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Erotic Tales of the Nyphrazi - Complete 7 Part Series

Page 24

by Minky St Anne

  “Is that necessary?” I say to Obis, as much as to the goddesses surrounding me, before remembering the goddess has popped out for a cup of sugar or something.

  “It is better if you don’t move,” says Vyra, picking up what looks like a metal bottle brush off the table.

  “What the fuck are you going to do with that?” I check on the strength of my restraints but despite them looking ethereal and me being a lot stronger these days, they’re like steel and I can’t move an inch. This is the last fucking time I get into or sit on any contraption in this fucking dominion. Damn it, you’d think I’d know by now.

  I shriek in surprise when the whole contraption flips back and the footplates, sorry make that stirrups, swing out to the sides allowing my bits to be presented for general comment. And comment they do, but rather than talk about my anatomy, it’s more along the lines of “If you cloth the prize, I’ll clean her depths. Seol, you will take care of the nadir first.” Seriously, it’s like roommates allocating housework, so matter-of-fact is it. Not that this stops my sex from clamming up and my flesh shrinking away from the hands prodding and poking it.

  This reticence does me no good. I’m at their mercy and Seol takes great delight in shoving what feels like a bristled butt plug up my ass. Make that nadir. Once the shock dies off, I’m surprised at the rush of pleasure that engulfs me when she twists it around a few times before removing it.

  Now, that wasn’t bad.

  I allow myself to relax a little.

  Unfortunately when she holds up her next implement I discover my sphincter muscle is a lot stronger than I’d have thought possible, although I have no control over it pulsing in delight when Seol lubricates this probe with pink gel.

  I have been hanging out with the gods for way too long.

  It slides in easily but then it’s as though it’s doubled in size and when it starts buzzing, I’m unable to stop myself from squirming delightedly. She pumps it in out and out of me until I feel my ass relaxing and stretching. If only that thing was a little bigger. No sooner have I wished for this, than it is so and I love it. I guess I have all those butt plugs Ciprus took delight in using on me to thank for this response.

  I’m really getting into it when the vibrations suddenly die off and Seol yanks the implement out of me, before dropping it in a nearby basket. She leaves the chamber, with her back stiff with tension.

  And then there were four.

  Next I have Marla and Alexis close in on either side of me, their hands encased in mitts that look to be made out of fine rope. Not that it feels fine when they start scrubbing away at me.

  “Careful! You’ll take a fucking nipple off if you keep that up!” I say, to Alexis who is the more vigorous of the two. So much for this not hurting.

  “Pffft, they are fine.” She squeezes my bud hard through the mitt as though to demonstrate. “See, no harm.”

  No, no harm other than my poor nipple feeling like it’s on fire. Marla, on the other hand, is incredibly gentle. Maybe too gentle? I don’t like that I’m responding to her massage like this and am relieved when she and Alexis have finally rope-mitted all of me, apart from my girly bits.

  Any relief is extinguished when they ditch the rope mitts and gloop huge handfuls of that pink gel all over me, massaging it in, tweaking and teasing as they go until I’m wanton and loose and no longer as concerned as I was about all the girl-on-girl action.

  I don’t even care when they peel me open for Aura to scrub away at the very core of me with a rough cloth. And does my clit like it? Does she ever. When the Goddess of Gold is finished, she tosses the used cloth casually to one side before leaving without a word.

  At some sign from Vyra, Marla and Alexis retrieve the Phrenyr and drape it reverently over my torso before snapping it into clips down each side. No wonder there isn’t any back to the fucking thing, it isn’t necessary. Without a further word they leave the chamber, with their silence unnerving me far more than any amount of threats or chatter.

  And then there is one.

  Vyra doesn’t allow me a moment to ready myself before she opens me wide with her fingers and slowly pushes the metal bottle brush deep inside of me. It’s not as bad as I thought it would be. Actually it’s fucking amazing. Each of the metal bristles moves of its own accord, stroking and brushing my insides until there’s not a speck of me that isn’t compliant.

