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V_The 2nd Generation

Page 17

by Kenneth Johnson

  Margarita retrieved the paper cup. "They tried to make you talk by addicting you?"

  Donovan's rheumy eyes searched for and found the striking redhead who had given him the water. "Yeah"—his voice was lethargic as he chuckled darkly—"among other things."

  Nathan spoke quietly, "Did you talk?"

  Donovan looked at Nathan and instantly sensed the young man was an upstart. "Not for the first few years. After that"—his eyes wandered blearily across the dim warehouse and his mind seemed to wander for a moment as well—"after that . . . I didn't even know I was alive. I'm still not sure." Then he looked back at Nathan and tried to focus, though he seemed only mildly curious. "Who the hell are you?"

  Nathan shrugged slightly. "The Second Generation."

  Donovan chuckled bitterly again, looking away with disinterest. "More like The Last Generation, kid."

  Julie did her best to sound encouraging. "Well, it was pretty hard trying to get along without you, Mr. Donovan. We've been beaten down badly, almost got destroyed in 'ninety-nine, but—"

  " 'Ninety-nine?" Donovan glanced sharply back at her, working hard to hold her in focus. She and the others saw that the date somehow troubled him.

  "Diana launched a Great Purge," Julie explained. "The Resistance was nearly crushed. But we haven't given up." She touched the bandage on his upper arm. "I took out your ID implant."

  "They won't find you," Margarita said confidently.

  He leveled his eyes at her with a profound wisdom though his voice had a drunken quality. "Honey, lemme tell you something: they'll find everybody."

  Robert tried to ease the moment genially. "Hey, you'll feel different once you're up and around."

  That occasioned the most derisive laugh of all from Donovan. "Up and around?" His eyes rolled as he tried unsuccessfully to clear his vision. "On which legs, exactly? Diana had the nerves severed. One at a time as I recall."

  Julie swallowed, trying to find the right words. "I know we can't imagine what you've been through. But we all want to help you to—"

  "Get a grip, Doc." Through what seemed like an angry and supreme effort his voice was suddenly matter-of-fact. "We lost. Okay? We fuckin' lost. Now, I just want to avoid as much pain as possible. So just give me my morph, okay?"

  Nathan saw Margarita's freckles getting redder. He sensed she was getting annoyed whether Donovan was sick or not, legend or no, and her tone confirmed it. "What about the pain of the ones who already died fighting?"

  Donovan waved a hand, exhausted and dismissive. "They'll never know you gave up."

  "But we'll know," Julie said.

  "Not for long. Trust me, it's over. You should've just left me in that cage." He started to turn away, but Julie said softly, "What about your son?" Donovan's movement was arrested halfway. She continued gently, "Wasn't Sean only eleven when they took him? He still would be if he's been in a stasis capsule. Isn't he still their prisoner somewhere?"

  Silence hung heavily in the air over Donovan's cot. He continued to face away from them. Finally the others heard his hoarse voice whisper, "It's a lost cause. You should've just left me in that cage." He turned his head further away.

  Julie was trying to figure another approach when Ysabel arrived out of breath. "Hey. We just intercepted a police call. The vid dealer Ahmed must have cracked, poor bastard. He gave up the names of his connections on the South Side. They're heading down to bust some of our Hunter's Point group. Gary's trying to make contact and warn them."

  Julie headed for the comm truck. "I have a couple other numbers."

  Margarita was also already in motion toward their makeshift armory. "We'll get down there." She grabbed a pair of pulse rifles and tossed one to Nathan. Little Ruby watched Nathan follow Margarita out, then glanced back to see if Julie was watching her.

  When Julie reached the comm truck Gary was saying, "I'm trying to double-down on the circuits to Hunter's Point, but—Oh, my God," he suddenly interrupted himself. "Oh. My. God. Look at that!" He had noticed a staticky picture appear on a tiny monitor to one side. He punched it up onto the larger flat screen that hung loosely from the ceiling of the truck. He adjusted the very intermittent video signal. "It's coming in on the secret sideband from what's-her-name, our spy up in the Flagship Centcom."

  "Lee, her name is Lee." Julie was hovering over his shoulder now, handing Ysabel the additional Hunter's Point numbers while she tried to make out the image. Then it suddenly came clearer, astonishing them all.

