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Erotic Tales of the Nyphrazi - Complete 7 Part Series

Page 27

by Minky St Anne

  He’s still groaning when a wave of power pounds through me that’s strong enough to have the top of my head close to coming off and me on the brink of passing out. Only by deliberately taking slow deep breaths do I dissolve the black at the edges of my consciousness.

  Even with this, the chatter of the others sounds loud in my ears with all of it being focused on my girly night light and that I’m no longer as paralyzed as I apparently should be. Even Praedytus is part of the conversation, although he maintains his stance, looking away from the dish. All this chatter is surely a waste of time if some other part of the ceremony has obviously gone tits up.

  Vyran gives my clit one final rub for luck before reluctantly pulling himself free and returning to his allotted position.

  I’m still looking him when I notice the sounds around me muting; meaning Praedytus has joined me in the dish. I turn my head to look at him, and can see by the shock on his face that he wasn’t completely up-to-date on how off the rails the ceremony has gone.

  Expecting him to say something, I’m disappointed. Instead he pulls on my feet, at the same time as pushing my legs to each side and is deep inside me moments later. My body is soon awash with wonderful feelings of satisfaction, with my nerve endings singing in pleasure and my clit on fire with want. Wanting to grow, wanting to disintegrate, but mostly wanting to glow brightly enough to blind him. The sensations build until I feel ready to detonate, but I don’t and instead hover on the edge, ready to fly, ready for freedom, but a prisoner of my own body, still.

  Praedytus on the other hand soon achieves Nysa, yelling his lungs out as spasm after spasm rolls over him. The only change in me is that I feel ever closer to exploding because of the power he’s just pumped into me. It feels less like I’m going to experience the mother of all Nysa, and instead actually burst into a million pieces and take my place in the night sky.

  I shake my head to rid it of these fanciful thoughts but then I see the looks of sorrow on the faces of Obis and the others and reality washes over me like cold tea. Praedytus soon leaves my side and I wonder if this is to avoid being collateral damage.

  I don’t get to focus on their pitying looks for long. The moonlight beaming down on the dish intensifies to the point I have to close my eyes against it. The vibrating of my pearl is soon the whole focus of my being to the point that once again sounds are muffled and I know I’m cut off from those outside the dish.

  “Obis? Can you hear me?”


  While the vibrating of my clit continues unabated, I notice the moonlight shinning on my eyelids has dimmed and so I open them a slit, with my first instinct being to slam them shut again. Tight.

  I’m no longer alone, that’s for fucking sure.

  Chapter Six

  I can tell the guy standing naked and unfettyred next to me is a god simply by the glow emanating from his scarily white skin. He’s god-like in stature too. And I mean everywhere. For fuck’s sake, he even makes Marlo look a little on the small side and my eyes widen as I take in the size of that heavily veined and hooded beast. Surely he doesn’t expect …

  His booming laughter draws my attention up to his face and again I’m stunned. While he’d certainly struck it lucky when it came to his cock, his face has been hit by the ugly stick, too many times to count.

  “I am unable to complete with your kind,” he says, his voice booming off the dome of pure moonlight that separates us from the others. I don’t know whether to be relieved or insulted by his tone, but eventually settle on the former.

  “You have failed,” he says, shaking his head in what I take to be the intergalactic sign for ‘you’ve fucked up real bad’ and my heart beats fast in my chest, while dread makes itself at home next to it.

  Fighting off the sensations that threaten to overload my system, I allow myself a moment to process this, before speaking. “Can’t you do something about it?” I deliberately leave out the “if you’re so fucking powerful,” but it still hovers in the air between us and he stiffens in response.

  “Why should Obadyn bother with this?” he says, firmly putting himself into the asshat category of gods, even if only because he’s just referred to himself in the third person. Jerk.

  Luckily, after my dealings with Seolfer and Aurum, I know how to go for the jugular with his kind. Fighting against the sensations that threaten to consume me, I let him have it. “Oh, I didn’t realize … you weren’t … capable. Perhaps one of the … others…” It’s only by shallow breathing of the la mars variety that I manage to get the words out.

