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The Prophecy of Arnaka (The Arnaka Saga Book 1)

Page 23

by Lucia Ashta

  Ashta collapsed in exhaustion right next to him. She lay flat on her back, breathing heavily. They lay there for several minutes, until they recovered enough from the shock of the pain to function. Anak joined Ashta in spreading out on his back. The twins extended their arms and legs until they touched. Able to feel each other and the firm ground beneath them, they rested.

  Their eyes were glazed; they stared up at the sky without focus. Nothing like that had ever happened to them before. Finally, they were able to sit up, but had to lean against a tree for support. Their limbs were shaky from the intense exertion of fighting for their lives. Ashta and Anak stared at each other. They knew darkness had attacked them. That sensation of something trying to burrow within them had been the dark attempting to take hold of them by entering their physical beings. Neither Anak nor Ashta had ever experienced something of that magnitude before. It had been so real. They were stunned.

  The laws of the universe forbade such an attack. The assault had not honored their free will, which was the basic tenet of human life. All etheric beings were required to honor the free will choices of humanity. The twins’ vibration had been high, and their energy bodies had been strong in their light. The darkness should not have been able to attack them. The twins had not made the free will choice of allowing their frequency to drop to a level that the darkness could penetrate. On the contrary, the twins had consciously kept their light body levels so high that the darkness should not have been able to touch them.

  That there had been such a clear violation of universal law confirmed the imbalance between light and dark. Nevertheless, the dark had not prevailed. Light would always win in a battle between the light and the dark, but only when the combatants remembered that light. Many people gave their souls to darkness by succumbing to the fears and illusions that the dark side projected. It was precisely in those moments when fear threatened to take over that it was most important to hold onto that light within and not let go, to find the strength of that light and push the darkness out with power.

  The twins had expected some kind of warning before an attack. They had expected to know when they were entering battle. It served as a reminder that the forces of light and dark were waging war against each other at all times. Even for the twins, it was easy to forget that darkness existed behind the scenes when they looked around and saw the beauty of the world.

  Creator’s love and light were the true essence of life. All the rest was an illusion that gave human beings a life of free will choices for the ultimate expansion of their souls. Darkness existed only to give contrast to the light. Light was the true natural state of all beings so darkness fell away in its presence.

  Eventually, Ashta and Anak were able to continue on their journey. They stood and tested their legs, then walked east again, the hot sun shining straight above them. They walked through the wilderness until they came upon another village. Even before they neared the town, the twins could feel the darkness oozing from its walls. Evil radiated from the city in all directions and announced itself to all who dared enter. The twins shuddered at the ugliness of it and took a moment to prepare, making their light as strong as possible.

  Ashta and Anak stood a few feet apart from each other and closed their eyes. They spread their arms out and faced their palms heavenward. They said a silent prayer of protection then breathed in, deeply and with focused intention, pulling in light from above. They brought light in through their crowns and moved it down through their bodies, allowing it to fill every recess of their beings.

  They held the light within them and also pushed it out into their energy fields, expanding the circle of light several feet outside of their bodies. Then the twins turned their focus to the earth and began to pull up the energy of the mother through their feet. They began to take in her strength, allowing it to connect them to the earth.

  By the time the twins were finished, they held within them the strength of heaven and earth. After all, they were creatures of both realms. They were heavenly creatures rooted to earth so they could accomplish a purpose. When Ashta opened her eyes, she could see a glow surrounding Anak. The twins radiated gold and bright as they began their approach to the city.

  35 The Time Returns

  Marco sipped on water through a straw and waited for Elena to wake, his hand cradling her limp one. He said prayers. He did not think about the accident or what it meant. He did not think of anything but how important Elena was to him. He waited patiently, lovingly, for her to regain consciousness.

  At mid-morning, when Marco had drifted off to sleep, Elena did wake. She moved slightly without opening her eyes, but it was enough to alert Marco. He woke up instantly and turned his head toward her, hoping he had not imagined her movement. Elena tried to open her eyes, but could not. A few tries later, her droopy eyes stared into Marco’s.

  “Hello, amore,” Marco whispered to her. “I am so happy you have come back to me. I love you.”

  Elena tried to speak, but her throat was so dry and raspy from the respirator that she struggled. She stopped trying. Marco couldn’t move his body much yet, but he could reach out and touch her. His battered hand caressed her bruised cheek. “Rest, amore. Rest. We will talk later.” Already she was closing her eyes and going back to sleep. But she had woken up. Marco was ecstatic. His beloved would be all right.

  With the bright Sedona sun streaming through the windows of the bedroom, Elena and Marco both woke several hours later. The nurse alerted the woman who had helped them, and the woman now sat, calm and composed, in a chair next to Marco’s bedside. She waited until Elena and Marco both opened their eyes and saw her to begin speaking.

  “My name is Marian. Victor Stone alerted me to your situation and warned me that you might need my help,” the woman said as she smiled reassuringly.

