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Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “More,” she said. Her friend’s words whispered through her mind. Taking pleasure from him did not make her a slut. She had no intention of leaving him. Her feelings for Matthew grew every day.

  His tongue replaced his thumb, gliding wet as it pressed against her clit. Matthew knew what to do with her body. Two fingers pushed in then pulled out of her while his tongue flicked her clit. Her climax spun through her like a giant wave. She cried out. Her orgasm made her moan and quiver with pleasure under him.

  Matthew didn’t stop. He held her down under his assaulting tongue while he brought her to climax two more times. By the time she came back down to earth her body shook with the aftershocks of her release. Her body was languid and calm.

  He kissed up her body spending plenty of attention on her breasts. She cried out when he nibbled the tips, his teeth biting down. The pleasure shot straight through her body making all of her nerve endings stand up. Compared to the time she lost her virginity, under his expert hand sex became the best experience of her life. He knew what to do with her body to make her come alive.

  She tasted herself on his lips as he kissed her. The taste of her pussy turned her on. Matthew had been the first man to ever go down on her. The way he invaded her every waking moment she knew she was falling for him. Their time together was the best part of her life.

  He plunged his tongue inside her mouth. She touched him with her own meeting him stroke for stroke.

  “I want you, Clara. I want to fuck you, make love to you. I want to make you mine. Do you want to be mine?” he asked in between kisses.

  “Yes,” she said with a moan. He bit down on her neck. The goosebumps erupted all over her body. She pressed her pelvis up hoping to encourage him to fuck her.

  He held her in place with his own body. His hands locked hers above her head. “I’ll take you when I want to, Clara. Are you desperate for my cock?”

  “Yes. I want you, Matthew. Please, make the bad experience go away,” she begged.

  “I will.” Matthew reached over to his stand by his bed. He pulled out a foil packet. “Don’t move,” he said.

  She lay in the position he left her. Clara watched as he tore into the packet then rolled the condom over his length. In minutes he would be inside her. He moved back over her, running his cock through her slit. She gasped when the tip of him pressed inside her cunt. The pleasure so unlike anything she’d ever felt. Biting her lip she looked at him as with one smooth thrust he plunged inside her.

  A whimper left her lips when he impaled her.

  “You’re so fucking tight.”

  He groaned.

  Matthew pulled out of her body until the tip of his cock remained inside her. She shook her head. “Don’t stop.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of stopping.”

  In another hard thrust he fucked her hard. Her cries echoed around the room. Matthew fucked her fast each plunge of his hips taking her deeper with every second that past. Clara wrapped her arms around his neck. His thick arms held her close as he pounded her body. She never knew how hot and dirty sex could be. He obliterated all of her beliefs with each push of his cock.

  “I want you to come again. Touch your clit.” Matthew rolled them over sitting up with her in his lap. His cock lay deep inside her. He took her fingers licking the tips then pressed her hand between them to touch her clit.

  She moaned with the first touch of her fingers. She’d masturbated plenty of times before but never with a hard, thick cock insider her.

  “That’s it, baby. Make yourself come. Let me feel you come apart.” His hands went to her hips, lifting her up then pulling her down on his length. She couldn’t keep her eyes open as the sensation built inside her. His cock felt amazing. Every time her pussy tightened around him the pleasure grew. Matthew sucked on her tits. She touched her clit in light strokes with two fingers. The tightening inside her building as his release drew closer.

  “I can feel you, honey. You’re so close. You want my hard cock. I want you so badly. You’re mine after so long of waiting.” His words made no sense. He kept talking to her. She tuned out. Her fingers on her clit were the only two things on her mind.

  Her climax built until she hurtled off the edge of oblivion with a scream. Matthew caught her taking her to the bed with his cock plunging inside her.

  She held on as he growled against her neck. His dick pulsed his sperm inside the condom. Her heart pounded inside her chest coming down from the amazing high of sex. Still, Matthew held her in his arms.

  For the first time in a while she felt safe, even a tiny bit loved.

  * * * *

  Matthew enjoyed holding her in his arms. He didn’t want to break apart from her, the pleasure was so intense. He was an experienced man, yet he’d never felt so connected to someone in the way he did with Clara.

  When she began to struggle under his weight he moved off her. He got rid of the condom then washed the remains of their coupling off his shaft. She lay with her back to him. Matthew walked round the bed then got inside. His tummy rumbled but he ignored the craving for food. Clara had come to him. He’d deal with her after care. He knew she wanted to talk. He waited, ready to listen.

  He reached out to take her hand. She gave him hers then she stared at him for several minutes.

  “I don’t know anything about you,” she said.

  “You’ll learn everything about me with time.” Part of him feared she wouldn’t like him. He was a Dom and shouldn’t fear such things but when it came to Clara, she owned his heart, not just his body.

  “Tara said I shouldn’t worry about our lack of knowledge about each other. She thinks we’ll be good for each other.”

