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Mine to Take

Page 7

by Dara Joy

  The light was waning. Worried, Jenise looked over his shoulder to see the distance remaining.

  It was too far! They were not going to make it!

  A tear slid down her cheek and she prepared herself for the worst. “Gian,” she whispered shakily, speaking for the first time since he began.

  The last ray of light crested the peak of the hill, hovering for an instant as if giving them a moment extra of life before it disappeared behind the rocky wall.

  The valdt began to stir.

  Instantly, Gian’s arm came crosswise around her back to the right side of her waist. In one strong move, he plucked her around to his front, shielding her in his arms. Jenise burrowed into his warm chest, tears in her eyes at his courageous action. Surely he was trying to shield her with his own body!

  “You cannot save me,” she cried out.

  Gian gathered his remaining strength. With one last valiant effort, he leapt the remaining distance.

  They landed with a crash on the ground. Gian, even then, protected her from the impact, rolling with her secured in his arms.

  A vine slapped down not a hairsbreadth from their entwined bodies.

  He quickly rolled them out of its hideous reach.

  When she didn’t feel the expected sting of the vine, Jenise slowly opened her eyes. He had done it. Somehow, the Familiar had done it!

  Her lips pressed against the moist skin of his throat. For an instant he hugged her tightly in response, then rolled off her, still gasping for breath.

  Jenise scrambled to sit up.

  Ignoring the pain in her cramped legs, she cradled his head in her lap. Taking one of the gourds that still hung from his neck—although most of the systale water was gone now—she poured some water between his lips. He drank greedily.

  Wearily, he tried to focus up at her, his phenomenal eyes already glazing over with exhaustion. “Do not…do not let me sleep too—”

  He didn’t finish. The gentle rise of his chest told her he was already in spent slumber. Amazing how he could simply fall off to sleep like that, she marveled. How utterly…catlike.

  Jenise gazed down at him; at that handsome, strong face now softened in repose. He had defeated the valdt. She reflected on the incredible triumph of skill and endurance she had witnessed.

  Not even a Familiar should have been able to do what he had done.

  She looked up at the stars.

  Who was he?

  When he opened his eyes, the third moon was beginning to rise in the sky. The other two moons were almost half-full, so their light was brighter tonight. He had slept longer than he’d intended.

  Gian switched his focus from the night sky to Jenise.

  She was bowing over him, dozing as she sat up, still cradling his head in her lap. The long strands of her pale golden hair had fallen forward, draping them both as she sat sentry.

  A tender expression crossed his handsome features. It was an expression he was not ready to show her when she was awake.

  Her gold-tipped lashes made crescents on her smooth cheeks. He reached up with two fingers and lightly stroked them, his touch so gentle that her sleep was not disturbed. Not many, even among his own kind, would have been able to endure what she had without a sigh of complaint. She had been brave that day.

  She had trusted him.

  Yes, he was beginning to understand. And more. He desired her.


  It was getting stronger moment by moment.

  Even though he’d expected this to happen after what they had shared, he was nonetheless surprised by the depth of his wanting. Soon, he promised himself. When their position was more secure. Then he would show her what true pleasure was.

  Gian Ren could not wait to see the reflection of such pleasure portrayed on her open face as he took her. Again and again. He would bring her along slowly, he decided. Each time he would give her more.

  He wanted to reveal himself to her. To share so many things he kept hidden. In time he would open himself to her, he knew.

  His knuckles brushed her cheekbone lightly. The feathery touch was designed to waken her gently. The gold-tipped lashes fluttered before she gradually opened her eyes and gazed down at him in her lap.

  She smiled softly until her focus sharpened. When that happened, Gian knew she was truly awake. Her protective barriers were in place.

  “How are you feeling?” she asked gently.

  He gave her a crooked grin. “I am alive and lying in the lap of a beautiful woman; how do you think I am feeling?”

  She snorted. “Seriously, Gian, are you all right?”

  He nodded.

