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The Darkest Knight (The KNIGHT Brothers Book 3)

Page 14

by Rhonda Lee Carver

  He pulled back. “I do have some questions about the project.”

  She blinked. “Okay.”

  “Let’s walk.” He nodded toward the door. It had taken every ounce of his restraint not to take her right here and right now. Seth had a feeling she wouldn’t have pushed him away. Why didn’t he just move in, experience the most pleasure he’d had in years? True question was, why was he punishing himself?

  With that thought, he moved out into the fresh air and sucked a large dose into his lungs. Every part below his belt ached with need.

  “What questions do you have?” She stayed beside him and the breeze came along and sent her hair along her cheeks. With slender fingers, she tucked the wayward tendrils behind her ears.

  “First, will we have a limit to the number of veterans we take in at one time? You’ve already said training the dogs takes time, but how about getting the people adjusted to the dogs?”

  “That’s a question that the trainer can answer better, but it took me a few weeks to get used to Abby and to understand her needs so she can be better for me. Training service dogs is the most time-consuming part of this.”

  “Twelve cabins seem too little when we’re talking about the number of veterans that need it. I don’t want to jump too fast, but we have two hundred acres here, plenty of room to expand if necessary.”

  “You’d be willing to do this?” One thin brow lifted.

  “It’s a forethought. And if you’re talking a cook, we’ll need a place for her to do that. None of the cabins are large enough to house a kitchen and a canteen. The Howard boys can erect what we need in no time.”

  “Again, you surprise me, Seth Knight.”

  You’ve inspired me. I haven’t had a kick in the pants like this in a long time.”

  “There’s the garage where you keep your hot rod.” She pointed to the large building.

  “And the farm equipment that came with the land, plus a small gym.”

  “You truly do have a haven here. All the peace, quiet, wilderness, and toys a man could want.” She smiled.

  “Well, in all truth, my peace and quiet have flown out the window.”

  “Too much is never a good thing. Can I ask a personal question?”

  “You can ask, but…”

  “That’s fair. Why did you leave the military?”

  He shrugged. “I almost got blown up.”

  “I know that part, but why didn’t you go back? Many who serve their time and then decide they want to come back into the real world, start a career in something they love. You are a hardcore Ranger and I wouldn’t be surprised to find out you bleed red, white, and blue. Men like you get shot up, injured, and are back in the proverbial saddle at the speed of a racehorse.” She must have realized his discomfort because she stopped and turned to him. “It’s uncomfortable to talk about I’m sure.”

  He’d never talked to anyone, not even the psychologist he was assigned to for several months until she realized she couldn’t crack him. Could Reese? He certainly felt the needling inside his chest. “I lost three good men, brothers, that day under my watch. The guilt ate me alive. Still does.”

  “We’re trained to understand the risks. No soldier is free from guilt in some way.”

  They started walking again. He plucked a blade of grass from the field and stuck it between his teeth. “How about you? Why are you here and not in some third world country helping women?”

  She chuckled, but it didn’t quite change the sad expression on her features. “Believe it or not, I had a dream.”

  “To help veterans?”

  “Oh, I had a few before this project.”

  He caught her hesitation. “Care to share.”

  “I wanted a family.”

  “That can happen. You’re still young.”

  She shrugged “I was on my last few days on my tour in Iraq and I looked forward to coming home, and maybe that’s why I wasn’t as vigilant as I’d always been before the day I was hit. Anyway, I’m not meant to be in the military. I can do so much more out here as a civilian.”

  Dread slugged him in the stomach. “What happened to the woman who shot you?”

  She shook her head. “She was killed by a soldier.”

  “I hear sadness.”

  “I just wish things weren’t this way. She was devastated over losing her husband and son. That kind of loss can make people do things, crazy things.”

  He nodded. “About that family of yours, you can still have that.”

  Her beautiful blue eyes reflected the light of the sun. “I wanted to. I came home to my boyfriend. We moved in together, but it wasn’t long before things started falling apart, long before the gun incident.”

  Sympathy rolled through him. “What happened?”

  “I started having night terrors. The doctor isn’t sure whether they were secondary from the head injury or anxiety, but my dreams of having normalcy faded the day I left him.”

  “It seems like two people who love each other would be there, especially in times of great need.”

  “Also, leaving a longtime boyfriend should erupt feelings of remorse or sadness, but I didn’t. I only felt relief. Not in hurting him, but that I was free.”

  “Military changes us. We’re a different person than the one who signed the enlistment papers.” He hooked his thumbs inside of his pockets.

  “How were you different before?”

  “I had no fears. No boundaries.” He shrugged and once he saw the compassion in her features, he knew he needed to change the subject. “Speak to Isla and see what she thinks. I’ll talk to the boys about the new building. It’ll be interesting once we have a meeting with the trainer to discuss how we move forward. I’d like to see his plan.”

  Excitement lit her eyes. “I think you’ll find him the man for the job.”

  He scratched the bridge of his nose. “I hope so. I guess I have another question.”


  “This project isn’t short term. Are you prepared to stay here at Landing Knight?”

