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by Holly Stone






  Watched by a Stranger – Billionaire Behaving Badly Series 2 Copyright © 2015 Holly Stone

  This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United Kingdom. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locals or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Art by Holly Stone (Image from by Feedough)


  We all know in our hearts when we’re doing something we shouldn’t, something that has the potential to bite us in the arse later down the line or something we’ll regret once the moment has passed.

  It doesn’t stop us from doing it though, does it?

  As I gazed across the conference table at the man who’d fucked me into next week the night before, all I could think was ‘Fuck.’ And then, ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck!’

  What had I done?

  One mistake, one step over the sensible line and look where it had got me. My career was at risk and I was now in the hands of a very powerful man who obviously had some kind of agenda, given his presence in the room.

  Andrew turned from the refreshments table holding a mug of coffee which he placed in front of me and then pulled a small silver flask from inside his jacket, pouring some into the steaming cup. “You look like you need a shot of whisky,” he said, “For medicinal purposes, of course.”

  I looked at him blankly, still reeling from the shock.

  “Close your mouth Rebecca,” he said sharply.

  That snapped me out of my daze enough to say, “What are you doing here?”

  “This is my company, Rebecca.” Andrew took a seat at the head of the table and adjusted his cuffs, looking totally in control and I suspected he was enjoying every minute of my discomfort.

  “How did you know I’d be here today? Where’s Roger?” My voice sounded high and panicked which was a pretty accurate reflection of how I felt. Andrew’s eyes scanned my face but remained impassive.

  “Roger will be here shortly. I wanted to come and welcome you to BGP personally and make sure you have everything you need to make your stay pleasant.” As he finished his spiel his green eyes twinkled then narrowed slightly; dangerous.

  I shivered. “You knew it was me…last night, didn’t you? It wasn’t just some random pick-up, was it?”

  “Ah, Rebecca. We don’t need to focus on yesterday’s news, do we?” His flippancy roused me from my shock and pulled me into an angry place of bubbling indignation. My spur of the moment decision to do something that would wipe away the taint that Jonathan had left behind had only succeeded in leaving an even bigger one. What had been a steamy encounter and a bid to snatch back the reigns of my sexuality, now seemed sordid. I felt foolish, manipulated and so damn gullible, and the sinking sense of shame was horrible.

  “I think I want to focus on yesterday’s news.”

  “Why? Did I not deliver on my promise?”

  “What the hell’s that got to do with anything?”

  “Mind your tone,” he said sternly as if he was talking to a sullen teenager. My blood boiled.

  “You knew! You knew who I was and you still did what you did. I can’t believe…”

  “What? That a man in a bar would find you attractive enough to want to fuck you if you offered it to him on a plate.”

  I stood, resting my fisted hands on the table in front of me and leant towards him. “That was low,” I said, quietly as I struggled to contain the welling fury in my rigid muscles, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing me really lose my temper. That was a small part, but more importantly was how vital my job was to me. Being up to my eyeballs in student debt would make losing employment over something so stupid a catastrophic blow.

  Andrew studied me, eyes grazing my face, chest, hips; a languid perusal that made me seethe and flush in equal measure. Then he moved forward until our faces were only a foot apart. “You’re a beautiful girl, Rebecca, but when you’re angry…” he shook his head. “Fucking stunning.”

  I frowned in confusion, feeling strangely disarmed and not liking it at all. Was a simple compliment, delivered so crudely, enough? Was I really that easy to manipulate? I sat down, my sore lady parts complaining, and rested my face in my hands.

  “God,” I said, my voice muffled by my palms.

  “I don’t think he gets involved in these kinds of situations,” Andrew chuckled. I looked at him sharply and he grinned back. “Can I be straight with you?” he asked, and I nodded. “This…what happened between us, won’t go any further than us. It’s not going to have a bearing on what happens today with Roger and it’s not going to impact your career in any way.”

  I nodded again feeling relieved but still a bit confused. “So, why are you here?”

  “To see you again. I wasn’t sure if I liked the idea of being an anonymous lay, or how did you put it, ‘your dirty little secret’. Now you know who fucked you last night and I think I prefer it that way.” Andrew reached out and touched my wrist and when I flinched he grabbed it, his palm dry and grip strong. “You need to stop with all the drama, Rebecca. What happened was between two consenting adults and I know that you enjoyed yourself. I felt your pussy quivering around my cock when you came, I remember seeing it leaking because you wanted it so much, so fuck this repentant shit. Own your decisions.”

  I looked up into his eyes and saw he was genuinely angry with me. “You seduced me,” I said quietly and he shook his head.

  “You were the one who toasted ‘to something worth remembering’, you were the one who said yes when I asked you if you wanted me to give it to you. You were in control, Rebecca. You decided.”

