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Dream Lover (Denim and Spurs Book 2)

Page 2

by Aliyah Burke

  Stepping from the shower, he reached for a towel. He dried himself off and dressed in his usual attire of jeans, boots, and a tee shirt. Hat in hand, he left his room and made his way down the hall to the groom’s room.

  Wyatt opened the door at his knock. “Man, where have you been?”

  “What is wrong with you?” Judd asked, closing the door behind you. “You look panicked. Hell, man, Karis is more put together than you are.”

  Wyatt shoved a hand through damp brown hair. “You’ve seen Karis?”

  “Yes. You need to get a grip. Have you eaten?”

  “I can’t. My belly is all messed up. What if she changes her mind? What if something happens to me like it did to Dustin Kane?”

  Judd blew out a breath and pushed his friend toward the food waiting on the table. If this was what marriage turned a man into, he wanted no part of it, thank you very much. “One, Karis loves you. Two, all your groomsmen are here and you don’t have to worry about any one of us doing such a thing. Not to mention Karis wouldn’t do it.”

  “Everyone thought Charlotte loved Dustin,” Wyatt pointed out.

  He bit back his opinion on that woman. “Finn is a much better woman for Dustin and Karis has only eyes for you, not the groomsmen like Charlotte did. Eat. Karis looked all calm and happy when I saw her.”

  “I should go talk to her,” he said rising.

  Judd clamped a hand on his thin shoulder and pushed him back in the seat. “Nope. Not allowed.”

  “Go check for me, Judd. Please. Make sure she’s still wanting to marry me.”

  Knowing Wyatt wouldn’t calm down until he did, Judd nodded. “Consider it done. Eat while I’m gone.” He gave a pointed look to the other men in the room who were starting to get into their tuxedos. “Make sure he eats.” Hat on his head, he left the room and made his way to another floor and Karis’ room.

  Pausing outside it, he shook his head and knocked. He’d been expecting a lot of things, women in levels of dressing, crying, any number of things. Except what he faced. Laciee Dupree stood there, one hand on the door, she didn’t fully open.

  Her eyes widened. “You,” she breathed.

  “Hello, darlin’,” he said with a smile. Damn, just being next to her had his jeans feeling like they were going to strangle him.

  Laciee glared up at him, undeterred by the soft purr of his voice. She’d showered since running from his room. Pity really for she no longer smelled like him and sex. Now it was that perfect blend of vanilla and cranberries, which had surrounded him the moment she was first in his embrace. If he were to be honest with himself, he’d rather she smell like him, and he her. The blue silk robe she wore teased him with hints of her smooth dark skin. Lord, he wanted to slip it to the side and press his lips against the gentle curve where her shoulder met her neck.

  “What do you want?”

  He smirked at the desire she couldn’t hide in her tone. “A repeat of last night and this morning.”

  “Who is it?” Karis called out from behind her.


  Seconds later, Karis popped her head around. “Hey. What’s up?”

  “Just making sure all is on track.”

  A soft smile lifted Karis’ lips. “Wyatt worried I’m not going to show up?” He nodded. No point in lying to her, everyone knew Wyatt didn’t feel as if he deserved this woman. “Tell that man, I’ll be there and he’d better be as well. I love him and I plan on being Mrs. Wyatt Hale for the rest of my life.”

  He touched the brim of his hat. “Yes, ma’am.” Karis disappeared and he looked at the woman still in the doorway. “Save me a dance, darlin’. Can’t wait to have you in my arms again.”

  He dragged a knuckle down the side of her face and walked away before he took her mouth with his and discovered where it would lead. He smiled at the sound of the door shutting with more force than necessary. She couldn’t deny the attraction between them, and he had no intention of allowing her to do so.

  Chapter Two

  Laciee blew out a breath and rested her head against the closed door. Damn. Damn. Damn! She’d convinced herself that she was over the mysterious Judd Travers and the lovin’ he’d laid upon her last night. And this morning. Cripes, she was losing it. Even her mind was against her.

