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One Dance (The Club, #7)

Page 4

by Lexi Buchanan

  He knelt between Emma’s legs and removed her fingers from her pussy. “This is mine from now on.” His head dipped and then his tongue swiped between her soaked lips. She was so wet and tasted so hot that his dick twitched with need between his legs. He spread his knees and let his cock rub against the silk sheets as he went to town on his girl.

  Emma writhed under him and, when he looked up, her head was thrown back and her fingers tugged her nipples.

  “So close,” she moaned.

  Maverick growled and entered her with a finger. Emma went off like a rocket. She screamed. She clawed at his shoulders. She moaned and rubbed her pussy against his face.

  Her breathing still hadn’t gotten back to normal when she said, “Fuck me, Maverick. I can’t stop throbbing.” She gasped, and tried to tug him up.

  “Emma,” he groaned. She was going to kill him.

  He flipped her over and pulled her hips up to his face. His hands smoothed over the curves of her ass and then he spanked her. Emma let out a long, loud moan as she gripped the silk sheet with her fists.

  He spanked her again.

  She widened her knees and rocked against him.

  He spanked her again as he gripped his shaft, tight.

  “That feels so good.”

  “You are so hot, baby. I want to do so much to you,” he admitted.

  He’s never played in one of these rooms, but he’d been damn curious. He wasn’t into heavy shit, but the lighter stuff, he could deal with.

  “Do it... spank me again.”

  “In a minute.”

  Maverick reached for the butt plug and slowly inserted it into her cunt for lubrication. He then rubbed her ass with the tip of it before he slowly pushed forward.

  Emma surprised him when she pushed against his hand, ending up with it seated fully in her ass.

  He had to swallow a few times before he shoved his dick inside her and fucked her into oblivion. He couldn’t do that. This was Emma. His sweet Emma. But fuck him, she was so fucking hot and he’d be hard every time the image entered his head.

  “You look so beautiful like this.”

  She wiggled her ass.

  Maverick gripped her hips to keep her still and felt her trying to move. His hand slipped between her thighs as he fingered her cunt. She was so wet that her arousal coated his fingers. But this time she was going to get his dick because he was on fire for her, he didn’t think he’d last to bring her off again without himself as well.

  He bit each ass cheek before he spanked her. This time he didn’t spank just one cheek, he spanked her so that it would vibrate along her pussy lips.

  “You like that?”

  “Yes,” she moaned.

  “You look so sweet and innocent when really you’re a naughty girl, Emma.”

  “God, yes,” she groaned.

  Maverick chuckled and spanked her again.

  “I need more, Maverick. Now. Please,” she squirmed and begged.

  He didn’t need telling twice.

  Holding his dick, he guided it to her wet cunt and thrust inside.

  Heaven was his first thought before he started to panic when he felt the first tingle of orgasm in his balls.!

  He tried to keep her still but she quivered around him while moaning in a long, slow drawn out breath. The butt plug made her channel snug, and he lost it.

  Withdrawing, he thrust back and forth, and felt every inch of his dick buried balls deep inside her on the downward thrust. The veins along his cock popped and throbbed against her quivering flesh.

  The climax seemed to rip through Emma as her cunt swallowed, and held onto his cock, while she writhed in orgasmic bliss.

  It was too much.

  Maverick withdrew, flipped Emma to her back and started pumping his dick with his fist...once...twice...three times, and then he was coming in white-hot bursts of pleasure as he coated her pussy, belly and breasts with his release. She was covered as he slowly released his hold on his cock, which should have shrunk but was still hard as fuck. It wouldn’t surprise him if it were seeing Emma covered with his release that kept him hard because it was fucking hot.

  She stared at him with a secret smile on her face. “Well, I’m well and truly claimed.” With her index finger, she trailed a path through the cum that coated her pussy, and twirled her fingers around and around before she left a trail up her belly to her breasts, where she rubbed it into her nipples.

