Nazi Germany and the Jews, Volume 2: The Years of Extermination

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Nazi Germany and the Jews, Volume 2: The Years of Extermination Page 115

by Saul Friedlander

  in Lwov, 435–36

  Nazi move toward, 208

  in Riga, 261–63

  Romanian, 166–69, 225–27

  Soviet, of Polish officers, 475, 477–78

  Soviet, of Ukrainian nationalists, 212–15

  in Soviet territories, 207–25, 240–47, 267, 282–83, 359–63

  of Vilna Jews, 437, 531, 533

  of Vinnytsa Jews, 361–62

  in Warsaw ghetto, 392–93

  mass starvation plan. See starvation plan

  materialism, 71

  Matulionis, Jonas, 241–42

  Mauriac, François, 113

  Mauthausen concentration camp, 104, 124, 181, 295

  May, Heinz, 315–16

  Mayer, René, 178

  Mayer, Sally, 647

  Mayzel, Maurycy, 61

  Mazower, Mark, 488

  McClelland, Roswell, 626

  McCloy, John J., 626–27

  Mechanicus, Philip, 547–49, 607–8, 662

  medical research. See research on Jews, German

  Meijers, E. M., 124

  Meitner, Lise, xxi

  Melmer, Bruno, 499

  Mende, Gerhard, 81–82, 427

  Mendelsohn, Ezra, 6–7, 24

  Mendes, Aristides de Sousa, 90, 193

  Mengele, Joseph, 505

  Mennecke, Friedrich, 296

  Mennonites, Dutch, 125

  mentally ill patients, xix, 14–15, 96, 202, 245–46

  Mercure de France, 117

  Messepalast, 310–11

  Mettenheim, Clara von, 52

  Meyer, Alfred, 339, 342

  Meyer-Erlach, Wolf, 161

  Meyer-Hetling, Konrad, 34

  Mies, Paul, 54

  migration, Jewish. See also refugees, Jewish

  from eastern and central Europe to western Europe, 6–8

  to France, 108–10

  from Germany, 9, 59, 82–94, 136, 284–85

  to Palestine, 10, 60, 83, 86–92, 458

  from Poland, 82–94

  to Soviet-occupied Poland, 43

  to Spain and Portugal, 90, 447

  to Sweden, 91

  to Switzerland, 91–92, 447–49

  to United States and Latin America, 84–86

  Mildner, Rudolf, 544

  Milosz, Czeslaw, 533–34

  Minden, 296

  Minsk, 207–8, 250, 267, 309–10, 361–63, 365, 530

  Minzberg, Leon, 62

  Mirescu, Mihai, 168

  Mischlinge. See mixed-breed Jews

  mixed-breed Jews

  anti-Jewish measures and, 51–52, 126, 141–42, 291–93, 424

  as auxiliaries, 519–20

  deportations of, 267, 652–53

  extermination plans for, 341–42, 344

  in France, 111–12, 172–73

  in Holland, 123

  plea for, 517

  research on, 586–89

  status of, and soldiers, 94–95

  mixed marriages, 8, 49, 51, 126, 186, 253, 276, 293, 341–42, 344, 425, 513–14, 517–20, 547–48, 607, 652–53

  Moffie, David, xiii–xv, xxvi

  Moldavia, 225

  Möllhausen, Eitel Friedrich, 562

  Molnar, Ferenc, 97–98

  Molotov, Vyacheslav, 130

  Moltke, Helmuth von, 294–95, 511–12, 526, 634

  Mommsen, Hans, 511–12

  money, 42–43, 432, 534–37, 620–25, 647. See also bribery

  Monowitz-Buna camp, 504

  Montor, Henry, 466–67

  Moore, Bob, 181

  Moravia, 8, 9, 283, 310, 593

  Mordowicz, Czeslaw, 615

  Morgen, Konrad, 544

  Morgenthau, Henry, 596, 645

  Morley, John, 640

  Morocco, 285

  Morris, Leland, 253–54

  Moscow, 267–69

  Moses and Monotheism (Freud), 5–6

  Moshkin, Ilya, 365

  Mounier, Emmanuel, 70, 113, 174

  Moyland, Gustav Adolf Steengracht von, 567

  Mühldorf, 646

  Müller, Annette, 414

  Müller, Filip, 499–500, 652

  Müller, Heinrich, 82, 285, 362, 462–63

  Munich State Opera Orchestra, 369

  murder operations. See executions; extermination campaign; mass executions

  Murmelstein, Benjamin, 352, 578, 637

  Murphy, Robert, 111

  museum, Jewish, 592–93

  music, 98, 103, 151–52, 586, 637–38

  Mussert, Anton, 122, 162

  Mussolini, Benito, 67, 69, 77–78, 81, 136, 203, 452–54, 466, 470–71, 552–54, 566, 657

