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Erotic Tales of the Nyphrazi - Complete 7 Part Series

Page 5

by Minky St Anne

  “You okay girly?” he calls to me through his passenger window.

  “Fine,” I manage to grit out.

  “You sure?” he says, not looking convinced.

  “Yes!” I say with a lot more force than is appropriate for such a response, but it suits the spasms roaring through my body perfectly. “Yes!”

  When I open my eyes, he’s driven off. It’s a couple of minutes later before I feel capable of doing the same.

  The first snow of winter has fallen, and still Seolfer has possession of my body. I’m not sure if it’s coincidence or not, but the blasted silver seem to go off at the most inappropriate times and I’m now a master at masking that I’m being consumed by a rip roaring orgasm. I tell anyone who asks about my breathing that I’m an asthmatic.

  But then my body becomes so used to them that I’m capable of rational thought even at their peak and they don’t affect me as much, although Seolfer’s voice inside my head is as strong as ever. Maybe even stronger. I get my idea for revenge from a book although the scene in the story is completely different to how I plan on playing it out in real life.

  Of course it’ll only work if Seolfer can hear me as clearly as I can hear him. There’s only one way to find out for sure.

  “Are you sure you won’t come with us?” says my mom, standing next to the door to the mud room.

  “You always have a good time at the Fergusson’s parties,” says my dad.

  “Com’on, you guys. If she wants to stay home, let her,” says my brother, before herding my parents through the door and shutting it with a resounding bang.

  After hearing their truck crunching down the driveway, I give it half an hour to make sure they’re well and truly gone and then I get myself to bed.

  There’s no need for soft music and candlelight to get me in the mood. I strip, lie down and tap Seolfer’s silver clit cover half a dozen times just to make sure I get things moving quickly.

  Oh boy does it ever.

  The orgasm is more like a fit. It’s so strong I actually faint.

  Coming around, my body purring softly, I realize I can still hear Seolfer’s voice inside my head. Usually I can only hear him when I’m at the height of the climax. That’s when he hits me with how hard he’s going to fuck me next time. He seems to think if I climax hard enough, I’ll get that buzzing in the brain and bam; I’ll be at his mercy in his cave.

  His voice sounds strained.

  “What are you doing?” he grits out. “Just once.”

  Now this is an interesting development. “Why?”

  “Because the fascinum I’ve gifted you with has been used to execute people.”

  “Gifted! What? Hang on. Execute!”

  Suddenly I wonder at the wisdom of my plan for revenge. Then I think about how my life will be if I continue to let him rule me like this.

  I don’t allow myself to think on it any further.

  I tap the fascinum, twice and relax into the sensations that are soon flooding my body. It’s only when I feel like I’m floating above the bed that I think I maybe should have waited a bit longer between that last hyper session and this one. And maybe tapped it just the once as he’d suggested.

  Every nerve in my body is vibrating; even the hair on my scalp feels like it’s standing on end. Then as though on an unspoken command, although I know who’s behind it, the buzzing in my extremities heads for the very core of me. My clit is soon overpowered and I can feel it throbbing with the energy that’s engulfed it. It explodes so forcefully that the rest of me jerks in response. But I keep my wits about me enough to go in for the kill.

  “Oh, Vyran! Yes! Yes! Yes! Vyran, you’re the best lover I’ve ever had!”

  I hope I haven’t gone too overboard, aware that even to me I sounded a bit like a b-grade porno. But I figure it’s going to be damned hard for him to achieve Nysa if I’m screaming out his brother’s name.

  When I hear Seolfer roaring inside my head I know two things.

  He can hear me when I’m peaking.

  He isn’t a happy camper.

  “Every time you take over my body, I am going to scream Vyran’s name. I don’t care where I am!”

  He hits me with everything he has. “You will shriek my name! You will!”

  But still I scream Vyran’s name. When my voice gives out, I continuing screaming it inside my head. The fucking bastard’s trying to do me serious damage.

  “Vyran! Come with me! Come TO me!”

  I think Vyran is as surprised as I am, when he flickers to life beside me in the bed.

