The Darkest Knight (The KNIGHT Brothers Book 3)
Page 11
“I’m Rosita Hanson. I was married to Seth’s friend, but…” The brightness of her eyes faded some. “Anyway, I don’t want to disturb Seth if he’s working.”
“Would you like to come in? I can get you something to drink. I don’t know what he has in the fridge, but I can check,” Reese offered.
“Okay. I’ve been driving for a few hours, but I wanted to thank him in person.”
The story grew deeper. “Then come in.” She stepped back and gave the woman enough room to pass. Reese found the refrigerator stocked with bottled sweet tea, pop, water, and juice. Rosita chose juice and Reese grabbed a water. “You seem a little uneasy, Rosita. Is everything okay?” She asked once they were sitting at the table.
“Oh, I’m not uneasy, just a little, well, humbled by all that Seth has done for my family.” She placed her purse on the floor and clasped her hands together in her lap. “You see, my husband lost his life in Syria, leaving me alone with young children and no family to turn to for help. Then one day a package arrived in the mail. I almost passed out when I opened the envelope and found cash tucked inside as if my prayers were answered. There was no return address so I had no clue how this bundle of money landed at my doorstep. For the first time in weeks though, I was able to buy groceries for my babies. Even put gas in my car.” She shifted and tucked a tendril of hair behind her ear. “Every month after, right on time, the package arrived. Same amount of cash.”
Reese absorbed what the woman was telling her. It was an amazing story. “Did you ever find out who was sending you the money?”
“After I did a little research, it was obvious who had been so generous. Who has so much money that they can send a stranger cash every month?”
“Seth Knight?” Reese’s breath caught in her lungs. Yes, she could see him doing exactly that.
Rosita smiled. “My husband told me that Seth was an angel when it comes to helping others.” She reached inside and brought out a fat, manila envelope and laid it on the table. “Last month I was offered a job and I accepted. I will be able to take care of my family again. I received the money from Seth, and I can’t accept it. There’s two months’ worth here. He’s already done so much and I’ll never be able to repay him. There are others who need this now that my situation has changed.” She gently pushed the envelope toward Reese who stared for the longest time. “You have a very wonderful, kind husband.”
Reese jerked her chin up. “Oh no…Seth isn’t my husband. I’m actually just an employee.”
The other woman giggled at her mistake. “I’m sorry. I just assumed.”
“It’s okay. I can agree that he has a kind heart. I also know he will want to see you before you leave. Do you mind walking? I can take you to him.”
“I love to walk, and I could use the movement. I’ve been stuck in my car a while.”
“So then let’s go.” Reese called for Abby.
Together, the two women walked up the lane toward the cabins. They shared stories of Rosita’s husband and Seth, especially their shenanigans from the past. Again, Reese was finding another layer to him. He was a wonderful friend.
Long after she left Rosita with Seth, Reese still pondered how sweet he was to help Rosita and her family. This spoke volumes about his intentions and, most importantly, his heart.
She’d realized that he wasn’t the gruff, angry man she thought he was when she first met him. Sure, his rough edges weren’t polished and he preferred being alone as opposed to spending time with people, but he had a compassionate side that she’d thought he had been lacking. Just like he’d taken care of her after her seizure. It wasn’t emotionally healthy for her to become dependable on anyone’s care, but as independent as she was, she did appreciate someone looking out for her—his kindness. In the military, the soldiers had been all about watching each other’s backs, taking care of each other, but when one came home, they were sometimes faced with fighting battles alone.
With more determination than ever, Reese went back to the cabin she’d been working on and finished up the last bit of painting. Seth had stopped by twice to check on her, but it was more of a fly-through because he’d been taking care of unexpected issues all afternoon. She’d wanted to mention Rosita, but knew she’d need more than a three-minute window to talk about the subject. He’d offered to drive her back down to the cabin later and she thanked him. The sun was setting, her muscles ached, and she was ready for downtime. Half expecting Seth to show up to follow through on his promised ride, he didn’t, and she grew impatient and hungry. Lex stopped and offered to drive her down to her cabin, and she didn’t pass up the opportunity. She didn’t mind walking, but the sooner she got into a shower and washed away the day’s sweat and paint splatters all over her hair and body, the happier she’d be.
