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Daughter's Best Friend

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  He was long, thick, and the vein down one length pulsed. The tip was glistening with his pre-cum, and she wanted to taste him so badly. Climbing off the desk that he had put her on, she wrapped her fingers around his length, licking the pre-cum right off. She released a little moan as she loved the taste of him. He was sweet, and his cock pulsed in her hand.

  “Fuck, baby, that feels so fucking good. Yeah, put your whole mouth around it.” He hissed, growled, and finally moaned as she sucked him into the back of her throat, and then pulled up to the tip to slide down, taking as much of him as she could.

  Looking up at him, she saw his gaze was focused on her. His fingers slid into her hair, and gripped her hair tightly, wrapping the length around his fingers as he held on. She had been growing her hair out for some time, and it was only just down to her shoulders.

  He began to pump his thick prick between her lips, and she took him, her eyes closing as another wave of pleasure washed over her. She wanted to do this, give him pleasure, see him happy.

  “I don’t want to blow down your throat this first time,” he said, suddenly pulling out of her. Within a few moves, she was back on the desk, with her pajama bottoms on the floor in a heap. She didn’t know how she had ended up here, only that she had.

  She released a little squeal and a giggle as he pressed his lips against hers. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she held onto him, needing his kiss, needing everything that he could give her. When it came to Jackson, she wanted to be so greedy, taking everything, giving all of herself, and never letting go.

  “You’re going to be the death of me.” He kissed down her neck, flicking his tongue against her pulse, but not lingering. No, he caressed down her body, going to her tits. He sucked a nipple into his mouth, as he pinched the other, and then changed doing the same to the opposite. She gripped the edge of his desk, arching up, loving the way his tongue created a pulse right between her legs. This was what she needed more than anything.

  Jackson didn’t stay though. He kissed down her stomach until he was right between her legs.

  Glancing down, she saw him crouched on the floor, and then his tongue was between her legs, and he was sucking on her clit.

  “Oh … wow…” She bit her lip to stop herself from screaming her pleasure to the rooftops, it was that good, and he had only touched her clit.

  He flicked her clit, and then moved down to her pussy, plunging inside, and moving back up, swirling the clit, and then back down.

  The pleasure began to build, and it had been a long time since she had been with anyone but her hand. She had grown tired of dating very quickly, and she did only have sex with men she was serious with. She had been serious about Jackson for a long time. Most of her life she had adored him, and now, at twenty-five she was finally going to have him. He spread her thighs wide, and his fingers began to slide in her pussy.

  “You’re so tight, and I’m a big man, Rebecca. Do you think you can take me?” he asked.

  “Yes, yes, I can take you.”

  He used two fingers to slide inside her, stretching her pussy, and she relished the slight burn that he created from just his fingers alone, preparing her. Looking down between her thighs, she found it the most erotic sight in the world, seeing Jackson lick her pussy.

  She didn’t even care about her rounded stomach, or the cellulite on her thighs. She was not a perfect woman, far from it. She was a size sixteen on a good day, a size eighteen on a normal day, and she even owned pants in a size twenty, but that didn’t matter.

  He flicked her clit, and fucked her pussy with his fingers, and much to her embarrassment, she came all over his face. It was her first orgasm in months, and if she was being really honest, in years. Her previous lovers had been okay, but not like this. Never like this.

  Jackson stood up, and she watched as he sucked his fingers, licking every drop of her cream from them.

  His hands went to her knees, and she tilted back a little on his desk, unable to look away. He stroked up her thighs, going to her hips. “You’re fucking perfect,” he said. “Tell me if you want me to stop.”

  “I don’t want you to stop. I want you to fuck me, Jackson. To make me yours.”

  The smile that danced on his lips would stay with her forever. It was sexy, sinful, and everything in between.

  He released her hip, gripped his cock, and she watched as he slid his dick between her folds, slicking up his cock. She was so turned that he slid between her pussy so easily. He held the tip at her entrance, and it was like every step in her life had led to this moment. She had fantasized, dreamed, hoped, even prayed that this would happen, and it finally would.