  I manage to croak out “Help me,” before surrendering to the sensations that are rolling through me without pause.

  Chapter Four

  Feeling fur stroking my body I know I’m no longer in Alaska. I can hear labored breathing from someone nearby.

  “Vyran?” I don’t bother opening my eyes when I speak. I don’t think I could.

  “Remove the fascinum!” barks Vyran, his voice vibrating with anger.

  When Vyran’s request is backed up by others, I force my eyes open so I can see what’s going on. Axel and Marlo are holding onto Seolfer’s arms while Ciprus attacks the chain that holds Seolfer’s fettyr around his waist, with what looks to be a hacksaw. Certainly it’s out of place in the natural setting of Vyran’s sleeping chamber.

  “No!” roars Seolfer, struggling to free himself.

  His struggle falters when Marlo slaps his hand on the top of Seolfer’s head. The God of Silver’s eyes immediately glaze over and the fight goes out of him.

  “I don’t know that you should have done that, Marlo,” says Aurum, from beside the head of the bed where I hadn’t even seen him.

  “He deserved it. He’s probably ruined her for the rest of us!” says the God of Iron, his face scowling.

  “What? What does he mean?” I stare at Vyran, pleading for an explanation.

  He doesn’t look like he wants to answer me, but I don’t let up in my silent plea and he eventually relents. “The fascinum can kill off nerve endings. Permanently.”

  He doesn’t need to explain further. “You fucking bastard!” I scream at Seolfer despite the rawness of my throat. I don’t get too much response from him. The guy’s currently more like a zombie than a god.

  During this exchange Ciprus has continued to saw away at the silver chain around Seolfer’s waist. The minute the sound of metal against metal ceases, Ciprus announces that Seolfer is ready.

  I’m unable to stop the dread that creeps into my next question. “Ready for what?”

  “It’s the only way,” says Vyran, before nodding to Marlo and Axel in some unspoken command.

  They drag Seolfer over and dump him on the furs next to me, resulting in me scrambling off the edge of the bed to put as much room as I can between myself and the prick who’s made the last couple of months a climaxing-hell for me. My legs hold me up, but only just.

  “I’m not fucking going near him,” I say, dragging a fur off the bed when I grasp I’m still naked.

  “You have to. It’s the only way to remove the fascinum,” says Vyran, pulling me into his arms.

  “He’s right,” says Ciprus, coming up behind me and resting his hands gently on my hips.

  “I’ll make it easier for you,” says Marlo, who’s walked over to join the three of us.

  Before I can fathom what he means, his hand rests softly on the top of my head and bang, it’s like I’ve just chugged a dozen beers, but without feeling the need to puke.

  I know what’s going on, but I really don’t give a fuck when the fur I’ve been using to cover myself drops from my nerveless fingers.

  Ciprus takes the opportunity to run his hands all over my ass, squeezing my cheeks gently before sliding a hand down to rest between them. I’m unable to stop myself moving my feet apart to give him better access, forgetting that he can’t plunge his fingers into me while I’m being guarded by the God of Silver’s fascinum.

  No sooner has Vyran dropped his head and suc
ked one of my nipples into his hot, hot mouth than Ciprus taps the fascinum and it flares with a short-lived burst of energy that has my legs buckling. I’m only vaguely aware of the two of them carrying me over to where Seolfer lies on the bed.

  I’m now so out of it and turned on that I don’t think twice about straddling the God and sinking onto his silver fettyr. I then still, expecting him to do the rest as he had when he’d possessed Gerry, but because he’s been zonked so thoroughly by Marlo, he does nothing.

  “You need to move,” says Vyran, before claiming my lips in a searing kiss.

  Weird, I didn’t even feel him crawling on to the bed next to me.

  “Up you go,” says Axel, putting his hands under my ass and lifting me bodily before letting me settle again.

  When it becomes obvious I’m past the point of actually moving, he continues to help me to slide up and down on Seolfer’s rigid length. Any sensation I’m feeling is because of my movement, with the domes on the silver fettyr frozen and the rippling of the fascinum now having faded away to nothing.

