Good Girls Love Thugs (Good Girls Love Thugs - A Hood Romance Book 1)
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"Oh...uh...nothing. Aren't you gon’ eat with me?" I asked, trying to change the subject.
"Yeah, as soon as he falls asleep," she smiled, rocking KJ.
Once he was sleep, she laid him in his room and ate dinner with me. I was laying in bed and she came in the room and began changing into a short nightgown. I watched her change and admired her body. I had everything I wanted in her, and I possibly lost it all ‘cause I couldn't control myself. This is why niggas ended up with hoes and backstabbing thots, ‘cause when we get something good we fuck it up.
She laid next to me and I cuddled up behind her, bear hugging her small body in my arms. I reached under her gown and tugged on her panties.
"Not yet Kendrick." She put her hand on mine to stop me.
"I just want to taste you baby."
I continued to pull her panties down and put her on her back. I made sure to lick her nice and slow. I sucked on her clit gently, and she moaned. I didn't want to mess up any stitching she had. I continued to make love to her pussy with my mouth. I missed the taste of her.
"Kendrick," she moaned. I loved hearing my name in her voice.
I licked and sucked every part of her box slow but hard, dipping my tongue in her. She came hard, and I continued as if she didn't, licking her clean and slurping it up. She came again and I felt her leg shake while I was holding it back.
"Baby. I can't take it anymore. Aahhuuhhh."
I loved this girl, and I hated myself for what I did. I French-kissed it for a bit more and sucked the life out of her. She came one last time, and I licked her clean as her body jerked lightly. I kissed her inner thighs, allowing her body to come back from the powerful orgasm.
"Ahhhhh," she moaned.
I didn't know how I was gon’ tell her what I did, but I know I had to–or did I?
Chapter Seven: Jessica
Kendon and I had been doing great. We had no infidelities so far, and I was in bliss. He invited me to the studio to listen to some of Kayden's new music he was gon’ play him, and I couldn’t wait to see my baby.
I arrived and parked my new BMW he copped me. He bought me a Lexus and told me to drive that when local, but fuck that! I walked in the studio and rushed my baby, tonguing him down.
While listening to a track, in walks that bitch Gina and her two friends Paris and July. She was lucky I didn't pounce on her ass. I rolled my eyes immediately and latched onto Kendon. Kayden turned the music off, and we all turned our attention to them.
"Kendon can I speak with you in private please?" Gina asked.
"No!" I shot back before he could respond.
Kendon glared at me, letting me know I was out of my place. "What's it about Gina?!" he asked, turning back to her.
"It's a private matter!" she whined. Kendon got up and I attempted to stop him.
"It'll only be a second Jessica!" he frowned.
Gina smirked at me before they left. I wanted to listen at the door, but I knew Kayden's ass would tell. "Fuck it!" I said, and hopped up.
"Jessica don't!" Kayden yelled to me.
"What she need to talk to my nigga about?!" I frowned at him.
"I'm sure it's nothing. But respect his wishes as your man and sit down!" he said.
I laughed so loud at this nigga and stormed out to eavesdrop. "So fuck me I see!" Gina yelled to Kendon.
"Gina, you knew we was just friends with benefits!" he replied. She started to cry.
"But I love you Kendon and I'm carrying your child. It's not fair! I been holding you down since her little ass skipped off and left you!" she screamed through tears.
"Chill Gina, we still gon’ be cool, just not like that! And as far as the baby, you and I both know it could be anybody's. I haven't hit in over 8 months, but I can front you some cash to have it taken care of," he said calmly. I was getting irritated that he wasn't cursing her the fuck out.
"Be cool?! I love you!" she began to cry hard.
Kendon hugged her and I lost it. I ran outside and started fucking her ass up!
"Jessica! Stop!" Kendon yelled, but all I saw was red as I beat her face in.
Kendon picked me up, and I was kicking her in the body until I couldn't reach her anymore. Paris and July helped her and by this time. Kayden was standing in the doorway shaking his head at me, so I rolled my eyes. Kendon yelled to Kayden to drive my car to his house, then hopped in and sped to my house in silence. When we arrived, he parked and hit unlock.
