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Lunar Mates Volume Two: Books 4-6

Page 26

by Loribelle Hunt

  The other man smiled, but it was far from friendly. “We’re hunting for one of ours.”

  He’d hesitated the barest fraction over hunting, and Clint knew he’d chosen it on purpose, substituting it for another word.

  “You won’t find him here,” Anthony answered. He let the wolf color his voice. “But you will tell me who the fuck you are.”

  It was a threat, and the humans recognized it. As one, the four flanking the leader lifted their rifles and covered all the werewolves in the clearing. The leader lifted his hand, but didn’t turn around.

  “Stand down,” he ordered. Slowly, reluctantly, they did.

  “I’m Julian. I belong to an organization that doesn’t have a name. And despite being human, I’m the same thing you are. A hunter.”

  “Then you should know not to enter a werewolf’s territory without permission first,” Clint said.

  Julian nodded. “It seemed faster this way.”

  Faster maybe, but it was the death wish approach.

  “Who are you looking for?” he asked, though his gut told him it was the same human he was hunting.

  “His name is Robert. His wife was killed by a rogue a couple of years ago. We took him in. Trained him.”

  Anger filled Clint. They’d actually trained this wannabe killer and then let him loose?

  “He’s fixated on your mate,” Julian went on.

  Anger became fury. The man knew too much about his people, and Clint knew next to nothing of theirs. “I’m more than capable of assuring the safety of my mate. Leave. We’ll take care of your rogue for you.”

  “No.” Julian shook his head. “This one is ours to deal with. It’s against even your own rules.”

  Clint crossed his arms over his chest to keep from lunging forward and grabbing the man’s throat. Remembered Ellen’s words. She didn’t want him to be the one that killed the man stalking her. That thought made his wolf snarl its outrage. “If we let you have him, what’ll you do to him?”

  “Take him back. Try him. Probably execute him.”

  He looked over and met Anthony’s gaze.

  Anthony shrugged. “Why not? It’s their mess, not ours.”

  He was leaving the decision to Clint, since Ellen was his mate. He struggled with the need to exact vengeance, his need to protect his mate, and his need to make her happy. She didn’t want him to kill this human. He wasn’t sure if he had that kind of restraint. Something nudged at his consciousness, an urge to return to her immediately, and he swiveled to look back in the direction of the house.

  “She’s not alone,” he told Anthony, shifting as he ran.

  He knew the others were behind him, including the humans, but he didn’t pay any attention to them in his desperation to get to her. He paused long enough at the back door to pull his jeans on and entered quietly, turned the alarm off, and used the wolf’s stealthy abilities to hunt.


  He couldn’t delay any longer. He’d seen Julian drive through town with his squad early that morning and knew the man was here to stop him. Robert hid from sight easily, sneering. Their esteemed leader claimed there were two factions of wolves warring with each other. That one side wasn’t the same brutal killers who had killed his Maggie. Even if that were true, it didn’t matter. They were animals. One day they’d all turn on the humans they considered prey.

  His mission was clear. They had to be stopped. And Julian, with his extensive files, training, and arms, had unwittingly given Robert the means to do it. This wasn’t the first household he’d targeted and it wouldn’t be the last. He had a long list to work through. But first, he would kill the female werewolf and her four companions.

  He’d put his original plan into motion and found the diner’s deliveryman. When charm and a hundred bucks didn’t convince him to let Robert take the delivery out to the mansion on the edge of town, he’d knocked him out and left him tied and gagged in the trunk of his car.

  He’d almost cackled yesterday when the woman didn’t recognize him, but restrained himself. She would soon enough. The male werewolves were suspicious now and one of them had gone into town to pick up their catered order. Robert found it easy to slip into the gate after the returning vehicle without being seen. Then he snuck in the house and hid when she walked out with the garbage. Now he just had to wait for the right moment and for the others to return.