  Jackson pushed forward, pushing the first inch inside her, making her gasp. Even with that one inch, he was stretching her, and it felt wonderful.

  “You are fucking tight, baby.”

  “It has been a long time,” she said, admitting the truth to him. She knew that he’d had a flavor of the month just a few weeks ago, but right now, she really didn’t care.

  He gripped her hips in those large hands, and then slammed every single inch of him inside her. She cried out his name, unable to do anything else as he drove to the hilt within her.

  “You’re so fucking perfect,” he said, running his hands from her hips, up to cup her tits, and then down again.

  She loved his hands on her. They were large hands, and a little rough around the edges, which was refreshing to her. She had always known he was a hands-on kind of guy, and right now, he was just confirming it with his rough touch.

  “Don’t make a sound,” he said. “You don’t want someone to hear, and then I’m going to have to stop.”

  Just the thought of them doing something naughty, had her biting her lip to stop moaning out loud. He leaned forward, took a nipple between his teeth, and bit just enough to cause a little pain, and yet more pleasure, between her thighs as her clit seemed to pulse for more.

  The walls of her pussy rippled around his length, squeezing him tightly.

  Jackson let go, soothing out the nipple with his tongue. He did exactly the same to her other nipple, being sure to create enough pain that it was on the verge of pleasure, and taking her out of her mind with need.

  He released her, and then pulled out of her pussy so that only the tip remained, and he plunged right back inside, going to the hilt within her.

  “Fuck!” they both said at the same time.

  Staring into his eyes, Rebecca held onto the edge of the desk, and began to thrust onto his cock, taking him deeply inside her. She couldn’t resist looking down at where they were together. His rock-hard cock was sliding between the lips of her pussy. Every time she saw his shaft, she saw how slick he was from his own arousal.

  She was so close to another orgasm. She let go of the desk and reached between her thighs, touching his dick as he slid within her, and then caressing her clit.

  “That’s it, babe, make yourself come all over my cock.”

  Watching him, feeling him, it was everything she hoped it would be, verging on the forbidden, utterly dirty, and yet so fucking perfect. This was every single dream wrapped in one, and worth the past few years of watching him.

  She came, calling out his name, spreading wider for him as he began to pound harder and deeper within her.

  The grip on her waist tightened, and with a yell, he pulled out, wrapping his fingers around his length, and began to spill each little drop of milky white cum onto her stomach. With anyone else she would have found it a turn off, and not been interested at all. Jackson was different. She watched as he spilled his seed on her stomach, and she felt … amazing.

  The pulse of arousal didn’t stop even as he finished, and they both were panting. He stood watching her, and she saw on his desk, legs wide, looking like a little slut after his cream.

  Neither of them spoke. She didn’t know what to say.

  There was nothing they could say as they both heard Bella in the distance, and they both panicked.

Jackson wiped away his seed, and she did her best to try to not blush. Within seconds they were both dressed, and she quickly collapsed on his couch and he behind the computer again when Bella walked in.

  Maybe not all of her dreams had come true.


  Jackson had fucked Rebecca on his desk, and he didn’t feel bad about it, not one little bit. If anything, he wanted to go again, and again. Her pussy had been so tight, and so perfect. She had squeezed him like a fucking fist, and when he came, he’d wanted nothing more than to slide deep into her cunt, and spill every single drop of spunk inside her, and then step back, watching as it spilled from between her lips. He’d have captured his cum, and pressed it right back inside, claiming her as his own.

  Rebecca had loved every second of their time together. She had been so beautiful, so responsive, and she had turned him on even more, especially when she touched her clit, and started to make herself come.