  “Your friend has become my favorite person. Not everyone can wait to know each other, Clara. We’re not doing anything wrong.” He stroked her cheek enjoying the sound of her sigh.

  “I think we’re doing something wrong.”

  He sighed. What could he say to make her see the truth? He’d spent a great deal of time wanting her that he’d not given any thought to the consequences of her feelings. She was his reason for living.

  “Only because you’re designed to think we’re supposed to take years to take what you want. If you want to know what color I like, or how I have my coffee, then ask. But, please, don’t make the simplest of things a reason for you to not be with me. I’m here, I want you. Time shouldn’t matter. What we know about each other shouldn’t matter. I like being with you.” He kissed her lips to silence any protests she might make. When he’d thought up his plan he knew this would be the hardest part, convincing Clara that their relationship was meant to be. He didn’t care about what he needed to say to convince her. Clara meant everything to him.

  “What if I don’t like you?” she asked. He ran his fingers through her slit touching her clit then he pushed two fingers inside her.

  “This doesn’t feel like someone who doesn’t like me,” he said.

  “Sex is not the same.” She broke off on a moan as he added a third finger inside her. His digits were nothing compared to the length and width of his cock. She wanted him inside her once again. He felt her response to him.

  Matthew pulled away. “I’m not thinking about the sex when I’m with you. I like looking at you. The sound of your voice calls to me. I like the way you nibble your lip when you’re nervous. You’ve never once yelled at the women in the office even though they treat you like shit. I’m going to change that, Clara. You’ll never be treated like anything but the woman you are.”

  “What woman is that?” she asked.

  Her eyes filled with tears. He cupped her cheek wishing for the world he could make her happy. Being with her filled him with such happiness Matthew wished he could give her the same kind of pleasure. “You’re my woman, and you have dignity and pride even after everything you’ve experienced. You are someone to be admired.”

  “You make me sound like some superhero or something.”

  “No, you’re not a superhero. You
’re perfect.”

  He captured her gaze, never wanting to let her go. No amount of words was enough to tell her the truth. His feelings for her were the only thing keeping him together.

  “Why do you think all these things about me?” she asked.

  “Because, regardless of what you think, I know the real you.” He placed his hand over her heart. “You’re a kind woman, and giving. Why wouldn’t I want you?”

  She leaned up, pressing her lips against his. Matthew took every touch she gave. He treasured everything she gave him like the jewel she was.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “For what?” What did she have to thank him for? He was the one who had given her an ultimatum.

  “For saving me.” In that moment, Matthew felt like the world’s biggest monster. The love he felt for her had been the factor that made him help her. When it came to Clara, he’d taken everything he could get.

  Chapter Eight

  Matthew left her at home the following Monday. He’d spent all weekend making love to her. Even though work called to him the need to stay with her pulled him more. Her curvaceous body turned him on more than he could hope for. He’d gladly spend the rest of his life sinking inside her hot little body. He didn’t want her to leave his bed. Instead, he’d settled for her not leaving the house. Taking her to work was not an option. He wouldn’t be able to concentrate with her so close. Now he’d taken her, working next to her would be a nightmare. His thoughts would be dominated by images of her. The way she screamed in her release made his cock thicken and his chest tighten.

  You’re in love with her. Everything about her makes you sing for more.

  They had so much to explore together. He couldn’t wait to get started. The playroom taunted him every time he went into his office. He wanted to take her there but if he moved too quickly he would scare her away. Scaring her away wasn’t an option. Her submission meant the world to him. He wanted to take the time to explore every avenue of BDSM with her. He was a patient man and an even more patient Dom. Licking his lips, Matthew cut his mind off from his thoughts.

  He turned his thoughts to more careful topics. She spent a lot of time on the phone to Tara. He listened into a couple of their conversation intrigued by her best friend. Tara sounded so open compared to Clara. He knew he needed to get her on his side. Tara could make his life so much easier. He didn’t understand with her father gambling what had turned her into being so reserved.

  Their relationship only just started and he figured with time she’d grow to trust him. The sex between them threatened to explode at every turn. He wanted to be inside her constantly.

  Be patient, Matthew. She’ll be yours in no time.

  Even now his thoughts returned to the pleasure of her body. He could spend hours looking at her. Matthew wondered if she’d be willing to pose for an artist session. He’d get an artist he trusted to paint her. Her naked portrait would look amazing on his walls.

  Luke called him to invite him round for a session with his current sub. Matthew declined. He hoped to explore his lifestyle with Clara alone. At the office, thoughts of her refused to disappear. During work he called her a few times wanting to hear her voice.

  She sounded sleepy most of the time he rang, which only made him think of more sinful things to do to her body. He’d used her body hard over the weekend but that didn’t stop him wanting to use her again and again. Some of the female colleagues tried to ask him about her but he cut them short. His time with her was none of their business. He wouldn’t have any of them thinking bad about her.

  His craving of her shouldn’t allow others to ridicule her. If he had his way she wouldn’t be going to work again. He’d rather have her in his office waiting for his pleasure than working.