  The climax curls deep inside of me, swirling and building in strength until I feel as though my very essence would fly free if it wasn’t for the Phrenyr pulling tight around my abdomen. I’m keening for release when the Goddess of the Woods wrenches the metal brush roughly from me, shocking my soul back into my body and my climax into submission; leaving me with a devastating sense of loss.

  On hearing the brush, or maybe that’s Inspicyre, being dropped into the basket followed by Vyra’s retreating footsteps, I know I’ve been left hanging on purpose and boy, am I pissed. Here I am ready to pop and those bitches have all up and left me strapped here like a science project, and unable to attend the ceremony.

  “Obis, are you there?”


  Eventually I take to calling her name over and over until she responds.

  “What the hell am I supposed to do now?”

  “This is not right,” says the goddess, stating the fucking obvious. “You should have achieved Nysa with the Inspicyre and been freed by now. Ready for the ceremony.”

  “I am so fucked,” I say, also stating the obvious.

  “Lie there and see if you can bring on Nysa with your mind and your muscles,” says the goddess, her voice edged with panic. “You need to find your release prior to the ceremony in order for it to work as it should.”

  Given I can’t exactly hop up and leave; I lie there doing as she’s told me although a small part of me is wondering what good it is to be ready for the ceremony when I still can’t attend because of being trapped. That is unless my absence is noted by the gods and they come looking for me.

  The problem resolved, at least in my mind , I concentrate on running the sensations of earlier through my head over and over while thinking of Ben and rippling my muscles in hopes of achieving my release. It’s starting to work and I can feel my very soul swirling around inside my body when I’m brought around sharply by someone pinching the insides of the thighs, hard.

  I snap my eyes open to see Seolfer looking down at me from his spot between my outstretched legs. The hate in his eyes has me struggling against my restraints, but there’s nothing I can do. I’m trapped here by all this fucking silver jewelry and the electrum Phrenyr.

  Well screw lying here while Seolfer gets his revenge.

  I think hard about The Metal Beast and Ben and when I open my eyes I see Seolfer still looking at me, a manic grin now pasted on his face.

  “You cannot traverse while you are secured to the throne,” says Obis, her voice full of sadness.

  “That’s just fucking great, isn’t it?” I spit out.

  “Isn’t it just,” says Cuprum, from somewhere behind me.

  Chapter Three

  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know what Seolfer has in mind. The chain holding his fettyr snug around his waist is soon released, allowing his cock to slap against my wide-open and sparkling clean sex.

  “Isn’t there something you can do?” I say, to Obis, my voice strained due to my wildly escalating nerves.

  “I thought I was,” says Seolfer, looking at me like I’ve lost it.

  “He must not know of our connection,” says Obis, urgently, stopping me from voicing my concerns again.

  Not that I hold out for long when I feel Seolfer’s fingers rooting around deep inside of me. “Do something, or else,” I say to Obis, while fighting against the response my traitorous body is offering up to the God of Silver. I’m not exactly sure what I’ve got in mind for this threat of ‘or else’, but I’m getting desperate.

  “Eager isn’t she,” says Cuprum, coming around to stand next to me an
d I’m as confused as Seolfer when she starts methodically undoing the clips that hold the Phrenyr in place. In answer to his questioning look, she says “If she achieves Nysa while on the throne and without the Phrenyr in place, she will join the fallen.”

  I’d heard the expression about your blood running cold before, but never understood it, until now. She’d consign me to a fate worse than death, all to get her mitts on Ben? What a complete and utter fucking bitch.

  I wait for Obis to intervene but it looks like she’s abandoned me. Meanwhile, Seolfer is making the most of me being tied down and when he runs his finger backwards and forwards over my clit, I’m unable to stop my breath from hissing out as a means of fighting the pleasure that threatens to overwhelm me. Much as I hate him with a passion, the bastard knows what he’s doing but if I achieve Nysa, I’ll be worse than dead.

  “Have patience,” says Obis, once back inside my head and sounding nearly as freaked out as I’m feeling.

