Quarterback's Secret Baby
Page 34
I flung my hands in the air. “Are you kidding me? How am I supposed to do that? I can’t think of anything else but everyone’s expectations around me. I swear to God, I think my dad will disown me if I lose again.”
“Well, that’s not fair to you. You deal with enough pressure just as an athlete without worrying about your dad.”
“Yeah, well. Story of my life.”
“I would suggest you think about something else while at the majors. The goal here is to get you to focus on that other thing before the majors so that by the time you get there, you know how to focus your energy and mind on something positive, instead of something negative, like all that pressure.”
“Like what? It’s hard to focus on anything but all that fucking pressure that I have around me.”
“I know, Caleb, but you must try. Why don’t you focus on your new girlfriend? She is a very pretty girl. Or how about a reward that you can give yourself when you win? Like a new house or a car that you want. A reward is a great way to get you to focus on your goals, to give you something to work towards.”
“You really think it’s that easy? That I could just think of something else and it will all be okay?”
“Don’t underestimate the power of the mind, Caleb. For one thing, it’s not easy to ignore massive amounts of pressure. Focusing your mind on something else is going to take some time because it’s natural for people to focus on the negative. It’s much harder to focus on positive things during a stressful time.”
“So, what do you suggest?”
“I want you to think about something that makes you happy. Make it a daily event where you sort of meditate on this thing that makes you happy. Don’t let anything distract you from this feeling. Hopefully, by the time the majors come around, you will be used to thinking about the thing that makes you happy. That way, when things start to get stressful, you can quickly focus on something good.”
I nodded. I wasn’t sure if it was really going to work, but I was willing to try anything at that point.
“Okay, I’m willing to try. Thank you for your time. I guess I will see you next time.”
Dr. Brentwood nodded. “Find something that makes you happy, Caleb.”
“Okay.” I walked out of the office feeling at least a little bit better about things. Maybe there was a way that I could turn things around, erase the pressure that tried to suffocate me.
Just then my phone went off, and I pulled it out to check it. It was my father sending me an invite to an event that night. I looked at it with interest and an idea formed in my mind. I looked in my contacts until I found Hailey’s number. I clicked on it to call her and waited.
“Hello, Caleb. How are you?”
“I’m great. I was wondering if you were free tonight?”
“Sure, what do you have in mind?”
“Well, I just got an invite to a movie opening tonight from my father. He’s actually very good friends with the director of the movie. That sounded like something that would be right up your alley, and it would be a lot of fun. Obviously, there would be a ton of cool people for you to meet there, and I would be willing to introduce you to some of them. You never know, it might be open a few doors for you. Do you want to come meet me?”
“Oh my God, are you serious? I would love to go. That would be a dream come true.”
I laughed. I couldn’t help it; her passion was contagious.
“Don’t laugh. You have no idea how amazing this is. Thank you. I’m thrilled to go.”
“Oh, it’s my pleasure. Dress in something nice, and I’ll meet you later.”
She hung up the phone, and I smiled down at it. The idea of helping Hailey’s career warmed me up. I needed to head to my apartment, so I could change as well.
Chapter Twenty-Four
I felt jittery. Caleb had arranged for us to have a limousine take us to the movie opening, and I was shaking the entire ride over. I couldn’t believe that I was going to an actual movie opening. It was beyond wonderful. I had dreamed of going to an opening my whole life. I would rather it be my own opening, but it was a step in the right direction. I had stressed about what to wear for a full hour before I went to meet Caleb. Mandy had to tell me to calm down the entire time.
I couldn’t wait to meet some celebrities, and most especially, the director of the movie. There was a big chance that this could open some doors for me, and that would certainly help my stalled career.
“Are you sure I look okay?” I asked him.
He glanced at me from across the limo. We were having a strong drink before we got there because my nerves were shot. I had asked him multiple times if I was dressed appropriately for the event. I was wearing a black cocktail dress that hugged by body nicely, but it would be nothing compared to what everyone else would be wearing to the event. Caleb was wearing a suit and had never looked more handsome.
“Hailey, you need to relax. You look stunning.”
I smiled, “Thank you.”
The butterflies attacked my stomach again when the limo pulled to a stop. We had arrived, and I wasn’t sure that I could stand all the excitement. It was insanity that I was there. I couldn’t wait to go home and tell Mandy all about it.
The door opened, and Caleb said, “The show’s on; it’s time to go.”
I stepped out of the car and was immediately stunned by all the flashing cameras. It didn’t matter who you were, if you were walking the red carpet into the event, then you were getting your picture taken. The paparazzi assumed that if you were invited to the event, you must be someone important.
I was shaking like a leaf. I knew it was foolish, but I was so nervous and worried that I would make an idiot of myself and ruin everything. Caleb put his arm around my waist and suddenly, my body stilled, and I looked up at him. He smiled down at me and ushered me down the red carpet. Pictures were being taken everywhere and being in front of a crowd was very overwhelming.
So, this is what it is like to be walking the red carpet. My heart was beating fast, and I couldn’t keep the grin off my face. I was so happy to be there with Caleb; it was overwhelming, but I wouldn’t have wanted to be anywhere else.
