Book Read Free

Must Wait

Page 2

by Ginger Sharp

  “Pedro, we are all here to help you. Anything, please just ask. You will get through this.”

  I slowly move my head up to look her in the face. “No, I will never get through this. I am cursed and so is my son now.”

  Rosalie kneels before me rubbing my hands. “Tomorrow, I am going to take you and the baby to the clinic. The baby is very large and fat which might be a side effect of Cyntia’s diabetes. I want him to be checked by the doctor. You are also going to need help. You are strong, Pedro, but I think you are very young and this is too much for you to handle. I will come for you in the morning.” She places her hand on my shoulder then leaves me.

  I sit staring out at the darkness feeling completely despondent then Galiana joins me. She leans down placing my baby on my lap. She forces a bottle into my hand. “Pedro, please feed your son.”

  I look down at him squirming and moving his little lips. I look up at her. “Galiana, I do not know what to do.”

  She guides my hand. “You will learn, Pedro, you have to. He needs you to take care of him. You must give him a name. I was thinking about his grandfather and having to raise you without a mother. You could name him after your father, Pedro. I think he would be honored to know that he has a grandson named after him.”

  She takes her hand away from mine as I held the bottle to feed my baby.

  I nod. “Yes, Ramón Araya is a perfect name for my son.”

  She nods, leaving me to care for my infant son.


  Seven years later….

  I head down to the school to pick up my son, Ramón. As I pull up, I can see Parker playing with the children. Parker and I have become inseparable. He is my best friend and my rock. We are both alone here and he has helped me cope with being a single parent. He waves over at me to come down to him. I stroll down to the edge of the play field as I watch the children kick the ball around. I nod to him. “Hi Parker, was Ramón a good boy today?”

  Parker smiles really wide. “A new American teacher started working here today. She is this scorching hot blonde with crystal blues eyes. She has the most amazing body and a very full chest. Wait until you see her, man, you are going to drop to your knees.”

  I laugh at him. “Ah, Parker, you are funny. What does she teach?”

  He is chuckling at me. “Sex education.” He pauses then starts laughing again. “World History and English. I do not know anything about her yet. I was going to use my charm to ask her to have drinks with us tomorrow at the Cantina.”

  I shrug. “I guess I could join you. It may be in my best interest now to get on her good side in case Ramón gives her trouble.”

  Parker stares at me. “Are you for real, Pedro? You will want to be more than on her good side. I know I want to get to know her better. We have had this conversation before, man. There is no reason you cannot look and touch. I understand you feel that you can never love again, but, man, you need to get laid. I know I do.”

  I glance over Parker’s shoulder to see this new teacher walking towards us. “Parker I see what you mean. Very pretty.”

  Parker whips his head around to watch her walk over to us. He is smiling like he has never seen a woman before, but I guess he hasn’t seen one like this in a long while, since he has been here the last eight years. We do get vacationing day trippers in on the boats and I know Parker has had sex with a few of them. But I think he is starting to long for more since he is getting older. I remember back almost two years ago when he turned 35 years old. He took it really hard and was depressed for a few days. I know he loves it here and would never leave. He is just looking for companionship.

  The teacher approaches us with her hand extended to Parker. “Hello, I am Olivia Nora. I started teaching here today.”

  Parker grinning wide. “I am Parker Nevil and I have been teaching her for 7 years now, almost 8 actually.

  She smiles then turns her gaze to me with her hand extended. “Hola, soy Olivia Nora.”

  I laugh deeply within my chest as a peered down into those amazing eyes. “Hi, I speak English. I grew up here and went to this school. I am Pedro Araya.”

  She smiles back. “Very nice to meet you, Pedro.” She takes her hand back from mine rapidly and I notice her blushing as she looks back to Parker. “Parker, I was wondering if you know of any repairmen. My house has a few items that need repairing.”

  Nodding at her, “Yes, I do. We are going to see him right now if you would like to join us at the Cantina? I can introduce you to him.”