  On the screen a massive, segmented spacecraft was seen cruising slowly past the moon. It gave the appearance of an enormous spinal column, with section after section attached in a long line like vertebrae. On the screen there appeared textual calibrations and tracking data being attached to the image. Gary translated for the others, "It's over thirty miles long! And headed right for Earth!"

  At their hidden monitoring station outside the Resistance warehouse, Ayden and Bryke were approached by Kayta who displayed for them the same image of the gigantic new spacecraft hovering holographically over her blue communications orb. The three of them exchanged a glance of surprise.

  AT EMMA'S DIRECTION, THE TAXI DRIVER HAD TAKEN HER AND THE Elgins to the nearby hospital on Hyde Street. Emma had gone to the Emergency Room there when she'd broken her wrist. The personnel had all been very kind, solicitous, and a bit starstruck. On this night, however, it was proving to be a much different story. Emma was thoroughly baffled by the attitude of the nurse on duty behind the thick glass at the security entrance. Charles was listening anxiously from the back of the nearby taxi. His arm was around his badly ailing daughter. Mary stood close to Emma who had Charlotte's ID papers in her hand. The Elgins listened to the exchange between the sturdy Philippine nurse and Emma who simply didn't understand. "Why won't you let her in?"

  "It's against the rules, miss, sorry."

  "What?" Emma was used to having the sea part for her and she was getting irate. "What 'rules' are you talking about?"

  The nurse glanced toward Charlotte in the taxi. "We're not allowed to take in her kind."

  "Oh, come on, that's ridiculous." But seeing that the nurse was not about to change her mind, Emma tried a different approach. She took note of the woman's name tag and played the chummy celebrity card. "Look, Amanda, do you know who I am?"

  "Certainly, I like your new song."

  "Thanks. And I'd be happy to get you some backstage passes to the next concert if you could help out my friends here. Their daughter—"

  "Can't come in, I'm sorry."

  Emma boiled over. "Listen, honey, I want to talk to your supervisor right now." She started toward the entrance, but two bouncer-quality Teammate guards blocked her way. She glared at them emphatically. "Excuse me."

  But they were unintimidated and unmoving.

  "All right"—the lovely singer switched gears again, dropping into a sarcastically sweet mode—"would one of you two nice gentlemen please ask her supervisor to step out here?"

  The two Teammates merely stared at her. Emma was severely taken aback. She wasn't accustomed to such disregard, particularly from those like herself who worked closely with the Visitors. But it had become clear to her that entry to this hospital was impossible for the Elgin girl.

  "Miss?" the nurse called softly. When Emma stepped back to the security window the nurse whispered, "I'm sorry. Really. You might try this place." She had written down an address and slipped it through the narrow slot at the bottom of the thick glass. Emma read the address and reacted with astonishment.

  AFTER JULIE AND NATHAN HAD CARRIED MIKE DONOVAN AWAY, WILLY had gone on to a store to buy some groceries that Harmy needed. He returned a half hour later. He'd removed his human face as always and was climbing up the stairs to the third-floor landing when he paused. He saw the front door of their apartment standing open. He sensed something was amiss. Approaching the apartment cautiously, he peered in, but saw no one. He entered and set the groceries aside as he called out quietly, "Harmy? . . . Ted?"

bsp; There was no answer. Then a squeaky door across the hall opened a crack and an old man in a stained T-shirt peeked out sourly. Willy turned to look at the man who had the ruddy face and strawberry nose of a chronic alcoholic. "Your dreg boy just ran out a minute ago," the man said with a judgmental air. "He got real upset when he came up and I told him how the Teammates had arrested his slut mother."

  TED WAS DISCONCERTED AND SHAKY, HIS BROW ALTERNATING BEtween being smooth and tightly knit. He was struggling to contain his anger as he followed the African-American–looking Patrol captain through the busy squad room at the Parnassas Police Station. "Sir, you promised that my family wouldn't be taken. Only that prisoner guy I told you about."

  "It's just routine, Ted"—the captain was busily looking at a report—"your mother will be released shortly."

  "They won't hurt her or anything, will they?"