Caleb approached a guy, and when he turned around, he smiled widely.
“Caleb, I’m so glad you’re here. Your father mentioned you might come. Do you like horror movies?”
“Of course, I’ve been waiting for this one to come out. It looks terrifying.”
“That’s what I like to hear. I hope you enjoy it.”
“I’m sure I will.” He turned to me and said. “Rick, this is my girl, Hailey. She’s actually very interested in the industry; she’s an actress. Hailey, this is Rick Bendell, the producer of the film.
I swear I almost died. I am actually meeting a producer?
Rick smiled warmly at me. “Hailey, what a great name. So, you want to be part of all this one day, Hailey?”
I smiled, “Absolutely.”
“Well, we are always looking for fresh faces. Have Caleb send over your comp card, and I will take a look at it.”
“Gosh, that would be amazing. Thank you.”
“Do you have an agent?”
“Yes, I do. Her name is Jillian Davis. She’s in Georgia right now, but is moving to LA soon.”
“Ah yes, Jillian. I know her.”
“Oh, do you?” I said with interest. This was getting better by the minute. I looked at Caleb and saw he was smiling at me. I could have kissed him.
“Absolutely. I will put in a call. We are about to do a new movie about a professor and his many scandalous affairs. It’s a great script, and I think you would do well in it. You like a good scandal, don’t you?”
I giggled, “Who doesn’t?”
“Are there any sex scenes?”
“Nope, nothing like that.”
“That’s even better. I’m in; please do give me a call.”
He laughed, “Perfect. I will discuss things with J
illian and maybe get you in for an audition.”
“Oh my God. You are amazing.”
He laughed. “I know. I hope you both enjoy the movie.”
“It was a pleasure meeting you,” I said. Rick was so nice, and he obviously liked me. I couldn’t believe my comp card was going straight to a producer. I didn’t have to wait for some assistant to look it over first. I was going to the top guy; it was all a little too much to handle. I could get an audition for a big budget movie; I couldn’t even believe what I was hearing. It was a dream come true.
I would probably give Caleb my comp card that very night – I wouldn’t be able to wait. I would probably wait by the phone for the call about my audition. I planned on texting Jillian to give her some heads up so she could follow up with Rick, to make sure he didn’t forget.
“Are you okay?” Caleb said with a smile on his face.
“I might pass out.”
He laughed, “It’s that good, right? So, you don’t do sex scenes?”
“Nope. I don’t do nude scenes, either. I’m going to be the next Julia Roberts.”
He laughed, “You’re such a good girl.”
I stuck my tongue out at him. “Of course, I am. My naked body is just for the man in my life.”
He nodded staring at me in a strange way. Sometimes, I couldn’t tell what he was thinking. I just didn’t know him well enough then.
“Well, shall we?”
“Yes, of course. Let’s go. I may snuggle into you during the movie, though. I’m not great with horror movies.”
“You can snuggle into me anytime you want to.”
He took my hand and led me into the theater, where everyone was getting settled to watch the movie. We found the row we were in and walked down it until we found our seats. I sat down my heart still beating a mile a minute. We were only there a few minutes when the lights dimmed and the movie started. It must be so exciting to be the actors of the movie, watching all their hard work happen right before their eyes.
“It’s so thrilling.”
He grasped my hand in his and held it while the movie played. I immediately snuggled close to him without thinking. I didn’t really care; I just wanted to be close to him. I couldn’t believe that he had brought me there, that he had thought of me when he was invited to the event. It was very sweet. My career could have changed overnight because of his kindness, and that made me forever grateful to him.
I couldn’t wait to go home and tell Mandy what Rick had said to me. I was so excited about the audition that I wished it were tomorrow. I moved in closer to Caleb, and I rested my excited head on his shoulder and watched the movie.
When the movie was over, we made our way out of the theater. The movie had been amazing, and there were many congratulations going on. We approached a few of the actors. Ryan Reynolds was there, and so was Jennifer Lawrence, and we said hi to them both, congratulating them on a great performance. The last time I had seen Ryan Reynolds in a horror movie had been Amityville Horror. I was completely star struck when I met the two of them, but they were both very gracious, and Ryan was always joking, so it was easy to be comfortable around him.
My heart never stopped beating hard the entire time that I was there. I couldn’t believe what was happening around me. All I knew was that I had never been happier. All the doubts I had about my career had been erased in seconds as soon as I got to the event. I never wanted to be an actress more than I did right there at that moment.
The event was starting to wrap up, and people were getting into their limos. I saw Rick leaving, and he waved to us. My grin was plastered all over my face once again. Caleb helped me back into the limo, and I immediately made us both a drink. My nerves were all over the place, and I just wanted something to help me relax on the way home. I handed Caleb his drink when he got into the limo.
“Oh, thanks.”
“No, thank you for taking me. I can’t thank you enough. I had an amazing time.”
“I wouldn’t have thought that, considering all the times you jumped in the theater.”
I laughed, “Hey! That’s not fair; it was really scary.”
