I Need A Gangsta (Gucci Gang Saga Book 1)

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I Need A Gangsta (Gucci Gang Saga Book 1) Page 11

by B. Love

  She blushed as he circled her with a shake of his head. “You are so damn dramatic.”

  “And you are so fuckin’ beautiful, Maria. You tryna make a nigga have to go to prison tonight, huh?”

  Christian and Leigh giggled, reminding her that they were still there. She looked back at them, and they were huddled together, whispering to each other as they watched them. Her eyes widened as she titled her head. “Bye,” she dismissed before winking and blowing them a kiss.

  “Take care of my sister or I’ma see you,” Leigh warned before being dragged out by Christian, who made sure to promise the same.

  Returning her attention to Jax, she licked her lips and smiled, feeling uncomfortable under his stare. Yea, he always did it… but it was… different tonight.

  “Sorry for the wait.”

  “You were most definitely worth it. Don’t even trip over that shit.”

  Jax pulled his phone out of his pocket and brought her into his side for a picture. “Don’t be putting me on your social media. I don’t want your little whores trying to follow me and be nosey.”

  “Girl, please. You my only hoe.”

  “Jax!” She shoved him away, unable to keep her smile from forming as he laughed.

  “I’m just playing, I swear to God. That was too easy, though.”

  Her eyes rolled as he wrapped his arm around her again. “Keep on. You gon’ make me punch the shit out of you.”

  He looked down at her as his laugh turned into a lingering smile. “I really believe you would try to fight me if I made you mad enough.”

  “I will, so leave me alone.”

  He snapped an off guard picture as she looked at him. “I ain’t here to make you mad; I’m here to make you smile.” And another one. She smiled. “Like that.” Wider. And another one. “And that.” He placed a kiss to her cheek as he took one last picture.

  “Let’s go. Where you taking me?”

  “I got us some tickets to the Grizzlies and Lakers game, but they are in halftime now. We can still make the second half if you want, then go to dinner and have a few drinks somewhere. That cool?”

  “Yea, sounds good.”

  Maria didn’t want to say it, but she was glad the game wouldn’t require them to talk to each other. She wanted a little time to get comfortable being around him in this capacity, and a basketball game was perfect since it was her favorite sport. When they arrived at the FedEx Forum, Jax got them both a beer and nachos to share since they would be going out for dinner after the game.

  As they watched, they ended up talking more than she thought they would, but it was more so about the game and the players, along with the changes that the team had been making. For quite some time, Maria had stopped going to the games because of the Grizzlies’ horrible losing streak. The bulk of the players that they’d had for years had been traded, so it was taking some time for them to find a new rhythm. She still supported them and cheered for them at home or at a bar, but she wasn’t going to subject herself to the crazy parking and large crowds just to see them lose.

  But tonight, they won, and Maria was happy they came.

  They went to Flight for dinner, where they got to know each other on a more personal level. She opened up to him a bit more, telling him about her parents and her childhood. That she loved sports and video games. He already knew about the hits she did with Nash, so there was no need to talk about that, but Jax was curious about what started her down that path.

  It was the first time Maria had given it any thought, but she told him that it was because she felt as if the world had taken so many precious things from her… she wanted to take something back. It may not have been the same because it came from strangers, but it did give her a feeling of power and control that she lacked when she lost her father and Malibu.

  He shared the facts of his life with her as well. He was born in Mississippi, and his parents alternated between there and Memphis with their homes all his life. By his fifteenth birthday, they finally got a mortgage for one in Southaven, and they’d been there ever since. Jax moved to Memphis on his own when he was eighteen, but he didn’t plan on staying there forever.

  At twenty-eight, he was the connect for drugs, guns, and counterfeit money. With him and Ransom being cousins, they ended up going to the same school together at one point in their lives, which was how they met Nash. He and Nash were close, so close they agreed to open a legal business together. They didn’t have the typical security company that offered security and bodyguards to businesses and people; their company specialized in weapons, alarms, and security systems as well.

  He was an only child, which explained why he was so adamant about getting what he wanted. Maria wondered how he got in the streets because, from what she heard, his parents did everything they could to provide for him and keep him safe. Jax shared with her that a lot of it had to do with his looks and the way he carried himself. He’d always been handsome, and he wasn’t very tall.

  Of course, he was taller than Maria’s five-foot frame, but not by much. He shared with her that he was five-nine, which explained why she liked him so much. His aura and swag gave him big nigga energy even if he was shorter in height. His muscles and tattoos added to his sex appeal. But that height issue sometimes made him a target in the streets. Because he was shorter than most of the boys he was around, they thought he was a square. But he would always show them why he was nothing to fuck with.

  As much as he used to fight, he got a reputation of being a bad boy. It didn’t help that Ransom was on the corner, pushing weight. Eventually, Jax joined in, and the rest was history.

  After dinner, they went to Local on Main Street for a few drinks before heading back to her place. The ride there was silent. For Maria, she was preparing to part ways. Today had been a lot for her and had honestly depleted her of a lot of energy, but she enjoyed every second of it.

  They’d been sitting in her driveway for a good five minutes, holding hands, staring out of their windows. Maria hated saying goodbye, but she was also ready to get it over with and start missing him.