  Even in their groggy state, the mention of Victor’s name surprised them. But then, Victor saw Elena and Marco for who they were, and he knew that, as Elena and Marco’s light shone brighter, they would become more noticeable to the darkness. Like moths drawn to a flame, the creatures of darkness were drawn to the light of human souls.

  Victor had told Marian that two very powerful lightworkers were beginning to awaken into their combined purpose. Part of Marian’s role, like Victor’s, was to help valuable lightworkers succeed in their life missions. Marian had told her spirit guides that she wanted to assist Elena and Marco in whatever way they needed. Marian’s guides would connect to the awakening lightworkers and alert Marian whenever her intervention was required.

  It was a warning from her guides that placed Marian at the site of the targeted strike on that night of the almost-full moon. Without knowing where she was going, Marian waited in her car, admiring the beauty of the moon’s pale glow, until she heard urgent commands from her angels. She didn’t know what she would find at her destination, but Marian had driven until she saw the two oversized vehicles attacking the undersized sports car.

  Without knowing who was in the car, Marian intervened. She could not allow the persons in the car to be murdered. Marian held down her horn while calling the police and asking that officers be sent to the scene. Once Marian saw that the attack was purposeful, she suspected that dark forces were at work and that the people inside the car were a threat because of their advancement in the light.

  When Marian saw the damage to Marco’s rental car, she thought she might have arrived too late. The car was a tangle of twisted metal and broken glass. It seemed impossible that any human being could have survived a dual-sided attack from two vehicles more than twice the size of the sports car. But a white angelic glow emanated from inside the car. Miracles were already unfolding as Marian did her part to save Elena and Marco.

  After witnessing the angels’ intervention to save the man and woman, Marian knew the two persons must have much to contribute to the world. It was important that she also do all she could to protect them. Marian knew there was nothing she could do to prevent the emergency responders from taking Elen
a and Marco to the hospital and that at the hospital they would be unprotected and vulnerable to attack while they recovered from their severe injuries. So even while rescue workers and medics were pulling Elena and Marco from the wreckage, Marian was on her phone organizing their rescue.

  Marian used an encryption program with her cell phone so that no one could intercept her calls. She knew much of what the world was really like, and it was nothing like what it appeared to be. She had to be as careful as possible. Marian was a warrior. While emergency responders were lifting Elena and Marco onto a medical helicopter, Marian and her rescue team were assembling and coordinating final details. Within minutes, the rescue team was on the road heading toward the Phoenix hospital where the helicopter would land.

  “There is a concerted effort of darkness to dominate the world and to control human souls. This is relevant to you,” Marian told them. “There is much you need to know and master, but unfortunately there is little time for it. And there are some things that you need to know right now that we don’t have the luxury of allowing you to learn on your own.

  “You are monitored. The stronger your light shines, the more important it is to the dark side to neutralize you. Both of you are already shining brightly. As you learn and grow together, you may become unstoppable. The dark forces are already anxious to eliminate you. One being full of light can have an amazing, widespread impact on the world. As your energies combine and you learn more, you will have the ability to change the world.

  “Are you aware of how the dark forces work?” Marian asked. “Because you will need to understand this to prepare yourselves to be strong against them.”

  “We have some idea, but please explain it to us anyway. Our knowledge is limited,” Marco said. Elena was struggling to keep her attention focused and to absorb what Marian was saying. Elena’s head pounded and throbbed.

  Marian was a graceful, petite woman with an innate power that overshadowed her physical stature. She was perhaps in her late fifties, maybe in her late sixties; she had a certain agelessness to her that made it difficult to guess how old she was by her appearance. Her skin was pale and her hair was as black and shiny as raven wings. It was long, and she wore it twisted into an elegant bun. She stared at Elena and Marco with bottomless black eyes.

  “Victor will have likely explained some of this to you, so please excuse me if I tell you what you already know. It is imperative that you realize what goes on in the unseen world. The dark forces manipulate most everything to some degree or another,” Marian said.

  “Our Mother Father God created this world with a need for both light and dark. As souls, we come to this earth to learn important lessons for our growth. So in that sense, the dark can be a catalyst for good. Eventually, after many incarnations, we may become enlightened beings. This may take a very long time for certain souls, and others may never achieve this ultimate perfection.

  “Opportunity for growth comes through our free will choices. It is through the gift of free will that we evolve, and it is by making choices that honor ourselves and all humanity that we grow. It is ultimately through love that we advance.

  “And so the dark is a necessary evil. Without the influence of darkness on situations and people, there would be no opportunity for expansion. If there were only love and light in the world, there would be no contrast to the dark and then that contrast would not force people to test their understanding of life. It is sometimes through pain and tears that people grow the most, learn the most about themselves, and understand their inner strengths and passions.

  “Our Mother Father God commands two archangels who supervise the existence of the light and the dark. They are Archangel Michael and Archangel Lucifer. Humanity has attributed an unwarranted reputation to Archangel Lucifer over the many centuries that it has been aware of his influence. This has been purposeful. The dark side intends to breed fear.”

