in, 583
deportation of Jews from, 410–13, 547–50, 599–60, 607–10
Dutch Nazi Party, 122–24, 178–80, 375–76
expropriation in, 500–501
Anne Frank in (see Frank, Anne)
gassing of Jews from, 405–10
Jewish confusion in, 438–40
Jewish migration to, 7–8
liberation of, 644
David Moffie graduation and deportations from, xiii–xv, xxvi
Nazi occupation of, 66, 75
resistance to anti-Jewish measures in, 124–25, 178, 410–13
Holocaust, xv–xviii, xxiii–xxv. See also extermination campaign
Holtz, Karl, 257
Home Army, 523, 629 homosexuals, xix
Hopkins, Harry, 264 Horstenau, Edmund von Glaise, 228
Horthy, Miklós, 232, 451–52, 483–84, 613, 623–24, 640
Hosenfeld, Wilm, 430–31
Höss, Rudolf, 235, 404–5, 509, 510, 544, 616, 628, 649
hostages. See exchange Jews
Hoth, Hermann, 210
House of Rothschild, The (film), 20
housing, 264, 291, 369
Huberband, Shimon, 21–22, 154, 662
Huberman, Hania, 315 Hudal, Aloïs, 563
Allied plan to bomb
railway line between
Auschwitz and, 625–28
anti-Jewish measures in, 231–33
awareness in, about exterminations, 614
Catholic Church in, 71
death march of Jews to Austria from, 640–43
deportation of Jews from, 502, 613–20
Hitler’s relations with, 603–4, 606
Jewry of, 6–7
liberation of, 602
migration of Polish Jews into, 82
Nazi occupation of, 613–28, 640–43
resistance in, to deportations, 451–52, 483–84
Vaadah negotiations with Eichmann, 620–25
hunger. See starvation campaign
Iasi, 225
identity papers, Dutch, 123
ideological factors, xvii–xix, 76. See also collaboration; propaganda campaign
I.G. Farben, 235–36, 506
illegal emigration, 86–92
immigration. See migration, Jewish
individuals. See also populations
awareness of exterminations, xxii–xxiii
interactions of, with Jews, xxiv, 253–54
Czech assistance, 649–50
German clergy assistance, 57
German sympathy, 53–54, 253–55, 372
Polish assistance, 534–37
initiatives of, 193–94
rescue efforts of, 84
industries. See also slave labor, Jewish
anti-Semitism and, xxi, 140–41
armament, 348–49, 495–97, 582
Soviet, 137–38
Innitzer, Theodor, 298
intellectual collaboration, 69–71. See also collaboration
intermarriage. See mixed marriages
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
See Red Cross internment camps. See concentration camps Iron Guard, 71, 166–69, 226
Nazi Germany and the Jews, Volume 2: The Years of Extermination Page 113