"Why you bring me home?" I asked with an attitude.
"’Cause I'm not fucking with you right now. I'll call you tomorrow," he said, not bothering to look at me.
"You mad ‘cause I whooped that bitch ass?!" I yelled, pointing back as if she was in the backseat.
"I'm mad because you don't know how to respect me as your man! I told you to stay your ass in that fucking studio, but you always have to do what the fuck you want!" he yelled loud as hell.
"That bitch was professing her love for you! It's a good thing I came outside or y'all would've been fucking!" I yelled, pushing then slapping him hard.
He paused and flared his nostrils in anger. "I was handling it, Jessica! That's your fucking problem, you don't know how to let me do what I need to do! I'm the fucking man in this relationship! Not you! Just ‘cause I wasn't doing it the way you preferred doesn't mean you bring your dumb ass outside and fight!" He reached across me and pulled the door handle to open the door. "Now get the fuck out. I will talk to you later," he spat.
"Oh you going back to nurse that hoe back to health?" I screamed through tears.
"Maybe," he said, not looking at me.
Tears started to fall as I stared at him. "Don't be soft now. Take your hard ass in the house! And if you ever put your hands on me again, I'm knocking your ass out!" he said, cranking his car up.
I got out and slammed his door as hard as possible. Maybe I did overreact, but I don't like that Gina bitch! I ran straight to my room and cried until I fell asleep.
Chapter Seven: Christy
It was Friday night, and like I said, our sleepover ritual was long gone, so Kayden and I decided to have a romantic night in a hotel. I was on my way there and my heart was beating fast. For some reason, I was scared to be alone in the room with him. It was a scared feeling like I would mess something up. Kayden was an unexpected love for me. Less than a year ago, I thought Trenton was the love of my life, and that was no longer the case.
I arrived at the hotel and gave my keys to the valet attendant. Kayden texted me the room number, and I rushed to the elevator. I knocked on the door and he came to open it. The room had candles everywhere and rose petals all over the floor. I walked in and he closed the door behind me. Aaliyah's smooth voice played in the background, and he had a heart made out of petals decorating the bed. I saw a table with two champagne flutes, and the plates had filet mignon, shrimp, and mashed potatoes. There was a balcony, and Kayden had its sliding door open letting the white curtains slightly blow. The most Trenton had ever done for me was invite me over to watch Netflix at his crib. That thought alone brought tears to my eyes.
"You like it babe?" he asked me as he walked over to the table to pull my chair out.
"Kayden, I love it. I can’t believe you did all this for me." Tears were welling up.
Trenton always said gold digging bitches only wanted shit like this, so I never mentioned it.
"Well I love you and I wanted to show you by doing something nice for you," he smiled, showing his perfect teeth. He was two years younger than Trenton, but at only 20 years old, he was much more man.
"You love me?" I asked through tears. He walked over to me and kissed my lips. I closed my eyes to savor the moment.
"Yes I love you Christy. You’re my world." He stared into my eyes. It was waterworks over here. "Let’s eat babe," he said as he wiped them away.
We ate and talked all night. He told me more about his brother Khayman King, who was shot up during a drug run gone bad. We got to know each other more, and I saw tha
t I loved him more than I thought.
We were on the bed kissing when two masked men barged in the door, knocking it off the hinges. Kayden moved me off the bed onto the ground just as the two men let off ten shots into his body. His shirt was off, so I knew he had on no vest. I screamed louder than I had ever before as Kayden collapsed to the ground.
"Christy ba…" he said as he closed his eyes.
One of the men snatched me up and kissed me hard. I pushed him off, and he slapped me with the gun. They stole Kayden's wallet and rushed out the room as I screamed and cried like a newborn baby.
We arrived at the hospital as the nurses rushed Kayden to surgery. I was sitting in the waiting area crying my eyes out. I could barely see I had so many tears in my eyes. Nic, Jessica, and Morgan ran in to comfort me.
"This is some bullshit!" Kendon yelled. Jessica attempted to console him, but he pulled away from her. She dropped her head and sat back down.
