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Dream Lover (Denim and Spurs Book 2)

Page 10

by Aliyah Burke


  For her.

  He pushed to his feet the moment she walked into view and she shrugged. “Thanks,” she said gesturing to the large robe that covered her.

  When he paused before her, she noticed he’d showered and changed as well. The ends of his hair were still damp and she longed to shove her fingers through the strands. Tug on them. Direct his head to her lips, along with other places on her body.

  His gaze seared her. Branded her. Possessed her.

  “Hungry?” he asked.

  In a way he couldn’t even begin to fathom. “Yes. I’ll be down in a minute.”


  She blinked a few times before she realized he was asking her if she was. Strangely, she was. “Yes.”

  “Wear the robe then.” He held out his hand and cupped the lower part of her jaw. “Come on, darlin’, I’ve seen what’s beneath there.” He stepped closer. “Kissed every inch of your smooth skin. Licked it. Marked it with my lips and the stubble on my face.” He stood right before her, swarming her with everything masculine about him.

  The hard ridges on his face were taut with strain, and she could read the desire for her in his gaze. “So go ahead and change if you feel it will help you. Doesn’t matter to me what you’re wearing. I look at you and I see you without any clothes on at all. Flushed and delectable. Spread out. Naked and waiting.” His voice lowered to an intimate and raw sexual purr. “For me.” His thumb skimmed along the seam of her lips. “I’ll be in the kitchen.”

  Her legs wobbled and she stumbled to the nearest item she could for support. Gripping the edge of the chair, she took several deep breaths in an attempt to fortify herself. It didn’t work. Those words. The raw passion. He hadn’t tried to hide any of it, and yet, still ever the consummate gentleman.

  Her breasts were heavy and the nipples taut as they brushed tantalizingly against the inside of the robe. Get it together, Dupree. She released the final breath she’d been holding and made her way to the kitchen. The sex-infused smile which lifted the corners of Judd’s mouth made her decision worthwhile.

  He rose and held her chair for her as if she weren’t wearing an oversized robe. The feel of his lips against her shoulder made her tremble. Her lids fluttered and she struggled to keep them open and not give in to base desires. She was a lady, she could manage to eat first.

  Judd wasn’t sure how much more he could take. Ever since he met Laciee, she’d dominated his thoughts. Now, she sat across from him wearing nothing but his robe as they ate dinner. His housekeeper had made a fish dish he normally would have enjoyed, but at the current moment, all he could think about was the way Laciee took food off her fork. The way her tongue curled about the metal and her lips pulled the flaky fish off the prongs.

  Christ! His pants were threatening to cut off his circulation; his erection was so thick and strained to get free.

  Laciee sat there as if she hadn’t a clue what she did to him. Possibly a good thing, but doubtful. She picked at the food almost like she was distracted. Good. I sure as hell am.

  “Not to your liking?” he asked.

  Her head jerked up and her grin, he knew, was slightly forced. Tilting her head slightly, she shook it. “It’s delicious. Rosa is amazing.”

  “You’re barely eating.”

  A toss of her silken hair in a move he knew to be habit as opposed to seductive, however to him, it was seduction at its finest.

  “A lot on my mind, I guess.” She stabbed a bit of the flaky fish and he watched it disappear between her full lips. “Not the easiest day overall. Spent a lot of the time wondering why the hell I agreed to stay.”

  He’d asked himself that many a time. “Why did you? Yes, Karis asked but you could have said no.”

  She gave a slight shrug. “She asked. Karis asks so little of me I tend to say yes when she does.” She rested her fork against her plate, prongs down, and reached for the glass of water.

  He stared at the subtle motion of her throat as she swallowed. Damn it! Everything she did, he found highly erotic. He shifted in the seat trying to alleviate his growing erection. Nothing worked.

  “Come with me,” he said, making a decision. His chair scraped against the floor as he shoved it back.

  She blinked up at him when he stood over her, yet never hesitated when he offered his hand. Despite being soft he felt the strength in her hand as she curled her fingers around his.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Wait and see,” he said.

