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Page 14

by H. D. March

  “You’re thinking of Rune.” Kitty touched her shoulder. “So, will you be seeing him again?”

  Jess gave a sharp laugh. “No, no; I won’t ever be seeing him again. He couldn’t wait to get rid of me.”

  Kitty reached up, pulling her into her arms. “Oh, hun, I’m sorry.”

  Jess snuffled and the tears fell; if Kitty had kept back her sympathy, then maybe she’d have held it together. But not now. “I feel so miserable, Kit; for the first time in my entire life, I had a real orgasm, but he doesn’t want me.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Maybe because he couldn’t wait to drop me off, and get rid of me?”

  “And how do you feel now about a relationship?”

  Jess could answer that at once. “Never, I can’t, no way could I put what we, what I had into a …” she shook her head. “I couldn’t chance it, not ever.”

  “And yet you’re upset? So, how does that work if you don’t want him?”

  Jess scrubbed at her eyes and shook her head. “I don’t know, I want him, shit, I crave him, yet I’m afraid of what could happen. Does that make sense?”

  Kitty studied her. “And how about me and LeBron?”

  “I wish you all the best, but, Kit, I’m too scared. And to be honest, it’s a pointless conversation because Rune doesn’t give a toss about me.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Jess woke from a tired sleep; it was one filled with Rune. Her head ached, her eyes throbbed, puffy with the tears she’d shed. She also knew she couldn’t face work. The misery engulfed her, and so she texted, pulling a sick day. It wasn’t too far off the truth, because she felt ill, both mentally and physically. Her body drained.

  It had been a long time before sleep had gripped her. Kitty had gone up to bed, most like to dream about the stud LeBron, she guessed, and didn’t blame her. Whilst she’d remained downstairs trying to digest the fact her best friend was a frigging wolf. And not only that, but now mated to one.

  She wondered, if Kitty got pregnant, would she have a litter?

  Jess still couldn’t believe it was true and continued to berate her conscience because, if it were, then her stopover made it all the more real. Those vampires did kill everyone in the diner.

  Yet she was pretty sure if it had happened, then it would have made the front page headlines. Closeted in Caprice, she hadn’t heard or seen anything. Yet surely Kitty would have mentioned it; she never missed the news report on TV. Somehow, she’d have slipped that snippet into the conversation. Along with the fact she wasn’t human.

  Did everyone have a Lycan for a best friend? She still couldn’t understand or believe how Kitty had changed into a wolf. Neither could she work out how she’d never suspected she was different. And then remembered the wolf that she’d seen, how Rune had said it was a dog.

  Like hell it was.

  When she’d crawled into bed, Jess had curled into her pillow and automatically reached out, hitting fresh air. God, but she missed him, every inch of the bossy twat. The night had been spent restlessly tossing and turning; she couldn’t relax, needing his big body to curve into. She snatched in an annoyed, pissed off sigh at herself. Get real, girl, he doesn’t want you, now move on.

  Her hand slipped between her legs, fingered her clit, and stopped. Heck, not a smidgeon of arousal scrambled to life. She rolled onto her back and debated taking The General, yet knew he didn’t have the oomph. What she needed was Rune, but he didn’t want her. Jess shook her head, and what if he did?

  How would she react?

  Jess knew that she would run scared. She was at a crossroads, wanting him with a desperation, yet refusing the idea of a relationship. Because she was torn, craving him, needing his cock, but she didn’t want to think of them as a couple. Jess was terrified that any feelings they developed would be ripped to pieces, dissected and broken.

  She continued with her fingers, but her fanny remained in a sulk, and she gave up. What the hell was she to do for the rest of her life without Rune? Jess gave a sad shake; shit, was she in trouble.

  Finally, she hauled her ass out of bed and tried to miss the reflection in the mirror. God, she looked rough, resembling a spectre, pale with dark smudges beneath her eyes. Her hair bounced in a wild tumble around her hips. She dreaded to think what she’d appear like in a weeks’ time if one night of no Rune brought her to this.

  Jess wished she could turn back time, that it was last Thursday, and she hadn’t accepted the gift, because he had turned her life upside down in a matter of days.