She entered her cabin with Abby and strode through the open floor plan, straight into the bathroom where she turned on the water. Steam billowed from behind the glass door and she was grateful for the hot water. She’d have to scrub the paint from her skin. As tired as she was, she was proud of how the walls turned out on the first cabin. Seth had placed the decorating in her hands, and she had jotted down an entire list of ideas of making each cabin comfy and welcoming.
Stepping out of the standup shower, she dried off, sprayed her body with a vanilla mist and somehow the scent reminded her of callused hands smoothing over her body. Why couldn’t Seth be just some normal guy she met at a bar, they could have wild sex and walk away satisfied. First, there was nothing normal about him, and although she believed the sex would be on the wilder side, one time just might not be enough to satisfy the buried need she’d been carrying around for days.
This situation could be labeled as dangerous. If she unleashed the need, she’d find herself neck deep in the Dark Knight. She didn’t have time for a relationship, didn’t even want one. Nowhere on her priority list could she find hot man and wild sex. Her agenda didn’t include broad shoulders, coiled muscles, and a protector who had as much baggage as she did. She couldn’t forget how she’d screwed up her relationship with Brandon, and she’d caused him a world of pain when she’d left.
She’d have to forget about Seth and his magnificent hands. How his muscles moved with power and ease. How beautiful his eyes were when they pierced her with an invisible desire.
Seth pulled his truck up in front of the cabin where he’d expected to find Reese, but instead he found it empty. His gut tightened as he stepped back out onto the porch. The sun was setting and it took on a bright orange tone against the backdrop of the fading blue sky.
Now where was she?
He could have sworn he’d told her he’d give her a ride down the hill. Although she was a strong, independent woman, he couldn’t let her walk, especially after the day she’d had. He didn’t have a clue what brought on seizures, but while she was here on his land, he took it upon himself to keep her safe.
“You looking for Reese?” Gage had pulled up and was hanging his head out of the window.
“Lex picked her up almost twenty minutes ago.”
His gut tightening, Seth tried not to show it. Reese was a beautiful, smart woman, so no doubt she’d have men interested, and he wasn’t quite sure why that bothered him, but he’d been witness to how Lex acted around her. Seth might have it bad, but he was glad he didn’t turn into a sappy fool every time he was close to her.
No, he just turned into a belligerent jackass.
“Hey, we’re heading to Mountain Mug later. Maybe play some darts, listen to some music, shoot the shit. Want to join us?”
Opening his mouth to say one thing, he paused. He could stay here, irritated and frustrated, or go with his buddies and have a drink. It might help get his mind back on track. Normally, he’d be all in on the first, but lately he’d been nothing but a ball of tension and tight balls. He’d committed to keeping his hands-off Reese, but it was getting harder and harder. “You heading
there now?”
“Stopping at the house, washing my face, and grabbing a clean shirt, then I’ll be there. You coming?”
“You know, an ice-cold beer doesn’t sound too bad.” He waved at his buddy and climbed into his own truck, his eyes landing on the envelope filled with cash. He’d tried his best to get Rosita to keep it, but she’d refused. He couldn’t be happier knowing that she’d landed a great job, could pay her bills and take care of her kids. Hanson deserved the best for his family.
Sticking the envelope into the glove compartment, he had a few errands to do on the land before he headed to Mountain Mug. Although he went in one direction, his mind strolled toward the small cabin where he guessed Reese was now.