  She should have let someone else open the door, should have stayed hidden. But no, she’d gone and there he stood. Dressed as he was in mouthwateringly tight jeans, a black shirt and his black Stetson, he swiftly reminded her why she would never forget her time in his bed. He was all muscle, which he moved in such a seductive way.

  Honestly, she didn’t recall the guys looking like this when she grew up here. Of course at that time, she wasn’t looking at them in that light. She was merely trying to survive.

  “Are you okay?” Karis asked as her hand rested upon Laciee’s shoulder.

  “Fine.” She forced a smile, ignored the overly sensitive nipples and throbbing between her legs before facing her friend. “I should be asking you that, not the other way around.”

  Karis held Laciee’s gaze briefly before tilting her head to the side. “Come with me,” she ordered.

  Never one to argue with the bride on her wedding day, Laciee obediently followed her into the bedroom where Karis shut the door on the other women who were stuffing, primping, and getting themselves all gussied up for the big day.


  Laciee walked over to the white dress which hung by the window. It was gorgeous and she knew Karis would be absolutely breathtaking in it. “Spill what?”

  “What it is bothering you.”

  “Nothing’s bothering me, Karis. I’m fine. Besides, don’t we have other things to worry about? Like you and why you’re not getting ready? I don’t want your mother coming in here and yelling.”

  “You’re deflecting.”

  “Thank you, Doctor,” she replied with more than a heavy dose of sarcasm.

  Karis muttered under her breath, something that sounded an awful lot like “Bitch” before she crossed the room to stand before Laciee. “I have something for you.”

  “You’ve already given me a lovely bridesmaid gift. I don’t need anything more.”

  “My day, my rules.”

  Holding up her hands in surrender, Laciee grinned. “There’s bridezilla. I wondered when she would make an appearance.”

  Her friend flicked her tongue along her lips and shook her head. “Wait here.” After going to a bag along the bed, she returned to stand before Laciee, an envelope in one hand. “Here.”

  Laciee hesitated. She didn’t need anything from her friend. The gleam in Karis’ eyes told her not to dare refuse. “Thank you.” Laciee took the envelope.

  “Open it.”

  Fixing her robe, she sat on the edge of the bed, Karis beside her. Sliding her nail beneath the glue, Laciee opened it and pulled out a sheet of paper. She blinked and read the words on the paper a few times before glancing to her friend.

  “A full two weeks in this hotel? What—”

  “You need a vacation and so I got you an extra two weeks here. No need to run off back to New York as soon as it’s over. We both know you have the complete time off from work, you’ve already told me that.” Karis took her hand and squeezed it gently. “Take some time for you, Laciee. I know you didn’t want to come back here and I can never tell you how grateful I am you agreed. And are standing up with me. But this is your home as well. Stick around.”

  Stay? In Branchwater? Was she insane? Her heart thundered in her chest as she tried to rein in her racing heart.

  Laciee couldn’t stop glancing from the paper to Karis. “You want me to stay in Branchwater for two more weeks?” Even she heard the incredulity in her voice. Nope, that had to be panic. Definitely panic.

  Her friend simply nodded, patted her hand, and made her way to the dress, trailing one finger along the intricate beading. Laciee followed her movements through narrowed eyes.

  “Why exactly do you want me to do this? Not
that it’s not a huge gesture, but…well, you know how I feel about Branchwater.”

  “You’re wrong about this place. Branchwater is different now.”

  Somehow she doubted that. Licking her lower lip, she readjusted on the bed to see Karis more fully. Her friend continued staring at the dress she should probably be putting on at the moment, instead of touching.

  “What am I supposed to do here, Karis?”

  “Nothing. Anything.” The blonde spun so they stared at one another. “That’s the point. You’ve been working nonstop since you left here. You’re worn out, run down. Stay here and rest. Go horseback riding. Something. Anything.”

  “I can’t rest in New York?”

  She crossed her arms and lifted a perfectly arched eyebrow. “Have you yet?”