  Olivia smile brightly. “I would like that very much.”

  Once at the Cantina, we climb the creaky stairs to see Rosalie look up at us, staring. “Did this one miss the boat back?” asks Rosalie.

  Parker smiles. “No, this is Olivia, the new teacher.” Rosalie extends her hand to Olivia. “I heard something about a new teacher coming. I guess it was true. I am Rosalie.”

  The women speak for a moment while Parker scans Olivia’s body up and down.

  Parker comes to my side leaning to my ear. “I told you she is fine.”

  I nod. “Yes, I very much agree with you. Did you see the way she looked at me when I shook her hand? She blushed. She looks about your age, Parker.”

  “I think you are right about the age. She is closer to my age. I know, I saw her face as she checked out the hot farmer.”

  I laugh. “What, Parker?”

  “Come on, Pedro. You are tall like me, about 6’2”. You are not a little boy, you know. She saw your ripped muscles through that t-shirt of yours.”

  Just then Olivia turns back around to face us.

  “Do you guys want to get a drink?”

  I nod. As I walk toward the bar, I can feel her eyes looking at me. It gave me a little confidence as I stood next to her and Parker on the other side of her. We had a few drinks together. Parker was filling her in on the details of the town and the school. She turns her head to me. “What do you do, Pedro?”

  I smile after clearing my throat. “I grow coffee beans. I have my own farm and I also have a son. Maybe he is in one of your classes, Ramón?”

  She nods laughing. “That is your boy?”

  I look into her eyes, trying to search what she meant. “Um, yes, is he being bad again?”

  She laughs. “Honey, you do not know what bad is. No, your son is extremely sweet and has perfect manners. You and your wife have done a great job raising him.”

  I am at a loss of words. “Sorry. He does not have a mother raising him. She died giving birth to him.”

  Olivia places her hand over mine. I feel this odd warmth from her. I can’t figure it out. “I am very sorry, Pedro. I can see that you are still hurting all these years later. I know this all too well. The pain will never go away.”

  I stare down at her to see that she has pain in her eyes as well. “Olivia, have you lost someone too?”

  She nods. “I lost my son. He died in an accident back in June. Very difficult time, but that is why I am here—to start fresh.”

  I shake my head looking over at Parker who was listening to her as well.

  Parker leans in to her. “I am very sorry for your loss. You will love it here.” He pauses for a minute. “I am hungry. Let’s order some snacks.”

  She nods. “Yes please, I think the drinks are starting to get to me.”

  Parker glances over at me with a wicked grin across his face. I look down at Olivia with a feeling of sorrow. She left her home to get away from her pain. I wonder who else she has left behind.

  Parker reaches across the bar to pull over a plate. Olivia moves back to get out of his way. She reaches out gripping my bicep to brace herself. She glances up at me to apologize. “I am very sorry, Pedro. I felt like I was going to fall backwards as Parker was getting the plates.”

  I stare at her face, seeing a woman who is hurting. I want to ask her more questions regarding her family if there is any family. She moves forward away from me. I decide to go with my questioning since I am very intrigued by her.
“Do you have other family?”

  She glances up to my eyes. “Very odd, Pedro, with those eyes. Who did you inherit those green eyes from?”

  I scowl down at her not understanding why she is asking me. Her mouth falls open as she stares up at me. I decide to answer her question, “My grandmother was Scottish, so I assume from her. Why do you ask?”

  She shrugs. “I was just wondering. You remind me of my husband when he was young. My son too. Same build with the dark features and he has green eyes as well.”

  Parker leans in to her. “Husband? You are married.”

  She smiles. “Yes, but I do not know for how much longer.” She looks over at the clock on the wall. “I should get going home while it is still light outside. I have to walk my dogs before it gets dark. Parker, please, when you see your friend, please send him my way for those repairs.”

  Parker nods. “Which house did you move in to?”

  She glances behind her. “That road there. Go up about 2 miles, then make a right across the hillside for ½ a mile.”

