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Erotic Tales of the Nyphrazi - Complete 7 Part Series

Page 3

by Minky St Anne

  “Okay, okay, I’m moving.”

  I skip across the room and flip the curtains to one side and rush through the archway in anticipation. I’m momentarily confused when I find myself outside. Swinging back towards the curtains, I’m stunned to find they’re not there. Instead I’m looking back along the gravel track that I’d trudged down a couple of days earlier.

  My backpack and the branch with my jacket still wrapped around it, lie abandoned in the middle of track. I’m pleased they’re still there. But I’m pissed that Vyran has ditched me without so much as a goodbye. Talk about feeling like a used tissue. This anger is soon replaced by an unwelcome sense of loss.

  With no obvious way of getting myself back into the cave system, I throw my backpack on and then toss the branch along with my jacket over one shoulder. How the hell am I supposed to explain my absence to my family? Missing for two days and rather than coming home disheveled, I’m cleaner than I have been since I started that disgusting job. Looking at the angle of the sun it seems as though I’ve been freed at a similar time of day to when I’d been captured. But how the hell am I supposed to explain where I’ve been?

  “That bastard!” This refrain continues as I stomp the final mile to home, all the while working on a plan to explain my absence.

  I ditch my sparkly clean boots in the mud room and open the door to the living room where I expect to be pounced on by my folks with them demanding to know where the hell I’ve been.

  “You’re home early,” says my Mom, not bothering to look up from the huge casserole she’s stirring and that has my stomach gurgling in anticipation after only eating berries for a couple of days.

  “I’ve just made your brother drive back into town to pick you up,” says my dad, his gaze remaining riveted to the TV.

  It takes mere seconds to realize I haven’t lost time or been missed, but if either of them sees the non-fishy state of me, they’re going to smell a rat.

  “I got sick of waiting and walked,” I say, scooting through to my bedroom and ditching my clothes before anyone has a chance to see them. I then stand in the shower long enough to fake my unexplained cleanliness and long enough to have my dad banging on the wall.

  Dried, I drag on my evening sweats and make it to the table in time to have a plate of casserole put in front of me. I’ve already gobbled down a couple of mouthfuls before my brother gets home, bitching about not being able to find me. Seeing how annoyed he is has me struggling in vain to keep the smile off my face. Something he doesn’t miss.

  “How the hell did you get home?”

  “Walked.” I deliberately avoid stating when I’d started out because, while he’s not a rocket scientist, neither is he stupid and I don’t want him working out that things don’t add up time-wise.

  After clearing away after dinner, I fake a few yawns so I can escape to my room.

  “I’m off to bed. It’s been a long day.”

  A chorus of ‘goodnights’ follow me down the hall as I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I can’t help but feel relieved when I shut my bedroom door and climb safely into bed without the events of the past two days having been discovered. I hate lying, especially to my folks, even if only by omission.

  In the silence of my room I’m free to think on my experience with Vyran. And after manually relieving some of the sexual tension that this brings on, I get back to thinking about him. What if I never see him again? Given how bizarre my popping into that parallel world of his had been, the likelihood of it happening again seems slim.

  The next two weeks pass in a blur. I start walking home from the plant when it’s fine, taking the shortcut in hopes of crashing through that invisible barrier again. But it doesn’t happen. It also doesn’t seem to matter how early I get to bed, I wake up exhausted. My dreams of Vyran are vivid and erotic leaving me in a constant state of arousal with no respite.

  By the end of the third week after my visit to the Nyphrazi caves, I’m running on empty and mightily pleased that my shifts are getting shorter due to a lack of fish. While I’d normally be pissed about missing two days’ work and the subsequent drop in pay, the thought of a decent break has me close to weeping with relief.

  The joy of going to bed without having to set the alarm for four thirty is a simple pleasure. It’s not the only pleasure I indulge in as I scratch the itch that has been tickling me since I last saw Vyran and this isn’t the first time in the past couple of weeks I’ve had to ‘scratch’ myself either. I’ve never been so constantly horny, ever.