  Again, I leave the rest unsaid, letting his ego fill in the blanks.

  For a supposed super race, they could be dumb as a bag of hammers at times.

  “There is one way,” he says, jutting his oversized cock out even further with its rosy glow letting me know there’s no blood north of his naval. I hope to hell this works in my favor.

  “Yes?” I say, tentatively, hoping he’s not somehow involved.

  “You need another in order to achieve Nysa. You need to complete for things to be as they should.”


  Interpreting my look of horror correctly, he reiterates he’s not going anywhere near me, but my relief is short-lived because the only ‘other’ I can immediately think of is Seolfer and I don’t think he’d let me achieve Nysa, even if his life depended on it. He’d die in the process just to spite me.

  “Does it have to be a god?” I grit out.

  “You may not complete with the People of the Mist. It is forbidden.”

  “Not them. Another.”

  Obadyn nods reluctantly even if he appears mystified as to whom I’m referring to.

  I hope this works. I sure as hell feel powerful enough to pull it off.

  “Ben! Come to me!” I put everything I can into the summons. But for all I know this damned dome of moonlight we’re stuck under might stop my request getting through.

  Nothing happens, but I’m not giving up that easily because I know if someone doesn’t take the edge off my climax soon, then it’s not gonna be pretty.

  “Ben! Help me. Come to me, now!” This last word is screamed as the pressure in and around my clit builds to the point of pain.

  He flickers into being but it takes longer than usual and I worry he’s going to end up stuck in limbo. I release my breath only when he’s fully materialized and floating next to me. That he’s wearing a suit is of some concern but before I can ask him about it, he grabs hold of my hands, drawing the two of us closer together and showing me that I’m on my own when it comes to be paralyzed.

  “What has he done to you?” he says, his gaze swinging backwards and forwards between my glowing pearl and Obadyn.

  “He hasn’t done anything, but you need to fuck me fast and make it good.” He doesn’t move quickly enough for me and so I add, “If you don’t, we all die.” I’m not one hundred percent sure about this, but sense that if I go off with as big a bang as it feels like I will, then we’re toast.

  Unfortunately the threat of imminent death is lousy when it comes to foreplay and Ben stays stubbornly clothed. That is until I get Obadyn to strip him.

  “What the fuck,” says Ben, looking at the pile of tattered suiting on the disc beneath him. “I was in the middle of a fucking job interview down in Phoenix.”

  He’s muttering about obviously not getting it now, when I interrupt him.

  “A job interview? Phoenix? Well screw you if you can get over me that fast.”

  “Jasmine, you’ve been gone six months. I’d given up hope.”

  That his voice breaks at the end of this gets through to me far more than the words themselves, although I manage to focus on those eventually.

  “Six months!”

  Rather than speak further, he nods in confirmation. God only knows how freaked out my parents must be.

  “I can fix all of this,” says Obadyn, snagging Ben’s and my attention. “But for that to happen, we need to finish the ceremony. The two of you
must complete.”

  I shake my head to clear it, and then focus on the problem we’re facing. While Ben’s cock looks real perky, this is due to the fact it’s floating rather than him actually being hard enough to satisfy me. I’d give him a hand job but apart from my mouth and head, I’m still paralyzed.

  It’ll have to do.

  “Can you give us some privacy,” I say to Obadyn, not sure I can go down on Ben with this ugly mother standing looking at us. He glares at me unbelievingly before turning his back on us to stare at the wall of the dome.

  “Can’t you leave,” I grind out as the spasms attacking my clit build to painful levels again.

  “I may only leave when you complete,” says Obadyn, over his shoulder.

  Fuck, nothing like a little pressure. Still, if it’ll get us out of the crap, I’ll deal. Ben maneuvers us until my lips close over the end of his cock. No sooner has my mouth touched him than the pressure eases off my sex and I groan in relief before putting my heart and soul into getting my boyfriend hard enough to bounce quarters off.

