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SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology

Page 10

by Joseph P. Farrell

  Skorzeny most likely was a front man for other more high-ranking Nazis, since he was the son-in-law to former Reichsbank president Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht.

  But if Nazi penetration of America’s postwar intelligence and national security apparatus was a Trojan Horse operation under the banner of a “united front against Communism”, what of the dispersal of Nazi scientists and technology? Could the notorious Operation Paperclip - America’s secret postwar program to recruit top Nazi scientists and engineers - have also been viewed, at least on the German side, as a similar operation?

  While the evidence is scanty, it is nonetheless provocative. It begins with America’s High Commissioner in Germany in the immediate postwar period: John J. McCloy. When Werner Von Braun refused to work for the American space program without his former army boss, General Walter Dornberger – who had in the meantime been sentenced by the war crimes tribunals to be hung – it was McCloy who stepped in and granted Dornberger a full pardon.43 In fact, McCloy pardoned over seventy thousand Nazis accused of war crimes.44 Perhaps this is not surprising, since McCloy was a “lawyer in the employ of I.G. Farben” after World War One, and had shared a box with Hitler himself during the 1936 Berlin Olympic games.45 And last, but not least, McCloy, like Allen Dulles, also served on the Warren Commission.

  Once in the U.S., the Nazi scientists were, of course, watched closely….but not, it seems, too closely. As Keith notes, “Walter Jessel, an interrogator of the German rocket scientists for the army, claimed that there was a conspiracy between von Braun, Dornberger, and Dornberger’s chief of staff to withhold information from U.S. officers.”46 Given the fact that Von Braun’s rockets successfully became the backbone of America’s space program, up to and including the Apollo moon rockets, as well as became the backbone for America’s intercontinental ballistic missiles, an important question thus occurs: what possibly could Von Braun and Dornberger have been withholding?

  They may have been withholding technical information, since this was not an isolated instance. As the following incident indicates, three other German scientists brought to the USA

  were found to have illegal mail drops in El Paso, Texas, where they received money and coded messages from foreign sources. Other instances of Nazi scientists receiving money from unknown sources were not investigated by the military, including an instance when one third of the German Paperclip group simultaneously bought expensive cars that they were reportedly unable to afford on their salaries. There were also repeated suspicions that rockets were being sabotaged, and that components were missing from recovered missiles.47

  If so, then the Gehlenorg offered the perfect means to spirit any developed technology out of America and into “the right hands”.

  Keith concludes his scenario with the following observations:

  The controlling reins of German technologies such as rockets, advanced aircraft, and atomics were never fully surrendered; inner circle control, through knowledge obtainable only in the inner circle, was retained by Nazis and their sympathizers.

  ….It is in this environment of extensive collaboration and infiltration by Nazis and fascists, a collaboration that involves a long-term continuance of Nazi goals separated from earlier German territorial goals, and an overall shepherding and betrayal by international monied interests, government and intelligence agencies, that America’s descent into totalitarianism, genocide and mind control becomes understandable, and the Alternative 3 template first becomes visible.48

  Keith’s scenario is clear enough, and it is the same one – in broad outline – adopted here, namely:

  (1) That with the dispersal of Nazi technology, scientists and engineers into postwar Allied, Soviet, and possibly into covert and independent research programs more directly under Nazi control, and

  (2) That with the grafting of Gehlen’s Fremde Heere Ost with its extensive espionage network inside the Iron Curtain into American intelligence, a powerful clandestine organization was created, an organization with international reach, ambitions, and finance behind it.

  Only such an organization could attempt to maintain two space programs, one for public consumption, and another, entirely off the books, to further the interests, agenda, and power of the elite that controlled it. Only such an organization could attempt to coordinate the otherwise independent “public” space programs of the two superpowers.