  “No, but I could.”

  “Bullshit. You know just as well as I do you’ll relax here.”

  “I’ll go crazy is more like it. This place doesn’t exactly have the most pleasurable memories from childhood, Karis. You know that.”

  “So give them something better. I don’t know, fuck Judd every night. Just stay. Please.” She batted her eyes. “For me.”

  “You want me to stay in a place, for you, while you’re off on your honeymoon?” Although that whole fuck Judd every night sounds really good.

  “I want you to relearn to love Branchwater and move home.”

  She scowled at Karis. It was an old argument between them. Karis never failed to put that in whenever they spoke, about how she wanted Laciee to come back home. Her response never changed. “This isn’t my home. Not anymore,” Laciee said with a firm shake of her head. “Why do we have to keep going over this?”

  “It is your home.”

  Her gut clenched, and not in the good way it had around Judd, but in a way that filled her with unease. The cotton in her mouth seemed to multiply as if a field just burst into bloom. “For you, Karis. I’ll stay. But it’s not my home. Hasn’t been in over ten years.” I hope I don’t regret doing this for her.

  Karis left the dress and moved to her side where she hugged her and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Things will be different this time. Give it a chance.”

  Again, not anything she was willing to put stock in, but there wasn’t much she wouldn’t do for the woman. Standing, she shoved her hands in the robe’s pockets and gestured to the dress. “You should be getting ready.”

  Karis nodded and bypassed her to the door, where she slipped out to the main room. Feminine voices filtered back to Laciee and she sighed and leaned against the window. What did I just agree to? Staying here in Branchwater couldn’t have been the smartest thing for her to do. But, a promise is a promise. She’d stay the two weeks then get the hell out of Dodge—as the saying went—and never look back.

  * * * *

  Laciee stood along the outskirts of the massive ballroom as the bride and groom twirled around. The wedding had been beautiful and now, Karis had married the man of her dreams. With a sigh, Laciee spun the champagne flute in her fingers and shifted her weight to rest more on her other leg. She’d danced some and then willingly migrated to the side. The other bridesmaids were out there, enjoying themselves with the groomsmen and others.

  “Looking for someone?”

  The masculine voice that materialized from the left trailed over her like a heated caress. Like his touch had. Her body instantly responded and she ground her teeth together to keep from losing her cool.


  “You look beautiful,” Judd said as he leaned against the wall beside her. “I love the color on you. The dress too.”

  She closed her eyes as the feeling his words created shot through her. “Thank you.”

  He leaned closer. “It goes perfectly with the copper in your hair.”

  Her dress was jade and he spoke the truth. It worked well with the coppery red of her hair. He was close enough that the fabric of his tuxedo rubbed along her bare arm. Her dress was a one shoulder, full length, with flowing sleeve and draped detail at its bodice. He, of course, picked the side where her arm had nothing to keep between them.

  The music shifted from fast to a slow song. “Come on, darlin’. I’m claiming my dance now.”

  He plucked the drink from her hand and placed it on the rim of the large potted plant near them. Then he swept her out onto the floor, his hand settling easily against the small of her back, holding her close.

  Dear Lord. All that masculinity surrounded her and she wanted to close her eyes and rub against him like a cat. His large frame made her feel small and protected. He danced as he did everything else, with grace and ease. As a baritone voice sang a rendition of “Am I Blue?” she gulped once more and allowed his touch to escort her into a land where nothing was wrong. Where nothing could be wrong.

  * * * *

  Judd wanted to dance this woman out of the party to the nearest dark corner and take her hard and fast. Just, lift the bottom of the damn dress she wore until she was bared to him and slam home in a single stroke. He’d almost choked on his breath, when she had walked down the aisle with the final groomsman, Brad. They matched, as did every other pair who’d walked down together. Brad’s tuxedo had hints of the dress color Laciee wore and his had the hue of the woman he walked down the aisle—Tamara, the maid of honor—red.

