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Page 17

by H. D. March


  She turned her head towards his voice. Her back burned, a searing agony blistered over her, and she settled her pained gaze on Rune. He took her hand, rolling her fingers through his.

  “Where am I?” Her throat croaked harsh, the question came out on a hushed whisper.

  “In my bed.”

  She struggled to focus. “I feel terrible.”

  “You look it.”

  “Thanks, Rune, love your bedside manner.” She so wished she could summon the energy to raise her voice. Images blurred through her mind, filled with creatures and a terrifying Rune.

  He grinned back. “You’ve been out for over week; it’s nice to see you lucid.”

  She blinked. “A week?”


  “Who’s been looking after me?” Why she asked, she didn’t know, because, by his smug face, knew it had to be him.

  “Why, me, of course, I’m your Dom, I do everything for you.”

  “Everything?” A red hot flush stained her face, at the thought of some of the more personal needs.


  Just great, that was her dignity out of the window. There was more she wanted to ask, but it weighed too heavily on her. An image of him killing crawled into her thoughts. Her vision fuzzy and she sighed into the pain that bled through her body, her lids dropped and again she slept.


  Rune brushed her hair back, it felt strange not filtering his fingers through the long length. So far, she hadn’t realised what he’d done, and he wondered how she’d react. With a fury, knowing Jess, and a smile teased his lips. Leaning forward, he pressed a soft kiss against her cheek; a warm glow fed over him at the curl of her lips.

  His mobile chimed and he checked out the name. “Hi, Kitty.” She rang every day asking about Jess, at times it irritated him. Times when he was scared for her, worried and fretful, but he was glad she had a good friend.

  “How is she?”

  They were the same words she always asked. “We had the first lucid conversation today, short, but it’s a start.”

  “Oh God, Rune, that’s that’s so—”

  He heard her snuffling, and LeBrons deep voice soothing her.

  LeBron came on. “She’s a bit emotional.”

  “Yeah, I can hear. Anyway, got to go, the club going okay?”

  “Yep, not that you’re bothered.”

  “Not in the slightest.” Rune knew where his priority lay, and it was with the woman in the bed that made his heart do crazy things. She stirred so many sensations in him. Never in his life had he experienced the feral need to protect, the possessiveness he experienced was beyond anything he’d felt before in his life. It was as if their souls were connected; from the first moment he’d seen her, unconscious, she’d reached out with a devastating effect.

  He continued to watch her sleep, and then rang Wolfe.

  “Hi, mate, how are you getting on with your spoilt brat?”

  “We’ve come to a compromise.”

  Rune hitched a brow; he knew what sort of compromise Wolfe would want. “And?”

  “And it’s none of your business. It’s also damn complicated.”

  “Come on, buddy, spill it out.”

  His laugh sounded deep. “Okay, I’ve got an invitation to lay her, but I’m not sure I want to.”

  Rune cricked a brow in surprise. Wolfe was a randy fuck-them-and-leave-them type. Morals didn’t come into sex with him, he was a hard bastard.

  “How do you mean?”

  “I don’t know; fuck, I can’t explain it myself, and Taylor is a looker.” He hesitated. “And then there’s the—”

  Jess groaned and whimpered out loud.

  “Catch you later, Wolfe.” Rune cut him off, any interest in his friend’s sex life shelved. “Honey, take it easy.” He stroked a hand over her head that still felt odd; the cropped hair flicked out from between his fingers. It was so different from the long locks that had curled around his hand.

  “It hurts, Rune.” The translucent drops trickled down her face. “So much.”

  “I’m sorry, little one, but it will ease soon, I promise.”

  Her fingers dug into the pillow, her knuckles white, she screwed the material tight. “Make it go away, Rune, help me?”

  Rune crouched beside her, his hand stroked over her hair, his lips filtered across her face, towards her mouth. “Sssh, Jess, sleep.” His hypnotic golden gaze showered her with a glitter of light, and she closed her eyes.


