Book Read Free

Must Wait

Page 8

by Ginger Sharp

  She unwraps her legs then slides down my body. The waterline is right at her breasts. I feel her hand on the outside of my shorts while she is rubbing me. She stares up at me as she takes my hand and places it on her breast. I gently start to knead it as she spews out a moan. She is using her other hand to open the top of my shorts. She frees my cock into the water and strokes me. I watch her face as she licks her lips before she bites down on her bottom lip. She releases her lip as she moves close to me. Her tongue licks my nipple. I feel the pressure starting to build. She bites down on my nipple causing me to yell out and then growl into a deep moan.

  “That is better, Pedro. I can’t tell if you are enjoying it.”

  “Ah, Katie,” I speak slowly, “I am going to come, baby.”

  She moves her hand a few more times. My body tenses up as I ejaculate into the warm water. My entire body goes limp.

  I stare down at her. “Why do you do this to me, baby? Like this, here.”

  She laughs. “Come on, Pedro. Are you telling me that you and your wife never messed around in the water?”

  I open my eyes really wide. “No, we never did. How come every time we do something together, you bring up my wife? Please, stop.”

  She tilts her head. “Why? Does it make you feel dirty?”

  I scowl at her. “I feel high and happy when I am with you. Then you go and bring up Cyntia. It is like you just kicked me in my stomach.”

  She grins. “I see. I am sorry, Pedro. I am going to get out of the water now.”

  I watch her make her way back up to the beach then lie down on the blanket. I fix my shorts then swim under a few more times to cool off. I head out of the water and walk up to the blanket. She glances up at me then pats the blanket next to her. She plays with her phone.

  “It really sucks that there is no phone service here.” She puts on a song and places her phone down.

  “I do not have a phone or a cell phone.”

  She giggles. “I know nor a computer either. No email Pedro?”

  I shake my head no.

  “How are we going to stay in touch? Do you get mail, like letter mail?”

  I chuckle. “Yes, we get mail. We are not that antiquated.”

  She looks at her phone again flipping through screens. “Oh shit, I forgot. I can only come down for three weeks on my next break. Nick and I normally rent a beach house together for a week during Memorial Day.

  I feel my blood boil and my face begin to feel hot. “Who is Nick?”

  She continues to look at her phone. “My cousin. I wonder if he has a passport. I can bring him down with me. Second thought, that is really a bad idea. Mommy might not want to have him around and there are no girls here for him to fuck. I have to stick to the beach house plan. There will be enough girls there for him.”

  I sit up. “Enough girls. One is not enough? What is wrong with you Americans? I had a woman back in the bar want to have a quickie with me behind the Cantina.”

  Katie eyes open really wide as she giggles. “I guess I ruined that for you.”

  I tilt my head. “What, Katie? I do not understand? Why would I do something like that?”

  She shrugs. “You need to get fucked, Pedro. You had that chance. You should have went for it.”

  I feel anger bubbling up inside of me. “Katie, I do not know what is wrong with you. I only do that with people I care about. It should be that way for everyone. I just can’t do that. Go from girl to girl like your cousin. I am not saying I am waiting for marriage again, but it has to be right for me.”

  She puts her hand up. “Okay, I understand, Pedro. You are old world, dating, marriage then sex. I gotcha now. You are going to be like my mother, Pedro. Old and alone. Romance is dead, Pedro. You should have taken the wild fuck to remember what it is like sliding your dick in and out of a woman, slamming it into her.”

  My eyes pop as I glare at her. “You have a very nasty mouth, Katie. You must get that from your father.”

  She laughs. “Both my parents actually. Mommy can be very raunchy herself.”

  I shake my head. “I do not believe that, not Olivia. I bet you she waited to have sex with your father.”

  Katie throws her head back in an hysterical laugh. “From what I know, Daddy was quite the ladies’ man. They were kind of living together, not officially since it was a college apartment. They were together for a couples years until Mommy got knocked up with me. They got married pretty quickly. I think that is why Daddy hates her, for trapping him.”