  Out the corner of my eye, I notice Obadyn has turned back towards us and if the twitching of his monster cock is any indication, he’s enjoying the show. I shut my eyes to blot him out and go back to blowing Ben’s mind and know by the amount of moaning coming from him, that I’m on track. Certainly it’s not long before I feel him growing in my mouth. And grow and grow to a size he’s never achieved before, until I’m unable to take him any longer, letting me know it’s now or never.

  It doesn’t take long to understand that with both of us floating as we are, it’s going to be difficult to make the most of things.

  “I little help?” I say to Obadyn, twice, given the only blood left in his body is now in his scarily large cock.

  He reluctantly lets go of it and takes me in his arms, settling me so that my back is hard up against his chest and my legs held up on each of his arms. I feel exposed and vulnerable, and this sensation only increases when I feel his cock nestle snuggly between my ass cheeks, holding me firmly in place.

  “Fuck me baby,” I say to Ben, who’s swimming through the air towards me, before grabbing onto one of my feet and pulling himself in the rest of the way. But with him being so much bigger, it’s not until Obadyn has skimmed his hands in from either side and peeled me open that Ben is able to slowly shove his way in. I adore every inch of him.

  “Oh, my god.” Ben’s stuttered oath mirrors my own feelings with the power and pleasure no longer feel fatal; anything but.

  In the interests of leverage, Obadyn tucks my legs around Ben’s waist and then holds me in place by closing his large hands over my breasts. I can tell by Ben’s expression that he’s enjoying seeing my nipples being squeezed and tugged on. I arch my back to increase the contact and this lets me know more of the paralysis has faded.

  Ben’s plunging slowly in and out of me soon has me feeling feverish. That Obadyn is grinding his hips against my ass only adds to the feelings that consume me.

  Looks like not everything is off the cards for the ugly bastard behind me given how quickly his cock is now sliding backwards and forwards between my ass cheeks.

  Our combined coitus goes from smooth and sensual to feral in a flash. With the slightest change, Obadyn goes from gliding his cock between my cheeks to nudging for entrance to my ass. It’s something I’m not keen on but when he runs his tongue up the back of my neck as Marlo had earlier, it’s like a switch has been flipped and rather than be unwelcome, I’ve never wanted anything this much in all my life.

  My wish is his command and when he pushes himself slowly inside of me I’m glad the butt job Seol had done on me earlier allows me to accommodate him. With Obadyn pumping into me from behind and Ben filling me from the front, a feeling of completion settles on me. Whether by design or coincidence, each of their thrusts is perfectly timed, filling me to overflowing before retreating and leaving me feeling empty and hollow. The next time they ram home, I grip onto them with my muscles and hold on tight so they can’t withdraw all the way. This leads to a series of deep thrusts that push me over the edge.

  I’m still screaming my release when Obadyn pulls free, the walls of moonlight fade and the three of us are visible to the gods, Obis and the People of the Mist.

  I’m expecting a reaction, but not the one I get. All of them with the exception of Obis and Praedytus drop to their knees. Even the People of the Mist follow suit and I get the distinct impression none of them have any choice in the matter. Threading her way through the kneeling gods, Obis makes her way to Obadyn’s side. “Father, it is good to see you again.”

  “Likewise, daughter,” says Obadyn, planting a fatherly kiss on her forehead. “You have done well.”

  “I was worried we had failed when Jasmine did not follow my instructions,” says Obis, giving me a reproachful look.

  Wait? What? The bitch hi-jacked my ceremony so she could retrieve dear old dad from wherever the hell he’s been hanging. Are you fucking joking me?

  Due to the fact that I’m still not back to being human and with their attention elsewhere, I hold onto Ben tight and think of The Metal Beast, wanting to get us both of us as far away from here, and whatever’s about to go down, as possible. But nothing happens, other than Obadyn turning towards us and saying “Not until I say so.”