  Musy, Jean-Marie, 638, 648

  Mutschmann, Martin, 624

  myth, anti-Semitism as mobilizing, xix–xx, 19, 288, 478

  Narva labor camp, 632

  Nathan, Otto, 85–86

  National Christian Party, 167–68

  National Democratic Party (Endeks), 26

  nationalism, 7, 11–4, 68, 509

  National Socialist Party (Nazi Party). See also Hitler,

  Adolf; Nazi Germany

  collaboration with, 67–75, 76, 111, 117

  Eastern Front and, 200

  European occupation and, 75–77

  Hitler’s speeches to, 18–91, 604–5

  of Holland, 122–24, 178–80, 375–76

  opposition leaders, 54–55, 74, 511–13, 526, 634

  resistance within, 17, 27, 30, 215–19

  naturalizations, French, 111–12, 172, 175–78, 550–51

  Nazi Germany. See also

  Hitler, Adolf; National

  Socialist Party (Nazi Party)

  anti-Jewish measures in, 9, 48–52, 94–104, 423–26, 517–20

  anti-Semitism in, 634–36, 653–55, 661–62

  deportations from, 65–66, 93–94, 136, 138–39, 203, 262–67, 300, 306–14, 369–72, 424–26, 490–97, 652–53

  disintegration of, 602–3, 643–48

  Eastern Front (see Eastern Front Nazi assault on Soviet Union)

  European occupation by, 66–67, 75–79

  history of Holocaust and, xv–xviii

  individual assistance to Jews in, 372

  informants from, about gassings, 458–61

  invasion of Poland by, 3–4 (see also Poland)

  Jewish emigration from, 82–83

  Jewish leadership in, 16, 59–61, 97–98, 103–4, 290, 425–26

  Jewish powerlessness in, 8, 9

  liberation of, 644

  public awareness and reaction in, to exterminations, xx–xxiv, 39–40, 53–58, 201–2, 252–55, 293–98, 319–20, 334, 426, 458–61, 510–17

  soldiers’ letters (see letters, German soldiers’)

  Soviet pact with, 11

  transfers of ethnic Germans into, 32–37

  Netherlands. See Holland

  Neuengamme concentration camp, 655–56

  Neumann, Erich-Peter, 161, 342

  Neun, Hubert, 161

  Neurath, Konstantin von, 76

  Neutrality Act, U.S., 268, 270

  newspapers, Dutch, 125

  newspapers and newsreels, German, 22–24, 160–61

  Niylas party, 640–42 NKVD, Soviet, 45–46, 212–15, 249, 475, 477–78

  Noelle, Elisabeth, 161

  Norway, 66, 75, 449, 454

  Nossig, Alfred, 522–23

  Nuremberg laws, 123

  Oberg, Karl, 377

  Oberhauser, Wirth and Josef, 432

  obstruction. See resistance Odessa, 226

  Odier, Lucie, 461 odors, Auschwitz, 510

  Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants (OSE), 193

  OKW. See Wehrmacht

  Oneg Shabat chroniclers, 106, 146, 150, 394, 445, 528

  Opoczynski, Peretz, 445

  Oppenheim, Menachem, 441

  opposition. See resistance

  opposition leaders, German, 54–55, 74, 511–13, 526, 634

  Oranienburg concentration camp, 104

  Organization Todt, 6

  orphans, 429–31. See also children

  ORPO (Order Police), 13

  Orsenigo, Cesare, 74, 94, 516, 567

  Orsós, Ferenc, 642

  Orthodox Jews, 6, 27–28. See also Judaism

  Osborne, Francis d’Arcy, 465–66

  Ostland, 261–63, 283, 323–72, 531. See also Kovno; Vilna

  Ostrowsky, Bernard, 388–89

  Oszmiana, 437

  Otter, Göran von, 459

  Ottolenghi, Adolfo, 612

  OUN (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists), 71, 213–14, 223

  Pabianice, 388–89

  Pacelli, Eugenio. See Pius XII (Pope)

  Palestine (Eretz Israel). See also Yishuv

  awareness in, about exterminations, 596–98

  exchanging of Jews, 583

  Hitler on, 277

  Jewish migration to, 10, 60, 83, 86–90, 457–58

  leadership in, 126, 305–6, 596–98

  Polish government-in-exile and, 457

  Romanian Jews and, 450, 594 Struma ship issue, 329–30

  Palfinger, Alexander, 144

  Paris, 110, 117, 164–66, 171–72, 440, 444.