Grumbling under his breath, he checked all the cabins to make sure they were locked and then headed to his cabin to get changed. He didn’t even stop to see Reese before he drove into town where he hoped he’d find a sliver of solace in beer. He wasn’t much of a drinker, never had been, but having a few on occasion never hurt anyone. And when he walked into the bar and found his buddies already sitting at a round table, he knew he’d have some catching up to do. They were laughing and carrying on. Something about them sitting around, talking about the past, didn’t slam into Seth’s chest as much as he’d expected. Better than being home fuming over the ache in his gut.
He strolled toward the men and they must have seen something dangerous in his expression because their eyes widened. “You need this more than we do.” Johnny pushed a mug of beer toward Seth as he pulled out a chair and dropped into the wood that creaked.
“Glad to see you here.” Lex lifted his beer and saluted Seth. “After a hard day, we deserve this.”
“How’s Reese?” Gage asked.
Seth’s breath hitched. “I haven’t seen her since earlier.”
“She was fine when I dropped her off,” Lex added.
Instead of grinding his teeth, Seth took a drink. He sucked down most of the beer. The waitress scooted over and he was surprised it wasn’t Monica. He ordered another, barely registering the waitress’s hand on his back. His thoughts were on Reese. Damn woman. He’d heard a tale that some came along unexpected and wrapped a man around her itty-bitty finger before he could come up for air, but he hadn’t believed it until now. She was trying and he was resistant. He would never be one of those men, sloppy-ass deep in love. Never. Ever. He winced.
So what that she had perfectly shaped lips, a body that could take down giants, and a laugh that made him instantly feel lighter. Hell, he never chased after any woman. They tended to chase him.
Troubling was the fact that she looked at him as if she begged for his kisses, wore those short shorts that showed off the sweetest ass he’d ever had the privilege of seeing, and then she gave him the cold shoulder. The urge to spank her was almost as strong as the urge to kiss her until she was ready and willing.
The waitress in the too-tight T-shirt and shorts returned and offered him a smile that didn’t entice him nearly like Reese’s did. Her nametag read “Melanie” and she was new here. She set a pitcher close to him, brushing her double Ds against his shoulder and laying her slender fingers on his wrist. No response in his body whatsoever. He was broken, just as he’d suspected.
“I thought you boys could use a pitcher. If you need anything else, you know who to call.” She winked.
The men shifted in their seats, but Seth grabbed the pitcher and filled his mug before the waitress left the table. This was the most he’d drunk within minutes in a long time. He set the glass down with a loud thump, wishing he could reach in and grab the unwanted thoughts and wrangle them into oblivion.
“Another?” the waitress asked, her gaze narrowed and she wasn’t so flirty now.
“Bring another pitcher,” he mumbled a curse word under his breath. He was a damn fool with no time for fantasizing about sensual curves and a tight ass. He didn’t need this shit right now—or ever. He was busily getting his life in order, not looking for responses from that woman who’d bounced into his life unexpectedly and uninvited.
He took a second to look up and all eyes were on him, curious. “What’s the problem?” he grumbled. Hell, they weren’t the target of his anger, but he couldn’t control himself.
“That’s what we should be asking you, bro. Who pissed in your beer?” Lex cocked a thick brow and one corner of his mouth lifted into a grin.
He liked the Howard boys, but a dangerous poison flowed in his veins and its name was Reese. He couldn’t be safe to say much without blowing off steam. She definitely made him a belligerent idiot even when she wasn’t around.
“No one pissed in my beer,” he growled.
Gage chuckled. “You’re not one to throw back beer like its water, so we’re only wondering what the hell is going on.”
“Only a woman makes a man behave this way,” Johnny said, chuckling. He was the oldest brother and the quiet one…at least most of the time.
Seth narrowed his hard gaze on him. “Wrong.”
“I ain’t one to stick my nose where it doesn’t belong, buddy, but I think I know the look. Wide, glazed-over eyes. Saliva at the corners of your mouth, or is that beer? The search for relief through liquid gold is always spurred by beautiful women in one way or another. Guarantee you. Ready to bite a man’s head off with the slightest provocation is a big sign that a man is fighting the raging war that he can’t win. It’s a tale as old as time, this thing called lust and love. Yes sir, it’s obvious.”