  “You are,” Maverick laid against her, sandwiching the cum between them as he cradled her head in his large hands, “the dirtiest woman that I’ve ever had my hands on. You turn me inside out to the point that I couldn’t tell you my name.”

  Emma traced the scar on Maverick’s face with her finger before she curved her hand behind his head and brought him close. “You’ve fucked me, Maverick, but you haven’t kissed me.”

  “Umm,” he groaned. “Then let’s rectify that.”

  The first touch of their lips set off another tidal wave of lust between them. Their tongues tangled and Maverick had felt nothing like he was feeling with this girl he now considered his...his Emma.

  Chapter Eight

  They were both sticky from his release as they rolled together, their lips fused in one long kiss. Their legs tangled and Maverick wanted to stay where he was forever. That thought should have scared the shit out of him, but it didn’t. How could it when the woman he wanted to stay with was Emma?

  Needing to breathe, Maverick reluctantly pulled away from Emma’s sweet lips and dropped his face into the crook of her shoulder.

  He shuddered when her hands played with the short strands at the nape of his neck. A twinge of guilt ran through him because he was enjoying her deliciously lush body while she was drugged with some sort of arousal drug. The other way of looking at it was that he was helping her. She’d needed to relieve the ache that had been driving her crazy.

  “Will you take it out,” she asked, a lovely rose color lined her cheeks.

  As it wasn’t his cock inside her, he presumed she meant the butt plug, which he had to admit he’d forgotten about. He’d forgotten his name the minute the head of his dick had disappeared inside her warm, wet heat.

  “Let me remove it and then I’ll clean you up.” He kissed her quickly on the lips and had to clench his jaw to prevent him from starting all over again.

  Back between her thighs, he spread them and slowly tugged the plug free before tossing it across the room. He was a good shot because it landed in the fancy bucket used for toys that needed to be cleaned and sterilized.

  With one last glance at her glistening pussy, he jumped from the bed and ran to the bathroom. Inside, he reached for a new washcloth. Ripping the package open, he soaked the cloth with warm water and soap before he wiped himself down. He couldn’t help but groan while he washed his dick and sac. The sensation while he was aroused gave him the fleeting thought of quickly jacking off in the shower.

  “Oh, God, Maverick... Make it stop.”

  Emma’s cry had him rinsing the cloth and grabbing a towel before he dashed back into the bedroom.

  He watched her from the door as she writhed on the bed. Her hands pressed against her breasts as she arched her back. His heart sank when he realized she was still in the thrall of the drug. He’d hoped that it was over and that he could get her out of here and back to her home before anyone disturbed them.

  “Umm, Maverick...” She stared at him with heat and desire clear in her eyes.


  She had him hard as a fucking hammer...again. Just hearing his name on her tongue did it for him, but to hear it moaned the way she just did was enough to make him come.

  “Emma, babe...let me clean you up.” Maverick climbed on the bed and quickly cleaned his jizz from her, but as the cloth touched her pussy, she arched into his touch, her legs open wide.

  There wasn’t an inch of her that he hadn’t seen or touched, but as he looked, his hand quivered against her with lust.
/>   Emma started to arch up while she pinched and rolled her nipples, which caused Maverick to shoot from the bed. He looked around the room and wanted something, he couldn’t find it...but the drapes had ties.

  He made quick work of the ties and before Emma had a chance to realize what he planned, Maverick had both her wrists and ankles restrained on each of the bedposts. She writhed...moaned...arched her back and Maverick had never seen anything as hot as a naked Emma.

  “I was seconds from blowing my load all over you with you pleasuring yourself,” Maverick admitted as he climbed onto the bed and straddled her waist. He was pretty damn close with his dick hard as fuck, twitching, leaking with arousal, and inches from landing between her voluptuous breasts.

  He couldn’t even calm down with how much he wanted to fuck her. He could live inside her, she’d felt that good as she wrapped him in her warmth.

