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Uncaged (No Rival Book 7)

Page 3

by Charity Parkerson

  Without a word, he plucked Jade from the horse. Ignoring her protest, he handed his niece off to Kip. “I need to go.” If she spoke, Josh didn’t hear a word of it over the screaming in his mind. Heading out on foot, Josh pointed his boots toward the springs. If there was anyone still listening to his prayers, no one would follow. He couldn’t be held responsible for his actions any longer.


  If he’d been a good man, Dmitry would’ve walked away a long time ago. He’d done his job and taken out Konstantin Danshov. After that, he should’ve disappeared. Instead, he’d chosen the selfish path—the way he often did. When he’d been sent to infiltrate the Danshov family, he’d known—most likely—the day would come when his next order would be to slaughter them all. People didn’t hire him for any other reason. No amount of forewarning could’ve stopped him from wanting Jozsua from the first moment he set eyes on the man. Since Dmitry wasn’t a man used to being denied, he’d set out to have him. He’d fully expected to have his fill of Jozsua and still not bat an eye when it came time to pull the trigger.

  Life has a sick sense of humor. He, who’d spent his entire life stoking his psychopathic tendencies, fell hard for Jozsua Danshov. Of course, as with all things when it came to Dmitry, Jozsua was more of a sickness. Still, Dmitry couldn’t deny Jozsua had changed him. He was still a sociopath with psychopathic tendencies, but he also had an obsession, and that made a difference in him. The object of his desire was currently crashing his way toward some springs, looking thunderous. There was never a move Jozsua made Dmitry didn’t know about. To his mind, it was ridiculous for Jozsua to hate himself over last night. He couldn’t control his heart any more than Dmitry could. It was even more absurd for Jozsua to think he could run away from them—from what they had.

  “You’re as loud as the hell you bring.”

  A low chuckle escaped Dmitry. Jozsua’s grandmother used to say the same thing. “I wasn’t trying to sneak up on you.”

  Jozsua turned. Dmitry nearly stumbled. The impact of this man on his heart never lessened. His blue Mohawk caused the blue of his irises to stand out that much brighter.

  “How did you find me?”

  Dmitry bit back a sigh. It was as if Jozsua didn’t know him at all. “I never lost you.”

  Only the flex of Jozsua’s jaw let Dmitry know his answer hit home. Pain filled Jozsua’s features, and he visibly swallowed. “Don’t let anyone find my body, okay? If you ever loved me, don’t let Kipley suffer anymore for my family’s sins.”

  He hated Jozsua a little in that moment. “Have I ever hurt you?” The question came out sounding hoarse, even to Dmitry’s ears.

  “More than anyone else alive,” Jozsua answered, sounding broken, and without missing a beat.

  Dmitry’s face hardened. He felt it happen. If the man didn’t want to believe in him any longer—so be it. “Turn around.”

  “What about Kipley and Jade?”

  As usual, Jozsua thought of everyone but himself. “They have nothing to fear.”

  At his assurance, Jozsua immediately turned. The fact that Jozsua would take him at his word eased Dmitry’s temper a hair. “On your knees.”

  One knee hit the ground, slowly followed by the other. “Are those the last words my brother heard?”

  I will tell them how much you loved them. The words floated through Dmitry’s mind. “No. His death was much different than yours will be.” Because Dmitry would kill anyone who thought to ever harm his man. “Hands behind your back.” The moment Jozsua complied, Dmitry zip-tied his hands together. He’d fully expected Jozsua would fight him. With Jozsua firmly secured, Dmitry moved to stand in front of him. Tilting his chin up, Jozsua met his stare. Pride rose in Dmitry’s chest. An evil smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. Jozsua silently awaited his death, more than willing to die in exchange for his family’s safety. Just as his brother had done.

  “So brave,” Dmitry praised as he took Jozsua’s face between his hands. Before he could protest, Dmitry swept in and captured Jozsua’s lips. To his surprise, Jozsua didn’t fight him. Of course, Dmitry didn’t try deepening their kiss either. He wanted to keep his tongue. Jozsua’s lips opened over Dmitry’s bottom lip, holding it.