  “For fuck’s sake, Rune, you’re not throwing a dart, take it easy,” muttered Jess. She was sure he enjoyed giving her the shots. And was also certain she should have finished them by now. For the first two weeks, she’d had it stuck in her ass twice a day, alternating between cheeks. For the third week, it had dropped to one, yet she was sure he took a perverse pleasure out of it.

  Her back was healing, and so far for the last few days, she’d been more awake than asleep. It still bugged her that he’d seen to everything since Storm’s attack. And then she recalled how she’d felt light headed and the guilt that had crossed Rune’s face.

  “What have you done?”

  “I, er, cut your hair.”

  She closed her eyes; he was lying, he had to be. She’d spent years growing it long; it was her pride and joy. Wincing at the movement, she’d dragged her hand out, searching for it, and touched the short uneven ends. Her scream splintered through the room. “Rune!”

  “I had to do it; it was interfering with your back.”

  “So, why didn’t you tie it up or plait it or something?”

  He shrugged his massive shoulders. “Didn’t think of that; anyway, you can always grow it again.”

  “For pities sake, it’s taken thirty years to grow it that long.” If her back hadn’t still been hurting, she’d have struggled out of bed and smacked him one, but her time would come.

  “Just be glad you didn’t come down with septicaemia, and it’s these jabs that’s stopped that.”

  “So, why am I still having them? Surely they should have stopped by now?” she pointed out.

  “A precaution.”

  Yeah, whatever. “Has Kitty phoned?”

  “Every day.”

  The silence rung out.

  “Are you going to ask me?” His voice rippled soft, yet it held a thread of command.


  “Jessalyn, you know what, don’t play games.”

  She clicked her teeth in annoyance, he was a stubborn bastard.

  “Yes, I am a stubborn bastard and I want an answer,” said Rune.

  “You can read my mind, can’t you.” She’d bloody known it.

  “Yep, as clear as if you spoke to me.”

  She flushed, thinking of some of the things that had floated through her mind, the sexy thoughts that had appeared. “You’re a vampire?” A wariness crept over her face.

  “Yes, and, Jess, there’s no need to fear me, not all vampires are killers.”

  She gave a snort. “That’s coming from someone that took out three wolves, dogs or whatever?”

  “They hurt you, they deserved to die, and incidentally, they were werewolves.”

  “Aw, I don’t believe I’m having this conversation.” Her lids drooped, exhaustion claiming her and Jess gave in to it. Because sleeping was a lot easier than facing up to vampires, werewolves, Lycans, and the fact George wasn’t her father. Then recalled her mother’s words, how she needed to be warned, oh God, what other surprise was she about to face? What the frigging hell was her father going to turn out to be?

  Rune stroked his knuckles over her cheek. “Rest, Jess, we’ll discuss this again, when you’re stronger.”

  “Mmmm,” agreed Jess, lulled by his voice, yet every time she listened to him, a bloody week passed.


  The surf washed onto the beach, the waves crashed over her body, and she wrapped her arms around Rune. He stood over her, holding her hips
, and rocked into her with his awesome erection. Jess groaned, this was so good, an ache fuelled deep in the pit of her stomach. The heat of the sun scorched over her, the water cool it splashed across her body. She shuddered at his lips wandering over hers, tasting him, and she released a whimper. God, but she needed him, thrusting deep inside her.

  “Rune?” she muttered.

  “What is it, Jess, are you in pain?” His breath blistered over her throat.

  “Oh God yes, it hurts so much.”

  “Fuck, I’ll ring Mac.”

  What? That wasn’t supposed to be in her dream. And she flicked her eyes open to a very worried Rune holding his mobile to his ear. He paced back and forth, shooting splinters of glances at her. Shit, it was a dream, but the ache developing between her legs wasn’t.


  At once, he was beside her. “I’ve phoned the doctor, he’ll be here soon, Jess, don’t worry.”

  “Rune, cancel that call.”

  He frowned. “But you said you were in pain?”

  “I am, but of the, er sexual kind?”