  “Any particular reason we’re just sitting here?” she asked, finally looking over at him.

  “I know when I let you go, you’re gonna go in there and overanalyze everything that happened between us. You’ll be back on yo’ bullshit tomorrow.”

  She chuckled as she removed her hand from his, unable to deny the fact that that was the truth. “I really enjoyed spending time with you, but I probably will do just that.” He looked at her. “I’m not saying I won’t ever get into a relationship, but I still need some time. One day can’t erase what I’ve fed myself for five years regarding love and relationships.”

  Jax nodded as he looked away. “I understand. So I guess we should make the most of tonight then, huh?”

  “I guess so. Would you like to come in?”

  Jax chuckled as he shook his head. “If I come in that house, I’m going to make love to you.”

  Now it was her turn to laugh. “I don’t do that making love shit.”

  His expression turned serious. “You gon’ do it with me.”

  “Nu unh,” she sang, opening her door against his wishes.

  “How much you wanna bet?” he countered, opening his own door.

  As he walked around the car, Maria told him, “You can fuck this pussy, but that’s it.”

  He scoffed but said nothing. They went into her home, and he followed her straight to her bedroom. She was prepared to put that pussy on him in a way that made him want to keep running back. But she knew Jax… and she knew it wouldn’t be that easy.

  Standing in the middle of her room, Maria waited for Jax to make a move. If she did, it would be rough and quick, and he would probably deny her. In no rush at all, Jax stared into her eyes, as if they were literally the mirror to her soul. He didn’t say anything as he took her hand into his and caressed it with his thumb.

  Her hands went to his chest. With his hand in the center of her ass, Jax pulled
her close. Maria’s fists gripped his shirt as his hand slid between her cheeks. To her clit. Rubbing back and forth, he put gentle pressure on her pussy as he rested his forehead on hers and looked into her eyes.

  “You’re not ready,” he realized.

  “Yes, I am.”

  He smiled softly. “No you’re not, beautiful.”


  “You may be ready to fuck, but you ain’t ready for everything else I got coming with this dick, Maria. I wanna make love to your mind and heart first, then your body. Shit, I can make you cum at minimum ten times in one hour if you let me. You ain’t ready for that yet, baby.”

  She nervously chuckled as his free arm wrapped around her. “Ten times, Jax? Really?”

  He licked his lips with a slow nod. “Here.” He touched her temple, her mind. “Here.” His fingers slid down her neck. “Here.” Her heart. “Here.” They caressed her nipples and side. “Here.” Between her thighs. “Here.” Her clit. “Here.” Her opening. “Here.” He pressed upward before adding, “Multiple times when I finally get here.” She smiled as he kneeled. His hands grabbed her ass before his finger slid across the hole. “Here.” Down her legs, until he got to her feet. “Here.”

  Maria inhaled a deep breath as she gripped his shoulders. “Trust me when I say you’re not ready yet.”

  “Maybe you’re right.”

  Jax stood and placed a kiss to her nose and forehead. “Let me hold you for tonight.”

  She smiled and turned, pulling her hair over her shoulder so he could unbutton her jumpsuit. “I would like that.”



  Every head hung at the news. A fuzzy memory, irritation, and confusion, were all signs of dementia. Ever’s doctor couldn’t tell her or Evelyn how long she’d been suffering from it or how long it would take the disease to slowly eat away at her brain. All they knew for sure was that she had about five years of life left from the time the disease began to attack her mind.

  As Evelyn continued to share what they all could expect to happen as it progressed — her losing her balance, wandering off alone, reverting back to a childlike state, having difficulty making decisions — she asked for volunteers to stay with Ever while she was at work. Ever had always been fiercely independent, so they knew they would have their hands full, but all of her grandchildren were willing to do whatever it took to have time with her and make the rest of her life as easy and good as possible.

  “And you’re saying there’s absolutely nothing they can do?” Audré asked for what had to be the fifth time. Though she was a wild child rapper in the family’s eyes, she was also one of the biggest spoiled babies who didn’t handle death well at all.

  “No. She will get violent as well. Aunt Clara had it about ten years ago, and it got so bad, we had to put her in a home. With all of you around, I don’t think that will be the case. I just want you all to be prepared. When she gets in these states, it’s not really her. She’s doing good now, though. Just a fuzzy memory and confusion here and there. Other symptoms could kick in next week or next year, we won’t know for sure until they start.”

  They all listened intently before creating a schedule of who would visit Ever and when. Afterwards, the mood was pretty solemn. The jokers in the crew tried to lighten the moment with laughter, and it worked for a moment, but eventually, everyone began to trickle out sadly.

  In a corner with her sisters from her mother, Drecco, Donovan, and Pressure, Leigh pulled her phone out of her pocket as Drecco lit a blunt for their rotation. Donovan sparked up soon after as Pressure opened a bottle of Jack Daniels. The sight of Ransom’s phone call made her smile softly. Spending time with him would definitely help her get her mind off the bad news she’d just heard. As she called him back, Leigh took the blunt that Maria offered and puffed it twice.