  “No, Katie, then why have they been together so long. And, your brother!”

  She tilts her head to one side. “Life was great until Briar. Mommy and Daddy were so in love and they loved me so much. Briar came seven years later, then Daddy turned bitter each day as Briar grew. He stayed away more at work, forcing Mommy to leave her job to stay home with Briar. Then my Grandma Maria would come to the house to help out. She was far more nasty than Daddy. She would call my mother names and spit on her. It was bad. They would fight and it always ended badly. That is not love, Pedro, I am sorry.”

  I shake my head. “You are right, Katie. That is no way to love a woman. Paolo was telling me something funny. So he and Olivia talk a lot when he picks up the kids from school. If he was not married, he would be all over her otherwise.”

  Her head tilts up, looking at the sky. “Paolo is the exmilitary brother. I thought it would have been Lasaro that would be into her. He looks mad all the time and he looks like he can fuck her hard.”

  I shake my head at her. “What is wrong with you, Katie? Don’t talk about my brothers that way. Both my brothers are married. Don’t you think your mother deserves more?”

  She chuckles out. “I see the way Lasaro looks at me. He is an aggressive fuck. Paolo seems like a romantic. Surprise his wife is faithful to him. Is that what happened with you, Pedro? Did your wife get bored and not want you to touch her anymore? Did you not ravage and fuck her hard, Pedro? Two virgins never work out, you know?”

  My blood is boiling. “Shut the fuck up, Katie. You do not know what the hell you are talking about. Cyntia loved me.”

  She speaks quietly, “I am right, aren’t I? She did not want you touching her. You bored her, she was not begging for it.”

  I yell at her, “Katie, shut the fuck up. I am not liking you right now.”

  “There is my answer. I am sorry, Pedro, really. You go home now.”

  “Yes, I am going. I will drop you off at Olivia’s house.”

  “No I will walk.”

  I get angrier than I am. “Katie, there are animals here. I will take you home. Olivia will be angry with me if I let you walk home.”

  “Hum, maybe take me to Lasaro’s barn. I bet you he will fuck me tonight.”

  I growl at her and stand up. “Enough, Katie. Get the fuck up. You are an immature baby. I could never have you around Ramón with this mouth of yours.”

  She laughs. “Why would I want to be around Ramón? I do not care for children. I do not want them, why would you think I would want to become an instant Mommy?”

  I shake my head. “Enough, Katie. I really hate you right now. You are the biggest bitch I have ever met. You are so spoiled. Get up I am taking you back to your mother’s house.”

  She shakes her head no to me. I pull her blanket around her, throwing her over my shoulder. I get to the truck and place her down on the seat. I slam the door behind her as I walk over to my door. I look over at her as I get in. She seems so emotionless. I drive up the hillside stopping outside her mother’s house. I reach across her opening her door.

  “Leave, Katie.”

  She grabs my hand as I pull it back from the door. “I am sorry, Pedro. I need you to use that anger on my body. I want you to take me. I need this from you. I beg you, please. Then I will stay out of your life. You need this as much as I do.”

  I look over at her, shaking my head. “I can’t, Katie. I am so angry with you right now.”

  “Fine. I will go to Lasaro in th
e morning when his wife leaves for the clinic.”

  I growl. “Katie, what is wrong with you. He is married. He is my brother. How do you know all that information, Katie?”

  She stares straight ahead. “He told me today at the Cantina while I was with my friends. He wants both me and Noelia at the same time. His mouth was filthy as he spoke to me in Spanish. So sexy. If you won’t, he will.”

  I shake my head in disbelief. “Lasaro would never cheat on his wife.”

  Katie glances at me again as she spoke, “I am not making this up. He whispered in my ear. His hot breath soaked onto the skin of my neck. He was not playing, Pedro.”

  I growl. “He knows that you were with me.”

  She shook her head. “I am a whore to him as well as Noelia. He seemed angry and stressed. It turned me on. That is why I worked so hard to make you angry.”