  Her hand smoothed the tousled hair from his forehead in an unconscious gesture. Gian purred softly. Like most Familiars, he loved to have his hair stroked.

  Not that Gian would ever admit to it.

  There were many spots that could render a male Familiar vulnerable to the female. In addition to the usual areas, each Familiar had his own individual places of sensitivity. Places he would never openly reveal.

  It was up to the female to discover them—if she could.

  “I cannot believe what you have done, Gian. Crossing the valdt—” She stopped, at a loss for words. She would never forget the way he had tried to protect her at the end, shielding her with his own body.

  “It is all right, you do not have to say anything.” His hand reached behind her neck and pulled her down to him. To his lips. “Just kiss me, woman who seeks no pleasure, and I will know what you mean.”

  She smiled against his mouth, causing him to smile.

  He kissed her thoroughly, bringing her sweet mouth over his. The Familiar licked her lips. She tingled all over.

  “Mmmm,” she murmured, surprised.

  “Mmmm,” he acknowledged, teasingly. He slipped his tongue inside her mouth to carefully stroke and lap. {You taste so good, Creamcat.}

  She twitched slightly, not expecting to hear his masculine voice in her mind while he kissed her. It was a very useful talent, she acknowledged. Especially when a sensual voice like his could be used to heighten the erotic experience he was giving her.

  Jenise sighed into his plundering mouth. Gian purred louder.

  He took the offering of her breath and inhaled it, his commanding hand behind her neck making sure she stayed just where she was—lowered to him. By the time she realized that the Familiar had her exactly where he wanted her, it was too late. Already, his spell was enveloping her, along with that wondrous scent.

  Jenise closed her eyes and moaned aloud at the expert touch.

  {Tell me} he coaxed her, his tongue sliding against hers in a measured, languorous stroke. Jenise shivered, a small sound coming from her throat.

  {Yesss, speak to me, my creamcat.} He withdrew his tongue to nip delicately at the edges of her lips with his teeth. Then he captured her upper lip between his own and suckled on it.

  Jenise began to quiver at the incredible sensations. She did not know that some Familiars had the ability to bring a woman to peak by their kiss alone. However, she was about to find that out; for Gian had decided to begin by introducing her to this little talent of his.

  Jenise had no idea what was happening to her except that it felt good. Incredibly good.

  His other hand came around her. The tips of his skilled fingers played along the rim of her ear in a feathering caress. He slipped within her mouth once more to rhythmically surge inside. Her entire body began to throb with his heated laving. Jenise was not even aware she was making rapid sounds of pleasure, so caught up was she in his feral passion.

  {More, taja…more…} He built sensation upon sensation. Her body was thrumming and hot, pulsing to the wild rhythm he set.

  Gian opened his mouth upon her then and gave her her first peak by purring in a deep, resonant rumble. A strong vibration sliced through her as he prolonged the low, exciting sound.

  {Sing for me, Jenise.}

  She cried out at the exquisite, pulsating sensation trickling inside her. G
ian felt her tremors against his mouth.

  {Ah, yessss…} He swallowed her beautiful, innocent cries of first passion.

  Jenise sagged limply over him, trying to catch her ragged breath. Her entire body was still vibrating. “Wh-what did you do to me?” The thready, breathy voice did not sound anything like her own.

  The Familiar looked up at her in the moonlight and smiled very slowly. It was the smile of a satisfied cat.

  Jenise dumped him off her lap and stood up, brushing her dress off. “Do not do that again!”

  He folded his hands behind his head and grinned up at her. “How will I stop myself?”

  Jenise exhaled a gust of air. The Familiar took what he wanted, she realized, then he went for more. He was dangerous. She narrowed her eyes at him. “Do not give me that innocent look! I know very well what you attempted to do.”

  “Attempted?” An aggrieved dimple popped into his cheek.

  Jenise blushed. “Just do not do it again. I was half asleep—you took me unawares.” As an excuse, it was rather lame. They both knew she had been wide awake.