  When Ellen awoke, she was alone. The house felt quiet, forlorn and abandoned. She knew that wasn’t possible, but the lost feeling stayed with her as she showered and dressed. No one was around when she went downstairs or entered the dining room. There was no way Anthony was letting any strangers on the property, so Asa had volunteered last night to pick up the delivery from the diner. The food was set up so she knew someone had been there. Had something happened or were they avoiding her? She was known for her temper, though she never stayed mad long. It made her wonder when the other shoe would drop and what it would be. Shrugging, she decided she might as well be well-fed first.

  When she finished, she took the leftovers to the kitchen and stacked them in the fridge. She wiped down the counters and glared at the overflowing garbage can. Men made freaking useless housekeepers. She grabbed the bag and disengaged the alarm to carry it outside, frowning when she stepped outside. Where the hell was everyone? The bigger can was behind the garage and she dropped the plastic bag in.

  As she returned to the narrow sidewalk that led back to the kitchen, a prickly sensation on the back of her neck. Increasing her pace, she looked around but didn’t see anyone or anything out of the ordinary. She almost blew off the uneasy feeling, but her back was a stinging reminder of what had happened the last time she’d ignored her gut instincts. She almost ran the last few steps and slammed the door shut behind her, throwing the deadbolt and turning to reset the alarm. The feeling of being watched, stalked, didn’t diminish. Goosebumps pimpled her flesh and she shivered, though it wasn’t cold in the house. Where the hell was Clint? Not to mention, everyone else?

  She knew Anthony was running extra patrols on the grounds, but someone should be inside. She searched downstairs and then the upstairs. Clint’s cell phone was plugged into its charger and left on the nightstand. He had to be out in wolf form. Grabbing her phone, she dialed as she walked down the hall. No answer from Anthony. She tried the other hunters while walking down the stairs. Nothing. Dread increasing with each move, she stepped off the stairs and into the foyer. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion from then on. Her office door, near the front of the house, swung open, and crazy dude entered the foyer. He held the butt of a rifle in his right hand, the barrel leaning against his shoulder, like a soldier on casual guard duty.

  Her mind screamed at her to run and lock herself in Anthony’s office. It was just a few feet away, but her legs refused to cooperate with the order, and she froze at his grin, the unhinged look in his eyes. How was she going to get out of this? He swung the rifle up, fitting the butt to his shoulder and looking down the barrel at her. The insane smile never left his face.

  “We’ll just wait for the others to return.”

  He would kill her in front of Clint. Probably kill Clint while he tried to save her. The rage and sorrow at the knowledge was a tearing pain in her heart. There was no way she would let that happen. No way.

  “I’m not what you think I am,” she said.

  The rifle jerked in his hands.

  “No one here is what you think.”

  “Lies. I’ve heard them all before, werewolf,” he sneered.

  “I’m not a werewolf. There are no female werewolves. It doesn’t pass to our DNA.” Not entirely true, not anymore, but she wasn’t about to share that bit of information.

  His finger curled around the trigger. “Shut up!”

  She held her hands up, arms spread in a placating gesture. He really was insane. There probably was no point trying to reason with him. “Sure. Can I sit down at least since we’re waiting?”

let her get to Anthony’s desk.

  He made a downward motion with the rifle. “Right there. On the stairs.”

  Well, shit. She couldn’t exactly protest or he’d realize there was something she wanted from the other room. She sat on the third step, feet on the floor, her muscles quivering with the need to move. Before she could formulate a plan, Clint came up the hall next to the stairs. He was barefoot and dressed only in jeans. He looked calm and in control, but she saw the murderous look in eyes. Not stopping to consider how the human man in the room would react, she rushed to her mate.

  He pushed her behind him as other people rushed into the room. The hunters she knew, but several she didn’t. They were dressed all in black combat gear and armed to the teeth. They spread out through the foyer and, though no one made an aggressive move, the feeling of menace rose.

  “Robert,” said the one she presumed was the leader. “Put down the rifle.”

  So, crazy dude had a name.

  “No fucking way, Julian,” he spat. “I’m done doing it your way. I’m taking all these bastards out.”