  I’m not sure what time it is when I’m woken up by someone climbing on top of me. I automatically lash out with closed fists but don’t encounter anyone. I blindly reach out for the lamp on my bedside table, eventually finding the switch and turning it on.

  I’m alone.

  And yet I can still feel a weight bearing down on me. When I see a shape forming under the blankets I’m unable to stop the scream that pierces the quiet of my room. Certainly, it’s loud enough to have my dad opening my bedroom door moments later, his favorite shotgun locked and loaded. His appearance has the blankets dropping back down to hug my body.

  I’m now officially freaked out.

  He props the shotgun in the corner by the door and drops down on the edge of my bed. “What’s wrong baby girl?” he says, pulling me into a strong embrace and stroking my hair.

  “Sorry, I guess it must have been a nightmare.” And I guess it must have been, because nothing else explains what just happened.

  Once he’s convinced I’m okay, dad struggles to his feet, collects his gun and pulls the door softly shut on his way back to bed. I soon hear the muffled tones of him telling my mom what it was about. I try settling down in hopes of getting back to sleep, but I’m sure as hell leaving the light on.

  This also means I’m able to see the blankets taking shape once more.

  I fill my lungs ready to scream for my dad again but any air in them hisses out when whatever is beneath the covers gives my nipples a good hard tug. I lift the blankets and look at my naked breasts. There’s nothing visible, apart from two very erect nipples. When I feel rather than see a hand on my breast and one of my nipples stretches before my very eyes, I think I’m going completely fucking nuts. But then Vyran’s image flickers briefly into focus before my startled gaze.

  “I didn’t want you to go,” he whispers to me, “but the extra power you gifted me has allowed me to visit you.”

  All those feelings of rejection and loss wash away and I can’t help but curve myself up against him. He doesn’t need any further prompting and is soon moving down my body with that clever tongue of his darting all over the place as he goes.

  “Huh, what power?” I ask him, after my scrambled brain has had time to process, but he’s already dropped between my thighs and suddenly I no longer care. I hold the covers up so I can watch the master at work, but then his image flickers like a television on the fritz, and he fades completely.

  The sensations don’t stop though. If anything they intensify, eventually forcing me to shove the corner of one of my pillows into my mouth to gag my cries of ecstasy.

  While Vyran might not care that my folks are a couple of doors away, I sure as hell do and so when he buries his ghostly self in me up to the hilt and starts to withdraw in readiness for driving into me again, I put a stop to things until we’re safely on the floor. Funny, up until this point I hadn’t even realized my bed squeaked.

  It’s only when I close my eyes that any of it makes sense. Without my sight to confuse me I can feel myself straddling him, while he kneels and leans back over his heels allowing his cock to stand tall. But when I look at my reflection in the mirror on the closet door, all I can see is myself suspended in mid-air with something invisible folding back the lips of my sex, exposing me to the cool night air.

  Once we get into a hard pumping rhythm, I’m unable to tear my eyes away from the mirror and my wanton reflection. Vyran picks up on this fascination of mine and pulls and twists my cl
it with the combination of image and sensation being mind-blowing. I’m about to sob my release when he stops all movement to keep me on the edge and mashes his mouth over mine to swallow my frustrated whimpering.

  “We need to go back to the cave,” is then whispered into my ear. “I want to hear you scream.”

  Before I can nod my consent, we’re there.

  Chapter Six

  I’m still straddling him, but now he’s sitting on the edge of the bed and sliding me out along his legs and then back in again. I’m mesmerized by the sight of his leather-clad cock disappearing into my depths and when he places his thumb on my clit and grinds it around and around, all those sensations come crashing down on that one small part of me before exploding in spectacular fashion.

  I scream his name over and over as he’s wanted and I’m soon rewarded when he finds his own release and roars out my name.

  “How do you know my name?” I ask as soon as I’ve got my breath back.

  “I’ve watched you for years of our time.”