  Through the foyer, he led her to the stairs and up. She padded on silent feet beside him, never asking for her hand back. He liked that about her, how she didn’t mind holding his hand. At the top of the stairs, he turned them right, past the room she’d been using and took her into the bonus room over the garage.

  Moonlight streamed in the skylights, bathing the room with a silver glow. He led her to the couch and sat, tugging her to rest beside him. Her scent wafted to him, and he closed his eyes as she tucked her head against his shoulder.

  “Why are we up here?” she asked in a hushed voice.

  “Tell me what happened with your mother,” he countered. He couldn’t tell her he had to come here or she would be naked in his bed.

  She shook her head, rubbing her cheek against the material of his shirt. “Why do you care so much?”

  “You don’t have to face everything alone.”

  Laciee didn’t respond for a moment, then she moved. He didn’t know what to make of her rising up and swinging her leg over his lap. It was pure torture knowing she wore nothing under his robe and her bare core rubbed against his jeans. Her arms slid around his neck and she put them nose to nose, the moonlight softening her skin to something whipped and delectable.

  “Who do you face things with, Judd Travers?”

  How was he supposed to think with her fingers tangling in the back of his hair, stroking the skin, and kicking his body into hyper drive? No one.

  Biting back his groan, he grabbed the tie on her robe. His really but she was wearing it. One tug, that’s all it would take to free the knot and allow the halves to fall open, allowing him unlimited access to the smooth skin beneath.

  “No one?” She pressed little kisses along his jaw line. “So tell me why if it’s okay for you not to share, why must I?”

  They were nose to nose and her sweet breath fanned along his lips. “It may make it easier if you can talk about it,” he muttered.

  The softness of her mouth lightly touched his and he fought the urge to lay his claim on her. “Maybe I don’t need to talk about it. Maybe, what I need is to lose myself in the sensation of touch, heated passion, something that the man before me can give me.”

  Lust punched him. Hard. A flick of his wrist and the robe fell open, allowing him to slip his hands inside to settle upon her skin. Need rocked him and he curved his hands about her hips, sliding her closer. She came willingly.

  “Is that what you want?”

  “Yes.” Her response a breathy sigh, against his lips. “Please, help me forget.”

  He didn’t need to be told twice. With a low growl, he covered her lips with his. It wasn’t gentle; he wanted and took. Dragging his tongue along the seam of her mouth, he pushed in when she opened slightly. Her heady taste met him, as did her own tongue as he felt her hunger. Almost desperate, it threatened to overtake them.

  Her breasts were too much of a temptation for him to ignore and he cupped them, flicked his thumbs over the tight nipples, even as he deepened the kiss between them. Full and firm, they filled his hands. She arched deeper into his touch, thrusting more of herself to him.

  His thin control snapped faster than the dry prairie would ignite under flame. His growl, feral, reverberated through the room. Releasing her mouth, he fastened his lips about one nipple and teased the tip with his tongue. Her gasp coincided with her fingers tightening in his hair. He laved attention on both breasts until her mewls filled his ears as her hips rocked upon him.
r />   “Please,” she begged.

  “Tell me,” he ordered, kissing the valley between her breasts.

  “I need…you inside…please.”

  He didn’t make her say it again, didn’t even make her say it a bit clearer. He unfastened his jeans with one hand and worked his shirt off with the other. Laciee assisted him and soon, her lithe body had risen over his stiffness and with a low groan, she sank on him, taking him in fully.

  “Ohh,” she purred, head dropping back.

  He couldn’t agree more. Placing his hands along the plane of her back, he supported her upper body as she undulated her hips and began to move upon him. Christ, she was so tight and hot, he didn’t know how much he would be able to take. The night in the hotel hadn’t even begun to curb his hunger for her and now that he had another taste, the craving was new and fresh all over again.

  Eyes open he focused on the woman with him. Her breasts moved with each swirl of her hips, her head hung back, and her hands dug into his upper arms as he held her. She tossed her hair and sat up, changing the angle, and he groaned. Shoving a hand through her hair, he put them so their noses touched.