  At last, she could understand how Kit had fallen in love with LeBron in a week. It was inconceivable a few days ago, yet now—? She yanked on a skirt, not bothering with underwear; she wasn’t in love, it was infatuation with a man that could reduce her to fainting in an orgasm.

  That’s all.

  Yeah, like, right, argued her conscience.

  Jess slipped her feet into a pair of sandals and dragged on a loose top; she resembled a scruffy gypsy with the red glints darting through her dark brown hair. She ambled downstairs into the kitchen that smelt like a brewery and absently scooped coffee into the percolator. The house was silent, Kit’s little car missing.

  Jess wondered how she was going to afford to buy another; dare she ask her mother for some cash? Then slammed that thought; whatever the insurance company paid out would have to do.

  Asking George was a waste of time, he was stuck firmly in another century. Heck, with what he’d give, she just might afford a push bike.

  Jess poured coffee and flicked the radio on, the distinctive voice of Paloma Faith singing Only Love Can Hurt Like This echoed around the room. With a sharp huff, she slammed it off, the words sliced through her. Jess glanced at the time, it was edging past mid-day. Unexpectedly, she heard the drone of a car and prayed it wasn’t her mother, because she could really do without her selfish bitching today. She wasn’t in the mood for it and frowned at the staccato rap on the door.

  That wasn’t Doreen.

  Jess wondered who the hell it could be. No one ever called, they were too far out. Wary, she hesitated, then opening the nearby drawer, pulled out a wicked-looking carving knife. It was large, sharp, and lethal. The shocks she’d received recently, she wasn’t taking any chances.

  Did murderers knock before entering? She didn’t know. But neither was she risking it.

  Taking a deep breath, she gripped the handle and wished there was a glass panel that she could peer through, but no, it had to be solid wood.

  The rap sounded again, this time tinged with irritation, it rattled against the door. Jess pulled it open a crack and peered through. Her heart slammed into her chest, her mouth moved, and her throat constricted, no words came out.

  Rune stood before her, his shades rested on his tawny head, he leaned to the side, resting his weight on one heavy thigh, his hand settled on his hip.

  He looked sexy and oh so fuckable. She wondered what he’d forgotten. Swinging the door open, she hid the knife behind her back. “Rune? What are you—” Jess stumbled over her words and cursed, why the hell did he have the ability to take the power of speech from her? Then, she reminded herself, recalling the glorious orgasms he’d given her.

  A flicker skimmed over his golden gaze, as if he were remembering something. “Aren’t you going to invite me in?” He tilted his head, his focus trained on her.

  She took a step back. “Oh yes, of course, sorry I mean—” Oh, for fuck’s sake, Jess, take control will you?

  He towered over her and closed the door. “What’s behind your back? What are you hiding, Jessalyn?”

  Jesus, was there nothing he missed? “Nothing,” she lied.

  “Jessalyn.” He folded his arms his tone warning.

  Jess wished he didn’t look so fit, so big, so frigging drop dead gorgeous. She gave a snort, he wouldn’t give in, so she’d just as well show him. Then wait for his scorn; heck, he already thought her batty, why not show him she was.

  His eyes widened when
she produced the large carving knife.

  “I was, er, just doing some veg.” She spluttered over the first thing that sprang in her mind.

  “With that? Hell, Jess, what size carrots are you chopping up?” A tiny grin teased at his lips.

  So, he thought it funny, did he? She spun and flounced into the kitchen, flinging the knife back in the drawer. “I was scared, okay? No one ever comes out here, so I was taking a precaution.” She sensed he was close, could almost taste the male testosterone seeping over her. “So, what have you forgotten, why are you here?” As usual, she was direct and to the point.

  Jess jumped when his arms coiled around her waist, tugging her back against him.

  “I haven’t forgotten anything, I missed you in my bed, sweet bitch,” he breathed against her throat.

  “Oh God, Rune, I need you.” She slapped a hand over her mouth and turned to face him. “Oh fuck, I just said my thoughts out loud, didn’t I?”