Seth couldn’t remember Johnny saying this many words at once. “So, that’s your diagnosis?”
“A woman has taken up residence inside your body. Hey, I don’t blame you. Not only is she pretty, but she’s got one of those looks. You know what I’m saying, one that tells you she’ll treat you like a king when you’re good, but when you’re bad…” he whistled through his teeth, “she’ll have you talking in a language you didn’t know you could speak. You give in to a woman like that and you’re a goner, my friend. Hook. Line. Sinker. Might not be too bad if I say so myself. Should just wave the white flag now.”
Turning his gaze, Seth attempted to concentrate on the bright lights of the jukebox where only yesterday Reese had been standing, wiggling her bottom without the least bit of awareness that she had every single, and some not-so-single, man in the place salivating like a dog in heat. Hell, that’s what made her even sexier. She didn’t set out to entice men or draw them into her web, no, she had no clue how much power she had, at least over him.
Unfortunately, Johnny had a point.
Another filled pitcher was placed in front of him. He didn’t partake this time. Instead, he ordered a basket of wings and an extra-large pizza. He remained quiet, hoping his friends would follow suit. He should have known better…
“Falling in love isn’t the worst-case scenario, Seth.” Lex had amusement in his dark eyes. “Reese is a woman that a lot of men would love to gain her attention.”
“You two did look pretty cozy today,” Gage added.
Seth’s stomach knotted. He should have figured this would come back to bite him in the ass. “She had a seizure. I was helping her.”
“Yeah, you were helping her alright. She was cuddled into you like her favorite blanket.” Gage laughed. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen the Dark Knight’s softer side before.”
“I was only being nice, something you jackasses should try.”
“Ah hell, I’m nice. My girl hasn’t complained yet,” Gage continued.
Seth had wanted to take the third mug slow, but why bother? He downed half of it and swiped the back of his hand across his mouth. He needed to grow some balls and some resistance. He’d faced the barrel of a gun a handful of times. Found himself surrounded by the enemy more times than he could count. He’d even survived a bomb explosion. Each time he came out stronger. So why was this situation so difficult?
And two hours later, when Johnny dropped him off at Landing Knight, he was still pondering that question. Reese was a m
ere woman.
Yet, a mere woman who needled her way into his mind.
He started for his cabin and something struck him in dire urgency. He had a bone to pick with the lovely Reese Shane. He needed to prove, once and for all, that he didn’t want her…no, not now or ever, so she needed to keep her sexy shorts in the drawer and stop driving him mad.
Seth knocked on Reese’s cabin door. She didn’t answer, so he knocked harder.
A minute later, the door swung open and there was the object of his chaotic thoughts. Because it was dark he couldn’t see her expression, but her slight moan told him she’d been sleeping and she wasn’t happy to be awakened at midnight.
“Seth, do you realize what time it is?”
“Time for me to give you a piece of my mind. That’s what time it is.”
She leaned in closer to him and sniffed. “Did you drink the beer or bathe in it?”
He laughed. He did find her humorous. “A man deserves a cold one after a long day’s work.”
“Yes, a cold one. Not the entire keg.”
“Are you going to lecture me?” he groaned.
“You came here, remember? Apparently with something to say to me?”
She moved and he got a whiff of her sweet scent that drove through him like a hammer. He gave himself a mental shake. He came here for a reason and it had nothing to do with breathing her in. Or to bury his face into her soft curves. He’d witnessed just how soft they were that afternoon and his palms were having withdraw.
“I did. I came to talk.”
“Why don’t we have this conversation when you’re, let’s say, capable of standing without a doorjamb for support?”
He snorted loudly. “I can stand on my own two feet.” He pushed away from the frame in an attempt to prove a point, but he wobbled. “This damn porch. It ain’t even.”
“Then by all means, let’s take this inside before the porch is the death of you.” She stepped back to let him pass.