  I smile. “The house with the glass doors overlooking the hillside?”

  She nods. “Yes, you know of it?”

  I start laughing. “This is a very small village. Everyone knows about everything around here. That was my grandmother’s house, the one who is from Scotland. She came here as a nurse and met my grandfather. She came from money and I think she poured a lot of it into my grandfather’s farm to make it more profitable. Now me and my other two brothers run all that land that she invested her money in. How funny is it that you bought her house?”

  She looks at me oddly. “The realtor said it was a vacation home?”

  I nod my head. “Yes, the owners after grandma. They fixed it up and modernized it.”

  She starts laughing. “Modernized it, sure. Maybe for 1970s. I will work on it. I am still cleaning. I have to make a trip up to Limon for supplies very soon.”

  Parker looks over. “I can go with you and show you around.”

  She nods. “I will like that very much so. If we go on Saturday, I can call and check in on my daughter.”

  Can’t figure out why this woman would leave her child behind. I am very puzzled. “Olivia, if you do not mind me asking? Why would you leave your child behind to come here?”

  She starts laughing. “My daughter is not a child. She is 21 years old. She attends law school at Harvard. She is a big girl now.”

  Parker draw drops. “Harvard, really? That is amazing. She must be very smart.”

  Olivia eyes sparkle as she talks about her daughter. “She is very smart just like her parents. She is very special too.” She pauses for a second. “I really must get going. I will see you tomorrow, Parker. Thank you both for the company. Bye, Pedro. Bye, Parker.”

  We watch her walk off to her truck then turn around back to the bar. Parker looks over at me. “I think she likes you, Pedro.”

  I laugh. “She does, but not in the way that you think, Parker.”

  Parker stares at me. “What, Pedro? She compared you to her husband.”

  I shake my head. “And her son. She looks at me more as a motherly figure. Completely not the way that you think, Parker. I saw her really trying not to look at you. I think she was afraid or shy.”

  Parker smiles. “At least I am going to Limon with her this Saturday. I will have to get her talking more about that ‘not much longer husband.’ I guess she is available if she is here. She is so hot. I think you are right about the shy thing. I will work on her.”

  I glance up. “I hope it works out for you. She is very sexy. Maybe she is what you have been waiting for all these years. Someone to grow old with, right, Parker?”

  Rosalie joins us at the bar. “The new school teacher seems to be really sweet and caring.”

  Parker nods. “Yes, and kind of single.”

  Rosalie laughs, “Kind of, Parker?”

  I interject, “She is married, but she said she did not know for how much longer. She also has children, well only one now, since her son passed away back in June. Her daughter is 21 years old.”

  Rosalie’s eyebrow raise. “Wow, she must be older than I thought with a 21-year-old daughter. I guess she is damaged like the rest of the teachers who come here. They come looking for a new start or to find themselves. Let’s see how long this one stays.”

  Parker winks. “Oh, she is staying. I will make sure of that. She is the most gorgeous woman I have seen in years. Not letting that one slip away. I just have to work my charm.”

  Rosalie stares at me. “Pedro, you better get your son and head home. Do not get all liquored up driving with him in the truck.”

  I laugh. “I am not. See, Parker, how Rosalie is motherly to us? I can tell Olivia is the same. That is how she makes me feel.”

  Parker nods as I walk off to go home.

  A few days go by and it is Saturday evening. I hear Parker talking in to the door of my house. I open the door to a smiling Parker. “I brought tequila back from Limon. You want to play cards?”

  I smile watching him move about my kitchen to get glasses. I get the cards and join him at the table.

  “Parker, I did not hear your motor bike come up.”

  He smiles. “No, I had Olivia drop me off. I was still showing her around. I am going to crash here with you, then leave tomorrow to go to church and family day at the Cantina.”

  “Did you tell her about family day?”

  Parker slaps his forehead. “Nope, I forgot. We can stop by her place on the way to church in the morning and tell her.”