  He nodded. “Yes and ditto, Jess.” His head slowly dropped, his arms tightened and she edged up onto the tip of her toes, snagging him close. His lips seared over hers, his large palm gripped her head and Rune began a punishing assault. Pushing her mouth open, his tongue plundered inside. Jess welcomed him, savouring his unique taste of pure unadulterated male.

  “I can’t wait, Jess, got to have you. Now!” He eyed the table and glanced to her; she gave a sinful wink.

  “I’ve never had it over a kitchen table.” Her scream ricocheted when he pushed her across it. Rune spread her arms out and hitched her skirt up.

  “Where are your knickers?”

  “Perhaps I was hoping you’d come.”

  “Trust me, my bitch, I’m going to come all right.”

  The scratch of his zipper sounded harsh, and she shivered at his cock driving between her legs. Slick against her folds, she was so ready for him, her clit pulsed and her sex throbbed.

  “Ah yes, that’s it,” she moaned once he’d finished his teasing and at last pushed home. He thrust forward holding her hips, driving in with an intense force. Finally he was balls deep, and a shock of heat rolled over her as he absorbed her body, clutching her shoulders, he powered into her.

  “I want you to come without any clitoral stimulation, can you do that for me, Jess?” His voice hoarse it whispered over her skin.

  She nodded, heck she was teetering on the edge already. “Rune,” she warned, “I’m so close.” Her back dipped and arched, sticking her ass up high, taking every driving inch that he slammed into her.

  Suddenly he rocked back, and holding her hips writhed against her gyrating in a manic frenzy. “Now, Jess.” And throwing his head back the cords straining he came in an avalanche of a climax. Shuddering, he continued with short sharp thrusts.


  “Fuck, what are you doing to me, woman?” muttered Rune with a low rumble. He leaned forward and sucked on her neck; his fangs slipped out, he was so tempted at her throbbing pulse. But it would need to be her choice. Spending a lonely, restless night, he’d decided that he wasn’t standing by to leave her walk out of his life. When he’d returned to Caprice at dawn, Rune had been unable to settle. Everywhere he looked, he saw Jess, she haunted his thoughts.

  Finally, after a lot of soul searching, he gave in to his needs.

  What he felt for her, he didn’t know, had never experienced before. But, in a few days, she’d become indispensable to him. Rune wondered if it was the fact she was human and could take him; it was a unique experience, nothing more.

  Then froze, sensing another person and slipping from her, he managed to zip his lazy lob inside his jeans when the door slammed open.

  “Jessalyn, I’ve had the most horrific experience and—” The words filtered away.

  Jess lay bare assed and open mouthed across the kitchen table.

  Rune quickly pulled her skirt down and helped her to her feet. As if she’d just fallen over. He took in the middle-aged woman with dyed black hair. Stark and unflattering, her slash of red lips hooked into a smile, a predatory one.

  She dropped her purse onto the table and cricked one pencilled brow. “May I ask who you are?”

  “Rune Masters.” He noticed that Jess appeared to have lost her voice.

  “Really? Don’t you run that BDSM club?”


  Shock scrambled over Jess’s face that her mother knew of it, was aware that the place existed. She wondered if that was where she’d disappeared over the years. To a tryst in some such club. Oh God, she hoped not, the thought of a parent having sex was gross. Yet many a time she’d been left alone with her dad, sometimes for a few days, whilst others rolled into a week or two.

  “Yes, that’s right.” Rune hovered close to Jess, his arm curled around her waist.

  “Hmmm, I’ll have to join, and maybe we could get together?” Doreen hedged nearer; she ran a blood red nail down his arm. “I could teach you a lot.”

  Jess closed her eyes; shame washed over her that this woman was actually her mother. That she was making it blatantly obvious she was coming on to him. God, what must Rune think of her? And stopped at that, didn’t want to know. Christ, she’d paid for his services, and now, her mother was offering hers?

  “Lady, first of all, there’s an age limit at my club, and you’re way past it.”

  Jess swallowed down a chuckle, he had such a way with words.

  “How dare—”

  Rune continued, “And secondly, I should imagine there would be a lot you could teach me, but nothing I’d want to know.”