  I have trouble comprehending this from a physical point of view but also because I’m laying spread out on top of him and I can feel that ever-ready cock of his, nudging for entrance again. This does nothing for my concentration.

  “I never wanted you to go, it was Gaiya,” says Vyran, lifting his hips ever so slightly and gaining entrance.

  “The old lady?”

  “Old, but very powerful.”

  “What was it you meant when you said I’d gifted you power?”

  “When I achieve Nysa.” He pauses as though articulating the rest of his response. “I draw power from the source.”

  When he falls silent again, I wait impatiently for him to continue.

  “It’s power that lasts,” he adds softly. The look on his face says clearly that even he’s having trouble believing it.

  “Huh?” I certainly don’t feel drained after he’s climaxed. Tired yes, but drained no.

  I’m formulating another question, when the curtain to his bed chamber is thrown aside and five large men walk in. Vyran lifts me off him and pops me gently next to his side while they line up across the end of the bed. I drag as many furs over my naked form as I’m able but this still doesn’t stop me feeling incredibly exposed. I’d like to look away from their ravenous gaze but as a group they’re magnetic.

  While their dress and bodies might be comparable in form to Vyran’s, there any similarities end. Whereas Vyran is hewn from nature, the men standing at the end of the bed are more akin to precious metals.

  “Are you not going to introduce us to your new toy?” says the man, on the far left. Everything is about him smacks of silver, from his hair and eyes to his glistening skin. That the fettyr covering his cock is fashioned out of this metal seems appropriate.

  With my attention captured by his question, I can’t help but notice that the pattern on his fettyr is more straightforward and military in design than that of Vyran’s. The whole surface is covered in small round-headed cones. That these are undulating up and down its length while he stands there with arms folded and legs astride is enthralling.

  “You like what you see girl? Imagine it buried deep inside you.”

  I open my mouth to respond, but the words stall as I’m unable to stop myself thinking about that very thing. As though he knows this, the undulations on his silver fettyr break into a random pattern as though at some unspoken command from him.

  God, I’m such a slut.

  “These are my brothers. The lecherous bastard on the end is Seolfer,” says Vyran, nodding to the silver man. “Then we’ve got Ciprus, Axel, Aurum and Marlo.”

  I nod to each of them in turn, marveling at the fettyrs they’re all wearing. Ciprus’s fettyr is copper and matches his coloring perfectly, Axel’s is a reddish silver that I’m thinking might be nickel, while Aurum’s is a glittering gold and thin enough that I can see his veins pulsing through its unadorned simplicity. In contrast, Marlo’s is a dark, unforgiving iron.

  When my gaze latches onto Marlo’s fettyr, he takes it as an invitation to lean on the bed and grab my foot; the only part of me not covered in several layers of fur.

  I squeak and try to pull it out of his grasp but he holds on tight, despite a filthy look from Vyran. What starts out as a gentle buzz on the sole of my foot, soon gains in intensity as it works its way up my leg. Even after Marlo lets go of my foot, the buzz continues its journey before circling my sex a couple of times and then going in for the kill.

  I’m unable to stop the gasp of surprise at the strength of my response, something that has Vyran looking sideways at me and Marlo chuckling loudly.

  “She’s a keeper,” says Marlo, his fettyr bouncing against the iron chain that secures the end of it around his waist. “You promised us we could all have a turn. Now suits me.”

  “You what?” I say, turning on Vyran.

  “That was before,” he says, his tone subdued.

  “Before what?”

  “Before I attained Nysa with you.”

  This statement has the five at the end of the bed gasping and booming out “No!” in turn.

  “Is that right?” says Seolfer, his gaze cold and calculating as he stares at me.

  At my questioning look, Vyran says “I ejaculated.”

  “Dammit,” says Ciprus, of the copper hue, “you’re duty-bound to let us at least try.”

  “Now hang on just a fucking second,” I shout into the hubbub of assertions from the brothers that they should all get to have a go at me. “Don’t I have some say in this?”