  “Kiss me for real.” Damn. Only Jozsua could make him beg. “No one will—” Jozsua’s mouth opened over his, stealing away Dmitry’s plea. Darkness rose in Dmitry. This man believed Dmitry would kill him. Yet Jozsua still kissed Dmitry as if he loved him. What a damn mess they were. Black emotions overtook Dmitry’s brain. Sometimes he thought he could hate Jozsua. Pulling away, Dmitry pressed his forehead to Jozsua’s. For a moment, he simply stared into the eyes of the man he hated loving before straightening away. He couldn’t stop the bitterness from coating his words. “I should kill you now for even thinking I could ever harm you. Fuck you for that.” He stepped around Jozsua without looking back. “I’ll let Kipley know where she can find you.”

  If Jozsua responded, Dmitry didn’t hear it. The blood roaring in his ears had stopped all sound. It was best he left now before his temper demanded someone’s life.

  * * *

  The anger sitting in his gut was a bad omen for the opponent facing off against him. Announcements filled the air. Odds, height, and weights were read. Josh didn’t hear a word. Even the roar of the crowd was barely a hum. Kip wasn’t speaking to him. It seemed finding him bound, on his knees and obviously accepting of his death, had been too much for her.

  In all the years they’d known each other, he’d never truly been on the receiving end of her temper. If she knew the truth, would she even let him see Jade again? Josh cut off that thought before it took root. Instead, he embraced his rage and stared down the man standing across from him. His dark skin, shaved head, and large frame were a familiar sight. He’d fought Damarius Reed before—several times, in fact. They were both regulars at Warehouse District. They were evenly matched and about fifty-fifty in their win ratios. Tonight was different. Josh had murder in his heart.

  The bell rang. Josh shot forward, landing a solid elbow strike and drawing blood before bouncing away. Point made. He was here to fight. Damarius came at him swinging. The first blow swiped Josh’s ear, making it ring. A kick landed across his ribs with enough force to crack at least one. Josh accepted each blow, waiting for his shot. He had no intention of losing tonight. The pain soothed the beast raging inside him. He took everything Damarius had to offer. He fucking loved the abuse. Needed it. The first round passed with no clear winner.

  The bell rang again, signaling the next round. While ducking the blows, Josh put his shoulder in Damarius’ midsection, taking him down to the ground for a leg lock. Damarius fought back. Josh felt nothing. Adrenaline fueled him. A buzz rang in his ears. Tunnel vision set in. After digging his knee into the mat, balancing his weight, Josh twisted the man’s arm at an odd angle, putting his strength behind it. He knew it wouldn’t take much more pressure to snap the limb. He considered it. His demons screamed to be fed. Damarius tapped out, bringing the fight to an end and stealing the wind from Josh’s fury.

  Josh pushed to his feet, leaving Damarius on the mat. There was no such thing as sportsmanship in this place. At the end of each match, there was a winner and a loser. Nothing more. Hell, Josh wasn’t sure if any of them were still human any longer. He let the official lift his arm in victory. He’d made some money. Not that he needed it. Nothing could lessen his rage. He should be dead on his feet. As he headed for the locker room, Josh ran through his options in his head. Something had to give in his life. He couldn’t go home and pace the floor tonight. Josh needed… something.

  After pulling on a T-shirt and a ragged pair of jeans, Josh stamped into a pair of old work boots. No need tying them. They’d broken in long ago. Slinging his bag over his shoulder, he headed for the door. It wasn’t always easy dodging all the freaks who got hooked on fighters. Tonight, all it took was one look at Josh’s black expression to move them out of the way. He wasn’t tempted. Not even a little.
br />   Halfway to his truck, his steps slowed as he caught sight of Max and Ryan parked next to him. They stepped out when he moved closer. Both men wore matching serious expressions. Shit. He wasn’t in the mood for this tonight. Lights flashed when he hit the button on his key fob, unlocking his doors. With his gaze averted from the couple, Josh headed straight for his truck. Max leaned against the door before crossing his arms over his chest, letting Josh know with his body language he wouldn’t be moved. Josh bit back a growl. Part of him wondered if the men had a hand in setting him up. He couldn’t believe they were there.

  “Just hear us out, and you can go,” Max said as if he could read Josh’s mind. “Yes, I know you could easily move me out of your way,” Max added, proving he was indeed a psychic.

  “There’s nothing to discuss.”

  “We’re not the ones who will be doing the talking,” Ryan said behind him, making Josh realize he was trapped between the men and their trucks.