  She hadn’t stopped squirming under him so he had to make her come, he couldn’t leave her when the drug was pushing her to complete over and over again.

  “I’m going to fuck these beauties,” he cupped her boobs and rubbed his thumb over the hard buds of her nipples, “once I’ve made you come.”

  Maverick scooted down between her thighs and prayed he’d be able to hold off to pleasure her first because just the sight of her wet cunt was enough to cause his dick to drip. The excitement of knowing he was about to sink balls deep inside her was enough to send him into oblivion.


  He glanced up and the tear that he caught as it ran down her cheek gave him pause. He was getting off on her drugged state. This was taking advantage of her. How could he do that?

  “Maverick. Please. I want you inside me. You make it better. Only you.”


  With one sharp thrust he was buried inside Emma. He ground his teeth as he tried so hard not to come as she rippled in orgasm against his hard cock. The veins on his dick bulged with need, which was so close to exploding, he had to clench his jaw to hold back. Her arms strained against the silk curtain ties he’d used as her whole body shuddered in pleasure. She soaked his cock with her release, which wouldn’t let up. When it did, he pulled out and quickly straddled her again. This time he shoved his dick between the valley of her breasts and pressed her boobs together.


  As he rocked against her, the friction and the visual had his balls pulled tight, but when he met Emma’s gaze and saw her mouth open and her tongue sticking out, it all became too much, and he exploded. He couldn’t stop pumping his hips, he couldn’t see straight, he couldn’t breathe because everything was centered in his dick and balls. As the pressure inside him finally started to ease off, he realized he’d come all over Emma’s face, and damn that made him harder.

  The tip of her pink, little tongue was cleaning her lips.

  Maverick growled.

  With her eyes on him, he quickly grabbed another washcloth from the bathroom and wiped her face and then her sweet pussy. He dealt with the ties next before he climbed up her body, and felt his heart soar when she wrapped her legs and arms around him. She pulled him flat against her, but he was heavy and tried to move.

  “No. I love your full weight against me,” she whispered.

  After only a pause, he gave her his weight and heard her sigh with contentment.

  The woman had gotten to him in a big way, and he’d be damned if he’d let her walk away from him. When the drug was out of her system, they needed to talk because he wanted to keep her. Which also led to another question, what was he going to do about leaving town? His mind was set about leaving his job, more so now, but he didn’t want to stay in Karim. What would he do if she didn’t want to leave with him? Or if she slept off the rest of the drug and decided that she didn’t want him? Decided that he was nothing but a bastard for taking advantage of her regardless of the fact that she begged. She was fucking drugged. He should have had the strength to step back, but how could he watch her suffer?

  “You’re thinking too hard,” Emma stated. “The drug is nowhere near as strong as it was. You’ve helped me.” He felt a kiss to the top of his head. “Thank you.”

  He didn’t want her thanks. With some reluctance, he raised himself to look down at her, and felt his heart clench in his chest. “I don’t want your thanks, Emma. The truth is I should never have gotten off on you being drugged. I feel like a complete and total asshole.”

  Emma cupped his face with both hands and brought him closer to her. When their lips practically met, she admitted, “Before the drug, my panties were wet because of you, Maverick.”

  His eyes popped wide with her confession.

  “From the minute our eyes met when I arrived, you were inside my panties,” she smirked, and Maverick chuckled. “I wanted you and I thought after the stairwell that you wanted me.”

  Maverick nodded and leaned in to kiss her. “I wanted you. As soon as I heard you looked drugged as you followed Dahlin to a room, I was tearing my hair out trying to find you. I was so fucking scared of what I’d find.”

  She only had to look into his eyes to realize the truth of his words.

  “Before I ended up drugged, Janie sent me a text letting me know that Chloe was spending the night at her place, so I was wondering...would you like to come back with me?”

  He didn’t need time to think, as he answered straightaway, “I’d love too.” Maverick grinned down at her, delighted she’d asked him and that he hadn’t had to push his way in, but, “Chloe?” Did she have a daughter?

