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Return to the Traveler (Free Trader Series Book 9)

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by Craig Martelle

  Return to the Traveler

  Free Trader Series

  Book 9

  By Craig Martelle

  Copyright © 2018 Craig Martelle

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN 10:

  ISBN 13:


  Cover Illustration © Tom Edwards


  Typography & formatting by James Baldwin -

  Editing services provided by LKJ Bookmakers –

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  The Free Trader series is inspired by the work of the magnificent James M. Ward, the mastermind behind Gamma World, Metamorphosis Alpha, and with Gary Gygax, many Dungeons and Dragons products.

  Table of Contents

  Land Ho!

  Trent on the Eastern Ocean

  Save Them from Themselves

  Where did the ‘cats go?

  A Mass Exodus


  Conquering the Beast

  Desert Dust

  A Welcome Unwelcome Surprise

  Focus on the Objective

  But First, Bring the Pain

  The Plan, the ‘Cats, and Chaos

  Who is in charge?


  The Great ‘Cat Rebellion

  Bonus Content!

  Cygnus Rising Bonus Content (First Chapter)


  Author Notes

  Humans and the Intelligent Creatures

  The Hillcats (‘cats)

  The Golden Warrior – also called G, G-War, and Prince Axial De’atesh, can share his mindlink with others

  Shauna & Klytus – G-War’s children, bonded with Braden & Micah’s twins

  Fealona – from G-War’s home village and his mate

  Treetis – A young ‘cat, very much like G-War

  The Humans

  Braden – The Free Trader

  Micah – The Warrior, Partnered with Braden

  Axial & De’atesh – Braden and Micah’s twin children

  Bronwyn – Gifted child, able to speak with all creatures

  Dr. Johns – a clone, leader of the survivors from Cygnus VI

  Zeller – a Free Trader, from Trent, the same village as Micah

  Young Tom – a blacksmith from Whitehorse, Zeller’s partner

  Mattie & Caleb – Micah’s parents

  The Wolfoids

  Bounder & Gray Strider – the alpha and his mate, leaders of the pack

  Cygnus Standing – the first Wolfoid born on Cygnus VII

  The Hawkoids

  Skirill – also called Ess

  Zyena – Skirill’s mate, born on the RV Traveler, also called Zee

  Zeeka – Skirill and Zyena’s daughter, first Hawkoid born in the south

  The Tortoids

  Aadi – First Master of the Tortoise Consortium

  Daksha – Aadi’s first born

  The Aurochs

  Brandt Earthshaker – King of the Aurochs

  Arnie – Zeller’s partner in trade, pulls her wagon

  The Queen – Brandt’s queen that he rescued from Toromont’s Run

  Cragmore – the Aurochs that Bronwyn rides

  The Lizard Men (Amazonians)

  Pik Ha’ar – Lizard Man from the ship RV Traveler and friend

  The Rabbits

  Heloysius and Luciana – a Rabbit couple living at New Sanctuary

  The Dolphins

  Chlora & Rhodi – genetically engineered creatures of the sea

  The Whale

  Rexalita – engineered from a Sperm Whale, the largest creature on Vii


  Klytus darted into the brush, missing the small domestic rabbit that passed him on its way through the clearing. Shauna took up the chase. She was easily as fast, but guessing as to which way it would turn. She dodged one way to cut off the frightened creature while it jinked in the opposite direction.

  Shauna threw sand as she cornered, turning wide. Klytus came in from the other direction. A Rabbit, one of the sentient creatures on Vii, stood in their way with her hands out. ‘You will leave that poor bunny alone!’

  Both Hillcats stopped and tried to look around Luciana, but she stamped the ground with her big foot. ‘Shoo!’

  Standing knee-deep in New Sanctuary’s lake, Braden and Micah watched with mild interest. “Carnivores living with herbivores. It’s complete chaos.”

  The breeze whispered across the bushes. A bird sang nearby. Aadi floated serenely above the fountain at the middle of the lake.