  The captain glanced at Ted as though the question were inane. "Of course not. You absolutely did the right thing by coming to me." He focused intently on the half-breed. He was always put off by the boy's looks, with his face half scaly, his left eye pleasingly reptilian yellow, but the right one human and blue. The captain covered his distaste. "And I'll honor our agreement." He opened the door to a closet and pulled a Teammate uniform from among a dozen hanging within. "I think this one ought to fit you." He held it in front of the young custodian's piecemeal clothing measuring by eye and was satisfied. "So, you're one of us now. Welcome aboard, Teammate Ted."

  Ted carefully took the uniform into his leathery hands. It was a treasure he had coveted for so long it was hard to believe he'd finally attained it. He handled the simple blue chambray shirt, navy cord trousers, and baseball cap with utmost respect. He felt a rush of prideful joy swelling within his chest, but it was in counterpoint to the conflicting emotions surrounding his mother's arrest.

  COMMANDANT DIANA SWEPT QUICKLY INTO THE UPPER COMMAND level of the Flagship Centcom. Her large dark eyes focused sharply on the multiple views of the massive incoming ship. All of the Visitor Centcom staff at their various monitoring and control stations looked to her as she began snapping orders.

  "Alert the entire Armada to sound General Quarters. Scramble all the fighter squadrons. Bring up primary and secondary defense shields. Give me the coordinates for expected first contact."

  Jeremy had strolled in casually behind her and was watching with an odd grin. "Oh, Diana, Diana"—his tone was one of mild amusement—"at ease, my dear. It's not attacking us . . . It's mine."

  Diana's fiery eyes flashed angrily at Jeremy who merely smiled smugly.


  HUNTER'S POINT WAS JUST ABOVE THE BORDER BETWEEN LOWER SAN Francisco County and San Mateo County. It had been home to the Naval Shipyard when there was still water for the ships to float upon. Like all coastal facilities over the last two decades it had fallen into increasing disuse. The giant cranes that once serviced the U.S. Pacific Fleet now stood as silent sentinels, rusting away, as was much of the nearby industrial complex.

  Near one of the dilapidated cargo depots a group of twenty-three Resistance people was being herded out of a low building by Patrollers and Teammates. The prisoners had their hands on their heads and were being prodded toward a waiting shuttle craft. As Nathan and Margarita inched closer among some barrels to survey the scene, Margarita saw that many of the prisoners were frightened, but equally as many had faces expressing pure anger. Nathan touched her sleeve and pointed toward a tank truck some thirty yards from the shuttle. He silently mouthed to Margarita, "Boom," and she nodded. She watched as he stole away, skirting along the barrels, then moving behind some tumbled-down rotting crates to get closer for a cleaner shot. Margarita began edging in the opposite direction, which took her on a line toward the scene of the arrest.

  Close to the truck that Nathan had targeted sat the hulk of a gutted car, which provided him with good cover. He snuck up behind it and unslung the pulse rifle he carried. He was priming it when he caught a glimpse in the car's cracked side mirror of a half-breed's face in the dark behind him. He whipped the rifle around and was about to fire when he saw it was Ruby. "Jesus!" He whispered angrily, "You almost got shot. What the hell are you doing here?"

  Her eyes twinkled in the shadows. "Watching your butt."

  "Well get over here and stay down!" She scrambled over to him. He saw that she too was carrying a pulse rifle. "You know how to use that?"

  "Hey, I was born with it in my hands," she said with a grin as she expertly primed it.

  "Well, you just keep your head down," he said as he pushed her lower. Ruby enjoyed the contact. She looked up and studied his handsome face as he looked through the data sight on the pulse rifle. He settled himself and fired at the tanker.

  He scored a direct hit, which ruptured the undercarriage. The truck exploded in a ball of flame that blossomed out to a twenty-yard diameter startling everyone nearby.

  Margarita instantly opened precision pulse fire from her new position ninety degrees to the left of Nathan. The Resistance fighters understood at once what was happening. With a defiant shout they attacked their keepers. Though some of the Patrollers and Teammates had handguns, they were outnumbered by their charges. Nonetheless, the Teammates fought back ferociously, firing point-blank and killing some of the nearest freedom fighters. The fighting quickly went hand-to-hand.

  At that point it became such a melee that Margarita and Nathan couldn't shoot for fear of hitting their compatriots. They both headed into the fray as the smoke from the burning truck billowed around them and secondary explosions detonated.

