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Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  “Tonight, after work, I want you to come to me in my office. We’ll spend some time together. If you don’t want to be my companion by then, you’ll walk away with some cash for your troubles. There will be no hard feelings. You’ll keep your job as well.” He wouldn’t let her walk away. This opportunity he provided gave him time to tease her. Matthew intended to tempt her with the true pleasure of the flesh. The more she thought about him, the more she would want him. He guaranteed she’d be as addicted to him as he felt towards her “Will you do that?” he asked her.

  She nodded her head. They finished lunch together in silence. He escorted her back to the building.

  Chapter Three

  For the remainder of the day Clara couldn’t think of anything else but Matthew. The words he’d spoken at lunch plagued her. Her mind filled with images of them together. She couldn’t go through with it. Clara felt hot all over. Her nipples ached when they rubbed across the fabric of her shirt. The pulse between her legs distracted her. Matthew brought notes out to her constantly. His presence made her stumble over the words she typed. When he touched her shoulder or brushed an arm across her, she found it hard to concentrate on breathing, let alone work. How could she work if they were sleeping together? The command he held over her body startled her.

  No man ever made her feel like this. Her nerves were on edge while her body felt like an inferno. She couldn’t even think about what would happen after hours.

  People began to leave the moment the clock struck five in the afternoon. When she made to leave, Matthew stopped by her desk. He handed her more letters, giving her no chance to escape. “You can’t leave until I say.” Then he disappeared, leaving the door to his office wide open. The other female colleagues sniggered at her then left. Did they have any idea what he wanted from her? Four hours went by as the final staff member left. Her pussy felt wet while her nerves were ready to snap.

  The main lights went out. Only the light from their desk lamps provided visibility in the room. Matthew came to the door of his office. She felt his gaze on her. He signaled for her to come to him. How could she deny him? Tucking some stray curls behind her ear she shut down her computer then moved to his office. He stood waiting for her. His thick arms folded over his chest. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up to his elbows.

  “Come here,” he said.

  Without question she went to him. Did she go to him for the money? Or the attraction she’d felt toward him when they first met? Clara could not answer the question. All she knew was that with every step she took closer to him, the calmer her body felt. What did her body know that her mind did not? She felt out of sorts with the conflicting emotions inside her.

  She stopped in front of him. Her hands fisted at her sides.

  He reached out, cupping her cheek. The action felt sweet as he stroked her skin, which shocked her. He curved his other arm around her back bringing her closer to his touch. She moaned when her body connected with his. His muscles were hard compared to her soft ones. Clara felt the strength and power within his body. His strength would rival her own.

  She wasn’t afraid. Deep down she knew he would never hurt her. In the next instant she couldn’t think. His lips smashed down on hers, consuming her in the hardness of his kiss.

  There had been many kisses over the years. Not one of them held a candle to Matthew’s. His experience showed in the way he took control. He tilted her head back as he plunged his tongue between her lips. She moaned, unable to keep her pleasure inside. He turned her around then lifted her onto his desk. Matthew pushed her skirt up to the waist. Within moments he stood between her legs.

  Clara tightened her grip on his shirt. Instead of pushing him away she pulled him closer. She didn’t want the pleasure to stop. Her body felt alive with his kisses. The hardness of him between her legs scolded her wanton behavior.

  “Open for me.” He pulled away to trail kisses down her cheek to her neck. His words made her moan. He made her want to open to him. The command of his voice made her wet between her thighs. She’d do anything he asked to feel this way again. “Do you feel the passion between us?”

  “I shouldn’t be doing this,” she said.

  “Why? You want me, Clara. I want you.” Matthew took her hand in his. He placed her palm over his crotch. Clara felt his hard cock against her hand. The size alone was unmistakable through the layers of clothing. Losing her virginity had hurt. She knew without even asking that Matthew would make her see the stars in his arms. He wanted her to feel pleasure.