  Josh chose to play along. “If you’re not here to talk, then why are you here?”

  “To hear your apology.”

  In spite of everything, a burst of humor hit Josh at Ryan’s claim. He cleared his throat to keep from laughing. “All right. This should be good.” After tossing his gym bag in the back of the truck, Josh leaned against the side and crossed his arms over his chest. “Why do I owe you an apology?”

  Max shook his head. “For the ass-chewing we got this afternoon from Kip.”

  A loud groan escaped Josh before he could call it back.

  “It was brutal,” Ryan said, adding his two cents.

  “Serves you right,” Josh said, deciding to brazen it out. “The three of you shouldn’t have been plotting against me.”

  A line appeared between Max’s eyes. “What are you talking about? We might be kinky, but we don’t fuck on command. I’d never share what’s mine with anyone we hadn’t decided upon together and discussed beforehand. Yeah, Kip asked us to pass you an invite, but just to the club, not to go with us. That was all on us. Not to mention, you fucking stood us up last night.”

  Confusion crowded Josh’s brain. He was also oddly flattered, but mostly confused. “But the way Kip talked… She knew…” Dmitry. The name floated through Josh’s mind. No. It wasn’t possible.

  “Stood you up for what?” The deadly sounding and heavily accented question cut through the air, making the hairs on the back of Josh’s neck stand on end. Ryan turned, and all eyes moved in Dmitry’s direction. At five ten and one eighty-five, Dmitry wasn’t a large man. There was something about the combination of his ice-blue eyes, deep voice, and the way he held himself that left people with no doubt they were dealing with a deadly individual. Even without knowing the things the man was capable of, Dmitry scared the hell out of people. He set off their inner alarms. In spite of his ten-thousand-dollar suit, Dmitry never left doubt in people’s minds—he’d kill them without a second’s regret.

  Josh found himself shifting positions, coming to stand between Dmitry and his friends.

  Dmitry’s mouth lifted in one corner at the move, as if he knew Josh’s thoughts. “Do you plan to introduce me to your friends, Jozsua?”


  “Maybe we should go,” Ryan suggested, proving he felt Dmitry’s darkness.

  Dmitry took a step forward. So did Josh. “Come now,” Dmitry cajoled. “No need to run off. Shouldn’t I at least know your friends’ names?”

  Josh didn’t doubt for minute that Dmitry already knew their names. They needed to go.

  Max stepped around Josh, showing a serious lack of judgment. “I’m Max. This is my husband, Ryan,” he said, motioning toward where Ryan stood at Josh’s back. At the introduction, Ryan stepped around Josh as well. He held out his hand, accepting Dmitry’s handshake. Josh braced himself for anything.

  “Dmitry,” Dmitry said, introducing himself. “Jozsua was with me last night. If you were stood up, it’s my fault.”

  Ryan and Max shook their heads. Max was the one who spoke up. “We’re not offended. I can see how he’d be distracted.”

  Dmitry’s smile turned sultry. Josh couldn’t look away. When Dmitry’s gaze fixed upon Josh, his reaction was the same as it had been last night. He hurt. A flash of something dark crossed over Dmitry’s features as his gaze swept Josh’s body. He never looked away from Josh as he directed his words at Max and Ryan.

  “If you’ll excuse us, I need to check Jozsua’s injuries.”

  Ryan and Max scrambled to get out of his way. Ryan tossed out their goodbyes. “Sure thing. We were just leaving. It was nice meeting you, Dmitry. Josh, we’ll catch up later.” Without waiting for a response, they piled inside their truck. Neither Josh nor Dmitry looked their way as they pulled from the parking lot.

  Dmitry moved closer. Josh backed up until his shoulders were pressed against the door of his truck. Dmitry kept coming until he could push Josh’s shirt up. He eyed Josh’s ribs. They were already turning black. Before Josh could object, Dmitry prodded each rib until Josh sucked in a hiss.

  “These are most likely cracked,” Dmitry muttered under his breath. His gaze shifted, meeting Josh’s. “Why did you let that man land a single blow?”

  “I didn’t let him do anything. It was a fight.”

  Dmitry’s expression said much about his level of disbelief. “We have sparred too many times for you to pull that line on me. Why did you let him hurt you?”