  “That bastard, the poor girl, is as good as dead to us,” spits out Ciprus.

  “Bring him around a bit,” growls Vyran to Marlo.

  Once again, Marlo rests his big iron-colored hand on Seolfer’s head but this time, instead of glazing over, clarity returns to the God of Silver’s eyes and I can tell when he grasps that he’s buried deep inside of me because the domes start moving in that now familiar pattern.

  I think all the brothers are as disappointed as I am when, although I continue to get more and more aroused, I don’t climax.

  “Do I have to?” I say, shuddering weakly in response to the latest internal massage.

  “Yes.” Vyran’s response is bare and unforgiving, just like his tongue when he plunges it into my mouth in simulation of Seolfer’s fettyr.

  I’m aware of the fascinum having dropped away from my clit when I feel the coolness of the air puffing over it each time I plunge down onto Seolfer’s cock. “Has it moved enough?”

  “You need to find release before it can be removed entirely,” says Vyran.

  “So close,” I manage to gasp out against his lips as I feel my climax cresting higher and higher but still not breaking.

  What follows is a grab-fest as I feel first one nipple being rolled between eager fingers, then the other, then both together. My eyes drift open in a sensual haze as I look at the brothers crowded around me. While I’m way beyond counting I can see that Ciprus with his copper locks is missing. That’s when someone behind me slides their hand between my cheeks and spreads me wide.

  “Are you ready?” says Marlo, the only one not connected to my body in some way.

  I’m unable to articulate either a question or an answer, but he takes my silence as consent and reaches out with both hands. One he places on Seolfer’s head, the other on my recently uncovered pearl. What follows is a sexual overload.

  Vyran’s tongue fills my mouth, my nipples are tugged on repeatedly and whoever is behind me pushes something sleek and hard into my back passage adding greatly to the sensations coming from Seolfer’s cock. I rip my mouth free of Vyran’s to cry my release, my head thrown back and every erogenous zone screaming as they shatter.

  Waking, it doesn’t take long for me to appreciate I’m in the wooden pool that Vyran had bathed me in when I first visited the Caves of the Nyphrazi. He rubs me gently all over using a soft leather cloth, while his movements are designed to be relaxing, they’re not. Maybe that bastard Seolfer hasn’t ruined me for sex after all. Thinking on him and his damned fascinum has me jerking one of my hands down to explore myself thoroughly to see if I really am free of his silver.

  “Thank god!” This response is both because I’m free of metal and also that my clit doesn’t seem to have been fucked completely.

  “How do you feel?” says Vyran, rubbing the cloth around and around on my stomach in a hypnotic manner.

  “Okay, I think. It’s just that …”

  “What?” His brow furrows when he looks at me, as though trying to spot some change.

  “I feel like there’s still something inside of me.”

  “That will pass. But it can take some time.”

  “No. Not there.” I stumble to a stop, words failing me.

  I can see comprehension spring to life on his face. This is followed by him clicking and humming to the table in a language he seems to use for that sole purpose. As before the wooden hands that make up the table in its solid form swirl around in the water next to me, crowding around my calves and lifting them clear of the water. Then those still under me push my hips clear of the water. Great, I’m now in the woodland equivalent of a gynecological examination table with my legs high in the air and all my bits on display for the world to see.

  It doesn’t take long for Vyran to find the problem. I hear him muttering about Ciprus before he retrieves what looks like a solid copper butt plug.

  “No wonder your release was so great,” he says, dropping the plug into a bowl that rests on the edge of the pool.

  With the problem sorted, I expect to be lowered back into the water, but Vyran has other ideas. Dipping his cloth into the water, he rubs it gently up and down my cleft, all the while clicking and humming. Before long, some wooden hands peel the lips of my labia back like a flower to give him greater access and I’m unable to stop myself from curving up towards the sopping wet chamois.

  “All is not lost, my lovely.”

  Chapter Five

  No longer am I restricted to the sleeping and bathing chambers, after Vyran magically created another archway with the merest wave of his hand. I’ve explored as far as I dare but with the cave system being a labyrinth of similar-looking passages I worry about getting lost.

