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Page 10

by Ruth Langan

  “She’s beautiful.” Emily passed the picture to Jason. “And your son looks just like you.”

  Robeson’s smile returned as he studied the faces in the photo before returning it to his wallet.

  Emily smoothed her napkin. “Why didn’t they come with you?”

  “They’re with relatives in Atlanta. Anthea talked about leaving Roby with them and joining me here, but I didn’t want her to have to change her plans, so I came alone.”

  “Next time bring them along,” Emily said as she began to eat.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Robeson winked at her before tucking into his meal.

  A short time later Jason saw their waiter heading toward their table. “Anybody want dessert?”

  Emily shook her head. “What I’d rather do is have coffee out on the patio and sing along with the piano player.”

  Robeson started laughing. “You know she’s going to con us into singing along, too, don’t you, Jase?”

  “Yeah.” Jason winked at her. “You were always good at conning us into going along with your schemes, Em.”

  “And if I recall, despite all your protests, you always ended up enjoying yourselves. Come on.” When the bill was paid she walked arm-in-arm with Jason and Robeson toward the raucous guests who were singing show tunes. “You’ll have a good time if it kills you.”

  The two men shared a knowing smile as they said in unison, “Yes, ma’am.”

  The last tinkling notes of “Summertime” filled the air as waiters moved about the patio picking up empty glasses. The few diehards who had remained to the end began drifting inside as the piano player stuffed music sheets into a briefcase and hurried away.

  An hour earlier Robeson had said good-night, leaving Emily and Jason seated at the piano bar. After singing along with the others, they’d danced in the moonlight. Nobody noticed as they stood, swaying softly in the shadows, dipping, gliding, until their movements had slowed, then stopped entirely. They’d stood, watching each other with hesitant smiles, before retreating to an arbor where they sat breathing in the wonderful perfume of roses that grew in glorious tangles around them.

  Jason set aside his empty coffee cup. “This used to be a great make-out spot in our high-school days. Remember?”

  Emily’s voice was warm with laughter. “We foolishly believed the teachers didn’t notice all the couples slipping away from the dance to the rose arbor.”

  He arched a brow and gave a mock gasp. “You mean they had our number all along?”

  “According to Bert, they weren’t fooled for a minute.”

  He threw back his head and laughed. “And here we thought we were being so smooth.”

  “As I recall, you did have some pretty smooth moves.”

  He turned his head and studied her. “It’s very satisfying to know you haven’t forgotten.”

  Though she kept her smile in place, her tone softened. “I haven’t forgotten any of it, Jase.”

  He closed a hand over hers, studying the ways their fingers reflexively linked. “Neither have I.” He surprised her by lifting her hand to his mouth. “You could come up to my room. We could remember together.”

  She lifted startled eyes to his and saw him watching her with the wariness of a mountain cat.

  “I don’t think so.” She pulled her hand away and got to her feet. “I’d better go.”

  “Don’t.” He stood and closed his hands over her upper arms. “Don’t go, Em. Stay with me.”

  “Jason…” She closed her eyes and felt the brush of his mouth on hers. Just a brush, but it was enough to have her blood pulsing, her heart hammering.

  Heat poured between them. When he took the kiss deeper she could feel herself sinking into him, inviting the flash and sizzle she knew would follow.

  His arms came around her, holding her so firmly against him she could feel the pounding of his heart inside her own chest; the beat as erratic as her own.

  His mouth was warm and firm and so tempting as it glided over hers. The hands at her back were setting off sparks. She struggled to ignore the sudden, hungry yearning. “I really have to go.”

  “You don’t mean that.”

  “I do.”

  His breath came out in a huff of breath as he drew her close, pressing his chin to the top of her head while he steadied himself with his hands on her shoulders.

  At last he drew in a ragged breath. “Come on. I’ll walk you to your car.”

  They avoided the dining room, following instead the stone walkway that circled the Harbor House and led to the front porch.