  “You know we aren’t going to let you do that.”

  She felt the muscles in Clint’s back clench, knew he was finished listening to a negotiation between these two strangers and was going to attack.


  Clint saw Ellen sitting on the bottom step when he entered the foyer. He noticed her trembling, smelled her fear, and it enraged him as nothing else could. Before he could attack the human holding her hostage, she leapt up and ran to him. He ignored the urge to skim her body with his hands to make sure she was unharmed and stepped in front of her. She set her palms on his bare back. He needed her to leave so he could execute the threat, but before he could issue the order, the others came in. He narrowed his eyes at the file of humans. This was his death, damn it. They were speaking to the man, distracting him, and his muscles bunched in preparation to propel him forward.

  He froze when Ellen stroked him, as if silently begging him not to attack, and then seemed to change her mind. The shots rang out before he could act and the best he could do was take her to the ground, shield her with his body, terrified that she might get hurt and knowing he’d never survive without her.


  Two shots rang out. Clint turned and dove onto her, taking her to the ground and shielding her body with his. It knocked the wind out of her and she had to force breath into her lungs.

  “Are you okay?” His eyes were wild. “Ellen?”

  The iron smell of blood filled the room.

  “Baby, answer me.”

  Ellen managed a nod and tried to stand up.

  “Just sit for a minute,” he ordered as his hands roamed over her body. Checking for injuries, she realized.

  “Who are they?” she asked when she got her voice back.

  He helped her stand up, keeping an arm around her waist to steady her. Looking up, he met the leader’s gaze. Julian, she remembered him being called.

  “Humans,” Clint answered. She looked beyond him to the body lying on the floor. “Rogue hunters.”

  “And that one?” she asked, not quite able to hide the tremor in her voice, in her hands.

  His arm tightened around her waist and he leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Adrenalin. I know an excellent way to work it off.”

  His voice held the unmistakable timbre of lust, and she was surprised to feel an answering call in her blood.

  “Later,” she replied softly. She wanted nothing more than to go upstairs with him and erase the morning from her memory, but she needed answers first. Needed to know how she’d become Robert’s target. Needed to know why.

  He moved behind her, both arms around her waist, standing guard over her. Holding her safe. They watched as the black clad soldiers lifted the body off the floor and carried him out. She was surprised that two of the four were female. How had she missed that? One remained behind for a moment and introduced himself as Julian. He met her gaze, and she saw regret and longing in his. “You look like your mother.”

  “You knew my mother?” she asked, shocked. If her mother had lived, she would have turned fifty this year. Julian looked to be a few years younger.

  He nodded. “She was one of us until she hooked up with Brant.”

  Which begged the question. “Who are y’all?”

  He grinned. “Think of us as the human branch of the hunters, except it’s not just wolves we go after if necessary.”

  She scowled. Why hadn’t her mother told her about this? “I should have known,” she muttered.

  He sobered. Shook his head. “No. We’re more secret than you are. Robert…was an aberration. I don’t know how he got through our screening process.” His eyes hardened into flinty black rocks. “It won’t happen again.”

  He nodded at the others in the room before turning to follow his people. “Gentlemen. Ellen. If you ever need anything, call.”

  “How exactly am I supposed to do that?” Search Google for Julian and hope he came up?

  “They know how,” he said, indicating Anthony and Clint. Then he was gone, moving with stealthy speed out the door. It shut with a soft click.

  “Would someone please tell me what the hell just happened?”


  “Later,” Clint said before anyone could speak. Swinging her up into his arms, he carried her upstairs and down the hall to their room. The door slammed shut behind them, and he set her gently to her feet. She saw the worry and fear in his eyes, and lifted her hand to stroke the side of his face.

  “I’m okay, honey.”

  He nodded and started removing her clothes. “I need to see that for myself.”