  See also France

  partisans. See also auxiliary forces; resistance

  Croatian, 227–30

  Hitler on, 280

  Jews, 530

  Lithuanian, 221–25

  mass executions and, 240

  Romanian, 225–27

  Ukrainian, 360–61

  passivity, xv, xxi–xxiii, 9–10, 103–4, 479, 555–57, 631

  Paty de Clam, Charles du, 554

  Paulus, Friedrich, 331, 400, 401

  Paulus Bund, 58

  pauperization. See expropriation campaign

  Pavelić, Ante, 227–30, 453, 487

  peace offers, Hitler’s phony, 11–12, 67

  Pearl Harbor attack, 272

  Pechersky, Alexander, 559

  Pehle, John, 596, 626–27

  Pellepoix, Louis Darquier de, 377

  Perechodnik, Calel, 156, 629, 663

  Perlasca, Giorgio, 642

  Perle, Yehoshua, 528

  persecution, Jewish. See

  anti-Jewish measures;

  extermination campaign

  Pétain, Henri-Philippe, 67, 75, 110, 120, 169, 176, 186, 275, 378, 551. See also Vichy France

  Petre, Andrei, 168

  Pfannenstiel, Otto, 458

  Pfundtner, Hans, 141

  Phayer, Michael, 515

  Photography and the Holocaust, xiii

  Pilsudski, Józef, 26

  Pinsk, 45, 208

  Pithiviers concentration camp, 416

  Pius XI (pope), 58, 72–73 Pius XII (pope). See also Vatican

  anti-Semitism of, 184–87

  euthanasia protest by, 74

  intervention in Brazil by, 86

  intervention in Hungary by, 619–20

  intervention in Slovakia by, 373, 640

  protests to, 94, 185–86, 516

  relations of, with Hitler and Nazi Germany, 58, 71–75, 561–74

  Plaszow slave labor camp, 529–30

  plunder. See expropriation campaign

  plutocracy, Jewish, xx, 18, 23–24

  Pohl, Dieter, 360

  Pohl, Johannes, 590

  Pohl, Oswald, 233, 235, 346, 498–501, 585


  anti-Jewish terror campaign in, 16–30

  anti-Semitism in, 24–26, 384–87

  Catholic Church in, 71, 184–85, 537–38

  deportations from, 138–44

  deportations within, 30–37

  diarists in, 3–6, 4–6, 61–63, 106

  emigration of Jews from, 82–94

  euthanasia and compulsory sterilization in, 14–16, 364

  evolution of violence in, 187–92

  extortion of escaping Jews in, 534–37

  German reaction to murder of Jews in, 513

  government-in-exile of, 47–48, 250–51, 454–58, 461–62, 598–99

  Hitler’s plans for, 11–14

  Jewish Councils and ghettos in, 37–43, 61–63

  Jewry of, 6–8, 43–48

  Nazi invasion of, 3–4

  Pius XII and, 568–69

  Polish indifference in Warsaw, 533–34

  Soviet liberation of, 629, 632

  Soviet massacre of Polish officers, 475, 477–78

  extermination of Jews in Bialystok, 529–30

  Polgar, Alfred, 84

  police, Jewish, 156–57

  political influence, Jewish lack of, xxiv, 8–10

  Poltava, 234

  Pomerania, 14–15, 94

  Ponar, 221, 325–27, 531

  popes. See Pius XI (pope);

  Pius XII (pope)

  Popitz, Johannes, 511–12, 635

  Popular Front, 109


  anti-Semitism of (see anti-Semitism)

  awareness of (see awareness, public)

  in Belgium, 259, 422–23 Christians (see Christian churches)

  in Europe, 6–8, 189–91

  expropriation campaign involvement of, 500, 501

  extortion of escaping Jews, 534–37

  in France, 174–75, 379–80, 418–19

  in Holland, 410–13 individuals (see individuals)

  Jewish misjudgement of support by, 9–10

  Jewish reaction to Soviet communists, 44–48

  leadership (see elites; leadership)

  mass executions of Jews by local partisans, 240

  (see also partisans)

  in Nazi Germany, xx–xxiv, 38–39, 53–54, 252–55, 296, 338–39, 514–15, 634, 649, 653–55

  in Palestine, 596–97

  passivity, xv, xxi–xxiii, 9–10, 103–4, 479, 555–57, 631

  in Poland, 4, 24–26, 46–48, 53–54, 525, 533–37

  resistance (see protests; rescue operations; resistance)

  transfers of Jewish (see deportations) in Ukraine, 534–37

  Porat, Dina, 597

  Portugal, 71, 86, 90

  Portuguese Jews in Holland, 547

  power, anti-Semitic, xx–xxi powerlessness, Jewish, xxiv, 8–10

  precious metals, 499

  press, Dutch, 125

  press, German, 22–23

  Presser, Jacob, 375, 408–9

  Preysing, Konrad Count, 58, 185–86, 302, 459, 515–16, 570–72

  prisoners of war, execution of, 207, 236–37

  private institutes, 193

  productionist policy, 145–47, 246

  professional associations, xxi

  profiteers, Jewish, 42, 149

  progress reports, 479–83

  propaganda campaign. See also Goebbels, Joseph academic research and, 160–64

  anti-Bolshevik, 204–6

  anti-Jewish films and publications, 19–24, 98–104, 355, 394, 593, 637

  anti-Jewish speeches (see speeches, anti-Jewish)

  continuing, as Nazi Germany disintegrated, 472–79, 644–48

  about extermination of Jews, 337–38, 472–78

  Goebbels vs. Rosenberg on, 102–3

  Himmler and, 542–43

  Jewishness and, xiv–xv

  reinforcement of existing anti-Semitism, 189–91


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