  A single Hawkoid, Zeeka, clung to a branch, her talons keeping her upright while she slept. The Golden Warrior and his mate, Fealona, soaked up the sun on a small patch of grass.

  Ax and ‘Tesh floated on the surface of the lake on inflatable tubes, a gift from Doctor Johns.

  “Complete chaos?” Micah asked.

  “Utterly,” Braden replied.

  “You’re bored, aren’t you?”

  “That obvious?”

  “Very.” Micah took his arm and pulled him close. She felt his tension. Never a fan of doing nothing, he needed purpose, an action to occupy his mind and body. “What are we going to do?”

  “It’s been a year since the ‘cats have invaded the lives of humanity. I think too many of them are getting fat.”

  ‘Not my little love monster,’ Fea purred.

  G-War stood and stretched his heavily scarred body. ‘I’m in. Where are we going?’ G-War said, strolling onto the beach before kicking sand at Fea. She shook and took off after him. He ran.

  “Let’s take the ‘cats to the Traveler and see what else is up there. From what Young Tom and the scientists said, there might be an Android infestation in a few areas, but overall, they don’t seem to be having any problems. I admit that I love exploring that ship.”

  “It’s everything you grew up dreaming about. For me? I saw the destruction of the ancients first hand early in my life. I never fantasized about them. Our first trip up there scared me.”

  “Me, too. Blasters, better armor against Android lasers, and a more engaged Holly, since he is now integrated with the ship. That will make it a little better for us up there.”

  “Easy as that? You want to go back to the ship where Aadi was almost killed, you were almost killed a couple times, and G-War worked a computer.” Micah put her hands on her hips. Braden didn’t think that would bode well for him. He took the easy way out.

  “What would you like to do?”

  She gave him a heavy dose of stink-eye. Braden twisted his head, tossing his braid over his shoulder. He made to wring it out, but it wasn’t wet. He looked for something else to do to keep stalling.

  Anything else.

  “Well?” Micah finally asked.

  “What would you like to do?” Braden asked more slowly.

  “Fine. We’ll go back to the Traveler.”

  “You don’t sound fine, but I agree with your choice. Who’s coming with us?”

  “Me!” Ax yelled, throwing his hand into the air, twisting himself off his floating ring, and dropping backward into the water.

  “And me!” ‘Tesh said, kicking her feet to drive her closer to her parents.

  “It’s not safe enough for children. I’m sorry,” Micah apologized. She glanced at her partner through narrowed eyes. He nodded at her withering look.

  “Far too dangerous, but we can stay i
n touch with you. We will call you every day,” Braden said with a smile. ‘Tesh splashed him as she kicked away. Ax sputtered as he swam to the other side of the pond.

  “Way to go. You’ve alienated our children.”

  “They’ve already been to too many dangerous places. I kick myself all the time for letting that happen. They needed to stay behind more, not less.”

  “I know you’re right. Maybe we can bring a bunch of ‘cats and let them pacify the Traveler?”

  ‘That’s a big no. Fea doesn’t even want to come,’ G-War told them.

  ‘But she will,’ Fea added. ‘Someone has to keep you safe. You saw what happened when he started his crusade.’

  “More horsehair and a fresh stock of needles?” Micah asked.

  “Exactly,” Braden agreed. “We better stock up on numbweed, too. I don’t want to run out. Aadi?”

  ‘I have agreed to be at your side, helping as I’m able, but I must admit that the RV Traveler gives me the willies.’

  “What do Tortoid willies look like?” Braden wondered aloud. “Wait! That wasn’t what I meant.”

  ‘But I will go with you, as much as I’m apprehensive about it.’

  “Thanks, Aadi. We’ll be extra vigilant this time.” Braden made his way from the lake. “We need to ask Pik Ha’ar to go. The Lizard Men present a significant challenge if we cross that deck. I think Bounder and Strider should have the option, too.”

  “You know that Bounder is as bored as you are. He’ll jump at the chance.”

