Book Read Free

Must Wait

Page 4

by Ginger Sharp

  Turning my head trying not to stare at her, “I grow coffee beans.”

  She giggles. “Is that it, Pedro?” I absorb the way she speaks my name, finding her voice very sexy. She moves her blonde hair away from her face, tucking it behind her ear. I look down at her mouth as she wets her lips with her tongue.

  I shift in my chair facing her. “Tell me about yourself, Katie.”

  She laughs. “I attend law school in the States. Noelia is my roommate at school. You met my mother. My brother died last year in an accident and my father is a controlling asshole. Oh, I am 21 years old and I am single.”

  I crinkled my forehead at her. “Single? I thought you and Noelia are an item?”

  She laughs. “Pedro, please do not make those faces at me. You make me feel like I have been naughty and you are displeased with me. Noelia and I mess around. We are not exclusive.”

  I am confused. “I make you feel naughty? Maybe that is because when you are with someone you are supposed to be exclusive.”

  She throws her head back laughing. “I am still finding myself. Not sure what I like, so I need to experiment to figure it out. Men worry me because I see how my father is with Mommy. I am not sure I can settle for a man trying to dictate my life. I want a partnership.”

  I nod. “So, you will sleep around until you figure it out?”

  She shakes her head. “No, I do not sleep around. I mess around. I never had intercourse.”

  I am perplexed. “So, you mess around, but you are a virgin? How can that be possible?”

  She laughs. “You are silly, Pedro. There are many things you can do while messing around?”

  I look down at her not believing that we are having this conversation. She is really screwed up in the head. She is crazy. She takes another drink. “Pedro, do I make you nervous?”

  I smile. “Yes, very. I am not used to women being so forward and open speaking about their sexuality.”

  She taps her finger on my knee. “You will be fine, Pedro, as long as you do not make angry faces at me. I find it hard to control my thoughts when you do that.”

  I shake my head at her in shock of what she is saying to me. “How much have you had to drink today, Katie?”

  She smiles. “Two and believe me it is not the alcohol talking. You have very gorgeous eyes, Pedro.”

  I look away from her, not knowing what to say. I take a drink of my beer. I look over at the clock to see the time. I am eager to change the subject. “School should be letting out soon.”

  She looks confused. “Why do you care about school?”

  I turn back to her. “My son goes to school as well as Paolo’s children.”

  She raises her eyebrows. “Son, okay. How old are you Pedro?”

  “I am twenty eight years old.”

  She smiles. “How about your wife?”

  I stare straight ahead not wanting to look into her eyes. “She has been dead for many years now.”

  She places her hand on my knee. “Ouch. I am sorry, Pedro. It must be hard raising a child on your own.”

  I feel the heat of her hand tingling up my leg intensifying my nervousness. I look into her shimmering blue eyes. “I have my family and friends helping me. I am really not alone.”

  She removes her hand from my knee taking another sip of her drink. “That is good. So how long did it take you to move on?”

  My eyes opened really wide at her question. “I never moved on. I love my wife.”

  She laughs. “Fuck, Pedro, are you a hopeless romantic?” I glare at her and she laughs. “Pedro, you are making faces at me again. Please do not do that or I will not be able to control myself?”

  I tilt my head. “Then do not make me angry. Oh, look here comes the children from school.”

  She glances over her shoulder then leans into me, kissing my cheek as she stands up. “I will see you around, Pedro. Noelia, ready to head back to the beach?”

  Noelia nods as she stands up leaving Paolo and I behind. I am still feeling the warmth on my cheek from where she kissed me. I place my hand over the spot, confused, but wanting to feel her lips again.

  Paolo looks over at me. “Odd bunch of sexy girls. Very forward. Noelia was telling me that she is into Katie, but Katie may not feel the same way.”

  I shake my head. “I do not get them.”

  Paolo laughs. “They are Americans, you know. You should invite them to the bonfire up at your house.”

  I shrug, knowing that it is a really bad idea having those girls around. They are too wild.