  For a start I think I’m imaging it, but no, Seolfer is flickering like a lightbulb on the fritz. He then disappears with an audible pop.

  “What? How?” The Goddess of Copper isn’t able to articulate further but it’s obvious that what has happened has shocked her. I’m fairly fucking awestruck myself.

  I’m wondering what has gone on when I hear screaming from off in the distance, although it’s making its way in our direction, and bouncing off the walls of the tubes that honeycomb the Isle of Obis in the process.

  “What did you do?” I say to Obis, although it’s Cuprum who answers.

  “I didn’t do anything!” She stumbles back, distancing herself from the God of Silver’s last known location.

  Meanwhile, the source of the screaming is getting ever closer. Mostly it’s unintelligible, but then the words “She’s risen!” pop out of the cacophony of sound. Before Cuprum or I have time to process this, Vyra runs into the chamber; her hair askew, mouth wide and screaming like a banshee.

  Cuprum moves to intercept the Goddess of the Woods who is now running in circles around the throne. It’s only by throwing her arms around Vyra and holding on to her like grim death, that Cuprum is able to stop the girl, all the more difficult because of Vyra struggling mightily against this restraint.

  This scuffling only intensifies when one of the most stunning women I have ever seen glides into the chamber. The flame colored gown that molds to her luscious curves, swirls on the floor like a living thing, while an intricate crown fashioned out of her jet black braids, gives her a regal presence. But there’s something about her that gives me the heebies. Perhaps it’s the savage power that leaches from every pore?

  Cuprum drops to her knees, taking the now incoherent Vyra with her. Me, I’m still stuck in place like a display butterfly.

  Whoever the new arrival is, I get that she’s senior to the other two. It’s not that she looks older, but more to do with the raw power emanating from her. Even without that, the amount of cringing by Cuprum and Vyra would be a dead giveaway. Still, she looks to be the only one capable of helping me and, hoping that proverb about my enemy’s enemy is my friend is right, I cough pointedly, hoping this will have the desired effect.

  “Let me release you.” Her voice is as beautiful as her face and instantly recognizable to me, though it’s different now it’s no longer rattling around inside my head.

  “Obis?” I whisper, once she’s between me and the two goddesses still slumped in a heap. Her nod of response is such that none but myself can see it.

  “Cuprum, Vyra, why is Jasmine still restrained after the purification ritual?” says Obis, her voice loud and menacing unlike the tone she’d used when speaking to me.

  Much gibbering ensues and initially I’m thinking Obis has blown it by using my name, but this is the least of the younger goddesses’ worries.

  “It was Seolfer,” says Cuprum, sacrificing the God of Silver to save her own ass.

  “And how did Seolfer get to the isle?” says Obis, in a ‘take no-prisoners’ tone. The coldness of her voice is in contrast to the dancing of what looks to be flames in her eyes, giving them an unearthly orange glow.

  “He, ah, he forced me to bring him here.” Cuprum’s delivery sucks and it wouldn’t take a take a goddess like Obis to know the redhead’s lying through her teeth.

  While this interrogation is going on, Obis removes the bracelets and anklets that are holding me down. That she does this simply by touching the metal and melting it freaks me out. Not freaked out that she can melt things, but that I don’t feel any heat from the metal as it drips onto the floor around the chair. Once I’m free, she swings the throne forwards and I get shakily to my feet.

  “Go. You may take Seolfer’s place in the Fields of Obadyn.”

  I’ve only just processed that Obis isn’t speaking to me when Cuprum disappears with her wails of anguish echoing loudly around the chamber long after she’s gone.

  “Please Obis, not that,” says Vyra, cowering at the goddess’s feet. “The others forced me.”

  What! They were all in on it?

  “You may stay for now but any others standing against Jasmine will feel my wrath. Go!”

  This last command is powerful enough to have Vyra jump to her feet and be running before she has proper control of her legs. She crashes into the wall next to the archway a couple of times before managing to escape.

  Only once the sounds of Vyra’s departure have died off completely does Obis speak again, although not until she’s finished laughing delightedly.