  ‘I think my parents would love to go with you,’ Zeeka suggested. ‘But I don’t know how to get in touch with them. They are in the north.’

  “We can call Jocelyn and ask her to contact the Hawkoids maintaining vigil over Jefferson City.”

  Zeeka waited.

  “And then we can send the hovercar for them.”

  ‘I think they would like that. Are they the only ones who will be riding in the Old Tech vehicle?’

  “I don’t know why not,” Braden answered with a shrug.

  ‘I think they will like that very much.’

  “Holly!” Braden yelled. Micah shook her head. “Call Jocelyn and let’s get this wagon train on its way. We need to saddle Max and Speckles for a quick trip into the Amazon. Can you tag along, Master Aadi?”

  ‘Of course,’ the Tortoid replied.

  “Can you two do something for us?” Micah asked the children. They were skeptical. “Can you go with Brandt to Livestel and tell Bounder and Gray Strider that we’re returning to the Traveler? Ask if they’d like to join us.”

  “Wow!” Ax exclaimed. “We get to go by ourselves?”

  “Brandt, Klytus, and Shauna will be with you, but yes. You do what Brandt tells you to do, understand?”

  The twins nodded eagerly.

  ‘I shall guard them with my life,’ Brandt’s thought voice boomed. He was in the field outside New Sanctuary, wreaking havoc on the new growth. The Bots were under orders to wait until he was finished before repairing and replanting. The Rabbits ran from him, throwing up their arms in disgust as they hopped and ran back to the clearing around the lake.

  ‘We can ask for no better, Brandt,’ Micah replied over the mindlink.

  Heloysius and Luciana moved around the lake. The twins raced up to them and jumped into their arms, even though the tiny humans were the same height as the Rabbits.

  “When did you get back?” Braden asked.

  ‘We returned when the last free trader came through. We are visiting all the Rabbit communities. We are pleased with how the Rabbits are flourishing on the planet surface. I was worried at first, but all is well. We’d like to come with you, return to the ship.’

  “You better take it easy or soon, the Rabbits will outnumber the humans.”

  ‘Why does that matter?’ Luciana replied.

  “I guess it doesn’t.” Braden instantly felt bad about his quip. “Sure, you can come. We can only take twelve. Let me see, me, Micah, G, Fea, Bounder, Strider, Pik, you, Heloysius, Aadi, Skirill, and Zyena.”

  Braden ticked off the numbers on his fingers. Twelve.

  “Looks good.” Braden raised his hands in triumph. “Now all we have to do is gather the masses. We need to make a call, dispatch a hovercar, saddle the horses, and get on the road.”

  “Us, too!” ‘Tesh cried as she grabbed her brother and ran toward the field to find Brandt. The ‘cats raced after them.


  “My butt hurts,” Micah said. Their coats and hats did little to stem the deluge of the perpetual Amazon downpour.

  “Maybe I could rub it for you, just a little,” Braden said as he wiggled his eyebrows.

  “You’re incorrigible.” She smiled at her partner, holding his gaze. “Seven years we’ve been together.”

  “I’m getting older by the minute,” Braden replied.

  “Stop it...” Micah started.

  “But you are as young as the day we met. And a great mother to our kids.”

  “I know why they shouldn’t come. You want to get in a fight up there—” She stabbed a finger toward the sky. “—so it’s best we keep the twins away. Why do you need conflict?”

  “I need action, an invigorating trade or the rush of keeping the peace. I can sit in a wagon for hours on end, traveling to the next trade, the anticipation fueling me. But when I don’t have that to look forward to, I feel empty inside.”

  “I feel it, too, but differently. When the ‘cats aren’t with us, it feels like a part of me is gone.”

  “They hate the rain.”

  “And riding on a horse, but look at Max and Speckles! Always stalwart, starting to show a little gray, aren’t you?” Braden rubbed Max’s neck. The horses continued to trot up the road, waiting for a sign from the Amazonians. “Aadi?”

  The Tortoid bounced along behind. He held a small rope tied to the saddle in his beak-like mouth. ‘Nothing yet, Master Braden.’