  “Do something for me,” she panted, rotating her hips and working him in a way none had ever before.


  “Take me. Take me as though there’s no tomorrow for either of us.”

  Chapter Ten

  Laciee, wrapped in the cocoon of warmth, had no desire to rouse. Unfortunately, other pressing issues had woken her and she couldn’t ignore them. Cracking her eyes open, she quirked her lips when she discovered she still couldn’t see a single thing. This time, however, she knew the strong arms around her were no dream. Judd had delivered on her request. Loved her like they had no tomorrow.

  Moving slow, she disentangled herself from his strength and swung her legs to the floor. She padded naked to the bathroom and took care of what she needed to do. As she stood at the sink, washing her hands, she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Skin dotted with marks of his kisses, as well as the scruff that had also rubbed her skin raw.

  She had no clothing down here in his room. After all, this entire thing began with her in his robe. What time did Mrs. Sanchez arrive? She made a moue and shook her head. Wouldn’t do any good to have the housekeeper find her scurrying naked through house. Heck, she didn’t even know the time now. Perhaps a towel would suffice until she could make it to her room.

  Laciee wrapped herself in one and shut off the light before cracking open the door. Still pitch black out. Glancing to her left, which was where the bedroom called her, she ignored the need and proceeded straight and let herself out of his suite. The rest of the house sat bathed in inky darkness as well but she made her way, cautiously but not too slowly, to the steps in the foyer which took her to her room.

  A shaky breath escaped the moment she shut the door behind her. Great, now I’m running from him like, well hell, I don’t know. Shaky legs took her to her bed and she sank on it before snapping on the bedside light. She scrounged for some bedclothes and crawled between the blankets, needing just a bit more shuteye. Teetering on the edge of slumber, a singular thought had her lids flying open. Shit. We didn’t use a condom. Again. She scrunched her eyes tight and breathed deeply. I will not panic. I will not freak out. I will not cry like a baby. I know better than this, what the hell was I thinking? She knew. It was his touch, which took all sense away from her in a flash. She groaned and tried to convince herself everything would be all right. All she needed was a bit more sleep. It wasn’t as sudden as it had come upon her before, this time creeping, but eventually, the exhaustion won out.

  Arms banded about her, holding her immobile, and she woke to find her face pressed against a wide swath of muscle. Heated bare skin, carrying an unmistakable and unforgettable scent, rested against her cheek. The familiar beat of a heart beneath her ear immediately calmed her nerves.

  “Something wrong with my bed, darlin’, to have you runnin’ up here to this one under the cover of darkness?”

  Lord, his voice. No man would ever be able to copy or mimic the deep twang which thrummed along her bloodstream. It was…pure sex.

  “I had no clothes down there and didn’t think I should be streaking before your housekeeper. Nor was I sure you wanted it public knowledge you took me to your bed.”

  He nuzzled the side of her neck and she curled her fingers into the flesh of his back. “I don’t give a damn what anyone thinks about me. I’ll kill anyone who says bad about you, and Rosa wouldn’t care one way or the other.”

  Her stomach clenched at the casual way he uttered those sentences. His palm settled against the skin of her back and she closed her eyes.

  “Not my place to assume.”

  “Assume this.” He nipped the shell of her ear. “I want you in my bed. Naked.” He kissed her cheek. “Every.” Kiss. “Single.” Kiss. “Night.”

  “Until I leave,” she felt compelled to add.

  “Your words, darlin’, not mine.”

  Talk ceased for a while as he rolled her over and gave her what he called a proper Texas good morning. His gaze held hers as their fingers were intertwined above her head. Slow strokes moved him within her until she wasn’t sure she could stand it anymore. Even when he brought her to orgasm, he refused to release her stare, making it all the more intimate. The shafts of morning light softened the hard planes of his face as it gleaned off the scruff.

  She showered alone upstairs while he returned to his room, and she beat him to the kitchen. Rosa had already begun cooking food by the time she made it down the stairs and into the kitchen.

