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The Enemy's Kiss

Page 15

by Zandria Munson

  * * *

  Stefan Drakon resided in an ill-kept estate set back into the trees, away from civilization. It had taken Nicholas nearly forty-five minutes to locate it. Stefan lived alone as was his preference. An eccentric recluse, he preferred the company of darkness and silence to that of his family. Nicholas knew very little about him—his habits, his personality and even his reason for being the way he was. However, until now Stefan had never been a cause for concern.

  Nicholas climbed the chipped steps that led up to the porch of the Victorian-style house. The wood creaked under his weight and his shadow swayed beneath the light of a lantern that had been strung to the roof. A mild breeze gathered up the dried leaves that were strewn about, haphazardly rearranging them from corner to corner.

  Gripping the rusty door knocker, Nicholas attempted a knock, but the thing came off in his hand. He placed it on the rail of the porch, and before he could do anything else, the door creaked open. Stefan stood in the portal, glaring at him.

  “What are you doing here at this hour?” was the only greeting he offered.

  “May I come in?” Nicholas asked. “I wish to have a few words with you.”

  A look of suspicion crossed Stefan’s face. “Concerning what?”

  “The runes.” Nicholas watched him closely for any indication of discomfort.

  Stefan provided none. Instead, he seemed to take a moment to consider his request then he stepped aside. Nicholas entered and was led down a wide hallway. His eyes missed nothing as they took in the passage and the rooms that branched off from it. He was looking for any clues that would indicate that Stefan was indeed dabbling in sorcery.

  The sitting room they entered was no different from the rest of the house. The rugs were worn, furniture was old and every surface was covered with dust or a mound of books.

  Stefan motioned to a faded King Louis chair. “Have a seat.” He sat in a large leather armchair. “Now, what is this about?”

  Nicholas reclined in the chair, placing an ankle on a knee. “It was reported that you have been paying frequent visits to witch hovels,” he said bluntly.

  He hadn’t come there under false pretenses. He needed answers and he was prepared to do whatever it took to acquire them.

  Stefan leaned forward, pinning him with a dark stare. “And what has my personal business to do with you, or anyone else for that matter?”

  “In light of the situation at hand, I am forced to wonder if it is simply a mere coincidence.”

  “Ahh,” Stefan nodded. “I see what this is about. You have come here to accuse me of stealing the runes.”

  Nicholas continued to watch him. “Can you blame me for my suspicion? Since the night of the gathering of elders, your words and actions have implicated you.”

  “I have done nothing to deviate from the laws of our clan.” He stood and focused his attention on a threadbare medieval tapestry that embellished the wall. “Therefore, I need not explain myself to anyone.”

  “I’m not sure the Darcian Council will agree.” Nicholas sat forward. “If there is something you must reveal I suggest you do it now while my offer is extended in good graces.”

  Stefan turned slowly to face him and the look on his face was far from appreciative. “Do not threaten, boy! I suggest you leave my home before things become a bit unpleasant for you.”

  Standing, Nicholas crossed his arms over his chest. He wasn’t going to be so easily deterred. “I am not leaving until you provide me with a legitimate explanation. I want to know who the witches were that you felt compelled to see and why.”

  “Oh, you will be leaving,” Stefan said as he advanced toward him. “And you will do so now!”

  He lunged at Nicholas, gripping him by the collar of his jacket and slamming him into a bookcase. Books clamored to the floor as the shelf toppled over. Nicholas gripped Stefan’s hands and pried them from his clothing. He was amazed by the strength the other man exerted. Even with Nicholas’s gargoyle abilities playing a role, Stefan was a difficult opponent.

  Still holding on to him, Nicholas propelled the other man across the room and Stefan went down on a coffee table, which crumbled beneath his weight.

  Nicholas frowned at him. Stefan’s reaction was certainly unexpected. It increased Nicholas’s suspicions—perhaps he was Sabbath. There was no logical reason why he would refuse to provide an explanation for his actions, especially if there was a chance that he would face trial for treason.

  Stefan wasted no time in getting to his feet. He snatched up one of the table legs and swung it at Nicholas, who caught his arm. A struggle followed and Nicholas managed to pin the other man to the wall.

  “Are you the one they call Sabbath?” Nicholas demanded. “Where is the child?”

  His teeth barred, Stefan struggled wildly. “I know nothing of what you speak! Perhaps it is you who has brought this upon us!”

  His struggling continued and with a sudden burst of strength, he thrust Nicholas off. Nicholas stumbled into a vintage floor lamp, knocking it to the ground. The shade smashed and the bulb flickered out. The room was suddenly bathed in darkness but he could clearly see Stefan hunched over on the floor a few feet away. His moans were agonizing and to Nicholas’s disbelief two massive shadows sprang from the other man’s back. Stefan grabbed his head just as two horns jarred out of his skull. He’d transformed into a gargoyle.

  * * *

  Daniela awoke with a very warm feeling inside which vanished immediately when she realized what had taken place the night before. She sat up in bed and squinted against the pale sunlight that peeked in through the drapes. Glancing about the room she realized Nicholas was gone. The scent of him lingered on her skin, filling her senses and summoning memories of the night’s passion. Nicholas had surprised her. He’d been a gentle and patient lover, and the pleasure he’d incited had been unimaginable. Yet, she regretted the encounter for it had revealed emotions within her that she didn’t want or need.