  That’s how he loved his sex, where they both got enjoyment out of it. He liked to fuck, he liked to be in charge, and he liked to fucking take and to taste her pussy, every second of their time together. Could Rebecca handle that? He’d experienced a lot since his wife passed, and not once had he been so aroused, so in the moment that he hadn’t cared if his daughter had walked in. Rebecca had awakened something inside him. Right now, she was sleeping. Bella had walked in, and they had a talk. He knew he needed to help her with Alaric. Once he did, he could focus all of his attention on these feelings that were building inside him.

  He loved his daughter, and Bella would come first. Right now, she was hurting, and he had to help her. Even as he thought about that, he couldn’t stop thinking about the twinkle in Rebecca’s eye as he slid inside her, or the way her neck had arched as he slid deep. Her pussy had welcomed him. Not just her pussy though, she had welcomed him. Running fingers through his hair, he tried to focus, tried to think about something else, but it was next to impossible to do so.

  Staring at the spot of his desk, he stood from his sofa, and walked toward it, stroking the very spot that Rebecca’s ass had been. Would it be so wrong to have her again? He wanted her, and his cock thickened at the memory of her tight pussy squeezing around him. It was wrong for the both of them, and yet even as he thought it, he couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to completely own her.

  Rebecca was a beautiful soul. Her fire and spirit had helped his daughter when she had needed it most. In the beginning, he had always thought she was a troublemaker, or at least not the right kind of girl for his daughter. She had been inquisitive, curious, and often led Bella into a great deal of trouble.

  Only, she had been the one true friend to stay with Bella through life.

  It didn’t matter how he tried to analyze his thoughts, or justify what had happened. He had fucked Rebecca, and it had been one of the best experiences of his life, one he wanted to repeat.

  But he wouldn’t.

  Simple as that.

  Even as he thought it, he was hit with a wave of sadness. He didn’t want it to be the last time.

  Being a man with morals was downright fucking depressing. For once he just wanted to throw caution to the wind, and say fuck it.

  Shaking his head, at one o’clock in the morning he finally made his way upstairs to his room.

  Opening the door, he stopped. There on the edge of his bed sat Rebecca. She was wearing a change of pajamas. They were a simple pink coral color, feminine, delicate, and utterly sexy.

  Her hair was pulled back into a messy bun, and like always, she wore no makeup. One leg was crossed over the other, and her hands were resting on her raised knee. She looked stunning, and he closed the door.

  “Bella could have come in here,” he said.

  “You and I both know that Bella wouldn’t be here. She stopped visiting her parents’ room when her mother died.”

  There was a time he would have flinched at the mention of his deceased wife. As it was, he knew Rebecca wasn’t being cruel, and he was being an ass.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  She smirked, and then looked down.

  Did he see a flash of pain?

  “Look, I don’t want to cause a problem here, okay? I’m not a troublemaker.”

  “You’re not a teenager, Rebecca. What are you trying to say?”

  She sighed. “I enjoyed what we had.”

  He paused. “It was a mistake.”

  “Have you been practicing that?”

  “Think about it, Rebecca. You’re young, and I’m old. I have a daughter the same age as you.”

  She nodded. “I know. I’m best friends with her.”

  He ran fingers through his hair. “There are plenty of men out there.”

  Rebecca stood. “Do you not want me?” she asked.

  “It’s better this way.”

  She stepped closer to him. “When you were inside me, and you were holding me, it felt to me like you were loving it.” She stopped right in front of him, so close, and all it would take for him was to reach out and pull her close. Damn it. She smelled like vanilla, which he found to be such an enthralling scent. “Do you want me, Jackson?”

  “This is not about want.”

  “You’ve had women who were younger than me. I’ve seen you with them. Bella hated them, and so did you. I bet you had no problem being with them.” She reached out and touched the button of his shirt.

  His cock tightened.

  She looked up at him, and he saw a glint of tears in her eyes.

  “I understand.” She pulled her hand away. “I’m sorry. I won’t tell Bella. I never would.” She started to walk around him, and he couldn’t let her go, not feeling so sad.