  As his words sunk in he let go of my wrist and I cuffed the place he had held with my own hand, not because it hurt but because I missed the sensation of him holding onto me. I recalled the thoughts and feelings I’d had that morning; the strange sense of sadness that I wasn’t going to see him again and the delicious feelings of desire that had awoken something inside me. Now that my stranger was sitting in front of me, nothing seemed simple. Feelings were jumbled and complex. Knowing he had seduced me with forethought was difficult to process and changed the whole encounter in my mind to one that felt less about simple, instantaneous attraction and more about an organised, predatory seduction. What had seemed like a case of being in the right place at the right time, now felt like a trap I’d stumbled into.

  “You took advantage of me.”

  Andrew shook his head, looking very angry. “I liked what I saw and what I saw was willing. I think you’re forgetting what it felt like when we were together.”

  “I remember,” I said, looking into his eyes that were framed by such long lashes he would have looked pretty if he wasn’t so damn manly.

  “You remember trembling?” he asked, voice so low it rumbled, his expression so determined I felt compelled to answer.


  “You remember moaning?”


  “You remember when I pushed inside you.”

  My lady parts sprung to life when he said that, wanting to feel what he was describing all over again.

/>   “And you liked it all?” I wanted to shake my head but I couldn’t lie. I had liked it, all of it. His filthy words and controlling methods, his eyes on my skin. All of it. “Answer the question, Rebecca.”

  “Yes,” I said, so quietly it sounded pathetic. “Yes.” The second time was louder and I owned the response. I’d liked it all.

  “Enough to do it again?”

  I really looked at him then, at the serious expression on his face and the darkness in his eyes. Everything about him told me I should beware. If Andrew was a road sign it would have read ‘proceed with caution’.

  “I don’t think so.” My heart was bruised enough and getting involved with Andrew only had the capacity to hurt it even more. I wasn’t foolish enough to think that someone like him would have any qualms about taking what he wanted at the expense of others. He’d already done that in a way.

  Andrew blinked slowly once and his eyes seemed to shutter. “Well then,” he said, standing and adjusting his jacket. “I’ll send Roger in.” He turned and walked towards the door, pausing before opening it. “It was nice to know you, Rebecca,” he said without turning, and then he exited, leaving me with a cold, empty feeling that felt remarkably like regret.


  I have to confess that I hadn’t expected the ‘meeting’ with Rebecca to turn out the way it did. Maybe it will sound grotesquely arrogant to admit that women tend to find out who I am and how much I’m worth and seize every opportunity they can to be with me.

  The night before, Rebecca probably thought of me as guy version of her; a sales executive with a good income and some standing within whatever company I worked for. She’d been interested in me enough when I was an ordinary Joe but when she’d found out I was so much more, her interest disappeared. I couldn’t remember a time when I’d been rejected after my success had been noted and it stung more than I liked to admit. When you have money it’s impossible to know what truly motivates the people you form relationships with. It had been refreshing to be with Rebecca, knowing she was clueless about the size of my bank account or my business prowess. That she would turn me down because of it hurt. Or, maybe admitting that her rejection was probably more about how I’d behaved was the most difficult pill to swallow.

  I huffed back to my office, turning everything over in my head, then took a deep breath and put my ‘fuck it all’ hat on. Rebecca might have put the kibosh on things but that didn’t mean I couldn’t do something about it. It made my cock hard to think that I was going to have to work to get back inside her. And I was going to get back there. I always got what I wanted one way or another.

  Back in my office I asked my PA to dial Roger and tell him Rebecca had arrived. I would let their meeting progress as it was supposed to and formulate a plan of attack. She was a desert island that I wanted to plunder. I was going to round those bases again but not before she begged.

  I had figures to look over, a presentation from my Financial Director to consider and a speech to write but I couldn’t concentrate. Barbara kept buzzing me with questions about my availability which I found more annoying than usual. I just wanted to be left alone with my thoughts, to stew in my own juice.

  I’ve found there are many ways to approach seduction. Women say they want to be pampered and fawned over but in reality most like something rawer. They crave being wanted and even dominated. If you can take control it gives them confidence in your abilities, not only in the bedroom but in life in general. Rebecca had balls enough to turn me down but I knew what made that girl tick and I planned to give her just that. Fuck flowers, chocolates or notes declaring the goodness of my intentions. What I had planned for her would make it impossible for her to say no.


  I couldn’t concentrate after Andrew left. My mind was filled with what had happened between us, what he’d wanted to happen again and what might have been. The latter was a dangerous place to dwell. I didn’t want to feel regrets. I’d been drowning in the slimy feelings left behind by Jonathan for weeks.

  Roger must have noticed something was amiss because he asked me if I was okay and I had to confess to being tired and rundown, all layered with apologies that he seemed to take on board.

  The meeting wasn’t a difficult sell. Roger and I had been reviewing the software requirements for BGP for at least a month. I was simply there to iron out details and get a signature on the dotted line. After an hour and a half of going over the presentation and paperwork I’d brought with me, Roger went off to take the contract for signature by the legal and finance directors.