  You’ve finally gotten what you wanted.

  Clara, naked, in your life and bed.

  Now, he wanted to be in her heart. Getting Clara to love him would be harder than any challenge he’d ever faced.

  Getting her to love him followed by her training meant everything to him.

  Never had he felt so much excitement at the prospect of teaching a woman. Plenty of women had submitted at his hand. None of the women were anything like the woman in his bed at home.

  Go home, she’s all alone and you need her scent surrounding you.

  Just the thought of her pleasurable screams were enough to make him get back home. Clara would come alive under his hands. He couldn’t wait to show her everything. The only problem that remained was her father. Her father called him again asking for more money. Matthew knew her father would become a problem if he didn’t nip the issue in the bud. The man seemed determined to cause a nuisance.

  By the end of the day he wanted to go home to eat some dinner and be inside his woman by the end of the night. He left early before anyone else. Anticipation filled him with every step he took. His cock thickened as he climbed behind the wheel. Part of him wished the need she caused relented while another relished the feelings Clara evoked. Time to go and get his woman because Clara was his.

  * * * *

  Clara pushed the paperwork off his desk into neat piles. He didn’t want her working that day or any other day it appeared, but she needed to find stuff to keep her busy. Being a kept woman wasn’t as fun as most people made out. There were only so many books she could read to fill her time. Cooking held little appeal when she’d be the only one eating. She also missed him. She liked doing stuff with her time. If Tara lived close by then that would be a different thing altogether. Days spent with her friend would be a welcoming relief. Clara enjoyed work. She always had. Her mother loved working when she’d been alive. She guessed she got her need to work from her. Her father wouldn’t do anything other than cause problems. Many of the arguments she’d heard her parents have were about money and his lack of work. Her mother did everything to support them while her father didn’t even do any housework. If her mother hadn’t been pregnant, she’d never have stayed with her father.

  Even though she hated her father for the problems he caused if it wasn’t for him then she wouldn’t have Matthew in her life. Thinking of her father made her smile. Without him she would have never answered that ad in the paper. Without her father she wouldn’t have been with Matthew. Her thoughts turned to the man in her life. She touched her neck where his mark lay. He’d sucked on her neck giving her a love bite. A giggle escaped her at his possessiveness. She’d spoken with Tara and gave her an entire run down of everything that happened. According to her friend, she was lucky and had gotten a good one. A man hung like a horse and who loved her. Clara didn’t believe Matthew loved her. She’d been a woman he wanted.

  A piece of paper stuck out of the pile. Her name on the print got her attention. She pulled the sheet out of the pile of papers.

  She wore one of Matthew’s shirts. Pushing the fabric down over her ass at the back, she sat down in the chair.

  The words on the page didn’t make any sense. From the sounds of the wording Matthew had purchased her from her father as a means to paying off the debt. Her tummy turned over. The words grew worse.

  If what the letter said was true then that meant Matthew owned her. He didn’t need her consent for anything. How could someone own another person? Wasn’t there a law about that sort of thing?

  She shook her head as the words brought tears to her eyes. Matthew had asked her to trust him. How was this trust? She knew nothing about him.

  “You didn’t have to clean my desk.” Clara jumped dropping the paper on the floor. Matthew stood on the other side of the desk. His arms folded. The thick muscles seeming huge after what she read.

  “I wanted to do something. I’m not use to sitting around all day.”

  “And you’ve found something in your snooping.”

  “I wasn’t snooping,” she argued.

  “Quiet.” He walked around the desk picking up the piece of paper.

  “Is it true?” she asked.

  “Is what true?”

  “Did you buy me off my father? Was I some payment for some crazy debt?” Tears fell from her eyes. He pulled a lighter out of the drawer then went to stand at the hearth. Clara watched him set the piece of paper on fire.

  When the piece of paper was nothing but ash in his fireplace he turned to her. “That’s what I think of that.”

  “What do you think about me?”

  “I saved you from your father,” he said.


  “Your father played an awful game of cards. I was there playing. He lost every game. There were men there with unspeakable reputations. When they asked him to throw his stake in he took a picture out of you and told the room you’d do anything to keep him safe.”

  The tears fell from her eyes.

  “That was the first night I ever cheated. I knew you worked in my building. I’d been trying to get you up to my floor. I wanted to do things right with you. There were men who wouldn’t have given you a choice.”

  “Why did you do it?” she asked. Clara couldn’t dispute the information he’d given her on her father. She knew him as the type of bastard who would do anything.

  “Don’t you know?”

  To be Continued…

  About the Author

  Sam Crescent is passionate about fiction. She loves a good erotic romance and so it only made sense for her to spread her wings and start writing. She began writing in 2009 and finally got that first acceptance in 2011.

  She loves creating new characters and delving into the worlds that she creates. When she’s not panicking about a story or arguing with a character, she can be found in her kitchen creating all kinds of havoc. Like her stories the creations in the kitchen can be just as dubious but sometimes things turn out great.


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