  Capturing his hand, he jerked her toward him, tilting her head back with a finger beneath her chin. “I want it to be different.”

  “It could be. You’re the one that is stopping this, not me.”

  With that, she moved away, and he let her go without saying a word, or fighting for her.

  Closing his eyes, he listened to his door close quietly. He had hurt her. Rebecca was all hard ass until you got to know her. She was hurting inside, and she was going to hide it.

  Rubbing at his eyes, he walked toward his en suite bathroom.

  He was a rich man and had every single luxury that wealth could offer. No matter what he touched, he turned it into profit, and he relished loyalty above everything else. He didn’t care about anything else, the bottom line. What he wanted was people to be loyal to him, to his company, and to their future together.

  It was how he had built up a successful business, one his wife had been so proud of. Stepping under the shower after he removed his clothes, he turned the water on. It was freezing cold, which was exactly how he needed it to be able to focus on something other than this building pain inside him.

  Releasing a breath, he once again rubbed his eyes. In the back of his mind were all the arguments and accusations for sleeping with someone so young, and yet he couldn’t help how alive he’d been in Rebecca’s company.

  Seeing as Bella was suffering from a broken heart, he had been spending a lot of time with Rebecca. They had played board games, watched movies, and she had even read stories to him. She’d been in his office as he worked, and argued on the phone. They cooked together, and throughout it all he’d had fun. She was … everything.

  She was also his daughter’s friend.

  He needed to keep that as a mantra going around in his head. Every time he looked at her, every time he thought something sexy or dirty, every time he wanted, yearned, craved, he would remember that she was his little girl’s friend, and it would keep him away.

  He hoped.

  Chapter Three

  It didn’t take long for Alaric to finally win Bella over, and Rebecca moved out of her friend’s house, and back into her own apartment. She also had to open her restaurant back up, and right now, she was standing in the center looking around the room at all the fancy laden tables. No one was in yet, so
she was able to get some peace at the moment and look at what was hers.

  Only, she felt empty. Rebecca’s, the name of her place, looked like everything her parents wanted for her. If she was going to be a chef, they wanted her to have the best, a place for them to show off to their clients. They had a daughter who cooked fancy food, and they were always driving her to get the accolades, but the truth was, she only ever wanted to be about good home food. As silly as it was, considering her rich parents, she wanted to be the kind of cook that was on the television. She wanted to inspire, and to create food that people wanted to eat, not visit once in a blue moon at a fancy restaurant.

  “Are you okay?” Oliver asked.

  She turned to see her barman entering the restaurant. “I’m fine. I’ve just accepted the new wine order.”

  “You’re looking sad again. I’ve noticed that you rarely look at this place as a dream, and more of a weight that you must carry.” Oliver put his jacket on the chair next to him, and sat down.

  “It’s nothing. Just looking at the fact we’re heading toward another year.”

  “Another year of you hating what you do,” he said.

  Oliver was the first man that she’d hired. Her parents had wanted her to use some kind of wine expert. She had put her foot down, and said she wanted a barman she could trust, who didn’t just know how to pour wine, but to make cocktails. Not that it mattered, Oliver’s skills were never really put to the test anyway.

  “Do you like working here?” she asked, tucking some hair behind her ear, and stepping close.

  He sighed, and slapped his hands down on his thighs. “It’s a job, and right now, it’s a job that I really need.”

  “So no?”

  “I like working for you. Believe it or not, Rebecca, you’re not a bad boss, not at all. I think what I find so sad is that I’ve never seen you enjoy what you do.”

  She smiled, and then glanced at the keys to the restaurant. “I always wanted to cook. I loved being in the kitchen. My mom wasn’t much of a cook, but from the moment that I could walk anywhere I wanted, I was always in the kitchen. I’d watch our cook make cookies, all of this elaborate food, and she would even cook stuff my parents would never eat. Home cooked food, stews, cobblers, casserole, everything that makes your hips expand, but once you take that bite, you know you’ve come home, you know?”


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