“I’ll get the limo to drop you off at the apartment before I go home.”
I nodded, but couldn’t help but wish that I was going home with him. I was still so excited about the event that I wanted to continue the evening. Actually, I wanted to be with him for more than that. I wanted to spend the night with him again. It had been on my mind a lot lately. I knew he was trying to stay on the straight and narrow, though, so I didn’t want to push it if it wasn’t something that he wanted. I was sure that if he really wanted me at the house, he would ask me to be there for him. I didn’t want to hear him tell me no, so I wasn’t going to ask him if I could go with him.
When the limo pulled up to Mandy’s apartment, we both got out and he walked me to the front of my building.
“I’m glad you had a good time tonight, Hailey. You looked amazing, by the way.”
“Thank you.”
He leaned in and kissed me, and I lingered in that feeling for as long as I could. It wasn’t a sexy kiss, but it was still a great kiss. He pulled away and looked down at me with a smile.
“Have a good night, Hailey.”
“You, too.”
I watched as he walked back to the limo and got inside. I turned and ran into the building, making a run for the elevator. I couldn’t wait to get upstairs and tell Mandy all about my crazy night. I found Mandy on the couch writing on her laptop. When I came in, she looked up at me and smiled.
“Hey, superstar. How was your night?”
“Oh my God, Mandy, you have no idea.”
“It went well, I’m guessing,” she said with a laugh.
“It was insane. I couldn’t even believe that I was there. It was like a dream. A really, really good dream. I met the producer of the movie, and he wants me to come in for an audition for a movie he’s working on.”
“No shit, are you serious?”
“I’m serious. He even knows Jillian and said he was going to call her.”
I sat down on the couch beside Mandy, and she reached over and hugged me. “That is amazing, Hailey. I’m so happy for you.”
“Thanks, I can’t even believe it’s true, it just feels like a dream. I’m so thankful Caleb took me there, it was so kind of him.”
“Well, if the guy has connections, then he should be willing to help you out. I mean, why not?”
“Can you imagine if I get this movie? It would be huge, and I would be part of it. It could be the start of a great career. I just can’t believe it’s happening.”
“Well, you better start believing it. You deserve it, and it is going to happen for you. It’s just a matter of time. It looks like Caleb can fast track things for you, and that’s a good thing. I told you, things happen for a reason. You were meant to be here, to take this job. If you would have turned it down, you would never have met Rick Bendell. It was meant to be.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I just feel like pinching myself to see if I will wake up,” I said, laughing.
“I can’t wait to see you in the pictures. I’ve been refreshing my newsfeed this whole time to see if any pictures have been posted.”
“Well, they are probably just of Caleb. He’s the celebrity, not me.”
“Yeah, for now.”
I stuck out my tongue. I was so happy – there were no words to describe how happy I was. This could be the start of a career that would have me going to my own openings, and I couldn’t wait for that to be my life. It was everything that I had dreamed of.
“I think I’m starting to have feelings for Caleb. I mean, I was all over him tonight. I know that’s part of the job, but I felt it tonight. I felt the sparks, the feeling that I wanted to be by his side. When he dropped me off here tonight, I was disappointed. I wanted more than anything to go home with him.”
“Yes, I know it’s stupid. Falling for someone who i
s interested in me as just an employee is not a great place to be in. I have no idea how he feels about me and falling for him at this point is dangerous.”
“I don’t know about that. I don’t think it’s a bad thing that you have feelings for the guy. So, what? And, you said so yourself that you have no idea how he feels about you. He could be feeling the same thing that you are. You are pretty hot, you know.”
I laughed, “Yeah right.”
“Hey, you never know. It could be your very own fairytale. You never know.” She winked at me.
Chapter Twenty-Five
I was in a fantastic mood. I had woken up with the best idea ever and was on my way to making it happen. Matt and I were in the car on our way to pick up the girls. I had completely given up on having Hailey move in with me; she was clearly more comfortable living at the apartment with her sister, and I realized that the arrangement was probably for the best. She didn’t need to get stuck in the mix with my parents. It was awkward enough for me sometimes when I stayed there. Though for the most part, I now stayed in my apartment.
It was early, so Matt and I had picked up breakfast and lots of coffee. That had been the deal when I woke the girls up early with my plan – I had better have lots of coffee. The ladies weren’t morning people, and I needed to keep them happy at all costs. Matt and I had stopped at a local bakery before heading over to the apartment to get everything that we needed.
I had come up with a plan to rent a boat and take everyone deep-sea fishing. It had been awhile since Matt and I had gone, and I thought it would be an awesome adventure for the girls. Neither of them had ever gone, so it sounded like it was going to be a blast.
We pulled up to the apartment where the girls were waiting for us outside. They piled into the back of the car where I proceeded to hand over the coffee.
“So, where did you get this bright idea, Caleb?”
“I’m not sure where my brilliance comes from, Mandy, but you are going to have a blast. How are you this morning, Hailey?” I looked back at her, but all I got in response was a yawn. I smiled and turned back to Matt. We were ready to go.