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Hiro's Fall

Page 7

by G L Rathweg

  The boy looked each of his companions in the eye and saw that no one was the same. Two of them shook their heads at him and turned, heading towards where their last friend had so recently departed. Even the boy’s closest companion frowned at him then closed his eyes and left with the others. That only left the boy and a few others. If he needed a more visible representation of things changing, he couldn’t imagine one. Just a few minutes ago the world was perfect, sane, happy, and now utter chaos and the unknown.


  Anna, Lancelot, Kagero, and I were in Rick’s home all gathered around the hearth in the center of the one room hut. I looked around as we sat there and it reminded of a traditional Japanese home, albeit from the Sengoku or their Medieval period, and made from bamboo and palm trees. Tae was moving around without a care in the world, as if there weren’t giant shark-men right outside the village’s walls.

  “More tea Hiro?” She asked.

  “Yes please.” I replied, as she filled my coconut cup with more tropical fruit tea. “Thanks Tae.”

  “Hiro, what did I tell you?” Tae chided, giving me a mock hurt look.

  “Thanks Ma.” I said, shaking my head and grinning at the older monkey bird.

  “That’s right.” Ma replied, pinching my cheek and smiling widely. “That goes for all of you.” She said, looking around the room at each of the other students.

  A chorus of thank you Ma’s rang out and the portly matron went back to her tasks, humming softly to herself.

  “Now, that my lovely misses be placated let’s get back to business.” Rick began. “Let me explain what is going on, better yet, let me show you. Let me get the ting.”

  “Hold ya fishes, hubbie.” Tae said, coming back over with a burning metal orb that she set down in the center of the hearth. Then she began humming and gesturing, rainbow colored Affinity Magic surrounding her whole body.

  I focused on the smoking multi-colored orb for a second and my AR-2 pinged, then an information screen appeared.


  Made from Affinity Coral this orb can hold memories of the past in it acting as a catalyst for Affinity Magic to recreate the user’s memories. Once used, the orb bonds with the host and can only be used by that being forever. After the bonded host dies the Affinity Orb becomes just a piece of Affinity Coral. It still contains the ability to hold Affinity Power but can no longer recreate memories.

  I dismissed the screen as Rick started speaking and the smoke started forming a picture.

  “Not so long ago, right after you left the last time to be exact, the shark-men appeared.” He explained.

  The smoke turned into a picture of the Fam’s home from when I last visited, when their village was on the beach. Little grey monkey bird figures went about their business, playing, eating, drinking, just living their frivolous and enjoyable lives. Now that the volcano was safe, they were secure and comfortable and all was right with the world, until it wasn’t.


  A deafening roar shook the smoking scene and the little figures looked around in fear and terror. Moments later the shark-men appeared in the water surrounding the village, walking out of the surf and towards the Fam’s village. The monsters made no attempt at communication, they just rushed towards their victims. The first dozen monkey birds were taken by surprise and the shark-men lashed into them with razor sharp teeth and claws. After a minute of slaughter, the rest of the Fam got the idea and flew up out of range of the attacking monsters.

  “That was the first run in with the vile shark-men. We made adjustments after that.” Rick explained.

  The orb changed and now the Fam was still at the island, but this time they were in the middle of constructing their current home. The scene fast forwarded, and the pylons were built, then the village on top, and the wall around it. A few more seconds went by and they finished. I watched as they celebrated, safe in their new home. The sun set and night came.

  The shark-men swam around the island, their fins slicing through the water, but the Fam had made their new home high up and the attackers couldn’t get to it. The view stayed on the circling sharks down in the ocean and then sped up, night becoming day and day becoming night, over and over for weeks. Then it stopped and things went back to normal speed.

  “We thought we were safe in our new home. We thought we were so smart, just build up high out of the water and they couldn’t get to us, we were wrong.” Rick said softly. “It happened in the middle of the night…”

  The moon was covered by the clouds and the whole world was cloaked in darkness. Only the barest of light made it through the cloud cover, casting dark grey shadows and giving the slightest hint of a view, it was almost ethereal and was hauntingly beautiful. Then I noticed movement and the view changed showing a night vision view of the Fam’s home. The shark-men were out of the water and quietly climbing up the pylons to the sleeping village up above. Horror welled up in me as I watched them crest the wall and pause, looking around seeing no one was awake. The Fam had thought they were safe up above the water in their newly built home, so they hadn’t set any guards.

  Over a dozen shark-men climbed over the wall and into the village, sneaking through the slumbering domiciles and entering the Fam’s homes. Screams tore through the night and the shark-men reappeared all of them carrying newly acquired bundles. I looked closer and saw the bundles were moving. They weren’t things, they were members of the Fam, kids to be exact. Shouts of fear and rage followed the screams and monkey birds raced out of their homes and after the raiders. The orb slowly stopped smoking then went dark and the room turned back to normal.

  “That night is called the Night of Terror. We lost many young ones due to my inexperience.” Rick said, remorse and guilt in his tone. “I made a vow that night to never let them take another member of the Fam. The result is as you see now, we armed ourselves, made armor, based on memory of Lord Rhys and your Master and Sensei. That pretty much catches you up to now.”