  The top few buttons of her shirt were opened. His tongue glided over the top parts of her breasts.

  “I will give you the world, Clara.” His voice hypnotized her as he unbuttoned the last of the buttons of her blouse. Next, he removed the blouse from her body. She sat on his desk half-dressed. The white lace of her bra did nothing to hide her body from his gaze.

  Matthew pulled away. She stared at him, knowing he waited for her response.

  “What do I have to do?” she asked. No one would give the world away for nothing. Matthew being a shrewd business man would want something in return. Everything in life came with a price.

  He moved the hair off her face. His touch more gentle than she anticipated. She sat on his desk with her legs spread wide. Clara felt exposed with the way he took the time to stare into her eyes. She felt him staring deep into her soul. Clara didn’t have the strength to deny him. Who would? Matthew offered her everything while she held nothing of any value to give him. Why did he want her when he could have so many other woman?

  “Give yourself to me, Clara. Don’t hold anything back. In return you’ll want for nothing.”

  Biting her lip she stared back at him. How could she deny him? The attraction had been building for far longer than she ever realized…since the moment they had met.

  “Nothing is ever that easy,” she said.

  “I can make it easy, Clara.” He helped her off the desk. Matthew took her hand, escorting her round to the other side of the desk. Matthew sat down then pulled her onto his lap. His arm went around her waist. Even with her on his lap he remained taller than her. He reached inside a draw, then handed her the file he pulled out. “Sign this. That’s all you have to do.”

  “What is it?” She lifted the pages, scanning a few words. None of the words stood out to her or made sense.

  “I know about your father’s debts. Sign this contract and you become mine.”

  “What happens to the debts?” she asked.

  He stroked the side of her waist. She tried to suck her stomach in to hide her excess weight. With the way he touched her she didn’t have much chance of holding anything in. He undid her in so many ways.

  “They’ll be taken care of. Clara. You’ll be mine in every sense of the word.”

  “You can’t buy me.”

  “I don’t need to buy what is already mine.” He kissed her neck, leaning her back to rest on him. “You know we’ll be good together.” Matthew cupped her breasts in his palms. She dropped the contract on the table as she was overridden with pleasure. The pleasure started from her nipples down to her clit. If this is what he could do with his hands, what could he do with other parts of his anatomy?

  Sign the damn contract. You want to be his in every sense of the word. Why deny yourself this kind of pleasure?

  Chapter Four

  Matthew cupped her tits, feeling her nipples harden beneath his hands. She was his. Her consent to be his would happen in a matter of minutes. He opened the front clasp of her bra. Matthew loved the way her breasts spilled out into his waiting hands. Her little moans made his dick as hard as a rock. Matthew wanted to forget about his plans. The desire to sink inside her tight heat consumed him with each second she lay in his arms.

  He wanted her name on the contract before he did anything else. The need to bind her to him in every possible way meant more to him than a quick fuck on his desk. Not many Doms would find a catch like Clara. Her natural submissive side called to the
Dom inside him. He saw that woman inside Clara. Her full luscious body lured him in along with her submissive ways. Matthew didn’t care about the consequences. He’d willingly keep Clara, no matter what the circumstances meant to him.

  Once she signed along the dotted line she would be his. There would be no chance of escape. His plan fell into place. He nibbled on her ear lobe. She melted against him. Her ass rubbed against his cock.

  “Nothing will ever happen to you. Your debts will be paid and those of your father will be gone. All you need to do is sign your name. Become mine, Clara.” He thumbed her nipples distracting her. Matthew saw her trying to argue. Her submission showed to him and him alone. He’d witnessed her arguing with others. Matthew knew she could look after herself. The connection between them was undeniable. He would be a fool to let her go. “Give me your answer, Clara.”

  There was no time to wait. He would spend the rest of their lives showing her his need for her. Who needed to date when they had the rest of their lives to get to know one another? He knew no other woman would appeal to him the way she did.