  She looked at him like she hadn’t gotten that far. “Honestly, I’m still shell-shocked that I’m here and we’re making progress.”

  “It’s a great idea. You should realize that. Here’s what I wanted to show you.” They topped a grassy knoll and on the other side was a large pond with a dock and a small fishing boat.

  “Wow. I had no clue. Amazing.” A gust of wind blew through the nearby trees and across them. Since he was in the downwind, he inhaled her scent and it was much like a drug to his system.

  “There’s another pond on the other side of the property. I like to get out here a few times a week and see what’s biting. It’s quiet and helps me gather my thoughts. You like to fish?”

  “I did as a kid. I haven’t had much opportunity these days. Do you have family that comes and visits?”

  “They have, but my brothers are busy with their careers. Being rich is a busy business.” He laughed.

  “That’s sad. What I wouldn’t give to have my mom and dad still alive, along with a couple of siblings.” She met his gaze and smiled. “I had only met your sister for a brief period at a charity gala. She was vibrant, beautiful, and would light up the room. I was so sorry to hear about her passing. The world lost some of its shine that day.”

  His sister’s death got him straight in the heart. She had been loving, giving, and the glue that had kept his family strong. “She was an amazing woman. Her goal was to help everyone, and she did, even after she passed away she still seemed to continue in her efforts.”

  “I think she would be very proud of you.” She smiled widely. “You’re no longer alone.”

  “By the way, Spike isn’t neutered. Could this be a problem?” As if the dogs understood, they took off at a run, side by side, and stopped to bounce against each other.

  “All service dogs are fixed because it gives them longer, healthier lives and is supposed to keep them calmer. However, I don’t think it’s working for Abb
y. I haven’t seen her this active ever.”

  “Everyone deserves a little love.” With his words, their gazes met. Another strand of hair moseyed out of her ponytail and smacked against her cheek. This time he didn’t resist the urge and stepped closer so he could grab the silken tendril. He held it for a long two seconds, then pushed it behind her ear. His knuckles glided against her smooth cheek, and it wasn’t by accident. She was satin smooth, and because he was caught up in her scent, his brain cells were on autopilot. He didn’t stop there as he brushed the tips of his fingers along her jaw and down the slender cord of her neck. Her chest lifted high as she sucked in a breath. She exhaled slowly and he noticed that her nipples beaded against her shirt. His hand lingered at her collarbone as he contemplated his next move. He could easily skim his fingers along the tops of her breasts, even lower to the parts he had wanted to explore for all his life…even before he knew her. He had hoped that a woman would come along one day that would trigger him into wanting more than just to have her in bed.

  She stood still, watching him with a bold and beautiful pale glaze.

  Why didn’t he jump into this opportunity with the zest of a hungry man?

  Her gaze landed on his lips and she could have clutched his groin in her palm. That one little look had him by the balls. His cock shot up and stretched the zipper to its capacity point. Danger stood before him with the sexiest body he’d ever seen, and he wasn’t immune. She was so close now that he could count the freckles that scattered her cheeks along with the tiny white scar on her chin. He could allow himself to sink right there into the blue depths of her gorgeous eyes and forget that nothing came without problems. One slip and he’d have her in his arms, and the trouble wasn’t that he didn’t have enough desire, but it was the fact that she was living here on his property, so close that his hunger would always be on superpower mode.

  A whimper fell off her slightly puckered lips and he wanted to drink that sound in. Her expression and each breath breathed life into his lungs, awaking something he’d lost in the dust in Syria. He’d never felt so okay before and it was an unexplainable feeling.

  Even now, guilt threaded around his brain cells, suffocating him. How could he have happiness when his buddies would never experience life again?

  He dropped back a step, removing his hands and pushing them into his front pockets. She was too irresistible. Too damn beautiful. Luscious and full of life. She deserved to be made to feel special, beautiful…

  He couldn’t be responsible for anyone.

  Counting the number of times he’d wanted to devour her sweetness wasn’t possible.

  “We should get back.” He was fully aware of how hoarse his voice sounded. Hell, he should just consider himself lucky that he could talk at all.

  “I guess you’re right,” she replied, her voice breathless.

  Did he see disappointment in her features? Confusion? He was disappointed in himself that fear trapped him in its hold. He deserved a little joy in his life—a little Reese. Yet, what could he offer but a temporary pleasure? She wasn’t the type a man could have a fling with.

  Was he truly ready to build that dream house for two? Maybe more?

  He’d need to know how far he was willing to go before he took that step.

  If only she knew how much he wanted to forget what tomorrow would bring and take her to heaven and back. He’d almost lost himself again when his radio rattled at his waist.

  He grabbed the radio like it was a lifeline and pushed the button. “Yeah?”

  “You busy?” Gage asked.

  Seth looked to Reese. Very. But he couldn’t say that to his buddy. “What do you need?”

  “Taylor is done inspecting the cabins. You want to speak to him?”

  He thrust a hand into his hair and blew out a long breath. “Yeah, I do. I’ll meet him at my cabin in ten minutes.” He shut off his radio.

  She smiled. “I feel almost guilty that you’re so busy.”