  Seen in this light, it is easier to see why there was such a heavy Nazi presence in the web of relationships involved in the assassination of President Kennedy, for with his threat to “smash the CIA into a thousand pieces,” he was taking deliberate aim at one of the power structures for this international rogue element. To ensure its continued survival and the survival of its projects and agenda, Kennedy had to go.

  4. The William Lyne Version

  Also at the bizarre end of the spectrum of the Two Space Programs Hypothesis is the version of New Mexico author and conspiriologist William Lyne, who outlines his version in three books, Pentagon Aliens (formerly entitled Space Aliens from the Pentagon), Occult Ether Physics, and Occult Science Dictatorship. Many dismiss his work, simply because of an abundance of very bizarre and oftentimes outlandish assertions, while overlooking some significant insights and hints that also characterize his works, oftentimes sandwiched between assertions that either repeat the standard “Nazi Legend” of the UFO or of “Hitler Survival” while liberally adding new elements.

  For example, Lyne asserts – without any substantiation – that Adolf and Eva Hitler not only survived the war, but were flown out of Germany in a flying saucer piloted by the famous German pilot Hanna Reitsch and German Luftwaffe ace Hans Ulrich Rudel!49 As if that were not enough, he adds that they lived happily ever after in Kassel, Germany, protected by a secret NATO agreement,50 and that on the invitation of President Lyndon Johnson, visited the San Antonio World’s Fair in Texas,51 where later, apparently, Adolf, exercising as ever his attraction to art, and lovely wife Eva visited a west Texas art show where Lyne happened to be sitting sketching pictures! And Lyne leaves no detail to chance, for he even describes the visit by burly security personnel, combing through the art show booths, prior to the arrival of the Führer! If one can imagine an elderly and sweltering Hitler hobbling along in his ever-present double-breasted suit(sans swastika, of course) and porkpie hat with wife Eva dutifully in tow and perhaps filming the whole visit for her famous home movies, one has an appreciation for why many dismiss out of hand the entirety of Lyne’s other assertions and claims.

  For example, Lyne also asserts that

  During the war, German scientists bypassed development of the “atom bomb”, and built and tested the neutron bomb. German field Marshall (sic) Erwin Rommel and the Afrika Korps were originally sent to North Africa to test the neutron bomb, as well as Tesla’s “death ray” (which freezes whole armies); this technology was acquired by American corporations, held chiefly by David Rockefeller, and was later sold in part back to the U.S. government and tested in the ‘60s, and the same technology was again sold to the U.S. government in the ‘70s and ‘80s as “Star Wars”(“SDI” or “Strategic Defense Initiative Technology.”52

  While the assertion sounds wild and fantastic, and indeed, your author does not believe any neutron bomb was ever tested by the Nazis in Africa or elsewhere, in fairness to Lyne it should be recalled that the alleged Ohrdruf test of a nuclear device that took place on March 4, 1945,53 was of a device with a small critical mass, an event that – if it indeed happened – could only have occurred via the process of “boosted fission,” whereby a neutron-emitting source is added to the critical mass assembly, allowing more neutrons into the initial chain reaction and accordingly a lower critical mass. This is one step away, in a certain sense, from the neutron bomb. Likewise it should be pointed out that when Lyne’s assertion was first made in July 1993 in the first printing of Pentagon Aliens (under its former title Space Aliens from the Pentagon) the allegations of the Ohrduf test and other German nuclear tests du
ring the war were just beginning to surface, making it unlikely that Lyne based his assertion on these German sources.