  “Morning, Ms. Laciee.”

  “Mrs. Rosa,” she countered, meeting the woman’s gaze. Wonder what I did to get that welcome, she seems a bit upset with me. “Did you have a good night?”

  “Not as good as yours, I’m sure, but yes, I did.”

  The statement was accompanied by a pointed glance at the side of her neck. Bypassing the microwave, Laciee stole a look and nearly cringed at the sight of the lingering hickey not covered by her hair. Well, now I understand. Fixing that swiftly, she cleared her throat and spun back to face the housekeeper. Rosa didn’t seem to be paying her a lick of attention, so she hoped nothing else would be said.

  Her heartbeat kicked up to another level when Judd strode into the kitchen. Nope, strode wasn’t the right word. The man swaggered, unintentionally yes, but it was there. No hiding it. She would be perfectly happy to watch him walk for hours. Pure perfection. There wasn’t a way to describe it and if you weren’t someone who was acquainted with cowboys, you’d never get it. But for those women who knew, there was nothing quite as hot or arousing as the stride of a man who was a force unto himself.

  “Morning, Rosa,” he said.

  “Judd,” she replied with a nod of her head.

  Laciee watched him carry plates to the breakfast nook then glance at her and jerk his head. There was no mistaking the silent message. She didn’t fight him on it and made her way to his side.

  “Yes?” she asked.

  “You think standing on the other side of the kitchen would keep you safe?” He snaked an arm around her waist drawing her flush to him.

  “I wasn’t aware I was in danger,” she said with a small smile.

  The corner of his mouth kicked up and he brushed their lips together. “You are. I don’t know how to keep my hands off you.”

  “Well, I’m sure Rosa doesn’t need a show. She already saw one of the hickeys you left on my neck.” He didn’t look the least bit apologetic and in that moment, Laciee didn’t particularly care.

  The phone rang, and he left her there with an all-too-brief kiss that still curled her toes and dampened her panties. She had just gotten her emotions under control when the doorbell pealed through the house. A quick glance informed her Rosa was busy and she knew Judd had a call, so she slipped through and headed to the front door and drew it open.

  She may not have known who to expect on the other
side of the heavy oak door but in all honesty, the person before her had to have been at the bottom of that nonexistent list. She blinked a few times, wondering if it wasn’t just a figment of her imagination. When the blonde remained standing there, she realized it wasn’t.

  The wind whipped around them, lifting Laciee’s hair as it snaked along the sides of her neck. Canting her head to the side, Laciee pursed her lips. “Did you need to see Mr. Travers?”

  Jolene shook her head as she shoved her hands in her pockets. “I came to see you.”

  What possible reason could she have for coming to see her? Stepping out onto the porch, Laciee drew the door shut behind her. She frowned as she looked around. “How did you get here, and what is it I can do for you?”

  “I got a ride from someone and walked up the driveway.” Jolene licked her lips and shuffled her feet. “I…I was hoping you’d be able to help me with some scholarships.”

  “You hitched?” The words came out harsher than she’d intended, and she felt bad when Jolene flinched. “Sorry,” she said. “I just…never mind. You want help with scholarships?”

  Red flushed her cheeks as she nodded. “I don’t know where to start, and I’m afraid to go to the library and have it get back to my aunt and uncle.”

  “What exactly do you think I can help you with?” Why was there a sinking feeling in her gut that warned her things might not go so well?

  “Any advice you can give, I’ll take. You got out, you made it to New York.”

  She bit back her snort. Yeah, she got there all right, but it sure hadn’t been roses. “Do you have a computer?”

  Her expression fell as she shook her head. Laciee opened her mouth to say something else when a warm heat appeared at her back. She didn’t have to look over her shoulder to know it was Judd. Then there was Jolene’s face, one of wonderment.

  “Come back inside,” Judd ordered, his fingers grazing lightly along the small of her back.

  Licking her lips, Laciee waved for Jolene to precede them. She paused in the foyer and Mrs. Sanchez came and took her to the kitchen.


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