  “Yes, I’ll sign the contract.” He eased his hands away from her then handed her a pen. She spent a short time skimming through the pages. He knew she hadn’t read all the words. The legal jargon swallowed everything else up. The contract would never hold up in a court of law. She didn’t need to know that. The contract would be legally binding for them. He didn’t care about the rest of the world. Only Clara mattered to him.

  He drummed his hands on the desk beside her. His impatience growing as she continued to fake-read the document. He refused to rush her even with his impatience. Their time together would start today. They would have the next fifty or so years to be together. He’d waited this long for her. Another few minutes wouldn’t be a problem?

  To distract himself, he ran his fingers over her back. The smoothness of her skin captivated him. She would look amazing with the redness of a cane or crop against her flesh. He imagined her tied to his bed with her arms spread out wide—her glorious body on display for him. When she was ready he would take his time with her.

  “Here you go,” she said, handing him the signed contract with the pen. Matthew took them from her with a smile. Everything fell into place. The next stage of his plan required her to move everything she owned inside his house.

  He made her stand then place her hands on top of his desk. Matthew pushed her skirt back up then tore off her panties. He felt the change inside her as she gave herself to him. He opened her legs. “You’re mine.”

  He ran his fingers through her creamy slit. Matthew knew so much about her already. He knew she was clean from her last physical exam. Part of him disliked how much he knew about her when she knew absolutely nothing about him. Knowing how he took his coffee or how he liked his bagel were not the types of things he wanted her to know. In time that would all change. She’d know every part of him soon. This was probably the strangest seduction he’d ever done but he’d been desperate to claim her. Matthew pushed two fingers inside her cunt feeling her grip him. He knew her previous experience extended to sex in a car. Other than that, she had nothing else. He intended to provide everything for her.

  He leaned closer inhaling her musky feminine scent, her clit swollen with need. He saw her cream leaking out of her. Her body already prepared for him. Licking his lips, he couldn’t wait to taste her.

  With a flick of his tongue he licked from her entrance to her clit. He tasted her essence for the first time. She tasted exquisite.

  Clara didn’t fight him. She leaned back on her hands as he licked her pussy. The many hours he had spent observing her and wondering what she’d taste like had been worth the wait. Her taste by far superior than any food he’d ever tasted. He watched her come apart in his arms. Each ripple of her release did things to his body he wasn’t ready for. Her seduction meant more to him than coming quickly. He wanted to show her the wonders he could create with her body. Soon she would open up like a flower and blossom under his teaching.

  Her moans echoed around his office. The delightful sounds spurred him on. Matthew added another finger inside her pussy. He teased her clit until she sobbed over his desk, begging him for more. From that day forward, whenever he sat at his desk he would see her coming apart under him. The memory would be forever burned in his mind, a pleasant memory to take with him for the rest of his life.

  Smashing his tongue against her hard bud he felt her pussy flutter around his fingers as he kept his attention focused on her clit. She cried out. Her hands gripped the edge of his desk. She kept pushing her pelvis up against his face. Pulling his fingers from her pussy, he held onto her waist keeping her in place as he licked her clit. Within seconds of his touch she came apart. Her screams grew louder with her release. He would remember her pleasure sounding screams.

  This day would be known to him as the day Clara Baines became his woman. When she came down from her orgasm, Matthew helped her to dress. He made sure every part of her body was covered before they left his office. Security would close his building once they departed. He escorted her to his car. Once he made sure she was secure, he drove all the way to her apartment.

  “I’ll be coming for you tomorrow. Pack everything you can. I’ll organize for your stuff to be moved.”

  “Why?” she asked.

  “Because you’ll be living with me. This is in the contract you signed.” Matthew got out to help her get inside her apartment. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He kissed her before leaving.