  Despite the closeness she’d experienced last night, now she felt only shame. She was certain she was just another notch on Nicholas’s belt. He hadn’t even bothered to stay the remainder of the night with her.

  She, on the other hand, had come to realize that it had been more than an irresistible attraction that had lured her to him. She’d begun to fall in love with Nicholas Drakon.

  This surprised her for he was hardly the type of man she’d fantasized about. She’d envisioned herself with a soft-spoken, patient and understanding gentleman—the complete opposite of her father. Yet Nicholas, while nothing like her father, was also a far cry from her Prince Charming. Nevertheless, there was just something about the strength and authority he possessed that brought her blood to a rapid boil.

  She swung her legs out of the bed. She’d made a big mistake, but she couldn’t waste time dwelling on it. Elaina needed her. Nicholas had made a promise to her last night. He’d said that he was willing to do whatever it took to help her find her sister. She only hoped that he kept his word.

  She hurried to the wardrobe and retrieved her clothing, which to her surprise had been laundered. Nicholas had said that today he and his brother would be paying a visit to a witch. She had every intention of going with them.

  After a quick shower, she hurried down the stairs and encountered the servant Nicholas had referred to as Emil.

  “Good morning,” she said in greeting.

  He welcomed her with a smile. “Good morning, my lady. Did you have a pleasant night?”

  She looked down, suddenly feeling quite embarrassed. “I did, thank you.”

  “Wonderful, and will you be wanting some breakfast?”

  “Oh, no,” she declined. “But thank you. Is Nicholas still here?”

  Emil pointed down a hallway. “Follow the hall to the garage. I last saw him there.”

  She no
dded with a smile and headed down the passage. She paused before the door and took a deep breath. She wasn’t sure how to behave with Nicholas after the night they’d shared. Of course, she had no expectations of him. It was what it was—a night of passion and nothing more. That however, did nothing to decrease her discomfort.

  Inhaling again, she turned the door handle and entered a moderately sized garage. She saw Nicholas immediately. He stood behind an SUV and looked as if he was packing things into it.

  She stopped within a few feet of him. “Good morning.” She looked everywhere but at him.

  He acknowledged her greeting with a grunt. Daniela fought the discomfort rising within her. If he wasn’t going to say anything about last night then she decided to act as though nothing had ever happened.

  She focused on the silver cases he shoved in the back compartment. “What’s all this?”

  “Weapons, supplies,” he said as he picked another case and added it with the others.

  Her gaze crept surreptitiously over him. He was fully clothed, but the image of his nude body had been branded in her mind. Beneath his attire she could make out his thick, corded muscles. She’d touched them—she remembered the caged power she’d felt.

  Swallowing a lump in her throat, she moved forward and picked up the last case. “How far away is this witch we’re going to see?” She handed it to him.

  Nicholas accepted it. “My brother and I will do this alone, Daniela. You will remain here until we return.”

  She looked at him closely, noting he wore that stern expression she’d seen before. “What? How can you expect me to stay here? I told you, I’m not going to sit around waiting for something bad to happen.”

  “Things have changed within the past few hours and danger is sure to be lurking down the path we intend to take.” He marched toward the side of the SUV and threw one of the rear doors open.

  She pursued him. “Changed? What are you talking about?”

  Reaching beneath the driver’s seat, he pulled out a map. “While you slept I went to see the man we’d assumed was Sabbath. I confronted him and the situation escalated, and in his anger he underwent a transformation.”

  “He turned into a gargoyle?” She took in a breath of disbelief, and when he nodded she continued. “But how? I thought you said that you and your brother were the only ones who might be affected by whatever caused your transformation.”

  “I did, but there is dark sorcery afoot. What I told you was only speculation. Right now, we have no substantial evidence to link anyone to the crimes.” He unfolded the map onto the back seat.

  “And what about this guy who transformed into a gargoyle?” she asked. “Couldn’t he be Sabbath?”

  Nicholas traced a finger over the map. “It is a possibility. I continued my interrogation and he denied any involvement in the dark arts. It does not seem logical for one to inflict himself, but his transformation does not exempt him from suspicion. He will still be brought before the council.”

  Daniela took a moment to absorb everything he’d said. She understood it all, except his reason for forbidding her to come along.

  He looked at her, his beautiful green eyes flickering with seriousness that nearly led her to believe that he cared for her. “If he is not Sabbath, then we have no idea where or when another attack will occur. Someone wants the Rune of Cythe and it seems he is prepared to do whatever necessary to obtain it.”

  Her determination didn’t waver. “That someone also has my sister. I will fight at your side, Nicholas.”

  “No. You will remain here.” He pulled a marker from the glove compartment and circled an area on the map.

  “That’s not fair,” she protested. “What purpose would I be serving here?”

  He spun on her. “You are the only one who knows the location of the rune. Should something happen to you it will be lost.”