  Gian raised an eyebrow. “I see.”

  “And do not raise that eyebrow at me either.”

  His lips twitched. “You sound like a queen, Jenise. Are you sure you do not wish to be one?”

  That she would not even respond to. She turned her back on him and began walking over the hillock. To the valdt with him!

  Gian’s sultry voice caught up with her. “Ah, taja, you do wish to go to the Tunnel point, do you not?”

  “Of course I do!” she spat over her shoulder as she marched along.

  “Well…you are headed the wrong way.”

  Her step faltered. Silence ensued as she thought of how she could correct this without losing face.

  “Turn around and go to the opposite hill,” he called out helpfully.

  Her shoulders scrunched. Resolutely, she marched herself around in a semicircle—just to make it seem she was not following his directions—before she followed his directions.

  Gian roared with laughter.

  Jenise ignored him. Familiars had the oddest sense of humor.

  The next thing she knew he was strolling beside her. She hadn’t even heard him come up from behind, which was highly irritating.

  “Will you forgive me?” he implored sweetly. Too sweetly.

  Despite herself, her mouth twitched. He was unpredictable and a scamp besides. There was no denying the fact. “Well, if you apologize nicely.”

  “Please forgive me,” he begged teasingly, clutching his heart. Not meaning a word.

  Jenise arched a delicate brow. “Very well, since you have asked so sincerely.”

  A gleam came into his dual-colored eyes. “My thanks to you—woman who seeks no pleasure.”

  She slapped him with the systale gourd.

  He chuckled, taking her hand as he led her into the moonlit night.

  Chapter Five

  Crouched down behind some large bales of produce, Gian scanned the tiny outlying village for any signs of Karpon’s men.

  They appeared to be safe for the time being.

  He turned to Jenise, who was kneeling beside him. “Either word of our escape has not reached here, or Karpon’s men have not yet arrived,” he whispered to her. “They have not even posted a sentry near the Tunnel entrance.” He pointed to the unguarded maw of flashing lights which stood directly in the center of the square. It was the Tunnel that led to the next world.

  As Gian had suspected, it was unmanned, left in continual stasis. He surmised that the small hamlet had sprung up around the Tunnel point.

  Jenise also scanned the village. Karpon could be very tricky, and even though they had shortened the journey here by crossing the valdt, she was still wary. In either case, the Familiar was sure to draw attention. Besides his exceptional looks, the man was half-naked, wearing only the tracas he had stolen from the guard. Barefoot and shirtless, he was sure to be stared at.

  “Should we—”

  He seemed to know what she was thinking. “No. It is too risky. The longer we remain here, the less our chances of escape. Once we pass through the portal, our path will be more difficult to trace. I think we should leave now and worry about my attire later.”

  Jenise’s brow furrowed as she thought the situation over. “What if it is a trap?”

  “It may be…but I have no sense of it.”

  So far, the Familiar’s instincts had proven remarkably accurate. He had led them unerringly to this point.

  After Gian had awakened, they had traveled the road to the south for the rest of the night. Near daybreak, he had led them off the pathway into a rolling field. There he had covered them in leaves and brush, effectively camouflaging them from anyone who might be passing by.

  The tip of Jenise’s ears turned pink as she recalled that he had taken her in his arms under that blanket of leaves, telling her to sleep in that low, purring voice of his. Surprisingly, she had done just that, his body warmth and gentle caress soothing her into much needed slumber.

  She had awoken to his hot, sweet breath brushing the side of her neck, under her ear, where he had burrowed that beautiful face while he slept. His arms and legs were tangled protectively around her.

  She had whispered his name to see if he was awake.

  He had sleepily murmured something incoherent before nipping his way up the side of her throat. The tips of his fingernails scored her hipbones. She was beginning to suspect this sexy maneuver was a favorite habit of his. Together, the grazing strokes seemed to awaken myriad sensations in her all at once.

  Gian smiled slowly at her. “What are you thinking?”

  “Wh-what?” she stammered, caught off guard.