  When he got home, he hung his keys up. Her scent surrounded him. He inhaled her musky fragrance and smiled. Soon, she would be all his. Once he had her to himself inside his house then he wouldn’t need to worry anymore. His obsession with regards to her startled him. No woman got under his skin like Clara had. He hung his jacket on the coat rail by the door and walked to the kitchen to make himself a sandwich.

  His thoughts were devoted to Clara. The way she sounded when she spoke or laughed. The taste of her pussy on his tongue as she climaxed filled his mind. He couldn’t wait for her to be at his beck and call.

  After his sandwich, he went to his office. He slid the key into the lock on his hidden door. Matthew walked inside the secret room. The moment he stepped inside he felt a deep calm overcome him.

  His favorite room in the house was his playroom. He’d designed the playroom himself. His friend and fellow Dom Luke Arnold, had decorated the room for him. Luke was a full time Dom looking for his perfect sub. Turning on the light, he gazed around his private room. This had become the place for him to blow off steam. The sound of a whip hitting his woman followed by their whimper made him hotter than hell every time. He picked up his crop feeling the tension in his muscles ease as he thought about using the crop on Clara. Her sounds would drive him crazy. He hoped she would become comfortable with the lifestyle.

  He didn’t want a slave. Matthew wanted a woman to be a submissive but be able to stand by his side when the needs arose. He knew Clara could be that woman.

  Tomorrow couldn’t come fast enough. He wanted her badly.

  Chapter Five

  Clara finished packing her clothes into the last suitcase she possessed. She’d felt liberated when she’d informed her landlady she wouldn’t be coming back. Her stuff would be picked up later by a furniture removal company. Matthew had rung her at exactly seven that morning to make sure she would be ready for him to collect her. He didn’t like tardiness.

  Her heart pounded as she sat nursing a can of soda. She’d skipped coffee that morning. This was the first time she’d be seeing her boss outside of work. She didn’t need the coffee making her jittery. Her nerves were already fried without the added caffeine boost. Her head had to be screwed on while her body responded to a man she barely knew. She held no control over her body’s response to him.

  Her nerves were on edge by lunch time. She’d done the wrong thing signing that damned contract. How could she live with a man she didn’t know, when she couldn’t
stand to live with her father?

  The knock on the door made her drop her can of soda all over the table. In a hurry to clean up the mess and answer the door meant her shirt was covered with soda as she tripped over the leg, toppling the table onto her. Her white shirt stained yellow from the spilt soda.

  The knock became more persistent when she didn’t answer the door right away. Pissed off at her quick actions she pushed the table off her. She growled down at her shirt then walked to the door.

  “I’m coming,” she yelled. Clara had the desire to tell the person to piss off but she kept all her anger inside. She yanked on the door and froze to the spot. Matthew stood outside leaning against the frame.

  “You sounded a little annoyed.” His voice made her nipples harden. Her pussy creamed as his scent overwhelmed her. She struggled with the need to be closer to him.

  “Look at me,” she gestured to her shirt, “you knocked way too loud, causing me to spill my drink all over the table. I tried to clean the mess up. All I’ve ended up doing is staining a good shirt in the process. This is not going to be a good day. Also, I think I made a mistake agreeing to be your companion. I’m freaking out a little bit.” She stopped to take a breath, regretting everything she said. Even without coffee her mouth had run away with her words.

  “Can I come in?” he asked with a smile plastered to his handsome face.

  Letting out her breath, she stepped back to allow him past. “I’ve packed as much as I can fit into four suitcases. Most of the furniture can be sold or you can see what you want.” She followed him down her small hall until he stopped to look at the mess she’d caused. Grabbing a cloth, she watched as he turned the table the right way for her. She wiped away the mess than sat opposite him.

  For several minutes he didn’t say a word. She didn’t know where her voice had come from only that she couldn’t stop. “Should I sell my furniture? I’m going to be honest, I never read the bloody contract. There were too many words, and you were touching me. When you’re touching me for some reason I can’t think straight.”


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