  Looking out the main entrance of the caves, I take in the unfamiliar territory. It wouldn’t take a lifetime subscription to National Geographic to know that I’m no longer in Alaska. I hadn’t realized just how different the landscape was when I’d first stumbled upon the Nyphrazi. I don’t recognize any of the trees, the bird life is different and it’s a lot warmer than my home state.

  “How long am I allowed to stay?” I say to Vyran when he joins me.

  He puts his arm around my shoulders and pulls me close. “Only until you’ve healed.”

  “But I feel fine.” And really I do, after weeks of uninterrupted sleep, good food and fresh air; I’m feeling myself again. I’ve even started to get horny without stimulation. Something I thought would never happen.

  “Until I can make you come by simply blowing on your clit, you’re staying right where you are.”

  I pull away and punch him in the arm, hard. “That’s not fair! I wasn’t that sensitive before Seolfer jammed his damned fascinum up me.”

  That lump of silver was the last thing to be up there too, with Vyran refusing to touch me since washing me down after he and his brothers had rid me of it.

  Vyran rubs his arm where I’ve punched him, but I know I don’t have the strength to hurt him. His smile says more than words that his show of pain is just that.

  “Your lessons begin soon.”

  After dropping this bombshell, he turns and vanishes into the depths of the caves. I know he’s heard the “What lessons?” I yell after him, when I hear him laugh delightedly. It’s full of promise and has my sex tightening in an encouraging manner.

  “Rest well. You’re going to need it,” soon echoes back along the tunnel he’s disappeared down.

  “Like that’s going to help!” I bellow back at him.

  My bedtime routine that evening is different with Vyran having been conspicuous by his absence since dropping his news about lessons. On entering the sleeping chamber I share with him, for all the good it’s done me, rather than find my God of the Woods waiting for me, his place has been taken by Ciprus and Marlo who stand next to the bed.

  “God, what now!” This must be part of the lessons Vyran was talking about.

  When the two broth
ers understand what I’m thinking they’re there for, they burst out laughing. So much so, that there’s even a bit of knee-slapping and crying. All this does is ramp up my anger.

  “Fine!” I stomp over to the bed, rip my chamois sheath dress off, toss it on the ground and then throw myself backwards onto the bed, spreading my legs as soon as I’m flat on my back. “Ready!”

  Not that I completely assume the position. No closed eyes for me, instead I death-stare the pair of them, challenging them to have a go. The bastards call my bluff when they both climb onto the bed with me, one on either side. I thought I’d be safe if there were two of them. Certainly that’d been the reason for Vyran’s decree that no single brother, other than himself, could be with me at any time. These two obviously missed that particular memo.

  Marlo holds his dark hand above my left breast, so close that I can feel the heat beating down from it. But rather than settle he sweeps it up to my forehead and places it there gently. The buzzing has only just started when he whispers in my ear “Sweet dreams, princess.”

  Even so, I’m not completely under when I feel both my nipples being tweaked to an accompaniment of more laughter.

  I wake moments later, but the brothers are nowhere in sight.

  Also, I’m no longer on the bed and am suspended in a body harness of some sort. That it’s made of soft leather lets me know that Vyran is behind its construction. This gives me some small measure of comfort although when I look at it more closely I can see it’s been designed with one thing in mind.

  “How the hell?” I was only out for what felt like seconds, they simply didn’t have time to do this to me. Struggling against the straps that hold me in place, the harness sets to swinging causing the leather to creak alarmingly although the way parts of the apparatus grind into my cleft, momentarily distracts me and has me writhing for more.

  “Oh, no you don’t,” says Vyran, coming to stand before me. He tugs on a couple of straps hanging from the ceiling and my feet are pulled out to the side, taking any leather well away from the mounting dampness between my thighs. My arms are held out straight out to the sides so that I’m sure I look like Leonardo’s man circle square thingee. Though I doubt Mr. Da Vinci had this in mind when he originally sketched it.


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