  All of us were quiet as we digested what we had just seen and heard. The only sounds were the humming and clattering of Ma as she puttered around. I glanced at her quickly and saw tears streaming down her furry cheeks, showing her true feelings. I stifled a sniff of my own and noticed that my friends were doing the same. Anna cleared her throat dragging all the eyes in the room to her, then she turned looking Rick in the eyes.

  “I promise you that all of us will help you destroy these vile monsters. You have the word of Anna Belmont.” She said, iron resolve in her voice.

  She was echoed by Tomoe and Lancelot, I just put my hand on Ricks shoulder and nodded. He smiled back and then looked around the room before his visage hardened and he stood up.

  “Thank you, it is high time that we take the fight to the shark-men and finish them off.” Rick stated.

  “Can you tell us any more about these monsters? How many of them are there? Where do they live? Things like that.” Lancelot said.

  “Yes, but better than tell you, I can show you. First though, we have to deal with those ones outside.” Rick said.

  “Don’t worry Rick-san, I have already come up with a few ideas on how to make sushi out of these shark-men.” Tomoe said, her face taking on a feral and not unhungry look.

  That’s why a quarter of an hour later everyone was back on the wall and looking down at the circling shark-men. It seemed to me, that the monsters were waiting for dark to strike, as that’s what they did last time. Hopefully, Tomoe’s plan worked, I thought, as I turned and looked at the little ninja girl. Who was leaning so far over the railing I was afraid she was going to fall off, but obviously she didn’t, I mean, ninja training and all that, you know? The whole wall was quiet as everyone waited for the call to initiate the plan.

  “Is everyone ready?” She asked, leaning back and hopping down from the top of the wall.

  “I’ve confirmed with everyone that they are all prepared and ready to go. Are you sure about this Ms. Tomoe?” Robyn
asked. “I mean, this is rather risky and…”

  “Oh, stop being such a worrywart, you sound like Headmaster Ichigo. Besides, this plan is awesome, right Anna, Hiro, Lancelot?” Tomoe replied, asking the three of us.

  I looked to the A-Ball Captain and the RKP student, who both shrugged and made noncommittal answers, which I echoed, this plan was kind of crazy. Tomoe scowled and flipped her head turning back to the water.

  “Such babies. It will work, just watch.” She said, nodding emphatically, as if convincing herself. “It’s time.”

  All of us hopped on top of the wall, each grabbing one of the Fam’s fishing hooks and lines. I glanced at the item and its information appeared.


  Weapon Type – Affinity Coral Fishing Hook

  Name – Jade Fishing Tackle

  Class – Rare

  Durability – 1000/1000

  Upgrades – Affinity Drain (Level 6), Unbreakable (Level N/A)

  Known Characteristics – The Jade fishing tackle is created from Affinity Coral that is superheated from volcanic lava spewing geysers under the water. The extreme pressure and temperature create Affinity Jade. This material has all the properties of Affinity Coral but super concentrated. Affinity fishing line is spun from Affinity Coral and is almost indestructible.

  Affinities – Air, Water, Life, Spirit, Death, Fire, Lightning

  “Ready up!” Anna called, activating her skill and her Affinity Power appearing around her.

  I dismissed the message and did the same, my aura covering me from head to toe, the rest of my friends similarly prepared themselves and were as ready as we could be for our current task. I raised my arms over my head and got into a diver’s stance along with everyone else. The sharks were coming around from the back of the village while we stood there waiting.

  “Three, Two, One…” Robyn counted out. “Now! Go, go, go!”

  As one, we leaped off the top of the Fam village wall, multi-colored Affinity Powers streaking down towards the water and the incoming shark-men. The dives were perfection and timed just right. We hit the surface just as the MOBs came around the last bend and could now see us.

  Then I entered the glassy liquid and plunged into the blue losing sight of them. My Affinity skill sizzled steamy bubbles obscured my vision as I dove down over a dozen feet into the deep. I flipped over in the water when I hit the proper depth, righting and reorienting myself with the surface above me and the ocean floor below.

  Treading water, I looked around and saw Bron to my left and Ari and Maggie to my right. There were other students around us as well, but my view was obscured by my friends and the surrounding water. It was a moot point anyway as the shark-men demanded my full attention. From my position in the water, now much closer to the incoming monsters, they took on a whole new look. They were much fiercer, larger, and just plain nastier looking.

  Their teeth alone went from sharp mildly dangerous looking things, to six-inch wicked blades of death that were downright terrifying. I did a little mental arithmetic and counted an almost equal number of us and them. The sharks spotted us right away and their speed increased almost triple. The distance between us, about fifty feet, was dwindling rapidly as the monsters rushed forward weapons at the ready, and faces with wide feral, well, shark-like grins.

  I’m sure the shark-men thought that we’d be easy prey, even covered in Affinity auras as we were, the MOBs were in their element not us. This was made abundantly clear as they covered half the distance between us in moments. The water behind them a morass of slipstreams and bubbles as they tore through the liquid towards their next victims, all of us.