  A grin curved a line next to his mouth. “The tips of your ears are pink.” He tweaked one with his finger. Jenise brushed his hand away, irritated.

  “What nonsense are you talking, Familiar?”

  “I have noticed that every time you seem to be thinking about a certain subject, the tips of your ears turn pink.” He crossed his arms over his chest and arched a provoking brow. “I wonder what it could be?”

  Jenise’s nostrils flared. These Familiars were far too observant when it came to women! As if it was his concern what she was thinking about! “It is probably an adverse reaction to my proximity to you!” she shot back, annoyed.

  His white teeth flashed in a quick grin. “I thought it might be…but thank you for confirming it.”

  Jenise stared at him disgustedly. “You know you should really work on that humble attitude of yours—your lack of confidence is starting to get on my nerves.”

  He bit his lip, grinning. “Now where have you ever heard of a Familiar that was any different, Creamcat? We are a humble people to be sure.”

  “Gallingly humble, if you ask me.” She covered her pink-tipped ears with her hair. Gian’s eyes gleamed in amusement.

  “Perhaps, but we never deliver less than promised, taja.” There was a wealth of meaning in the heated glance he gave her.

  She could feel her ears getting pinker.

  Impishly, the Familiar bent over and uncovered them, nodding to himself when he viewed the results.

  Exasperated, Jenise exhaled loud and long. “I do not know how you can make sport at a time like this! We are in grave danger and yet you—”

  He captured her chin, forcing her to meet his eyes. “Never mistake—I take the danger and you very seriously. It is the Familiar nature, however, to enjoy the moment whenever possible. Life, we believe, is a passage whose complexity is comprised of individual moments. Therefore I choose to enjoy you in this moment, Jenise. Surely you would not fault me for that? If you are captured, I would remember my last enjoyment…shared with you, taja.”

  “If I am captured—you mean we, do you not?”

  He shook his head. “They will not take me again, Jenise. A Familiar’s true strength is that he can never be owned.”

  She gasped as his meaning sank in. “Su
rely you would not—”

  “I would prefer to go down fighting. It is as simple as that. I will not give Karpon the pleasure of my execution.”

  His brave words made sense. “Then I will do the same,” she stated courageously.

  Gian cupped her chin. “No, taja, if it comes to that, you must promise me to stay alive to fight him another day. For both of us.”

  An unbidden tear fell out of the corner of her eye. “I do not wish to stay with him.”

  He wiped the tear away with his thumb. “I know. Nor do I wish it for you,” he said softly. “But do not worry overmuch; you see, I have faced much more powerful enemies than he in the past and am here to tell the tale. Besides, I have no intention of leaving you to him.”

  Puzzled, she looked up at him.

  “The principle of the thing,” he whispered enigmatically, brushing her mouth with his lips.

  “Come.” He stood, taking her hand. “It is time for you to begin a new life, Creamcat. Let us see what awaits us beyond this Tunnel.” With that, he led her through the throng of people selling their wares in the open marketplace that had sprung up in front of the Tunnel.

  Gian shook his head, thinking to himself how similar tradesmen were the universe over. These, like most, hoped to catch the travelers coming into this world as well as the ones leaving. They displayed inferior goods at outrageous prices. Haggling was expected. He chuckled at the almost comedic nature of the scene.

  Unfortunately for the merchants, this Tunnel point did not seem to be very active. During the time he had been observing it, no one had entered or exited the portal, which meant that the trade route was not a heavily traveled one.

  Although this would make their escape easier, he wondered exactly what terrain lay on the other side of the Tunnel. From the lack of travelers he could surmise that whatever was on the other side was probably nothing more than a remote place that served as a way station between two planets. It very well might be uninhabited, serving simply as a link to yet another world.

  One thing was certain—whoever was on the other side would not be an Alliance member. The two of them might well be stepping into a barbaric world worse than this one. Especially since this was not the primary Tunnel point on this world. His protective grip on Jenise’s hand tightened.


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