  Twenty minutes later, Parker and Olivia walk into the Cantina laughing with each other. Parker sits next to Paolo and Olivia moves to the seat next to me. Parker stares at Olivia, smirking like there is some big secret between them. “What is going on with you two?”

  Parker laughs and I glance over at Olivia blushing. Parker smiles wide. ‘We ran into the girls when the kids were playing ball. Katie was begging me to fuck her mother.”

  I gasp, looking down at Olivia. “What is wrong with that girl?”

  She blushes again. “She is a virgin and talks a big game. Plus, she does not want me going back to my husband.”

  Parker shifts in his seat. “She said to me that your husband is abusive and you are in denial.”

  Olivia puts up her hand. “Not true at all. I hurt him with not listening to him. Our son died because I defied his rules, letting my son go off with his friends. Katie just wants me to be happy is all.”

  I look over are Olivia. “Did he hurt you?”

  She shakes her head. ‘No, never like that. Just emotionally hurt for the both of us.”

  I stare off. “Katie is too forward with men.”

  Olivia smiles. “I know, Pedro. She talks a big game, but I know she is looking for Mr. Right. Her liking girls thing is a phase for her.”

  Paolo looks over at us. “Tomorrow the local men will be playing fútbol in celebration of the planting that is soon coming. After the game, we all head back to Pedro’s for a bonfire. You and the girls should come and cheer us on and then go to the bonfire to enjoy the evening.”

  I watch Olivia nodding and she glances over at me. “Sounds fun. Pedro, should I bring anything to the bonfire?”

  I smile down at her. “Nah, it is all covered.”


  Our game was moving along as I heard Parker yelling over at me. He runs over, slapping me on the back. “The ladies just arrived. Make me look good in front of Olivia.” I laugh over at him all breathless. I am sweaty and happy that my team is winning. This win will bring us more luck with planting in a few weeks. Parker passes the ball back over to me as I kick it scoring another goal.

  I smile over at him. “Nice assist, Parker.”

  The other team throws up their hands, giving up. I run over to catch up to Parker as he is walking toward Olivia and the girls. I stand next to him as he speaks to Olivia. I am breathless still with labored breathing. I look down at Katie who is staring up at me. Her eyes are coursing over my bare chest and body.

  I breathe in deeply before speaking, “Hey, Katie.”

  She bites down on her bottom lip. “Pedro, not only are you cute as hell but you are ripped. Look at all that muscle.”

  I place my hand on my hips scowling at her forwardness. I hear Olivia gasp out. I shift my eyes to her and then back to Katie. Both women have the same exact look on their faces. Katie steps forward. “I told you Pedro to never do that around my mother.”

  Olivia snaps her head to Katie. “What, Katie?”

  Katie laughs. “That is the Daddy sex look. You know, you have been naughty and he wants you now. I have seen it since I was a small girl. I know it makes you melt.”

  Parker shifts his weight. “Hum, that is very interesting.”

  Olivia looks uncomfortable. “No, it really isn’t very interesting at all.”

  I pick up my shirt and start to put it on. Katie speaks out, “Please, Pedro. You do not have to cover up on my account. I like looking at you. Ve
ry fine and those piercing green eyes of your against those black eye lashes. I am surprised that you do not having women beating down your door every night.”

  I stare down into her blue eyes taking in her beauty again. Shaking my head as I walk away from her, I say “You are very forward, Katie.”

  Katie runs to keep up with my steps toward my truck. “Pedro, do you not like me?”

  I get to my truck turning around to see who else is around before I answer, “Katie, I find you very intriguing, but you make me nervous as hell with your forwardness.”

  She smiles. “I am sorry, Pedro. I am a very aggressive woman. I am used to getting my way. I have no issue telling people what I want and how I want it.”

  I stare down at her pouty lips. “I can see that, Katie.”

  She laughs. “Pedro your scent is intoxicating and your skin glistens in the sun.”

  I shake my head. “I am sweaty, Katie. Are all American 21 year olds like you?”

  She winks her eye at me. “No, not at all. I am very unique.”