  Without a word she handed her ticket to the valet, who dashed off into the darkness to retrieve her car. She and Jason stood ramrod straight, without touching.

  When the valet drove up, Jason settled her inside her car and leaned in the open window. He cupped her chin in his hand and looked into her eyes. “I don’t like lying to myself.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I’ve been telling myself that I came back to honor an old teacher. And maybe I did. But I really came back to see you, Emily. I needed to settle some old issues.”

  “Are they settled?”

  Instead of answering he brushed a quick kiss over her mouth, then straightened and turned away.

  He saw the beam from her headlights as her car started forward along the curving drive. Tucking his hands in his pockets, he sprinted up the steps and stood watching from the porch until the lights faded from sight. Then he stepped into the foyer and headed toward the elevator.

  As he pushed the button and waited for the door to close, he felt a shiver along his spine, as though someone watched.

  The door creaked shut and the ancient elevator shuddered and lurched before depositing him on the third floor.

  He was deep in thought as he let himself into his room.

  Chapter 9

  Jason tossed aside his suit jacket and tie and tugged on the buttons of his shirt before rolling it into a ball and heaving it angrily against the cushions of the overstuffed chair beside his bed.

  A maid had already turned down the linens and had left a mint and one perfect rose on the pillow. The inviting scene mocked him.

  He hadn’t intended to make such a foolish admission to Emily. The words had just tumbled out. Once spoken, there was no way to recall them.

  He prided himself on his use of words. After all, he earned his living by them. A damned fine living. But right now he’d give everything he had to replay those last few minutes together and take back that foolish admission.

  What ever had possessed him to bare his soul? It wasn’t his style. He’d spent a lifetime keeping himself to himself. His childhood had been a special kind of hell knowing that half the town knew about his father’s drunken abuse. Whatever few secrets he’d managed to have, they weren’t meant to be shared. And this was one of them.

  So what if he had come back because of her? He’d had no business admitting it so late in the game.

  He flopped down in the chair and kicked off his shoes. For a moment he leaned his head back and closed his eyes. Then he got to his feet and started toward his computer across the room. He wasn’t in the mood to be creative, but that had never stopped him before. He would close his mind to reality and lose himself in fiction.

  Halfway there he paused to stare out the window at the sweep of lawn and gardens below. Leaning a hip against the sill, he frowned. Such a deceptively pretty picture. The flowers all silvery with dew in the moonlight. Their fragrance more lush than French perfume. The air blowing through the screen so fresh and clean it almost hurt to breathe it in.

  He’d forgotten how special early summer was in this place. Warm days gave way to cool nights, with gentle breezes blowing in off the lake. No need for air-conditioning until the dog days of August. And even then the heat was made tolerable by the promise of crisp autumn not far behind.

  He would always think of Emily in the summer. And in some small corner of his mind he would probably always be that lonely
kid who’d stumbled upon her in his secret cave, and had lost his heart in an instant.

  He would never have had the courage to leave her without the ultimatum that had been given him. And yet it had been by leaving her, leaving this place, that he’d found himself. It sounded crazy, but there it was. He’d had to sever all ties, cut himself off and in the process cut out his heart, in order to become the man he was meant to be.

  With a sigh he moved away from the window and settled himself at the desk in the corner of the room. If he couldn’t sleep, at least he could write. Once he became absorbed in the work, nothing else would matter.

  At the knock on the door he looked up in annoyance. At this time of night it could only be some drunk who’d got off the elevator on the wrong floor. He returned his attention to the computer, until the knock sounded again. Louder this time.

  With a muttered oath he pushed away from the desk and started toward the door.

  “Yeah? Who is it?”


  At the sound of Emily’s voice, he threw the security lock and yanked the door open. Then he simply stared.

  She looked hesitant, and more than a little breathless. “May I come in?”

  He stepped back and she brushed past him. He continued staring at her until she turned. He managed to gather his scattered thoughts and close the door before leaning against it.