  “It is so good to be free.”


  “For many moon cycles my body has been paralyzed as I took my place amongst the fallen.”

  “That’s awful,” I say, thinking back to Marlo’s description of what it meant to be one of these poor unfortunate souls. Not that he’d ever mentioned the whole astral travel side of things. Hell, he might not even know?

  “It had its moments,” says Obis, with what I can only call a self-satisfied grin. “There was one…”

  Rather than let her carry on down that particular path, I hold my hand up. “But what happened to Seolfer?”

  “Balance is very important to the Nyphrazi. For me to be free, another had to take my place, as I did before him.”

  “You are fucking joking?” After initially being appalled, it doesn’t take me long to think back to the God of Silver’s treatment of me over the preceding year and just now. “Can I go see him?”

  “Most assuredly,” says Obis, putting a motherly arm around my shoulders. “The Temple of the Fallen is closer than you think.”

  A moment later we pop into being in a beautiful room, with there being nothing cave-like about it. Central to the marble-lined room is a huge bed on which the Gold of Silver lies, his fettyred cock pointing at the ceiling.

  “You should take your ease,” says Obis.

  “You mean…” I wave my hand about to finish my sentence because I doubt I could put my horror at this thought into words.

  “You were supposed to find your release on the throne. You need to do so before the ceremony because if you achieve Nysa before all the others have done so, the ceremony will not work as it is supposed to. But, if you lay with Seolfer under no circumstances is he to achieve Nysa, if he does so …”

  I cut her off before she can finish. “Yeah, I know, the ceremony won’t work as it’s supposed to. How come I’m only finding all of this out now?”

  This is surely contrary to what the gods have been telling me?

  “The ceremony is old and has not been carried out in many eternities and was customarily carried out the Sisters of Light. These gods, for all they think they know everything, are ignorant of many facets.”

  “Sounds like you know how it’s supposed to go. Why don’t you run the show?”

  “And how likely are they to achieve Nysa if it is me telling them to do so?” says Obis, arching an eyebrow to reinforce the obvious.

  Damn, she has a point. I wander closer to
the bed and as I move, Seolfer’s gaze follows me, with there being enough venom in those two silver orbs to poison me. “I had nightmares about this asshole.”

  “Would this help,” says Obis, picking up a piece of silken fabric from the small table next to the bed.

  “You want me to blindfold myself?”

  “No,” says Obis, her expression now conveying as much horror as my own. “I thought you could cover his face.”

  It’s not long before both of us are laughing hard at Seolfer’s expense and I know that if he wasn’t paralyzed, I’d be dead. Still, it relieves my tension after hearing that latest snippet about the blasted ceremony. I suspect I’ll be finding out more as I go along, with some elements never being revealed.

  “I will leave you to it,” says Obis, handing me the piece of cloth. She then leaves through a curtained doorway, giving me a brief glimpse of a sun-drenched marble patio that is lush with palm trees in enormous pots and tinkling fountains.

  I’m thinking on whether I can actually go near Seolfer by choice when her voice comes back to me. “But time is short, you should hurry.”

  Sheesh, no pressure. Fuck the God of Silver. Make it quick.

  Looking down at him, it doesn’t take long for me to know there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that I can do the dirty with the asshole and achieving Nysa would be impossible even if I did cover his face. I don’t bother deliberating, but instead walk over to the doorway just used by Obis and pull the curtains tight.

  I think of the place, I think of the time and, bam, I’m there. Dammit, I’m going to miss having all this power.

  “Wake up lover boy, I need you.”

  My timing is perfect on many levels. Not only is Ben’s usual daybreak hard-on showing in the pale morning light, but he’s also going to be well rested after a night’s sleep. He’s going to need both with what I’ve got in mind.

  As soon as I’m safely in his arms, I think of the opal lake, and that large rock of Axel’s. I don’t know what shocks me more, that I’ve managed to get both of us there this easily or that I’ve also transported The Metal Beast, too. Obis is right, I am powerful.


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