  Lyne’s assertions do not end there, however. He adds even more anecdotal detail to the mix:

  (When) prisoners from Rommel’s Afrika Korps were brought to Roswell, New Mexico (!) they carried some rather strange post cards apparently printed by Rommel’s field lithographers, showing New York City being destroyed by a mushroom cloud. The camp commandant, Dave Dunn, who later became an engineer with Union Oil Company of California in their Midland, Texas Office, and who prepared the U.S.G.S. for President John F. Kennedy in 1962, thought these were humorous, and showed me one he had saved as a souvenir. The fact was, however, that Rommel’s main mission in the Libyan desert, was testing the neutron bomb. The post cards carried by his troops were a ‘morale builder’, which superimposed the photolithograph of the mushroom cloud of the bomb they had actually tested and photographed, over a photolithograph of New York City, in a composite. The claims by Manhattan Project members, that they built the first ATOM bomb – from German plans – was true. Einstein had brought the stolen plans to us with the firm belief that we would use the A-bomb on Germany. Since the Allies had already succeeded in obtaining the German plans for he A-bomb, Werner Heisenberg merely sidestepped the A-bomb, and built the N-bomb. The question to me was not “if”, but “how” (did the Germans make their neutron bomb)?54

  This passage is classic Lyne, interlarding details and insinuations that, in the light of the research of German authors Meyer, Mehner, and others, make sense, along with details and insinuations that make no sense. For example, Lyne claims that David Dunn found the postcard of New York City being a-bombed (or n-bombed), “humorous.” One has difficulty imagining how any rational human, much less an American, could find such a postcard humorous. This detail casts a pall of dubiousness once again over the whole passage, as does the assertion that any a-bomb plans existed at the time Einstein emigrated from Germany to the USA, much less that Einstein actually managed to steal them from the security-and Jew-obsessed Nazis. Yet, in these bizarre assertions, Lyne is also clearly insinuating a connection between Nazi science, its actual accomplishments, and the Manhattan Project, and all that again in a book published prior to that of Meyer, Mehner, or Friedrich Georg in Germany, or Carter Hydrick in the USA, works which are heavily referenced and researched, and by no means the merely “anecdotal” character of Lyne’s Pentagon Aliens.

  To round out the picture even more, Lyne also points out the mysterious substance “red mercury”, or mercury antimony oxide, which, like Lyne’s work itself, is a substance with its own ambiguous and dubious legend:

  Dr. Sam Cohen, inventor of the American neutron bomb, traces the production and sale of a mysterious substance called “red mercury” to Russia. Red mercury is mercury antimony oxide, specially prepared by irradiation and pressured into a gel to increase its density to create the necessary precondition for a neutron explosion. A small quantity of it can then be used as a nuclear trigger/igniter to detonate a small amount of heavy hydrogen producing the deadly neutrons for a ‘clean bomb.’55 In February, 1992, Russian president Boris Yeltsin signed Directive No 75-RPS, authorizing Preomekologia, a Russian company headed by Yeltsin’s ecological advisor, to “manufacture, purchase, store, transport, deliver, and sell for rubles and foreign currency” ‘red mercury’ in amounts up to ten tons per year. The order was rescinded a year later because of criticism within Russia of export of such a “valuable raw material”. In a spring, 2004 documentary on Britain’s Channel Four (“British PBS”), a Russian nuclear chemist confirmed he had worked with red mercury since 1965, that it is currently produced in a factory in the central Russian town of Ekaterinburg, and that fusion weapons have been made in Russia from it. Cohen believes red mercury represents one of the greatest threats for potential terrorists to produce ‘baseball bombs’ from it….If the Germans indeed tested a neutron bomb in North Africa, I would bet that is was produced with red mercury, since the Russians employed German metallurgists and nuclear chemists in their nuclear program, and it was they who produced Germany’s WWII supply of plutonium purer that any ever produced….56

  Again, one encounters Lyne’s typical mixture of the seemingly outlandish and bizarre with actual fact, for indeed, Dr. Sam Cohen, the inventor of the neutron bomb, did express such fears and reservations concerning red mercury, while other scientists loudly dismissed the substance and its reputed ability to initiate thermonuclear fusion as a complete hoax. And the substance does resemble a mysterious substance also used in The Bell.57

  As was seen, Lyne ends his “red mercury” foray with another fantastic claim, that during World War Two the Germans managed to manufacture plutonium of great purity, an assertion that calls into question the Allied Legend in a very direct way, since to manufacture plutonium of any purity one must first possess a functioning nuclear reactor, which the Germans were not supposed to have achieved during the war.