  She gave a quick, nervous laugh. “I was almost home when I realized that wasn’t where I wanted to be.” She tried not to stare, but it was a jolt seeing him barefoot and naked to the waist. All that expanse of hair-roughened skin and rippling muscles had her breath hitching. She took a step toward him while her voice lowered to a sultry purr. “Where I wanted to be was here. With you.”

  She didn’t know what she’d expected. Maybe that he’d scoop her up with a shout of gratitude and do away with the need for words. Instead he stood perfectly still, watching her with a wariness that had her wondering if this had all been a terrible mistake.

  She swallowed and pondered what to do now.

  Her move, she thought. The choice had been hers. Now it was her game. Her rules. She’d stand or fall by them. At least she was doing something. She’d worry later whether she’d made the right decision.

  “You talked about issues between us.” She saw his eyes narrow fractionally and knew she’d struck a nerve. “I’ve got issues, too, Jase. But right now, all I care about is the fact that you’re here. I don’t want to waste any more precious time. For now, for tonight, I want to be here, with you.”

  When he stayed where he was she took a hesitant step closer and touched a hand to his cheek. Just a touch, but it had her heart hammering. “I see I’ve managed to catch you by surprise. Were you getting ready for bed?”


  For the first time she noticed the computer on his desk quietly humming, the words on the screen a blur from this distance. “Oh, Jase. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt your work.”

  Before she could draw away, his fingers closed over her wrist, holding her still. “Work doesn’t matter. You do.”

  That had her head coming up sharply. The simple press of his fingers on her flesh had her pulse leaping. “You’re not annoyed?”

  “Annoyed? Is that what you think?” His eyes burned into hers. “After all these years of wondering about you, wanting you, I’m just not sure I believe any of this.”

  “You wondered about me? Wanted me?” A tiny smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. “That’s a relief. As for my being here, believe it, Jase.”

  He gave a quick shake of his head. “Better not smile yet. You might want to reconsider. I’m in a…mood. I’m not sure I can be gentle.”

  His admission had her breath coming out in a sigh of quiet relief. “If I wanted gentle, I’d snuggle one of my kittens.”

  That brought a quick laugh. “According to Trudy, there are enough of them.” He looked down at the marks he’d left on her wrist. “I don’t want to hurt you, Em.”

  “You already have. More than you know.”

  He absorbed the blow to his heart before dragging her close to press his mouth to a tangle of hair at her temple. “Then be warned. It can happen again. I can’t make you any promises.”

  “I’m not asking for any.” She lifted her face until her lips found his. “I’m here because I want to be. Now kiss me quickly, before I lose my nerve.”

  “You?” His lips curved into a smile even as they skimmed her mouth. “You’ve always been absolutely fearless.”

  She took his hand and placed it between her breasts. “Then why is my poor heart pounding?”

  “Is it? I thought that was mine.” His smile faded as he studied the curve of her breasts, the uneven rise and fall of her chest with each breath.

  He lifted his hands to frame her face. “You always had the power to make me lose control.”

  “I wish I’d known that.”

  “I hated admitting it, even to myself. But it was always there.” The look in his eyes was intense. And then his mouth was on hers, moving ever so slowly to taste, to tease.

  As the need grew, he deepened the kiss and began to feast.

  She’d never forgotten these lips. Warm. Firm. And the taste of him. Dark, mysterious, smooth as brandy. It was so easy to let herself slip away. To remember another time when they’d been so young, so eager. But this wasn’t like before. Now there was an edge of hunger, of passion, of hard, driving need that rose up, hot and sharp, catching her by surprise.

  He knew the moment she lost herself in the kiss. Could feel the way her body softened, even while her hands tightened at his waist.

  “I need to see you, Emily. All of you.” His fingers were already busy with the zipper of her dress, sliding it from her shoulders in one quick motion, then watching as it pooled at her feet.