  Relief crossed his face, a wicked glint glittered in his eyes and Rune dialled. “Forget it, Mac, everything is fine. Nope, you don’t need to check, she’s just horny.”

  Jess closed her eyes. “Please, you didn’t just say that?”

  “Yep, so you’re feeling frisky are you?” Rune hunkered beside her.

  “No, it was a wet dream I had. Mentally, I want it; physically, I don’t think I can.”

  “You’re healing, Jess, that’s the main thing.”

  She dreaded asking but had to. “What week are we on now?”

  He held four fingers up.

  “But how?”

  Rune continued to stroke his hand over her. “I’ve been putting you into an induced sleep, letting your body heal. It was the only way to keep the pain at bay. There was nothing else I could do to help you.”

  Quietly, Jess absorbed the information. He was a handy guy to have around. She hoped this time she would remain awake and experimentally moved her shoulder. A ripple of discomfort hit her, but nothing like the exploding intensity of the weeks before. It was bearable, the type you could toss a painkiller down your throat and it would go.

  “So, little one, apart from randy, how are you feeling?” His golden glow teased over her.

  “A lot better; how is my back looking?”

  “It’s a vast improvement, and on the mend. I still need to put the cream on, but it’s almost as good as new.” With soft fingers, he touched her back. “How does that feel.”

  She froze, waiting for the lancing sting. “Bearable, hardly any discomfort at all.”

  “Do you want to try laying on your back?”

  “Heck yes. It will be nice to have a different view when I wake up.”

  Taking care not to hurt her, he helped Jess roll slowly over. At last, she lay looking up at Rune.

  “How does it feel?” he asked.

  She wriggled and waited for the discomfort, yet none came. “Manageable.”

  Rune leaned over her; his fingers traced her lips, along with his tongue. “When you are fit, I’m going to make the most pleasurable, lazy loving with you, Jess.”

  “I look forward to it.” Jess swallowed and tried not to grip his hand to lead it down to her fanny, because God she needed him. A sudden thought occurred to her. “I’ve been here for four weeks?”

  He nodded.

  “Do you know if Kit has put a doctor’s note into the cafe? Only I can do without losing my job.”

  He gave a loud huff, his anger evident. “Jess, the most important thing is your living, not some fucking doctor’s note.” Rune studied her worried face, cursing his temper, at once sought to put her at ease. “And yes she has; it’s not something I’d have been concerned about, but your friend did.”

  “Thank God for that.” Another thought followed. “And for four weeks you’ve, er, you know?”

  “As I already said, Jess, I’ve taken care of all your needs, every single one.”

  Embarrassment scorched her face; she didn’t go into the details and wouldn’t ask. Yet was so relieved she hadn’t had a period, now that would have been way past shaming. And froze, remembering Kit’s words, it was over four weeks and she hadn’t come on? It was pretty obvious he hadn’t thought of that.

  The distinct worry nagged at her, could she be pregnant? And tentatively placed a hand over her stomach, it felt the same. Jess decided it was the trauma of her ordeal that had set her back. No way was she having Rune’s baby.

  Yet Jess discovered she liked the idea. And blanked her thoughts. She wasn’t having Rune looking into that part as a prospective vampire daddy. Nah.

  Then wondered about her own because she had a strong gut feeling she wasn’t going to like it.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Kitty bounced into the room and Jess smiled at her friend. She was the first person to visit her since she’d been consigned to Rune’s bed.

  “My God, Jess, your hair, what’s happened?”

  “Ask Rune; it was sticking to my back, so he cut it off.”

  Kitty slapped a hand over her mouth, her laughter broke through. “I can’t believe he did that. But actually, Jess, I like it.”

  “Gee thanks.” She patted the edge of the bed, unashamed with her nudity. “Come here.”

  Warily, Kitty hugged her, careful of her back. “Hun, you don’t know how glad I am to see you again; your guard dog wouldn’t let anyone near you.”

  “Yeah, well, no doubt there was a reason, and it wasn’t concern for me.”

  “Don’t underestimate him, Jess, he’s all but not slept or moved from you for a month and you doubt his feelings?”