  It startled Elena to hear Archangel Lucifer mentioned in this context. She had grown up instructed in the idea of damnation to hell where Lucifer commanded the eternal suffering of human souls.

  “Archangel Michael and Archangel Lucifer are twins. Just like you are,” Marian said.

  This information shocked both Elena and Marco. They were just beginning to figure out that they were twin souls, and yet this woman who was nearly a stranger perceived it. Elena and Marco stared at Marian. She had their full attention. Elena pushed the weariness from her consciousness. She didn’t want to miss a word.

  Marian continued as if what she was describing to them was ordinary. It was the reality in which she operated. She had integrated the concepts of the ethereal and the three-dimensional worlds into her everyday life.

  “Michael means ‘he who is like God’ and Lucifer means ‘light bearer.’ God does everything purposefully. How can the light bearer be anything but that?” Marian said.

  “Archangel Michael’s duty is to monitor the light. He is the protector of light beings and of the existence of light on earth. God asked Archangel Lucifer to take on an even more difficult job. God asked Archangel Lucifer to create the underworld and to monitor the darkness. Now, the underworld is another misnomer used by the darkness to mislead and frighten. But the underworld is not really under anything, nor is it even in this world. There is no hell or anything like that.

  “The forces of darkness, just like the forces of light, operate in another dimension, at another vibrational frequency than the standard of people on earth. That is why when a person’s frequency rises or lowers, they can see and feel things of either the light or the dark that are outside of ordinary experience.

  “Since there is a need for darkness for soul growth to take place, Archangel Lucifer’s assignment is very important. I imagine it must be a difficult duty because there is no love of darkness within Lucifer. He is an archangel just as bright as his brother is. However, obedient to God’s wishes, Lucifer has managed the darkness for eons. He has ensured its existence and that it continues to plague humanity, for this is God’s perfect design.”

  Elena and Marco were enraptured. Everything Marian was saying resonated within them. Marco had sharpened his skills of discernment over years of searching, and he felt within his heart that what Marian said was true. Elena was still learning how to know when something was right for her, but even she could feel that Marian spoke the truth. Elena felt it vibrate through her body.

  “There are different kinds of dark creatures, just as there are different types of light beings. Within the forces of light, there are archangels who hold offices with important functions and then angels that tend to the needs of those offices and of humanity in general. There are ascended masters and other enlightened beings that also assist humans.

  “There are many demons, but no arch demons like there are archangels. The demons all share one general purpose: to wreak chaos and despair upon humanity. The demons attach to different humans and different causes with varying missions, but always to achieve that common result. Then there are lower intelligence dark beings with limited, focused abilities. There are dark amorphous shapes that look like blobs, for instance, and they can pull a human soul down into darkness until the person feels anguished and depressed.”

  Marian paused only to draw breath. “Then there are spirits or ghosts or whatever else people may call them. Spirits are not made of darkness. They are the souls of human beings that have died but not found their way back to the light yet. Spirits are not malevolent in essence. They are simply lost souls that are still affected by those same vices and weaknesses that controlled them in life. That is why spirits can be so destructive when attached to a human being. If the spirit had been very violent and abusive in life, for example, then it is likely that the human to whom the spirit attaches will begin to show these traits.

  “So you understand how spirits can greatly affect people in a negative way while still not being malicious per se? We can talk more about all of this later. I just want to make sure you understand the basic structure
before you have to face it.”

  “Yes.” Elena answered this time. She was beginning to find her voice. “We are following what you are saying. Please keep going.” Elena didn’t think she had ever heard such a succinct, helpful explanation before.

  Marian smiled. “So while spirits are not malevolent in nature, they must still be dealt with to help the humans they afflict. And to help the spirits find release too. Spirits must be helped to the light,” Marian said.

  A man slipped in the door, as if on cue, and handed Marian a glass of water from a tray he was carrying.

  “Thank you, Manolo. Just what I needed,” Marian said as she drank. Manolo slipped out the door again. Marian placed her glass on a side table, leaned back in the leather-sitting chair, and looked out the window. She seemed pensive.

  “What you will most need to be aware of are the demons. Their specific purpose is to cause destruction, pain, and chaos, and they do their jobs very effectively, trust me on that one,” Marian said.

  Elena and Marco did, and they nodded emphatically in response. They had no desire to learn any lesson the hard way if they could avoid it.

  “Demons work strategically, and they can also work together in concerted efforts when necessary. Demons can do their work through another human being by possessing them. For example, say the demons are trying to get to you and can’t because your vibration is too high. You keep your thoughts positive and light and they can’t possess you. They might come in and possess your mother, sister, and brother, and cause damage that way, doing everything they can to bring you down to a place of despair. You can imagine the effect it would have on a person if his mother and sister were yelling and fighting all the time and his brother tried to commit suicide. Suddenly that person’s life could feel dark and terrible.

  “And once that person’s vibration drops because of those dark feelings, then the door is open, and a demon can sweep in and possesses the person directly. Now, demons have hold of the entire family, and they feed off despair and dark emotions. You can only imagine what they could do in a situation like that. It happens all the time.”


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