  I open my truck door looking around for Ramón. “I will see you later up at the bonfire at my house.” Just then Ramón runs over to me, climbing in to the truck. I look back up at Katie’s eyes to see the playfulness now has become serious.

  She light nods. “Ah yes, the bonfire. Pedro, am I able to get a phone signal up at your place?”

  “No, you have to go past the farms over the hill almost to the main highway.”

  She smiles again. “Thank you, Pedro. I will see you soon. Bye, Ramón.” She waves and walks back toward Noelia. I watch her as she walks with her hair blowing in the wind as she makes her way back to the group of people. She is so beautiful, but I must stay away from her since she is Olivia’s daughter. That would be completely disrespectful to Olivia.

  Everyone is starting to arrive at my house for the bonfire out in the field. A few people from neighboring villages have come as well, since we will soon be busy planting. I hear Parker call out to me as he arrives with Olivia and the girls. I wave at them as I watch their silhouette walk across the field towards the fire. Olivia sits down as Parker hands her a drink. Parker walks over to me. “Pedro, my man. Pretty big turnout.”

  I shake my head as I see Katie and Noelia taking their drinks and going near a group of boys from a neighboring village. “Yea, I am surprised.”

  Parker nods. “Looks like Katie and Noelia are making some new friends. Shit, both girls speak fluent Spanish. Did you know that, Pedro?”

  I shake my head. “No, I did not.”

  I watch Katie sit and move closer to the boys. She reaches out touching one boy’s chest. I feel a flush of jealousy course through me.

  Parker puts his hand on my shoulder. “Pedro, how old are those boys over there with Katie?”

  I glance over to him. “About twenty.”

  Parker leans in. “I think he is making a play for your girl, Pedro.”

  I dart my head to him. “She is not my girl. Olivia would kill me.”

  Parker laughs. “I do not think Olivia cares at all and you are about to lose Katie. The kid just asked her to take a walk with him.” I watch Katie closely as she walks further away from the fire with the guy. I drink down my tequila and pour myself another. I hear Olivia and Parker laughing when I decide to bring Katie another drink. I grab a cup and walk towards her. She is talking to the neighbor boy, but I cannot hear their words yet. I pick up my step.

  I call over to her, “Katie, do you want another drink?”

  She smiles up at me. “Thank you, Pedro. Jose was just telling me about his degree when he went to school in Limon.”

  I nod and notice that Katie has on a very low cut shirt. I feel myself getting warm again and I do not understand why I am getting upset. I shift my eyes away from her. “I have to go into the house for another bottle of tequila.” I stalk off up to the house knowing that I am already buzzing from the alcohol. I am trying to cool myself down knowing that Katie is not mine to be angry over.

  I open the door and walk into the house. I hear the door close behind me. I whip around to see that Katie had followed me in.

  “So this is your home, Pedro?”

  I clear my throat. “Yes, this is where I live with my son.”

  She looks around. “Where is Ramón?”

  “At my brother’s house for the night.”

  She smiles as she puts her cup on the table. “Really.”

  I dig through the cabinet until I find another bottle of tequila. I open it and pour it into my cup. I drink it down really fast.

  She steps toward me looking up, but I keep straight not looking at her. She touches my hand. “Pedro, are you upset about something?”

  I laugh. “I do not get you, Katie. You have been hitting on me since you arrived and now you run off with some other guy.”

  She turns away from me. “Now I am the one confused, Pedro. I got the sense that you did not like me.”

  I scowl down at her. “How could I not like you Katie? You are gorgeous, a little forward, but I told you that.”

  She shakes her head as she puts her hand on my chest. “Pedro, I told you not to make faces at me. You make me feel naughty when you do that face. It is very hot, Pedro.” She grabs my shirt pulling into me. “Pedro, I want to feel your lips on mine, please.” I look down into her eyes as I smile wickedly. I lean down to kiss her as I feel her right hand take a fistful of my hair. She pulls me down meeting her lips to mine. She kisses me forcefully, slipping her tongue over mine. I breathe in through my nose taking in her luscious scent of jasmine. Her finger nails scratch into my pectoral as I embrace her tightly. I move my hands to her hip and lift her up to place her on the countertop. She pulls away from me looking into my eyes. She runs her hands underneath my shirt, pulling it up.