  “Initiate phase one of Plan Crazy Ninja Girl, now!” Robyn’s voice sounded in my head.

  “Ten-four good buddy.” I replied, with a mental salute and accent, my hook and line readied in my hands.


  The world around me went away as I focused slowly on the charging shark man that was heading my way, fast. Since there were an equal number of us and them, we all were tasked with grappling with only one MOB each. I banished the random thoughts from my mind and prepared myself. The monster was only twenty feet away now and would be on me in a second. I fed Affinity Power into my line and hook, a light glow appearing around them as I did, but so faint that it couldn’t be seen through the obscuring water.


  The hammerhead shark’s descendant opened its mouth wide and pulled the trident in its arms back, ready to strike and bite me at the same time. I think the monster was underestimating me, good, it would make my job that much easier. I held my position till the last instant, miming fear with my body language, which the shark fell for, hook, line, and sinker.

  The shark launched its trident and I dodged quickly to the side, it missed completely and tried to follow up with a chomp of its daggerlike teeth. I flared my skill to level two and flicked the hook forward and into the hammerheads open mouth. Then kicked up and rose over the shark as it swam by, missing me by mere inches. The MOB continued its mad dash, it was moving so fast it was unable to stop and turn. I continued unimpeded, swimming full bore to the surface, line growing taught in my hands.


  The roar and wail of the multiple shark-men tore through the water as the hooks caught, ripping into the meat of their soft inner mouths. The surface was quickly approaching, and I risked a look around, seeing my classmates streaking as I was towards the light, fresh air, and the next part of our plan. A quick look below me and I saw Hammerhead, mostly just his dagger filled maw, coming up fast, blood tainting the water as it swam, from the large hook lodged in its mouth.

  Our plan had been created by Tomoe. It was based on the shark-men’s anatomy. She had noticed that their arms were placed along their sides much further back and down than a normal humans. Her theory had been that if we hooked them in the mouth then they wouldn’t be able to reach up and dislodge the Affinity enhanced hooks.

  “Now!” Robyn’s voice sounded out.

  I tightened my grip on the line just as it was yanked upward, hard, pulling me and the shark-man out of the water. We shot up into the air flying free and I glanced down and saw the hammerhead was roaring and flailing his poorly placed limbs. After bouncing up and down a few times we hung there dangling from the Affinity enhanced lines. Cheers were sounding out all around from my fellow students and the Fam.

  “Crazy Ninja Girl’s plan worked! Holy freaking crap dude!” Peter yelled.

  Laughter ensued at the joke and we all cheered again. The line below began shaking wildly along with the shark-man hooked to it.

  “Initiate phase two of the plan.” Tomoe’s voice rang out.

  I responded in the affirmative along with the others and pulled my sword from its sheath. The shark-man began to flail around even more wildly as he saw what I was doing.

  “Sorry buddy, but it’s survival of the fittest out here. Besides, you hurt my friends.” I said, with a feral grin.

  A little while later I was back up in the Fam’s village with the other students bathing in the hot springs. We all had a plethora of blood to clean off. Everyone wore their bathing suits and just kind of lounged around in the heated volcanic pools of water. The baths themselves were amazing things, the water was full of Affinity Power, and had rejuvenating effects on all of us. Cuts and bruises were healed, not only that but energy was restored, and all our Affinity Power was fully charged.

  “These are amazing, I feel super charged.” Sara said, from her spot next to Peter. The springs being unisex.

  Various forms of agreement answered her and then we all quieted down and relaxed. The sprites that were with us were all galivanting around as usual but even they were enjoying the magically charged springs. Tuki and the others that had left with him were still gone, I closed my eyes and could still feel him. I was faint though because he was in the Affinity Realm, it was
more of just a general awareness of him still being alive. I hope he came back soon, I always worried about him when he was gone for too long.

  “A penny for your thoughts?” Maggie asked, bumping me slightly in the hip from her lounging position at my side.

  “Yeah, what’s the plan now qupie.” Justin said, coming over and splashing down into our pool. “Oww!”

  “Watch your language.” Anna admonished, smacking her brother in the back of the head as she came up behind him, then sat down in the pool joining us. “Although, I have to agree with him, what is the plan now?”

  I looked over at the Belmont siblings and was about to answer when a voice interrupted me.

  “Cannonball!” Rick yelled, careening down into the center of the hot spring and send waves of water covering all of us.

  The waves being larger than normal as the flying monkey bird did a kamikaze not just a leap. After much laughing and spluttering Rick cleared his throat.

  “Come on all of you, dinner is ready, we have prepared a feast in celebration of our great victory today!” He said, enthusiastically.

  Cheers sounded out around the hot spring.

  “What’s for dinner?” Bron asked, when everyone quieted down.

  “Shark sushi!” Rick answered, with a vicious smile.

  “Are you serious?” Cayden asked, his face going a little green.

  “OMG!” Tomoe squealed, quickly followed by her teammates. They talked excitedly in Japanese with each other for a minute before they got a hold of themselves. “This is so amazing, shark-man is a delicacy among our people. You are all lucky to have some, many go their entire lives without ever trying such an amazing dish.”


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