  But again, one cannot be too hasty in dismissing his assertion, for as was detailed in my previous book Reich of the Black Sun, the alleged Nazi test of an a-bomb in 1945 at Ohrdruf was of a high yield device of a critical mass of no more than 100 grams, a fact which, if true, is only possible with very pure plutonium and boosted fission. That is to say, Lyne once again has made a claim that, oddly, has been paralleled by similar and subsequent allegations originating from post-reunification Germany, and the much more substantial research of German researchers who, in addition to citing anecdotal stories from elderly witnesses or relatives of witnesses, also seek to corroborate their stories by documentation or other means.

  Lyne’s tail of a neutron bomb test thus also begins to pry open the door to his version of the Two Space Program Hypothesis, for it clearly indicates that one primary element is what the Nazis actually accomplished versus what we have been told that they accomplished. Yet another primary aspect of Lyne’s version of the Hypothesis also emerges from this strange account, and that is the secret development of a science and technology otherwise suppressed. And this brings us, at last, to Lyne’s version of the Hypothesis itself. There are three aspects to his version: (1) Public Consumption Relativistic Physics Versus Occulted Aether Physics, (2) The National Security Act and Scientific Suppression, and (3) The Role of Nazis in the above.

  a. Public Consumption Versus Occulted Aether Physics

  Lyne outlines his case for an occulted physics and technology in a series of clearly stated and provocative questions, and then an equally clear and provocative answer:

  Is it possible that an entire area of physics has been declared virtually “occult” and “off-limits” to the public or to private individuals, by a powerful group, so that all science education or data generally available to the public has been “screened” to eliminate references to it? Is it possible that the actual science involved in “electropropulsion”, has been replaced with a “bogus science”, which has been promoted and promulgated to the extent that no one except the ‘esoteric elite’ knows the truth? And if so, has the “occult” science become the exclusive province of a very few specially selected corporate/government “priests”?

  …..The high priests of this occult knowledge are the elite owners of the coercive monopolist corporate banking, industrial, mineral and related interests, who in turn allow the initiation of certain scientists, military and government officials into their secret teaching only insofar as it is necessary, to execute and maintain a conspiracy of giant proportions, so that the technology can be classified as a “state secret” which can be controlled and enforced by means of unconstitutional “national security laws”, military and civilian legal authority, and police. These measures are intended to protect the archaic technology and resources controlled by the elite, from the competition of a truly free market society.58

  Note the insinuation that the national security apparatus of any nation is involved in this conspiracy. We shall return to this aspect of Lyne’s version of t
he Hypothesis in a moment.

  For Lyne, the suppression of “occulted aether physics” requires a program consisting of two central elements: (1) the suppression of exotic physics that at one time or another entered the public record, regardless of how obscure the record or how limited the public may have been. As will be seen in a moment, this includes various tactics to make it difficult to reconstruct the suppressed physics. (2) The second element is the creation of an alternative version of physics for “public consumption” or as Lyne puts it – also clearly delineating where he thinks the blame lies for the dead end of physics in the 20the century – giving the public “relativistic bromides” packed with exotic phrases like “the ‘fabric’ of ‘spacetime’” and “frame-dragging,” all of which, he says, suggest the idea of what “they” wish to suppress, namely “the existence of an ether (sic, et passim),59” even though that aether is an erroneously conceived “relativistic” aether.60 The reason is deceptively simple: “’Ether Physics’, by its very nature and name, is subatomic physics.”61 Relativistic physics, on the other hand, is the physics of the very large. And as numerous physics texts and popularizations have reiterated countless times, the quest of physics since relativity and the advent of quantum mechanics has been to somehow squeeze the two theories together. So much for the second element; it is clear that Lyne believes Einstein’s relativity theories to be a crucial component of the creation of a “public consumption physics,” a physics guaranteed to dead-end.


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