  Doreen’s eyes narrowed and her eyes snapped. “You’re rude and uncouth.”

  “I’m honest, I don’t like my—” he stopped. “I don’t like the idea of Jess’s mother making a pass at me. I do the choosing.”

  She settled a petulant pout on him. “Oh, well, if that’s all there is, I’m sure you’ll come round to my way of thinking at some point.”

  Jess rolled her eyes. God, but her mother had a high opinion of herself. Doreen changed subjects and switched back to the main one. Herself.

  Dismissing Rune as a temporary lost cause, she started her tirade. “It’s your father, he’s really annoying me and I don’t know what to do about it.” She stood before the mirror, flicking at her hair, long fingers tripped through the short spikes. The stark blackness glistened with a sheen of gel.

  Jess knew that the elfin look was all the rage on a younger person many years ago, now it looked as if she were recovering from a serious illness. A terminal one.

  So, gentle George was the horrific experience she’d suffered from? Jeez, her mother knew how to exaggerate. “What has Dad done to piss you off this time?” She gave an apologetic glance at Rune, who had moved from her and settled onto a chair. He appeared to be showing an avid interest in the exchange, and she so wished he wasn’t witnessing this.

  “It’s the women he won’t give up. The man is positively sex starved, I caught him this time with…” A scramble of a sinful smile weaved across her face. “Oh never mind, you wouldn’t understand.” She smeared scarlet lippy on and smudged her lips. “Yet no matter what he does, I can’t resist him, he’s divine, an absolute God.”

  Jess closed her eyes. The image of George, her dad, wearing a dead squirrel on his head and pink Lycra flashed over her. It wasn’t a good thought. Yet she couldn’t understand what her mother was talking about; hell, they couldn’t stand each other. “Are we discussing the same man?”

  Doreen turned to her and dropped her lipstick into her bag. “No, actually we’re not, Jessalyn.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Jess paled. “Mother, is this some sick joke of yours.”

  “I never joke.”

  Frigging hell, she was right on that one.

  Doreen dropped her bag onto the table and then grimaced. “I hope you two haven’t had sex on this part.”

  “Not yet, but I’m sure we will at some point.” Rune flashed a wicked wink to Jess.

  One that she ignored; at
the moment, she had more pressing matters on her mind. Like who the hell her father was. “Come on, what are you talking about, George is my dad.” She didn’t like the smirk on her mother’s face. “Isn’t he?”

  Doreen spared a glance to Rune. “Do you want this conversation in private? I rather think it would be a good idea.”

  Oh shit. Doreen acting sensibly, considering someone’s feelings? Jess realized that this was about to become serious.

  “Rune, would you mind going into the other room?”

  He rose and leaned forward, stealing a droplet of a kiss. “No worries.”

  Jess noticed how her mother hooked onto his shaking assed stride as he left the room. Yet, hell, could she blame her?

  She rounded on Doreen. “So, come on, spit it out, what are you talking about?”

  Doreen perched on the chair, her elbows rested on the table, her fingers linked beneath her chin. “That’s the reason I came here, to tell you that George is not your father.”

  Jess collapsed into the seat opposite, a gut churning knife scooped and rolled her inners. Those words were so not what she wanted thrown at her. “Please tell me I’m not hearing this that any second I’ll wake up and discover it’s all a dream.”

  “Oh for goodness sake, stop being so dramatic.” Doreen fixed her with a bored glare.

  “Dramatic? Excuse me, it’s not every day I learn my dad isn’t my father, that it’s someone else!”

  “Stop overreacting. George, to all intents and purposes, is your father, he’s reared you in a fashion, it’s just his sperm that’s missing.”

  Jess slammed a hand across her mouth. “Mother, that’s disgusting.”

  “It’s also a fact.”

  Jess rose and pushed her hair back over her shoulder. “So, who is my real dad?”

  “His name is Frazer.”


  “And I had an affair with him, still do off and on, which is why he’s annoyed me by having a harem at his beck and call.” Her eyes smoked. “But he’s such a sexy bastard, I can’t resist him, no woman can.”


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