  “They’re right,” says Vyran, his expression bleak. “It’s necessary to keep the balance,” he gestures distractedly at his brothers, “They also need to attain Nysa.”

  What follows is a flurry of fur and flying fists, but it does no good, I’m soon lying uncovered in the middle of the bed, with Marlo’s dark iron-colored hand holding one ankle while the other is held tight by Aurum’s golden paw. They spread me wide but are surprisingly gentle about it. Axel then positions himself between my feet and the gaze he rivets on the juncture of my thighs, is raw enough that I can feel myself tightening in response. When Vyran sees what’s happening, he gives his all to get free of Ciprus and Seolfer who are holding him back. But they prevail.

  “I want to go first!” says Aurum, “I’ll ruin her for the rest of you.”

  I feel the buzz in the soles of both feet at the same time, and am still roaring “No!” repeatedly at the top of my lungs when one attacks my clit while the other has my honey pot vibrating wildly. I open my eyes in time to see Axel lean forward and hold a hand over the top of each of my thighs. I’m too far gone to fight it and arch my sex up, trying to get as near to him as I can. He needs no further enticement and slams his hands down inches from my mounting climax.

  I’m getting close to shattering when I feel a hand hit each knee as Seolfer and Ciprus get in on the act at the last minute. Shaking violently with my vagina rippling, I’m only vaguely aware when Vyran drops on the bed beside me.

  “It’s not safe for you here.” He places his hand on my forehead and my brain is soon buzzing as hard as the rest of my body.

  I know I’m back in my bedroom when the bedside lamp blinds me with its brightness. My girly bits are still whirring and I’m on the brink of a mind blowing orgasm. I chew on my blanket as the throbbing of my sex starts a pulsing pattern that has me rigid with anticipation. The vibration in my knees works its way up the front of my legs, with its slow pace filling me with both dread and hope in equal parts. The closer the quivering gets to the apex of my thighs, the harder I have to chew on my blanket. While one ball of energy goes to join its brother deep inside of me, the other drops between my legs and burrows its way up between my cheeks, there’s nothing I can do about it despite concerted clenching.

  I come five times in a row.

  No sooner does one spasm die away, than the next engulfs me. As each peak thrums through my body, I hear one or other of the brother’s voi
ces inside my head as clear as if they were on the bed next to me. Each whispered promise tells me what they’re going to do to me when it’s their turn for real, and this only strokes my lust.

  By the time they’ve finished with me, I’ve been energy-fucked by all of them and am limp and compliant with my whole world centered between my legs.

  I sleep sixteen hours straight and when I wake, I still feel exhausted. I’m laying waiting for the energy to actually get out of bed when I realize I still don’t have a clue what Vyran meant about keeping the balance.

  God of Silver

  Erotic Tales of the Nyphrazi

  Part 2

  Chapter One

  Have I gotten over my infatuation with Vyran, my God of the Woods? Nope! It’s been nearly six weeks; it should have started to fade by now, surely?

  But I’m like an addict where he’s concerned and while I’m no longer having dreams about him fucking my brains out, this doesn’t stop me staying awake and thinking back on that wicked tongue of his. Unfortunately, I’ve also spent a good amount of time worrying about his siblings and the whole ‘balance’ issue that Vyran had talked about. I’d been busy dealing with a crowning orgasm and he’d zapped me home before I could ask him about it.

  It’s his brothers who are no doubt responsible for him stopping his nightly contact because, as far as they were concerned, he’d had his turn and now it was theirs. Even thinking about the five of them in their almost-naked glory as they stood at the end of Vyran’s bed has my sex twitching like a rabbit sniffing out a particularly juicy carrot.

  In hindsight, they would have been less alluring if they’d been completely-naked but thinking back on those industrial strength condoms, or fettyrs as they called them, has my imagination going into overdrive. Each brother had a fettyr made of a different material and each with a unique pattern seemingly for the sole purpose of exacting pleasure. That is apart from Aurum, God of Gold whose fettyr seemed to be all about looks.


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