  Josh’s mouth went dry. I needed him to punish me for what I’m about to do. The words floated through Josh’s mind, but he refused to let them fall from his lips.


  The answer was in Jozsua’s eyes. He’d wanted someone to hurt him. Possibly he felt he deserved it because he still wanted Dmitry. Dmitry could see it all. Jozsua would never admit it. Moving slow as not to spook Jozsua, Dmitry gently cupped the man’s jaw under the guise of inspecting the cuts on his face. He tilted Jozsua’s chin down while moving in for a closer look. Without giving the man time to guess at his intentions, Dmitry swooped in and captured Jozsua’s lips. Since Jozsua’s bottom lip was slit, Dmitry kept his kiss light and to the corner of Jozsua’s mouth. Every muscle in Jozsua’s body was tensed to the point of snapping something. He was so rigid Dmitry couldn’t move him at all. Still, the man didn’t pull away. Neither did Dmitry. As far as kisses went, it wasn’t the least bit hot, but it meant everything to Dmitry’s heart.

  “Those boys invited you to join them at Affinity last night, and you accepted,” Dmitry said the moment he pulled away, because they needed to get some shit straight.

  His eyes looked wary, but Jozsua didn’t back down. “I’m pretty sure those boys are older than me.”

  "Both are thirty-two. They live at 3053 Garden Way Place. Next month, they’ll have been married two years. The pair live a very active lifestyle. One that could get them killed." He could tell by Jozsua’s expression that his threat hit home.

  Jozsua being Jozsua, he refused to back down from anything Dmitry dished out. "Told you they were older than me."

  Against his will, a smile pulled at Dmitry’s lips. "Baby, everyone is older than you. That doesn’t make them any less the boys I accused them of being. Grown men pick a partner and keep their lawn fed and watered so good everyone is jealous of what they have. For those two, the grass will forever be greener everywhere they look. They’re too busy plowing the neighbor’s fields."

  "Or they’re everyone else’s fertilizer," Jozsua said with a smile.

  It had been so fucking long since he’d seen Jozsua smile. He’d only given Dmitry a small one. Mostly likely, his lip hurt too bad to smile too big, and—no doubt—he didn’t realize he’d smiled at all, but Dmitry couldn’t breathe at the sight. "They don’t have what we do," Dmitry said. His voice had gone husky without his permission. The only time Dmitry wasn’t in control of his every emotion was when Jozsua was involved.

  "That’s not hard," Jozsua shot back. "We have nothing at all."

  At the challenge in Jozsua’s
tone, Dmitry boxed him in with his arms. He kept a few inches between them. Just enough so he could feel Jozsua’s body heat. "Is that so?"

  Jozsua licked his lips. Dmitry’s dick went hard. The lust lingering from last night and every other night since they’d been apart rose to surface, adding fuel to Dmitry’s constant rage. "Say it again," Dmitry said, daring Jozsua to continue his reckless path. His blood boiled as he stared at Jozsua’s mouth, waiting for the words to fall.

  "Why are you here?"

  "Because you are," Dmitry answered as he ate up the final inch between them. As their bodies collided, a sharp gasp escaped Jozsua, as if he’d been zapped by a Taser. He flattened his hands against the truck, refusing to touch Dmitry. Dmitry dropped his gaze, making a show of looking at Jozsua’s hands. "That’s too bad. This body is yours and it’s hard for you. You could punish me—make me pay for the way I’ve hurt you. Every inch of me is right here within reach, waiting for your hate.” He met Jozsua’s gaze again. Pain radiated from the man’s stare. Dmitry pushed away from him. He couldn’t hurt him anymore tonight. “But you’ve lost your chance,” Dmitry said, straightening his jacket as if his erection wasn’t messing up the line of his pants. He took a step away.

  “I’m not like you,” Jozsua said, bringing Dmitry to a stop. This time when he met Jozsua’s gaze, all he saw was Jozsua’s broken heart. It made the world seem less. When Jozsua had Dmitry’s attention, he repeated himself. “I’m not like you. I don’t hurt people just because it’s expected of me.” Jozsua swallowed and his expression somehow managed to become even more broken. “If the shoe had been on the other foot, I would’ve died before I hurt you or anyone you loved. You shouldn’t insult anyone else’s grass. Yours is dead.” Without a backward glance, Jozsua jumped behind the wheel of his truck, leaving Dmitry behind.


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