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SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology

Page 12

by Joseph P. Farrell

  1. “The most probable medium filling space is one consisting of independent carriers immersed in an insulating fluid.”

  2. “In his experiments he dwells first on some phenomena produced by electrostatic force, which he considers in the light of modern theories to be the most important force in nature for us to investigate.”

  3. “He illustrates how mechanical motions are produced by a varying electrostatic force acting through a gaseous medium,”

  4. “One of the most interesting results arrived at in pursuing these experiments, is the demonstration of the fact that a gaseous medium upon which vibration is impressed by rapid changes of electrostatic potential, is rigid.”

  5. “If through this medium enormous electrostatic stresses are assumed to act, which vary rapidly in intensity, it would allow the motion of a body through it, yet it would be rigid and elastic, although the fluid itself might be devoid of these properties.”

  6. “…on the assumption that the independent carriers are of any configuration such that the fluid resistance to motion in one direction is greater than in another, a stress of that nature would cause the carriers to arrange themselves in groups, since they would turn to each other their sides of the greatest electrical density, in which position the fluid resistance to approach would be smaller than to receding.”

  7. “If in a medium of the above characteristics a brush would be formed by a steady potential, an exchange of the carriers would go on continuously, and there would be less carriers per unit volume in the brush than in the space at some distance from the electrode, this corresponding to rarefaction.”

  8. “If the potentials were rapidly changing, the result would be very different; the higher the frequency of the pulses, the slower would be the exchange of carriers; finally, the motion of translation through measurable space would cease and, with a sufficiently high frequency and intensity of the stress, the carriers would be drawn towards the electrode, and compression would result.”97

  Lyne summarizes the practical nature of these insights as follows:

  1. Mechanical motions can be produced by varying electrostatic force acting through a gaseous (ether) medium, which thereby becomes rigidified, yet allows solid bodies to pass through.

  2. Under influence of stress in one direction… the carriers may group together, forming tubes of force, creating greater ease of movement in that direction.

  3. When a (direct current) brush is created by a steady potential, a continuous exchange of carriers is created corresponding to ether rarefaction, as the tubes of force are drawn into the conductor.

  4. With a sufficiently high frequency and stress intensity in the opposite direction, carrier exchange is blocked by ether compression, forcing the tubes of force to dissolve in the conductors of the ship, imparting electromagnetic momentum. The system, using the two kinds of potentials (direct current and alternating current), is known as “p2”.98

  The last point assumes a particular significance in the light not only of Tesla’s quest for an electrically propelled flying machine, but also, as we shall see, in the light of the known design and operating principles of the Bell.

  Lyne, summarizing Tesla’s views on the aether and electrical circuits as open systems, notes that electrical motive force is not due merely to “varying currents” but to “rarefaction and compression of the ether” brought about by rapidly varying and different kinds of currents.99 The implication was that, while as early as 1884 Tesla had done calculations for his flying machine when he first immigrated to the United States,100 he later claimed that his “dirigible torpedo” could achieve speeds of 300 miles per second, or an incredible 1,080,000 miles per hour!101

  The idea of the compression and rarefaction of the aether via electrical stress caused by two types of electrical potential, coupled with the idea of the structure of matter being nothing but vorticular motion in that aether, makes Tesla’s views far ahead of their time. Indeed, by discovering the twin characteristics of the aether as longitudinal compression and rarefaction, as well as vorticular motion, Tesla laid the foundations of “scalar physics” as we shall see when we examine the work of Tom Bearden. Tesla actually went so far as to discover the “endothermic explosion” (cold explosion) uses of such wave phenomena:

  Tesla discovered that by using a low frequency beam-directed pulse, he could cause, at the quarter wavelength, the eruption of a large electromagnetic pulse which could, by carrying a much higher exciting wave, excite the atmospheric gases in a region, to explosively expand them, followed by a tremendous implosion and the absorption of a great amount of heat in the area, causing immediate freezing. This process would create an initial explosive shock wave followed by the implosive return wave, similar to nuclear detonation. For example, by using a low frequency of 60 (cycles per second), with a wavelength of 3,100 miles, directed by carrier-beam, a pulse could be made to erupt at one-quarter wavelength – 775 miles, corrected to 751 miles by velocity factor. By superimposing an exciting frequency of say 50 megahertz or so, the atmospheric gases could be excited to cause a “cold implosion” which absorbs heat. By altering the wavelength and the direction of propagation, the results could be delivered to any terrestrial point.102

  Keep in mind this “cold explosion” and “explosive atmospheric heating” at a distance, for these will be seen to be significant signatures of scalar weapons deployment. Indeed, Tesla chose his name for his new force – “teleforce” – very carefully, for that very name designated the application of “force at a distance.”103 And as will be seen in the next chapter, the electrical stress of the medium via two types of potential, in addition to high frequency pulsation, and vorticular motion, appears to be the very principles in operation in the Bell.