  He’d watched the crowd as Laciee had begun the walk down with Brad. He didn’t understand, nor particularly care, for the looks of derision many sent her way. He’d known a lot of people didn’t like that Karis had chosen Laciee to be in the wedding party, but he had been under the impression she and Wyatt had been kidding a bit about how bad it was. They hadn’t been.

  Even now, as he moved about the floor with her in his arms, he could see some looks. They made him want to smash them all in the face. Instead, he pulled her a bit closer and deeply inhaled the intoxicating scent mix she wore so well. Although he’d already known how well they fit together, it made him smile to have her in his arms, on the dance floor.

  “Why are you smiling?” Her question brought his attention back from its musings.

  He stared at her, the shadow from the brim of his black Stetson running along the bridge of her nose. “Why wouldn’t I be smiling? I’m dancing at my best friend’s wedding with a beautiful woman.”

  Her gaze narrowed but she didn’t respond. He flexed his hand, dropping it a bit lower so his fingers grazed the swell of her butt. The desire to cup both hands on the firm cheeks and squeeze them as he drew her flush to his erection pounded through him. He ignored it as best he could and concentrated on completing the dance without ravishing her like a lust-ridden man.

  She didn’t make it easy. Not at all. The dress looked as though it had been poured over her, accenting and highlighting each and every curve she had. The jade color was beautifully offset by her rich skin and hair, which had him harder than the floor they danced upon. Her eyes were a pale brown that he knew would grow darker with passion and desire.

  The room had been mostly dark last night but he did have some light with which he memorized the woman in his arms. Each and every inch of her. Even now, he wanted to pick up where they left off. Waking to her grasping his hard cock had been the most erotic thing he’d experienced. I should have taken her back to bed after I stopped her from falling. Shouldn’t have answered the door. Hell, he should have kept her in bed right up until they needed to dress for the wedding.

  “Smooth line for every occasion?”

  “No line, darlin’.”

  Her nose flared slightly. “I’m not your darlin’.”

  “Do you know your accent sneaks free when you’re angry?”

  The smile she gave him was sugary sweet and he knew she didn’t mean a damn bit of it. He twirled them toward the edge of the dance floor just as the music faded. The second it did, she attempted to get free of his grip. He pressed her closer to him, rubbing his hard length against her.

  There they went. Those damnable eyes darkened and he lowered his head. “C
ome with me.”

  He saw her waver for just a moment. It was enough that he knew she had been tempted. “You can’t leave before the bride and groom do.”

  Another song, also slow, started and he moved them smoothly back out onto the floor. No way he was letting her out of his embrace.

  “Are you sure?” He gave her a slight grin. “We could sneak out the back.”

  “You’re the best man, don’t you think you should stay?”

  “He’d understand.”

  “Right, I’m sure he would. He invited you to celebrate his day and you make it about you and try to get one of the bridesmaids to leave early with you. I’m sure he’d have no problem with that at all. What was I thinking?”

  Her sarcasm had him chuckling. When he’d last felt this way around a woman he couldn’t begin to decide. “Witty, charming, and beautiful.”

  “It won’t work.”

  He frowned slightly before he caught himself. She sounded so damn serious. “What won’t?”

  “This. Whatever you’re trying to do. I’m not falling for it.”

  His fingers flexed along the gentle curve of her back. “What exactly do you think I’m doin’, darlin’?”

  “It’s not going to work,” she reiterated.

  He did laugh this time, something which caused others to glance over at them in confusion and amazement. Laciee, however, never took her gaze from him.

  “Let me tell you something about myself, darlin’. If and I do mean if I was trying to get you somewhere we’d already be there. As you pointed out, we can’t leave yet.”

  “Confident much?”

  “The heat that exploded between us last night when you fell into my arms isn’t something that’s manufactured. It’s not something you can get in a bottle. It’s real. It’s there. And it ain’t going away.”

  The song ended and another body approaching had him biting back a growl. He didn’t want to share her, didn’t want to see her in another’s arms. It was Brad.


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