  I stare into her eyes as she bats her eyelashes at me seductively. I try to speak but I growl out the first word, “Um, what do you think you are doing, Katie?”

  She runs her hands from my chest slowly down my stomach as her eyes follow her hands. She clutches the top on my shorts. “Feeling this sexy body, Pedro. You’re so sculpted and well-defined. I have never seen a man like this. I just want to put my mouth all over you.”

  I open my eyes really wide. “Katie, you are drunk.”

  She laughs, “No, Pedro, I think you are the one who is very close to be drunk. Take me to your bedroom.”

  I shake my head. “No, Katie. You must wait.”

  She laughs and then leans in to my ear, whispering, “I know that, Pedro. No one said that we are having intercourse. I just want to kiss you more.” Her teeth graze my ear and my body sends jolts though me.

  I step away from her taking her hand. She hops down from the countertop, following as I lead her to my bedroom. Once she closes the door behind her, she removes her shirt. She stands in front of me with her bra and shorts on. I watch her hands as they slide down her stomach, undoing the button on her shorts. She lets it fall to the ground and steps out of them. I am watching her with this surreal feeling. She is so sexy as she stands before me in her lace bra and panties. I bit down on my lip, as she moves towards me. She pulls at my shirt trying to remove it. I am reluctant, but I pull it over my head placing it on the bed. Her tiny hands reach up cupping my face. She pulls me down to her and kisses my lips. She then nibbles my jawline as her hands move down my chest. She slowly lowers herself as she licks down my chest.

  I groan, buzzing from the alcohol. “Katie, what are you doing to me? Please stop now.”

  Katie kneels down on the floor looking up with these hooded seductive eyes, as she pulls my shorts down freeing my erection. “Pedro, I never felt this way. You make me feel so naughty so I want to be naughty for you. I want to put my mouth all over you.” Her hands run down my backside. “Oh, my Pedro, your ass is so rock hard and strong.” She kisses my groin as her hands come forward to my hips. I moan out while staring down at her face. I feel her warm hands slide down on my thighs. She moves her hands to my cock
. “My God, Pedro, you are a very big man.” She tugs up exposing my scrotum. She opens her mouth sucking my sack into her mouth. The heat of her mouth makes me cry out. She pulls away. “Pedro, you are much older, baby. More experienced. Please let me know when I am doing it right.”

  I run my thumb over her lips while looking down at her. “Katie, I am not experienced. My wife was the only one.”

  Her eyes open wide as she ran her tongue over the head on my cock. My hands are entangled in her hair as I stare down at her. She looks up at me as she takes my cock into her little mouth, sliding it in and out slowly firmly.

  I growl deep in my chest. “Katie, I think you should stop.”

  My words increased her desire as she went deeper down my shaft into her throat as she gagged a little.

  She pulls away from me. “My Pedro, you are such a large man. Please let me do this for you. I want to do this for you. Um.”

  She went back to suckling me in and out. I knew I could not resist for more than another minute until I felt my muscle clutching. She was gripping onto my ass cheeks with her fingernails. She was not letting me move away from her. Her mouth sucked me hard as I pulsed into her mouth.

  I growled out, “Err, Katie.”

  Then another pulse happened as more of me spewed into her mouth. “Katie.”

  Her hands rub my ass then move to my scrotum as she massages it. I look down at her little petite face and made my final pulse, my legs shaking.

  “Katie, please. Please stop.”

  She lets me go as she stands up. “Pedro, you made me hot. Do you want to feel?”

  I stare down at her still in complete ecstasy. “Yes, Katie.”

  She takes my hand, placing it into her panties. I can feel her complete wetness. I can feel my arousal return. She moves my finger about her while she moans.

  She jerks up at the sound of the front door opening. I pull my hand out of her panties, listening closely. She takes my wet fingers into her mouth, sucking them off as I stare at her in amazement. I hear the door close again and she bites down on my fingertips.


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