  Emma smiled as though she read his thoughts. “Chloe is my sister. She’s five and the only family I have since our parents died.” She sighed. “Chloe is the main reason why I came out with Dahlin tonight. She has serious bouts of asthma now and again and the doctors and medication don’t come cheap so I need my job. He told me that I needed to go out with him tonight because if I didn’t, then I shouldn’t bother to go to work on Monday.” She wouldn’t meet his gaze.

  Maverick tilted her face up to his. “You aren’t going back, Emma. Don’t get pissed with me, but there is no way in hell that I’ll let you go near him again. That bastard has gone too far with you, and I intend making sure he knows it, and his brother knows it.”


  He kissed her nose. He kissed each cheek. He kissed her lips...once...twice. “I can’t get enough of you.” He kissed her lips again. “You are so beautiful and I’m going to help you whether you want me to or not.”

  Maverick smiled and sealed his lips to Emma’s.

  Chapter Nine

  Emma’s eyes fluttered open slowly as though her lids were heavy and glued together. Blinking away the sleep, she stared at the nightstand in confusion—how did she get back home? She tried to turn over in bed and came up against a hard, male body. She knew it was male by the hard cock gently rocking between her ass cheeks...and then before she could turn over, the night came rushing back.

  The Club...Dahlin...being drugged...and Maverick. The man who was well-built in all areas. The man who’d given her so much pleasure that she couldn’t see straight. The man who literally had her panties melting with lust for him the minute their eyes had met when she entered The Club.

  Her mind flittered back and forth through a range of emotions. She tried to imagine doing everything she did with Maverick last night while she was stone cold sober. She couldn’t think fast enough because a large hand tickled up from her hip, past her stomach and covered one of her breasts. The nipple hardened immediately and caused her pussy to quiver with arousal. At least she had an answer to her reaction while sober.

  “I know you’re awake,” Maverick rumbled behind her as his hand slid down her thigh. He raised her thigh and pulled it over his from behind. His cock rubbed against her pussy and ended up coated with her arousal, which was building. She just wanted to feel him. To know he was real and what they’d shared last night was real.

  “Are you on the pill?” Maverick whispered the question, and r
aised goose bumps on her skin at the thought of him coming inside her without anything between them.

  “Yes,” she moaned, and reached between her legs to stroke the bulging head of his dick. “Come inside me.”

  Maverick growled. “I’ve never come inside anyone before without a condom as a barrier. Until you, until last night, I’d never even been inside anyone bareback. I swear I’m clean, Emma. It’s been so long since I had sex, but I’m clean.”

  “Then let me experience morning sex with you.”

  “Jesus woman!”

  Emma felt his dick jerk against her. So he liked words, huh?

  She felt him wrap his hand around his shaft seconds before she felt the crown push inside her cunt. He spread her legs open more and slid the rest of the way inside, or at least, as far as he could in the position they were in.

  But it felt good so good.

  Maverick’s one arm cradled her against him while his other gripped her hip to keep her still, and then he started to move.

  Her body felt ready to combust with the slow friction he caused against her quivering channel. Her body was ready to go over the edge, which Maverick knew. He kept slowing down every time he felt her walls tighten around him.


  “Hush.” Maverick kissed her on her shoulder as he pulled out. “I’m not finished with you yet.”

  He flipped her onto her back and, when he kneeled between her legs he took each one and hitched them over his hips before he slid into her. Their eyes met and held while he let her adjust to his growing cock, because he was really big—long and thick.

  “You drive me totally insane, you know that?”

  Emma bit her lip at the husky words spoken by Maverick.

  She had fallen so hard for the warrior above her that she didn’t know how to keep him with her. She remembered that he’d said he would look after Chloe and her. But what did he really mean by that? Was it Maverick trying to do the right thing? Or did she mean more to him than just a one-night stand? Well it was morning now, but still...

  “Stop frowning.”


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