  Since his fingers stroked every inch of skin he uncovered, setting her on fire, making her burn, she didn’t protest. He brushed a kiss over the mark he’d left on her neck and her shudders increased, this time from a surge of lust, not adrenalin. Too slow. He was going too damned slow. She unsnapped her jeans and shoved them off, moving closer to rub her body against his. She had to grab his shoulders and hang on when he inserted one jean-clad leg between hers and rubbed it against her damp sex. She felt breakable, like she would shatter when she came, would splinter if she didn’t.


  His mouth swept down to meet hers. Hard and bruising while he rocked her to orgasm on his leg, then he was tearing away and yanking his jeans off. She stared at him, at the hard evidence of his desire for her. He picked her up, shoving into her before she could reach for him. He moved, and each step shifted the angle of his cock inside her. She was groaning by the time her back hit the door, and then he was pounding into her. Wild. Out of control. She screamed, pleasure ripping through her right before him. The intensity of the orgasm made her see spots, or maybe the spots were from squeezing her eyes shut so tightly. Clint carried her to the bed and lay down beside her. They were both gasping. She didn’t think she’d ever catch her breath again.

  “It’s getting more intense,” she said when she could speak again. “The orgasms, I mean. I might not survive it.”

  His expression was almost soft as he rolled to his side, propped up on one elbow over her, and kissed her lightly. Tenderly. “You’ll survive. I think it’s because I fought it for so long. It should simmer down some in time.”

  She gave him a mock pout. “That would be a real shame.”

  Laughing, he lay back down and pulled her over to straddle his waist, his fingers playing with her nipples. “True.”

  With a moan, she arched her back, thrusting her breasts into his palms as her eyes slid closed but he didn’t give her what she wanted. Harder. Faster. Claiming. She opened her eyes and met his gaze.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I could have lost you down there,” he said softly, and she knew he didn’t mean to the madman with a gun.

  “I’m in love with a werewolf, honey. I know you aren’t entirely human.” She paused a moment. “But you need to forgive yourself. Don’t let this come between us.”r />
  Leaning down, she left a trail of kisses up his chest, his neck, and whispered in his ear, “I’ve waited too long. The past can’t have you.”

  Then his arms were around her, crushing her to him. “God, I love you.”

  He rolled them over in a werewolf swift move, his erection gliding into her smoothly. It was long time later before either one of them could speak.


  Clint didn’t know what the hell had possessed him to allow Ellen to come with him to the meeting, but he was glad to have her at his side. He stopped her before she could ring the bell, pulling her into his arms for a deep, soul-shattering kiss. Her lips were a little puffy when he pulled back, her eyes with the glazed look she got when he stroked her into orgasm.

  “What was that for?” she asked.

  “I love you.”

  Her lips turned up that sexy grin that drove him crazy. “Hmm. I might require more proof.”

  He growled in her ear, “Later. All the proof you need.”

  Laughing, she pushed the doorbell. It was opened seconds later by Anthony, who stepped aside to let them enter.

  “What’s wrong with you?” He looked frazzled and just generally pissed off.

  “Her highness in there could drive a man to drink.” He added darkly, “Or murder.”

  Clint cocked an eyebrow and followed Anthony into the office, where Gia Roberts, Julian’s tall and svelte second in command, leaned over his desk, palms braced wide, and whispered harshly. She shut up as soon as they entered and turned to glare at Anthony.

  Julian heaved a put upon sigh and spoke to Clint. “Just once, I’d like to not be the guy in charge.” He stood and circled the desk, giving both Anthony and Gia a hard glare. “You two need to just get it over with.”


  He rolled his eyes. “Sex, Gia. Sleep with him and get it out of your system. You’re not any good to anyone like this.”

  Her face reflected her shock at his words, but when Clint looked at Anthony, he saw just the opposite. He wasn’t surprised by the suggestion at all. He was very, very interested. Clint hoped this wasn’t going to be a problem in this new joint werewolf/human venture. They’d agreed to a test. A small group of hunters from both groups would pair up. Share information and work together. Julian had decided to assign Gia to work with Anthony.


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