  Put like that, she flushed; it gave her a warm glow, but it also terrified her.

  “So, where is he?” asked Kitty perching on the side of the bed.

  “Think he’s meeting up with your LeBron to make sure Caprice is still doing well.”

  “Any news on that bitch?”

  “Storm, no. But guess you already know that Rune is a vampire.” Jess couldn’t believe her easy acceptance of the fact. How she spoke about it as if she were explaining he was a lawyer or something. Maybe she was becoming desensitised with everything that had happened recently.

  Kitty looked away. “Yep, LeBron told me.”

  “When?” Jess wondered how long she’d known.

  “While you were here; from now on, no secrets, Jess.”

  “None,” and Jess crossed her fingers. Dare she tell Kitty her suspicions about maybe being pregnant? And decided to let it go, she might not be, and didn’t see the point in worrying her yet until she was sure. Also, she knew that Kitty would confide in LeBron, and he in turn would tell Rune, no way could she chance that.

  “Oh, and by the way, your mother has been on the prowl, wanting to know where you were,” said Kitty with a wicked glint in her eyes.

  “What did you tell her?”

  “That you’d been attacked by werewolves courtesy of a jealous bitch Storm, and your vampire lover was looking after you.” Her chuckle bounced around the room.

  “Please don’t tell me you actually said that.”

  Kitty gave a wicked laugh. “Yep.”


  “And she hasn’t been back since, called a few times, but strangely she hasn’t questioned it. Took it in her stride, think she’s more concerned with the latest makeover she’s had.”

  Shit, that didn’t bode well. And again wondered what or who her father was, and why Doreen appeared to be taking the news of vampires and werewolves without question, as if it were normal. She had visions of her father being Satan; it would certainly be a fitting match with her bitch of a mother Doreen.

  All too soon, Kitty rose to leave. “I don’t want to tire you.”

  “I’m fine honestly,” protested Jess, enjoying her company.

  “Whatever.” She leaned over and gave her a kiss. “I’ll be back soon.”

  Rune loped towards her in his sexy ass drawl of a stride. Jess tried without success to keep her libido under control, to contain her rampant urges that grew stronger every day.

  “Did you enjoy your visit?” he asked, sinking into his usual seat, the one he’d been in for the last four weeks.

  “Yes, I love Kitty to bits, she’s my best friend.”

  “Your only one.”

  Okay, smartass, did you have to sneak that one in? “So?”

  “What did you talk about?”

  “Er, none of your business?”

  Rune took her hand and sucked on each finger, slow supercilious luscious licks. “You are my business, Jessalyn. Don’t ever forget it.”

  “I doubt I will, not with you around to remind me.”

  “And?” he pushed.

  “Not a lot, girl talk, that kind of thing.”

  “Like periods?”

  Jess choked and exploded into a coughing fit. Hell, where did that come from?

  “For four weeks, you haven’t taken your pill. And prior to that we’d been sexually active.”

  “Yeah, and?”

  “And for four weeks I’ve seen to every need of your body, bar a period.”

  She glowed red, talking about her bodily functions made her blush. “Do you have to get so personal?”

  “Jessalyn, there’s nothing I don’t know about your body, now answer me.”

  “Oh, well, that’s simple, when I stop taking the pill, my periods take a while to adjust.” Her lies spewed out.

  “So, why was I under the impression that once you stopped taking the pill, you’d come on?”

  Shit, he appeared to know an awful lot about monthly cycles, and she noticed how he appeared to examine her.

  “No idea.” And she didn’t; heck, she’d only gone on it in preparation for the hope of a stint at Caprice. It certainly hadn’t been for her active sex life.

  He continued to study her in silence and finally nodded. “You would tell me if you found out you were pregnant?”

  “Of course, I’d need the child maintenance.” She didn’t notice the shot of anger blast over his face. Jess decided on sneaky tactics to take his mind off it. “Rune, will you join me?” And flicked the sheet back.

  His groan rumbled through the room. “Christ, Jess, I’d love to but daren’t.”


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