  “Forgive us, brother I was not aware you wanted to be awakened,” says Praedytus, and I get the distinct impression he’s really pissed about something. Other than him, the other gods have remained eerily quiet as though they’ve been silenced. I hope those who are my friends are okay. Aurum can choke on his words for eternity for all that I care, but what Obadyn does to him is much worse.

  The change in Aurum’s skin tone is gradual enough that it’s hard to detect until I see he’s more pewter than gold. By the time his skin is a dull matt grey, there are tears streaming down the God of Gold’s face.

  Make that the God of Lead.


  “Harsh?” says Obadyn, turning back to me, and confirming he can read my thoughts too, “He would have killed you.”

  “Good point,” I say, with any regrets I have on Aurum’s behalf, well and truly obliterated. The glee that replaces it is something that is worthy of the gods themselves.

  My self-analysis is soon interrupted when Obadyn addresses himself to me. “Now that you are human, you must go back to your own kind.” He then waves a hand in Ben and my direction and my body starts a fierce tingling and we’re on our way home, but not so fast that I miss seeing Obadyn wink at me.

  Even with my eyes closed, I know we’re standing on the back deck of The Beast. It’s fucking freezing, with the wind biting at my exposed skin like a swarm of mosquitos. But I don’t care. Being cold means being home.

  “Are you okay?” says Ben, lifting me slightly, before allowing me to once against settle onto his still hard cock. He runs his hands all over my body and gives his hips another small jerk, “You feel okay.”

  Before I can ripple my muscles for his satisfaction, a pointed cough from the guy on the boat next to us lets us know he’s not keen on our PDA. We waste no time in getting below decks, although Ben won’t let us separate to do so.

  Safe in the master cabin, I do my own exploration of Ben’s body. He too feels fine, if a little different. Different good, especially in the size department.

  “It’s great having my human babe back,” he says, lifting me free of his cock before lowering me onto it again, ever so slowly.

  “Yeah, about that,” I gasp out.

  “What?” says Ben, after he’s finally lifted his mouth from one of my nipples.

  “This,” I say, before wrapping my arms and legs more tightly around him.

  We pop into being on the Greek-style island that Marlo had taken me to and Ben is still dealing with this when Obadyn snaps into focus next to us and scares the crap out of the pair of us.

  “I thought the ceremony was supposed to have you reverting to your human form,” says Ben
, his brow wrinkled in confusion.

  “It was until Obis hi-jacked it,” I say, turning to Obadyn with my unspoken question.

  “I was tired of living in the other realm and instructed my daughter to help me return. But why are you upset? You should be rejoicing. You are Nyphrazi now,” he says, looking at both Ben and I in turn.

  “We’re gods?” splutters out Ben.

  Obadyn shakes his head.

  “Demi-gods?” says Ben.

  Again Obadyn shakes his head.

  “Then just what the fuck are we?” I spit out, well and truly over the mystic crap these guys are so keen on.

  “You are whatever you want to be,” says Obadyn, before disappearing in a cloud of steam, leaving us none the wiser and too quickly to give me a chance to kick him in those over-sized balls of his.

  While I’m angry at having been manipulated, part of me is relieved to still have the power to travel wherever and whenever I want. Ben, on the other hand, is grinding his teeth so badly I’m worried he’ll crack a tooth. I speak to him, but his anger blinds him to my presence.

  In the end I grip hold of his cock with my muscles, holding him tighter and tighter until I get his attention.

  “How about we work it out between us? I’m as in the dark as you are.”

  “I want to get as far away from the fucking Nyphrazi as possible,” says Ben, matching my own thoughts.

  “So what are you waiting for?” I say, and can see when he becomes aware the possibilities.

  “Let’s see if I can surprise you,” says Ben, making sure my legs are secure around his back. He then slides his cock even deeper inside of me a moment before we dematerialize.

  Author’s Note

  Many thanks for reading my story.

  I hope you enjoyed the series.

  If you did, I’d love it if you could

  take the time to leave a review.


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