  Ransom had Leigh blocked, so she knew something had to be up for him to be randomly calling her.

  “You good?” Ransom asked, getting an immediate smile out of her. Trying to keep her excitement down, Leigh let a few seconds pass so her smile could fall before she replied.

  “Physically yea. Just got some bad news about Grandma.”

  “You need me to come to you?”

  “That would be love if you could. I know things aren’t really good with us right now.”

  “They aren’t, but if you need me, I got you. Plus, I need to rap with you about some shit.”

  “I’m at her house now in the Mound. What’s up, though?”

  “Got some bad news. I wanted to talk to you about it with Chris, though. She with you?”

  Taking a casual step away from everyone, Leigh replied, “Yea, but what’s up?”

  “I guess Money has finally realized how profitable her business is. He wants a sit down with the both of us to discuss receiving a cut of our profit for working in Memphis, or he wants us to shut down altogether.”

  Leigh chuckled as her head shook. “I know that shit won’t fly with her or you for that matter.”

  “Yea,” was all he said at first. After a few seconds passed, he added, “Gucci gon’ have to get ready for war if she don’t back down. There will be no way around it.”

  Leigh looked back at her sister briefly. She smiled as she took the bottle from Pressure, but Leigh could still see the sadness in her eyes. This was the last thing she wanted to lay on her, today of all days. They’d just gotten one piece of bad news; she didn’t want to give her another. But… she didn’t want Christian to be blindsided by this, either.

  “I hate I even fucked with this nigga, man. For real. He’s greedy as hell.”

  “That might be able to work in our favor. If anyone can get to him, it would be you. We can handle this shit like gentlemen, or I can light his ass up. Either way, you’re my key through that door.”

  Leigh licked her lips and sniffled as she considered what Ransom had said. Money did have a soft place for her in his heart, kind of like a daughter, but that didn’t mean shit to a nigga like him. At the end of the day, Money was about his money — that’s how he got his name. He wouldn’t let Leigh or anyone else get in the way of that. Any perceived threats or competition, Money immediately took out.

  “We’ll talk,” was all Leigh could offer before disconnecting the call.

  She walked back over to her siblings and prayed they would see only brighter days.

  Things had been off between Nash and Christian. He was seemingly removing himself from her daily life, and she wanted to know why. Seemed the better things got between her and Tyrell, the worse things got between her and Christian. For the past month, Tyrell had been putting forth major effort. He was spending more time with her on the weekends, and doing things she wanted to do.

  All of the paranoia she had about him was starting to fade away. Though it still lingered, Tyrell was doing everything he could to assure Christian that he was worthy of her love and trust.

  While her relationship with Tyrell was one of her top priorities, her friendship with Nash was, too. They agreed to spend the day before Valentine’s day together, and Christian hoped she could get Nash to open up to her about what was going on with him. Since she wasn’t sure how their conversation would go, she decided to cook for him at her home. The alarm on her phone began to sound, letting her know that she had exactly two hours before Nash arrived.

  Dinner was already ready and keeping warm in the oven. Baking was Christian’s passion, and she only really cooked when she was stressed or upset. Other than that, she meal prepped and ate out. Nash requested a meal from her once or twice a month because he loved the way she cooked. Even though she was a comfort food, burgers and fries kind of girl, she could throw down in the kitchen.

  This evening, she prepared Nash’s favorite meal — lamb chop lollipops, broccoli and cheese sauce, and mashed baby red potatoes.

  Now, it was time to get herself ready.

  Christian loved taking oil baths, so she allowed her skin to soften in water as hot as she could stand it,
along with her essential oil blend. Once the water grew cold, she showered and used the citrus body scrub she was currently obsessed with. Afterwards, she applied her shea butter mixed with Jo Loves Pomelo lotion and lightly sprayed herself with the matching perfume.

  By the time she was done taking care of her makeup and putting loose curls in her twenty-two-inch sew-in, Christian only had a few minutes left to spare. She lit her Jo Loves Pomelo candle, loving how it made people feel as if they were wrapped up in her scent in every area of her home, then headed to her closet to find something to wear. Since they weren’t going out, she didn’t want to get too fancy, but Christian could hardly not take extreme pride in her appearance when she was around Nash.

  There was just something about him that always made her want to be the best version of herself on all levels. Even if she put on leggings or sweats, she’d have to put on lip gloss and lashes or something! And Nash would always clown her about it, too. He loved her best natural, in boy shorts, with one of his shirts on.

  Just the thought of spending the evening cuddled up on the couch with him sounded a hell of a lot better than anything Tyrell could have put together for tomorrow. The most extravagant night with Tyrell couldn’t hold a candle to the most basic night with Nash. That thought had Christian pausing in her movement inside of the closet. Her shoulders grew rigid and her eyebrows wrinkled. Telling herself it was natural to prefer the company of her best friend over her partner, Christian shook the thoughts from her head and continued to search for something to wear.

  The sound of the doorbell ringing had her settling quickly on the first sweater her hand could grab. It was a red, loose-fitting number that hung off her left shoulder. She decided to pair it with black jeans since it had LOVE written across it in a black, cursive font. Simple but cute, and it accentuated her best assets.


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