After three hours, the doctor came out from the back. "Are you guys Mr. King's family?" the doctor asked.
"Yes, we're his brothers!" Kendrick, Kendreeis, and Kendon said in unison.
The doctor nodded "Kayden is stable. Luckily the bullets didn't pierce any vital organs. They were mostly in his legs and shoulders. The shooter didn't have good aim, lucky for him. We were able to remove them all, but he will need to stay here for about two weeks."
We all exhaled in relief as I thanked God for answering my prayers.
"He is in room 412 if you'd guys like to visit him," the doctor let us know and walked away.
"I need to find who the fuck this is that's gunning for Kayden like this!" Kendrick spat.
"It’s fucking obvious nigga! Stop protecting that fuck boy before he kill your ass too!" Kendreeis yelled.
"You don't know shit, Kendreeis. Stop assuming shit!" Kendrick yelled back.
Tired of them bickering, I interrupted. "It was Trenton okay! The masked man kissed me after shooting him, and I know what his lips feel like!" I shouted and stormed off to see Kayden in his room. I heard Kendrick yell fuck and punch the wall.
I walked into Kayden’s room and closed the door. He looked over at me and gave me a smile, but I could tell he was in pain.
"Hey baby. How you feeling?" I asked.
"Great to have been shot ten times," he tried to chuckle. I loved how positive he was, even in situations like this. I sat on the edge of his bed and kissed his lips. "You still feeling me even though I'm all shot up?" he asked with a smirk.
"Are you crazy? I love you, Kayden. Especially ‘cause you saved me."
He dropped his head. "I'm sorry Christy, we were supposed to have a great night. I should've brought security, but I figured we'd be okay. I can see my father shaking his head now."
"Don't blame yourself, babe. And even with all this, it was the best night of my life. I love you, Kayden King." I caressed his face.
"I love you too Christy Franks." We kissed and then everyone entered the room to see him.
Chapter Seven: Kendreeis
I was mad as hell. I knew this nigga Trenton was bitch made. What nigga gon’ be out here trying to kill over a bitch? I love Christy and this is nothing against her, but he never mentioned her to anyone but Kendrick, so for him to be acting like Noah from the Notebook was aggravating.
Although my cousin, Kayden and his brother Khayman grew up with my brothers and I like actual brothers. I knew my dad and uncle would be livid at the fact that he was almost killed. I already had so many missed calls from them it wasn't even funny. Kendrick could be in denial all he wanted, but that nigga Trenton was living on borrowed time. If he didn't do it, I was gon’ do it. The nigga already shorted a bag, and he was now trying to kill my brother? He had me fucked up. I was speeding through the streets, lost in my thoughts when I felt Morgan's soft hand touch mine. I slowed down, realizing I was speeding.
"Relax baby, y'all gon’ get that nigga," she said, and I didn't respond.
"I cooked lasagna for you tonight," she continued, attempting to ease my mind.
I loved the fuck out of her and how she always tried to make me feel better. I ignored her efforts, however. We were definitely the hood version of Beauty and the Beast.
We arrived to my home and I made sure security was up and ready. I let them niggas know what happened to Kayden so they'd be alert. Morgan and I walked up to the door and I unlocked it, allowing her to go inside first, then I followed.
"You want me to make your plate?" she offered.
I shook my head no and plopped down on the couch. She looked defeated and walked past me. I stopped her and grabbed her by the hand.
"Come here babe. I'm sorry," I said, looking at her pretty face.
"It's okay,” she said in a low tone, looking down.
"No it's not, I shouldn't treat you that way just ‘cause I'm mad about some outside shit. I appreciate you trying to make me feel better," I said as I pulled her onto my lap and smiled.
She smiled and I just basked in her beauty. If felt good to make her smile. I hated myself when I took my anger out on her. I kissed her lips and reached under her skirt. I moved her panties over and inserted my fingers in her opening.
"Ahhh," she moaned.
I dipped in and out of her for a little bit, then put my fingers in my mouth to taste her. I took her shirt off and unfastened her bra. She removed my shirt, and I unleashed my manhood. I lifted her up and slid her down on it.
"Uhhhghhhh," she moaned.