  When he returned I was elated that it was all over and I could go back to my hotel, maybe use the spa and relax before my flight home the next morning. Roger’s handshake was firm and he escorted me down into the lobby before saying goodbye. I handed my day pass back to the robotic receptionist and asked her to book me some transport so I could return to the hotel, deciding to sit while I waited in a corner chair grouping and call my friend Marnie. After all that had happened I felt like I needed to hear a familiar voice. I hadn’t intended to divulge details of my one-nighter but since Andrew had revealed himself wanted to hear her thoughts on the situation. She answered on the first ring with a noisy ‘Hallo’ which made me laugh.

  “You alright, Becka?” she said. “How’s Atlanta? Don’t tell me it’s sunny because I’ll be forced to remove your number from my phone.”

  “It’s pouring with rain,” I laughed.


  “Nah! Glorious sunshine, not that I’ve seen any of it!”

  “Have you finished your meeting?”

  “Yeah, just now. I’m waiting in the lobby of this fancy building for a taxi.”

  “Very nice! So, what else? You been shopping yet? Don’t forget to get me those trainers I told you about. They’re so much cheaper state side.”

  “I’m going shopping tomorrow on the way to the airport.” I paused, thinking about Andrew and how I could tell Marnie. “Something happened last night,” I whispered. “I met someone.”

  “Oh yeah. What kind of someone?”

  “A guy in the hotel bar. We kind of did stuff…anonymously. But it turns out he’s the CEO of the company I’m here to see.”

  “What? You did stuff with a stranger? Fuck Becka…that’s not like you! And with a CEO? How is it that you have your first one night stand and hit the big one?” Marnie laughed. “What’s his name? I want to google him.”

  “Andrew Costner,” I whispered, looking around guiltily.

  “Hang on,” she said, typing frantically in the background. “OMG, Becka, he is FIT! And richer than Croesus! Have you read his wiki page?”

  “No. God, that would be weird.”

  “Yeah, but you’re so going to do it, aren’t you?” Marnie laughed.

  “Maybe,” I giggled. “We had a thing and I thought it was just a hook up. Turns out that he came looking for me.”

  “Seriously? That sounds hot…and kind of strange. Is he okay? He’s not a weirdo?”

  “I don’t think so. A bit intense. Kind of domineering. Likes to be in charge.”

  “He sounds interesting. Not your usual type.”

  “That could only be a good thing,” I said wryly.

  “Yeah. True. So what did he say when you saw him today.”

  “Just that he wanted to see me again. And I was kind of angry and said no.”

  Marnie was silent for a beat. “Wow, Becka. You’ve got balls. He’s like one of America’s hottest bachelors. I’ve just been scanning over his press coverage and he’s always out somewhere exclusive with a hot, dolly-bird on his arm. You could have gotten some serious benefits out of a fling with Andy money-bags.”

  “What, like Anastasia in 50 Shades; a new wardrobe full of designer clothes and a car!” I giggled.

  “Hey, don’t knock the perks of having a sugar daddy.”

  “God, Marnie! You know if it was any other time maybe I would have been more tempted, just for another go-round. I just…
I could do without the drama. One night was fun but anything more…”

  “Well, sounds like you snubbed his rich arse anyway so c’est la vie!”

  I looked at the receptionist and she waved me over. “Marnie, I’ve got to go. My taxi’s here.” We quickly said our goodbyes as I grabbed my bags.

  “Your ride’s outside,” the receptionist said, and I thanked her and headed through the revolving doors into the bright early afternoon sunshine.

  At the kerb, a long, sleek, black vehicle idled. A man with a cap stood waiting by the passenger door. I looked left and right for my taxi but it was the only car parked illegally as far as I could see. I trotted down the steps and the driver said, “Rebecca Radley?”

  I nodded feeling confused and he opened the door into the dark interior of the car.

  “Erm, The Marriott please,” I stuttered and bent to get in. The driver didn’t close the door as I settled onto the spacious leather seat, taking in the amazingly opulent interior. After about a minute of wondering what the hold-up was I heard a familiar voice. Andrew got into the car, slumped into the seat next to me and then turned and grinned.

  “What are you doing?”

  “This is my car.” He smiled deviously.

  “Of course it is,” I said with an exasperated huff. He wasn’t subtle in his attempt to spend more time with me but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little bit flattered. “Can you ask the driver to take me straight back to my hotel please?”

  “He knows where he’s going. So how was your meeting with Roger?”


  “So we have a deal?”



  After that terse exchange we were silent and I looked out the window, not really taking anything in from the view. His smell was too delicious and the press of his heavy thigh against mine too hot. Everything was a reminder of how close we had been and how it had felt to be intimate with him.

  “You’re panting,” he whispered against my ear and I froze, feeling his breath against my skin and his sizzling proximity as he leaned in.


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