  “Onward, trusty steed and faithful companions,” Braden shouted, pumping a fist. “Victory or death!”

  “There’s no victory or death. Either we find Pik and he comes with us or he doesn’t,” Micah clarified.

  “Are you okay going back to space, Aadi?” Braden asked, turning serious.

  ‘I will be okay, surrounded by my friends. Can one ever be in real danger with an army such as yours by their side?’

  “An army?” Braden wondered.

  ‘Remember where I’m from. Three of anything is an army, and you travel in greater circles than that.’

  “But we couldn’t protect you last time.”

  ‘This time is not last time, and you came for me, at great risk to yourselves. That in and of itself provides comfort. No matter what happens, I know you won’t leave me behind, or any of us.’

  “Of course,” Micah remarked. “But it’s because we’re selfish. I couldn’t look myself in the face if we left someone behind.”

  ‘That’s because you are decent people, and that’s why I’m going with you. Wait a minute. Ah! Here we are.’

  Braden and Micah pulled the horses to a halt and searched the trees. Their hands casually rested on the grips of their blasters.

  “I don’t see anyone,” Braden said, squinting through the rain.

  Aadi let go of the rope and started to swim away. Braden and Micah sat hunched, watching.

  The Tortoid reached the rainforest’s trees and hovered there. After a short time, he returned.

  ‘Pik Ha’ar is not too far away. They said that he could be here in three days if he decides to join us.’

  Braden started to climb down. “What are you doing?” Micah asked.

  “Making camp?”

  “I think we should ride south, wait a day and a half, and then come back. I don’t like sitting in the rain and doing nothing.”

  “Go to the Amazon’s border and find some numbweed to process,” Braden added. “Sounds like a better use of our time. Mount up, Aadi! We’re on a mission.”


>   ‘You two are awfully quiet,’ Brandt said over the mindlink. Two Hillcats, Klytus and Shauna, crouched on his head as he trotted toward Livestel, the Wolfoid town.

  ‘We’re concentrating. We have to do this right so we get to go on more adventures by ourselves.’

  ‘I will let your parents know that you have been exemplary.’ Brandt maintained an easy pace, knowing that Braden and Micah would take a great deal longer to find the Lizard Man and convince him to come along. He would have the children back in New Sanctuary long before the others arrived.

  Brandt turned off the road and headed across the fields. Wolfoid shepherds waved as he passed. He jumped over a small creek that trickled between the fields. When he hit, one hoof went into a hole. His momentum carried him forward. A snap sounded from beneath him, and he bugled his pain before he hit the ground. The ‘cats jumped and the children screamed.

  The King of the Aurochs twisted before he hit, slamming his face into the rocks to make sure he stayed upright to avoid rolling over the humans.

  The twins were thrown from his back, hitting the ground and sliding away. Ax reached for his sister, gasping in pain from the movement. “Are you okay?” he managed to squeak.

  ‘Tesh crawled to her knees and then sat on the ground. “I think so.” Her knees were bruised and bloodied, her palms grated raw. She winced when she looked at her injuries. Everything beyond the blood and grime disappeared. She couldn’t take her eyes from the hands.

  Ax started to cry. Brandt bellowed in agony. ‘Tesh sat there in a stupor.

  The ‘cats rubbed their bodies on their humans. ‘Help is coming. You are okay. Help is coming,’ they purred as they tried to calm their friends.

  The first Wolfoid flew in, running on all fours. She slid to a stop, easing close to the Aurochs. She held his head to peer into his eyes only to see the terror of agony.

  She checked his body. Scrapes on his jaw, a cut on his side, and a broken ankle. The Wolfoid didn’t have to get close to see the damage.

  The accident had happened close to town, so it wasn’t long before others arrived, including Bounder and Strider. The alpha and his mate picked the children up and tried to comfort them. They knew the twins were going to get better when ‘Tesh started to cry. Bounder hugged her to his chest. Strider carried Ax, who was already cried out.


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