  I glare over at her, shaking my head. I keep thinking about what she said about Lasaro. I will set him straight tomorrow, but tonight I am not leaving Katie alone. As angry that I am with her, she will be with me tonight.

  I scowl at her. “Yes, Katie. I will make love to you. After that, I never want to see you again.”

  She sighs. “Good. Please take me, Pedro. I know you will be gentle with me unlike Lasaro.”

  She leans to me, kissing me deeply as I feel the rage within me. I want her to stop talking about my brother. I put me truck in gear as I stare over at her, shaking my head. I drive with major aggression on the ride to my house. I pull up to my dark home. I cut the ignition and look over at her.

  “Are you ready?”

  She make a gulping sound as she opens the door of my pickup truck. I get out of the truck walking beside her. She stops looking over at me. I turn my head to looking at her scared face. I grab her hand.

  “At least here tonight no one will hear you scream as I penetrate you.”

  Her eyes open really wide. “We are really doing this then.”

  I nod my head. “Yes, this is what you want, Katie.”

  “I need to do this. I know that you care about me. You will make it right.”

  I nod my head as I open the door to my house. I scowl over at her. “Katie, take a shower. I want you clean and innocent. Leave your dirty mouth in there before you come to my bed. I want the sweet Katie, not the whore.”

  She stalks off to my shower. I can hear her crying as she whimpers out from time to time behind the door. I move through the cabinets taking out two glasses. I drink waiting for her to come out of the bathroom. After seventeen minutes, she comes out of the bathroom, still sniffling and all red eyed.

  I push the glass to her. “Drink you are going to need it. It is not going to feel good until you heal a few weeks from now. Then sex will be a breeze for you.”

  She stares up at me trying to be strong. “Pedro, I know that you are the man for me. I feel it inside me, inside the pit of my stomach. You will take special care of me.”

  I pour more tequila into her glass as I stare into her eye coldly. “I never want to see you again after tonight. You or your friend, stay away from me and my family.”

  She nods to me and drops her towel, standing naked before me. “I promise you, Pedro, that I will stay away from your family.”

  I laugh sarcastically. “Your promises do not mean much to me, Katie. You already promised me that you would wait until you got married. See where that got you?”

  She looks coldly at me. She shivers.

  “Drink up, Katie.” I push the glass to her.

  She guzzles it down and I pour her more. She watches my hands as I move them back and forth.

  She is still naked before me, I am happy her dirty mouth earlier made me angry enough not to touch her yet. I am still cooling down. She is a turn off to me when she starts running her mouth. I reach across, stroking her wet hair. I try to signal her to stop drinking, but she drinks down more tequila. I see that she becomes shaky. I lead her to my bedroom. I can sense that she is buzzing as I push her down forcefully onto my bed. She gulps. I can see she is not ready for this.

  I remove all my clothes as Katie watches me. I glare down at her. “Are you ready for this, Katie?”

  “Yes, I am, Pedro.”

  I reach for her hand pulling her up to sit up on the bed. “I am not ready for you yet. Use your dirty mouth on my cock, Katie.”

  She reaches out touching me. “I love it when you are not playing all shy with me, Pedro. I knew you had it in you to be sexy and commanding. Hearing you tell me exactly what you want.”

  “Shh, I want you to shut up and suck me.”

  She wets her lips with her tongue before leaning in to take me in her mouth. I pull her hair back from her face, watching her move slowly. She moves her hands to my buttocks, gripping me as she slides her mouth over me.

  “Ooo, that is so nice, Katie.”

  She pulls away from me, staring up at me as she takes my shaft in her hands. She pulls my cock as she licks me lower. Her tongue comes back up and she takes me into her mouth again. I grab fistfuls of her hair as I move her head. I hold her head still as I start thrusting my hips, slamming into her mouth. She closes her eyes and I can tell she is not enjoying me doing this to her. At this point I do not care. I will take from her what I want since I will never have to see her again. I feel that I am getting close to orgasm. She braces herself, placing her little hands on my thighs. I stare down at her, while I continue to violate her mouth.

  “You are a slut, Katie, so I am going to treat you like a dirty whore that you want to be.”