  I glance up from my cards. “How did today go?”

  He beams up at me. “Amazing. She is so sweet. She wore these shorts and a little white linen button down shirt. She is still getting used to the heat here so her body glistened with sweat. She was leaning up on her toes to grab something off a shelf. Her shirt went up clinging to her sweat and I saw her amazing stomach. She has beautiful skin and her scent is intoxicating. I can’t believe her husband let that go.”

  “Maybe he didn’t let her go. Maybe she left him. Maybe he will want her back.”

  Parker shakes his head. “Nope. He left her. He blames her for his son’s death and can never forgive her for what she did.”

  I scowl at him. “What did she do?”

  He looks up. “Her husband did not want the kid riding motor bikes with his friends. He felt it was too dangerous. She let him go with his friends when the husband left for work. She disobeyed him. Anyway, the kid got crushed when his bike rolled over on him.”

  I am in disbelief. “How old was the son?”

  “She said he was 14 years old. She also said that the marriage had many other issues as well. I also overheard her speaking with her daughter on her cell phone. She kept saying thank you over and over again to her daughter. It seems like the husband was not a nice man and her daughter helped her get away.”

  I look over at Parker. “But you just said that he left her. I guess there is more to the story. Just be careful, Parker. I do not want to see you get your heart broken.”

  He laughs. “No, I am going to take it very slow with this one. But I do not know how long I can resist her body though. She is perfect from her gorgeous blonde hair down to those tiny wine color painted toes.”

  I stare at Parker. “I think you are already in trouble.”

  Parker laughs while taking another drink of his tequila. “I want to be in trouble with that woman. Who wouldn’t, Pedro? If you had a chance with her, you would take it.”

  “No, Parker, I wouldn’t. I had my chance and I keep telling you that I am cursed. I do not mind when we go up to Limon to mess around with women, but I will never commit myself again just to have my heart ripped out of me. I cannot go through that pain, it was unbearable.”

  Parker shakes his head. “You need to get out of this village more often. You will find someone again. As for your stupid curse, do not have children. Then she won’t die on you. You are so ridiculous, Pedro. Cyntia was sick,
Pedro, you know that now. Plus the diabetes did not help. It had nothing to do with you or Ramón. Just a horrible coincidence is all. The religion thing is not a factor for you either since you are a widower. You can start over and remarry. You really make me wonder sometimes, Pedro. I see those girls dropping their panties for you up in Limon and you do nothing.”

  I shake my head. “If I am going to start over again, she would have to be perfect, sweet and innocent. I do not want those meaningless whores that we meet in Limon.”

  Parker shakes his head. “Good luck there, Pedro, in your search. You might find it since you are hot, but you are getting older, you know.”

  I look over at him. “I know. I just want it to be perfect. I will wait. There has to be someone out there for me like Cyntia.”

  Parker throws his card on the table. “I am out, you hopeless romantic. Next time I go to Limon, I am going to bring you back romance novels instead of Playboy magazines. I think you will be happier, you sap. I am going to sleep now.

  As I lay on my bed, I think about Parker’s words. Maybe I am not doomed to be alone. The possibility of an older woman might be best for me. One who does not want children. Maybe someone like Olivia, who is smart, beautiful and mature, would be the best for me. Olivia is beautiful, but I can see that Parker completely wants her. Every man in this town who is not attached will, since there are so many of us. She could have her pick of the village men if she wanted, but I do not see her doing that.

  I have to stop thinking about her. She is not mine to have and once she is free from her husband, then Parker can make his move.

  The next morning, my brothers Lasaro and Paolo stop at my farm to discuss the planting two months from now. They want to start trying out some new fertilizer products on my testing field. We plan to drive over to Limon in our trucks to pick up the materials next Saturday. Just then, Parker stumbles out of the house. Both my brothers shake their heads at him.

  Parker puts up his hand. “Hey, guys, don’t ya have to be getting to church?”


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