  Her bra was nothing more than wispy bits of nude silk. Her hose were nude as well, and she wore nothing under them. He wasn’t even aware that he sighed aloud at the sight of that slender body, those high, firm breasts and long, long legs.

  “I didn’t think it was possible, Emily, but you actually improved with age.”

  She laughed, though her throat felt dry as dust. “Gee, Jase. Just what a girl likes to hear, that she’s getting older.”

  “And better.”

  “I might say the same for you.” She ran her hands lightly up his back, feeling the ridge of muscle beneath her fingertips. “You’ve been working out.”

  “Running, mostly.” He resisted the urge to devour her. “It takes the kinks out after hours at the computer.” His eyes warmed with humor. “There are other kinks I’d rather be working out right now.” He claimed her lips and kissed her until they were both breathless, while his hands moved over her, lighting fires wherever they touched.

  He felt the need for her rise up and grab him by the throat. A need so fierce he had to fight to bank it. The thought of taking her here and now and ending this gnawing hunger, was almost more than he could deny. But he’d waited so long. Had thought of her so often. Now that she was here with him he would have his fill.

  He nibbled her shoulder, moving aside the thin strap with his teeth. He ran his hands over the smooth silk, then tugged it aside and filled his palms with soft flesh. He absorbed the quick rush of heat as he lowered his head to touch, to taste.

  He heard the way her breath caught and thrilled to it. This was how he’d wanted her. All that cool control swept aside and the rebel he’d once known returned to his arms. Where she belonged, he thought fiercely. Here with him. And to hell with the world beyond this door.

  In the lamplight she looked like a princess. Regal. Controlled. Untouchable. But he could read the slight flicker of something in her eyes. Fear? The thought made him bolder. He had a sudden desire to see her lose all control. In one quick movement he had her backed against the door. He ran a fingertip under the edge of her hose and tore them off in his haste. He tossed them aside before finding her, hot and moist.
r />   Emily was too stunned to do more than clutch at him as he brought her to the first amazing peak. He gave her no time to recover as he crushed her mouth with his and kissed her until they were both breathless, again and again, until their sighs turned into gasps of need.

  Their breathing was ragged now, their mood frantic. Emily reached a hand to the button at his waist, desperate to touch him as he was touching her.

  When his clothes joined hers in a heap at their feet, she thrilled to the press of his body to hers. But if she thought he would finally end this wild-fire that raged between them, she was mistaken.

  “Do you know how long I’ve dreamed of you, Em? Of this?”

  She touched a hand to his cheek. “It was the same for me, Jase.”

  His smile was quick and dangerous. “I doubt you ever had the dreams I had. You can’t even imagine some of the things I’ve dreamed of doing with you.” He ran hot, wet kisses down the smooth column of her throat. “To you.”

  “Show me.”

  He lifted his head to stare into her eyes. “That might not be wise.”

  “That never stopped you before.” Her mouth curved in the slightest grin. “Do I have to dare you?”

  His eyes narrowed. “You know I could never resist a dare.” He dragged her close and covered her mouth in a savage kiss. The cool wall at her back offered no relief from the heat of his body pressed to hers. The hands moving over her were almost bruising in their intensity.

  No one had ever touched her like this. One minute with such tenderness, she felt like weeping. The next, with such hunger, she could do nothing more than hold on as she was swept along in a torrent of passion that threatened to drown her.

  When her legs would no longer support her, she clung to him. Sensing her need, he swept her into his arms and started across the room. Before he reached the bed he stopped to claim her lips once more.

  That was his undoing. She wrapped her arms around his neck and returned his kisses with a fervor that matched his. The need rose up, hot and sharp, stealing his breath. He dropped to his knees and settled her on the rug. Lying over her he brought his mouth to one breast, then the other, nibbling, teasing, until she thought she would go mad with need. He moved down her body, taking her higher, higher, to the very edge of madness, holding release just out of reach.


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