  I grunt out as I come, my body still. She continues to lick me as I shudder. I pull away from her sitting on the bed. She turns to me as she rubs my chest.

  She looks into my eyes. “That was so fucking hot. I knew you had it in you.”

  I shake my head at her. “What is wrong with you, Katie? Women are not supposed to like that type of love making.”

  She giggles. “I may be the virgin, but you are the one who is completely inexperienced. I am very well-schooled in oral sex. I know how to give and take it. Sorry, that I know what I like. You are wrong in how women want it, Pedro.”

  I glare at her. “Well-schooled, huh? Katie you are only twenty one.”

  She throws her head back laughing. “I have been doing this since I was twelve Pedro with both boys and girls. So please do not give me a lecture about experience.”

  I feel rage again as I look at the smug look on her face. I can tell she always gets what she wants, but she is not getting me. Not like that.

  I reach out to touch her breast. “Let’s get this over with so I can get some sleep tonight.”

  Her eyes open wide as the smile fades from her face. I caress her breast then I tug at her nipple. She moans out as she leans forward to kiss me.

  I pull back from her looking her in the eyes. “I do not want to kiss you anymore. Kissing is very intimate for me. You want this to be cheap and meaningless.”

  She frowns. “No, Pedro. I do not want it to be meaningless. I chose to do this with you because I do feel something for you. I want you to be sweet and caring with me. I want my first time to be right.”

  I laugh at her. “Then why would you go with my brother then.”

  “I would never had done that. I have more selfrespect for myself and he is married. That is off-limits for me. Also, I would never do that to you. I really do care for you, Pedro. I said those things because you made me angry with all your shyness. I want to kiss you, Pedro.”

  I cup her face and tenderly kiss her lips. She lies back on the bed, staring up at me with those eyes. I lie down on top of her and move my mouth along her jawline. Once I reach her lips, I kiss her softly again. I work my tongue to hers. Caressing it as she moans to our kiss. I slide my hand down between her legs and feel her wetness as I rub her with circular motions. She moans out again. I position my body to take her as I stare into her eyes. Her hands come up to my biceps as she grips me. I move my cock near her opening and she freezes up.

  She wildly shakes her head pushing me away. “No, no, I am not ready for this.”

  I pull away from her, smiling. “Good girl, my sweet Katie. I was not going to do it anyway. But I am warning you that you better not play this game with other guys. You might not be so lucky next time.”

  She nods feverishly. I move over to her side pulling her into me.

  “I am just going to hold you for our last night together.”

  She nods as she pecks kisses to my chest before snuggling in to me.

  This has been a wild emotionally draining few days for me. There is a part of me that is happy I had her for just the small amount of time, but I am also glad to be free from her head games. I am a man raising a child all alone. I have a farm to run. She is such a distraction, a mere child herself. I may be naive as she said, but she is too wild for me. Her past is too shocking for me. Not the type of woman this simple man wants in his life. I press a kiss to her forehead before I doze off as I continue thinking about how she is all wrong for me.

  The next morning, I wake up to the smell of food cooking in my kitchen. I sit up in my bed staring down at my naked body as I remember last night. I am trying not to be despondent as I think about her. I get up and walk out of the bedroom. I move past her, not looking at her as I go to the bathroom. I turn on the shower waiting for the hot water to mix with the cold. I climb in and feel the hot water soaking my stressed muscles. I wash up, removing her scent from me. I have to get her home and away from me. I do not want to cave under her spell again. I look up and turn off the water. I towel dry myself as I walk back to my bedroom. I start to get dressed and I see her staring at me from the door.

  She speaks softly, “I made you breakfast.”

  I glance over to her while I pull on my shorts. “I can smell that, thank you.”

  She walks over to me, wrapping her arms around me. She breathes me in. “You smell so good. Let’s go back to bed.”

  I pull away from her and I put on my shirt. “No, I told you last night that this was it. No more. I have to get you home. I have a lot of work to do and I need to speak with Lasaro regarding his behavior with you girls.”


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