She started to move up and down slowly, and I stopped her. I put her legs over my forearms and lifted her up and down on my dick. Her pussy hugged my dick tight, and I felt like I could nut any minute. She leaned down to kiss me, and she inhaled and exhaled into my mouth as she got adjusted to my size. That shit turned me on. I sped up the pace, beating my pussy up and causing her to cry out. She came all over my dick and I slowed down, but kept a medium pace.
"Kendreeis," she moaned.
"Damn baby, you got that dope pussy. It's addicting."
She smiled and I bit her bottom lip. I sped up, pulling her down onto my dick.
"I'm about to cum daddy!" she cried.
"Cum for daddy! Whose pussy is this!?!"
"Yours, Kendreeis!"
I looked down at my name tatted right by it, and it caused me to explode. "And don't you ever give it away," I said, letting her legs down and pulling her close for a kiss. I licked her neck and she shivered. I felt her throbbing around my dick and I sucked her nipples. I loved this girl and I needed to make her my wife ASAP. She was like a drug that helped calm me.
Chapter Seven: Kendrick
I walked in the house around 2 pm on Saturday. I had just come from my father’s, and he and my uncle tore into me about Kayden. My father and uncle said in so many words that if I didn't kill Trenton, they would. This was not the right time for this shit.
I heard KJ and Nic laughing, which snapped me out of my thoughts. I followed their voices upstairs and saw them in his room. She had on a two piece bathing suit, looking so sexy and playing with him on the floor while he was just giggling. I loved them so much, which is why I had to come clean. I was a real nigga, and I couldn't proceed in our relationship without telling her what I had done. I wanted our relationship to be based off truth only–if we would even have one after this.
She noticed me standing in the doorway smiling at them, "Hey sexy," she smiled.
"Hey beautiful."
She got up and brought KJ over to me "Say hi to Daddy!" she told him, and kissed his plump cheeks. He got excited when I took him and starting moving a lot. He was so cute.
I looked into his dark green eyes, "I love you and your mommy so much," and he giggled. He was a happy baby. I loved that his birthday was a day after mine and he looked just like me. I laid him in his crib and kissed him.
"Come here so I can talk to you baby." I grabbed her hand and led her to the bedroom. We sat on the bed, and I kissed the back of her hand.
t Kendrick?" she asked smiling.
"You love me?" I asked.
"Yes of course," she said in a low tone that showed she was worried.
"No matter what?"
"Yes! As long as you're not gay," she tried to joke.
I tried to laugh, but I felt my stomach drop. "Nah, now you know that's not the case." She stared, waiting for me to talk, and I cleared my throat.
"Couple weeks ago babe, I uh went to KB's to check on some stuff." I shook my head yes at her like I was making sure she was following along, when really I needed time.
She stared waiting to hear more.
"Okay, and uhm..." I said, losing eye contact. I wasn't usually scared of anything, but right now I was scared as hell. She pushed her hair behind her ears, exposing that beautiful face. I swear she was Naya Rivera's twin. I regained eye contact with her, "One of the workers Paris came in to talk business and..." I squeezed her hand. I saw sadness in her face, like she knew what I was gonna say. Her palms became real sweaty.
"Okay she came to talk business and then what?" she asked with her voice a little shaken.
"I had sex with her ba–" but before I could finish, she snatched her hands from me. I grabbed her body and forced a hug. "Baby please. Talk to me," I said as she was trying to push me off. I was too strong, and she was unable to remove herself. I felt her tears hit my neck, and it broke my heart.
"Let me gooooo!" she cried out through tears.
"No baby. I can't. I can’t let you go." I kept her in my embrace.
She eventually stopped trying to push me off and broke down into the deepest cry. She was crying so hard she had to stop and inhale. I laid us down with her still in my arms as she cried for what seemed like forever. I kissed all over her face.
"No Kendrick. I don't want you!" she said through tears.
"I still want you. I'm sorry Nic. I don't know why I did it." I was still holding her ‘cause I just couldn't let her run out, in fear that she may never come back.
"You said you would be faithful to me! You lied Kendrick!" she cried hard as hell.