  “Hopefully he has good news. The quicker we get through with the renovations, the sooner they can start on the canteen.”

  “I’m ready to jump back into painting detail. Do something to keep myself occupied.”

  His mind instantly replaced ‘something’ with an activity that would be a whole lot of fun—and trouble. “We better get down there and see what Taylor has to say.” He whistled for the dogs, their ears popped up and both came running.


  An hour later, Seth and Taylor left the office leaving Reese sitting at the desk writing down the last bit of notes she’d taken while the electrician talked about the work that needed done on the cabins to get them to code. Thankfully, it wasn’t as bad as she and Seth feared. Once she jotted down her last sentence, she placed the notepad on the desk and the screen of the laptop came alive as Seth’s email came onto the screen. Reese unintentionally caught the subject, “Happy Birthday tomorrow, Seth.”

  Tomorrow is Seth’s birthday?

  She had no clue, but how would she? Her heart hitched. He was working so hard on this project, and he deserved attention on his day. She had to get him something, but what would a man like Seth need or want?

  Naughty thoughts came to mind and she smiled. Truthfully, she’d love nothing more than to give him something they’d both find pleasure in, but a person’s birthday should be different. Growing up, her parents always made sure she felt special, and Seth needed to know he wasn’t alone and that people cared for him. He was always doing for others, and now she would do for him.

  But what?

  Although she knew him, she didn’t know his every desire. A man who had money and liked the simpler things, what could she get him that he couldn’t just run out and get himself?

  Her mind wandered to sex…again. Her body trembled and her inner thighs turned moist. Eventually, she’d have to find release.

  Swiveling in the chair, her elbow struck the notepad and it slid from the corner of the desk, taking down paperwork with it.

  “Shoot!” She bent over to pick up the papers, but a letter caught her attention. She glanced across the words…


  The toughest man with the most loving heart. I think of you as a child…You were so loving and ready to offer a hand to anyone.”

  Reese knew she should stop reading. This wasn’t any of her business. She’d never been nosey…

  And yet the words held her suspended as she continued to read…

  “You won’t understand my words, not yet, but one day I hope that you will. The day your soulmate finds you she will come with a salve to soothe your broken heart.

  When you were little and I would read to you from a book about a prince and his princess. You once asked, “Can I have my own princess?” Do you remember what I told you? “Every prince has a princess whether he knows it or not.” You do, Seth. She is closer than you think.

  You’ve lost so much, my dear brother. I only hope that soon your princess will save you, because I’m afraid I’ve failed. I’m leaving. I’ve accepted that my body is tired and I shall move on. I look forward to seeing mommy again, and dad. Please don’t be too sad.

  I feel safer knowing when I get to heaven, I will finally have the privilege of meeting the three heroes who you called brothers. Do you think they’ll like me?

  Take it from me, we believe we have so much time to live life to its fullest, but unfortunately, we only get a handful of years to make people happy. Any chance you get to see a smile…take it. Every opportunity to shine your light on someone…do it. She’ll come just like that princess did in the book…with the touch of a Goddess, and the force of Athena. Don’t miss her.

  Until we meet again. All my love.


  The tears that had filled Reese’s eyes spilled over onto her cheeks. Wiping them away, she quickly put the letter back and hurried from the office. More than ever, she wanted to bring light into Seth’s life.


  Pulling the lid off
the large platter of chicken wings, she laughed. What man didn’t love wings? Reese stepped back and took another long look to make sure she had everything placed on the table. She’d never bought so much food at once. “I can’t believe we managed all this before Seth caught on.”

  Isla, who had taken Reese into town so she could buy the food and drinks for tonight’s shindig, stepped up and patted Reese’s shoulder. “A man likes to have his belly filled with food. Be careful or you’ll have him chasing after you.” Isla winked.

  “Oh, I’m doing this for his birthday, not to win his attention.” Liar. Having Seth’s attention certainly interested her.

  “If you say so, but he’s quite hooked if I say so myself. He’s also not bad to look at. I’ll get much enjoyment working here for the mere scenery.” She wagged her brows.

  Reese couldn’t disagree with her new friend.

  The Howard brothers and Vanna strolled up, Lex whistling through his teeth as he scanned the food. “I’m starving.” He started to reach for a wing and Isla smacked his hand.

  “Don’t you dare. We’re waiting on Seth and the rest of the guests.”

  “Is that for Seth too?” Johnny looked Reese up and down, smiling.

  Feeling her face flush, she didn’t want to give her emotions away so she lifted her chin and laughed. “The dress is for me.” She gave the bottom a twirl. Secretly, the new sundress was partially for Seth. While in town with Isla, Reese had found another delicate flirty dress and bought it.

  Thankfully Ledge and Isla had been more than happy to help her plan a spur of the moment party to celebrate Seth’s birthday. They had invited Seth’s friends and most of the community. Reese was glad they’d planned for a large crowd when guests started filing in including a three-man band that set up to play. She realized just how many people in the community Seth had reached, whether he knew it or not. The horde had grown from ten to twenty, and quickly to forty, then sixty by the time she saw the familiar beat-up truck coming up the gravel lane.


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