  Her mouth fell open. “Is that all you care about? Your rune?”

  She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. It was glaringly obvious that last night had meant absolutely nothing to him. Had she been a fool to assume he’d been trying to protect her? Was it really the rune he was so worried about?

  His eyes narrowed on her. “We will end this conversation here. My brother and I leave in forty-five minutes. I expect you to remain here until we return.”

  He didn’t wait for her to respond. Instead, he turned and headed toward the door. Daniela glared after him. If she had a rock she would hurl it at his back. The side of him he’d shown her during the night was long gone. And in its place was the arrogant, stubborn bastard she’d come to know so well.

  “As I said before, I’m not going to sit around here wasting my time,” she spat as Nicholas reached for the door. “If you can’t take me where I need to be, then I’ll find my way there myself.”

  Gritting her teeth, she snatched the map from the back seat and looked at the spot he’d circled. It was a city called Borsec. She assumed it was where the witch resided. She didn’t know who she’d be looking for or what she could possibly learn from her, but she didn’t know where else to start.

  Nicholas paused at the door and turned to watch her. She sent him a rebellious glance and headed toward the back of the SUV. If things got heated, she’d need to defend herself. She yanked one of the silver cases flat and flicked it open. A set of sleek black guns grinned up at her. She snatched one up and checked to see if it was loaded.

  When she turned around, Nicholas was standing behind her, looking severely annoyed. He snatched the gun from her hand and tossed it into the case.

  Daniela tried to grab it. “What are you doing?”

  He yanked the cargo door shut and pushed her up against it. Then, bracing an arm above her head, he glared down at her. Something dangerous flickered in his eyes.

  “Why do you persist with this defiance?” he demanded.

  “I’m not sure what kind of women you’re accustomed to, but where I’m from we think for ourselves. We don’t need to be constantly told what to do and when to do it.”

  “Not even if the instruction is for your own benefit?”

  She gasped. “And just what gives you the impression that you know what’s for my benefit?”

  His voice was low when he spoke again. “You seem to have a difficult time determining it for yourself.”

  Daniela shook her head in disbelief and moved to step around him. “You arrogant son of a…”

  Before she could complete her insult, she found herself pressed back up against the SUV. A second later Nicholas’s hard mouth fell on her for a fevered kiss. Taken by surprise, she emitted a scream, but it was thoroughly muffled. She managed to resist him for an entire five seconds before she succumbed to the heated sensation that quickly swept over her.

  The kiss was intoxicating. His large body sank into her and his strong hands moved over her curves. The memory of his lean form thrusting between her thighs was all too vivid and she felt herself becoming aroused.

  She tried to resist it, of course. She wasn’t about to let herself get sucked into him a second time. At least that’s what she told herself. But, when Nicholas peeled himself away from her just enough to read her emotions, she offered no resistance.

  That was all the encouragement he needed. He claimed her with another kiss and gripping her backside, lifted her against him. Shamefully, she wound her legs about him and her fingers got lost in his mane of dark hair. Nicholas carried her to the opened rear door of the SUV and lowered her onto the backseat.

  Their kiss intensified and Nicholas’s fingers moved to the zipper of her pants. A soft rasp followed and his fingers slipped into the opening. He made it abundantly clear exactly what he wanted as he began to stroke her softness under her panties. Daniela could not hold back a moan.

  His fondling continued and one lean finger slipped into h
er, extracting another moan. Daniela pressed herself against his hand. She hated herself for responding to him this way. She knew that for him, intimacy was nothing more than a way to relieve himself. Yet, here she was, lying on her back with her legs spread wide beneath him. And she wanted him fiercely.

  Nicholas raised her off the seat as he slipped her pants and underwear down to her knees. She quickly kicked off her boots, aiding him as he dragged her clothing down her legs. They were carelessly discarded on the back of the driver’s seat and Nicholas looped his arms under her thighs and pulled her to the edge of the seat.

  His smokey gaze held her in place. “You have two choices,” he said in a very low voice.

  Daniela suppressed a shudder as he traced his fingers up and down along her softness.

  “You can reveal the location of the Rune of Cythe and I will allow you to accompany us. Or you can remain here.” He waited.

  Somehow she managed to weigh the options amidst the confusion in her head. It didn’t take long to arrive at a decision. She needed to go with them. She knew that if she revealed the location of the rune she would be surrendering whatever leverage she had over him, but it was a chance she would have to take. Strangely, she felt she could trust Nicholas. It didn’t seem likely that he would simply abandon her and her sister once he had what he wanted.

  “I’ll tell you where the rune is.”

  He nodded, but his expression remained the same. His attention dipped to the place where his fingers were lodged and with his free hand, he unzipped his pants, freeing his hard phallus.

  The gentle pressure of his probing at her entrance sent her mind into another incoherent spin. Her arms enclosed around him as he lowered himself over her. And as he pressed into her, she welcomed every firm inch of him. The emotions she saw in him were illusions. They didn’t exist, but were exacerbations of lust. Yet, in this moment she was happy to pretend that things were different. That Nicholas would find her to be more than just an object of desire. And when this was all over he’d want her for who she was.


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