  Nathan shouted back at Ruby, "Don't. You. Move!"

  Margarita used her rifle like a quarterstaff, clubbing a Patroller, then taking out two Teammates.

  Nathan had leaped onto the back of a large female Patroller who was struggling with a smaller man. Nathan grabbed the female Patroller's face from behind and in the process his fingers dug in and ripped off a large chunk of her false human face, dislodging a contact lens. The reptile's yellow eye glared at Nathan and she fought back fiercely.

  Several pulse weapon bursts hit amid the combatants, injuring Resistance members and Visitors alike. Margarita looked up and saw an Air-Pat flying in using his personal propulsion pack. She raised her pulse rifle to shoot at him, but she was blindsided by a Teammate who knocked her to the ground.

  Behind the ruined car Ruby had also seen the inbound Air-Pat and was raising her own pulse rifle. " 'Keep down,' my ass," she muttered as she aimed quickly, held her breath as Julie had taught her, and squeezed the trigger. The pulse of energy flashed upward trailing its thin smoky filament. It burst against the Air-Pat's shoulder spinning him off and into a bruising collision with the supporting girders of a huge service crane.

  As the ground combat intensified, Ruby saw two more Air-Pats winging in from the distance. She fired at them repeatedly but their distance made them difficult targets.

  Another Teammate unit was also rushing onto the scene. Nathan was fighting valiantly among the others flailing around him, but he sensed that the battle was turning against the Resistance. He saw two freedom fighters being brutally assailed by fearsome Patrollers, but he was so embroiled with his own combat at hand that he couldn't help them.

  Then suddenly Nathan was startled to see a new face jump to the assistance of the freedom fighters. It was the sleek black woman with pink eyes, close-cropped hair, and an odd sheen to her skin who had helped him escape the gladiatorial cellar. Though much preoccupied with his own struggle, Nathan caught a glimpse of her exhibiting prodigious strength. Bryke grabbed a Teammate with one hand and slung him off the fallen compatriot. Her moves were fluid, graceful beyond athletic, and somewhat unearthly.

  Then he caught sight of a striking blond woman in a suede vest entering the skirmish. Her lovely face also had a peculiar shine. When she was attacked from behind by a Teammate, Nathan saw short, spiky quills fan up from the back of her neck, penetrating deeply into her assailant who gasped with surprise and began to
convulse. Nathan downed his own attacker and shouted to the blonde, "Who are you?" Before Kayta could respond, she and Nathan were both set upon by the newly arrived Teammates.

  The Air-Pats were getting closer and beginning to fire randomly into the crowd when one of them saw the pulse fire directed toward them from a half-breed behind the hulk of a car.

  Margarita had been bravely fighting multiple adversaries, but they were about to overwhelm her when a sturdy man in a bomber jacket came to her aid. Margarita thought she saw a flat white bone flash out of the man's wrist. It extended about eighteen inches, like a white sword. In an amazing blur he had suddenly filleted two Patrollers. Green blood gushed from their slashed throats and they fell where they'd been standing.

  Margarita was clubbed from behind and driven to the ground by a Teammate, but Ayden pulled the man off of Margarita with one hand and tossed him thirty feet over the heads of the fighters. Margarita's jaw dropped. "Who are you?"

  Then she heard Nathan shouting, "Into the shuttle! I'll fly us out!" Nathan was knocking down a Teammate and urging his Resistance allies toward the shuttle, "Go! Go!" Then he shouted back toward the hulk of car, "Ruby?! This way!"

  Many Resistance fighters scrambled aboard the shuttle. Nathan and Margarita headed for it. He was looking back for Ruby and for the mysterious strangers as he shouted to Margarita, "Did you see a black woman with pink eyes?!"

  "I can't believe what I did see!"

  As they turned back toward the shuttle into which their allies were climbing they saw three Visitor fighters diving in from the night sky with their pulse cannons blazing. The bursts strafed in a staccato line up to the shuttle and blasted the large craft, which exploded to pieces. The powerful concussion knocked Nathan and Margarita to the ground.

  Inside the quiet cockpit of the lead fighter Flight Leader Gina grinned at the results of her prowess. She pulled her control pad back and to the right, feeling the increasing G-force press her into the seat as she banked her fighter hard up and to the right for another pass.


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