  From what has been stated, it is obvious that Lyne views Tesla’s theoretical and practical work as a prototypical “unified physics” that can develop a technology with a variety of applications, from propulsion to weaponry of planet-busting potential.

  b. The National Security Act and Scientific Suppression

  Tesla’s post-Colorado Springs discoveries were deemed “not fit for public consumption.” And this required, of course, an entity to coordinate and monitor the suppression of such physics and to coordinate any further secret development of it, to promulgate a “public” version of physics destined to proffer untestable theories publicly while privately developing entirely different paradigms, and to coordinate the secret development of exotic physics and associated technologies. That entity Lyne believes was created, or perhaps better put, was sanctioned by the National Security Act of 1947.

  To corroborate this, Lyne observes that Tesla’s contemporary, friend, and biographer, John J. O’Niell, who wrote the classic biography Prodigal Genius: The Life of Nikola Tesla, attempted no less than three times to publish the book, all in the same month! Lyne quips:

  In case you are wondering, the three publishings in the same month were not due to landslide sales at the bookstores, but rather to O’Niell’s having been threatened and censored by the FBI, and forced to republish several times because of their deletion and censoring of material which to this day is still classified.104

  Tesla, contrary to government disinformation, was a careful note taker. As Lyne puts it, “the notes on his Colorado Springs experiments alone were enough for a large-format book of 433 pages.”105 And over his entire lifetime, Tesla managed to produce more than a railroad boxcar full of material, most of which was confiscated by the FBI on his death, as only 150,000 documents were released to his Serbian relations in Yugoslavia.106

  (1) Strange Nazi Parallels

  At this juncture Lyne’s version of the Two Space Programs Hypothesis begins to take its final shape. Lyne states that after the arrival of Von Braun and other Project Paperclip scientists in the US after the world war, the military-intelligence community from Air Technical Command at “Wright-Patterson Air Force Base hurried up to the warehouses of the Custodian of Alien Properties, and took possessi
on of all the Tesla materials. They removed them to Wright-Patterson, and every bit of them have been classified at the highest level ever since, the government having declassified NONE of them.”107 In other words, the Air Force had discovered something in the Nazi research that was based upon and a further elaboration of some aspect of Tesla’s work.

  c. The Nazi Role in Occulted Aether Physics

  (1) Roswell, MJ-12, and Disinformation

  Lyne believes that the answer to that question is very specific, and that part of the answer lies not only in the creation of the National Security apparatus of the United States in 1947, but in the undue influence that the Paperclip Nazis continued to exercise within that community. For example, Lyne quite openly states that the entire Roswell incident was “an SS hoax”, perpetrated by the Paperclip Nazis in New Mexico who were, in fact, SS officers.108 As a result of the American confiscation of the most sensitive Nazi scientific documents, Lyne believes unhesitatingly that not only is most UFOlogy manipulated by the CIA or other intelligence agencies, but also that the MAJIC-12 documents are an elaborate disinformation campaign hatched within the bowels of the intelligence community,109 possessing partial truth, and partial falsehood. Similarly, and for our purposes, more importantly, Lyne points out the obvious fact that since such Nazi documentation as concerned itself with such exotic physics, weapons and propulsion systems was confiscated by America (or, equally plausible, remained under German control or at least influence), then the so-called “plans” and “documents” of the SS supposedly detailing Nazi flying saucers are also fakes, part of an elaborate disinformation campaign.110

  But oddly, and most chillingly, Lyne points out that the two largest and most notorious agencies established by the National Security Act, The Central Intelligence Agency and The National Security Agency, are but direct English translations or metaphrases of Reichsicherheithauptamt, the infamous R.S.H.A, which may be literally translated as “National Security Agency” and loosely also connotes a central, or main, clearing office, or “central intelligence” or “security” agency.111

  (2) Von Braun’s Alleged Pre-War “P2” Project in New Mexico

  Given all that Lyne alleges concerning Tesla’s views and his “p2” lecture in London demonstrating electromotive properties of two plates with different types of potential (alternating and direct current), it is a short and, one must admit, believable step for Lyne to maintain that this work quickly came to the attention of the Nazis, who like the Soviets a generation later, were searching for areas of anomalous or exotic physics to exploit, elaborate, and develop. Thus, Lyne maintains that before the war, Werner Von Braun and a small and select team of German scientists went to New Mexico and there performed preliminary experiments on Tesla’s ideas, a project Lyne calls the “p2” project, after Tesla’s two different potentials.112

  Having assured themselves of the viability of Tesla’s science, Lyne asserts that Von Braun and company returned to Germany where the work was continued in great secrecy and behind a number of “camouflage” black projects, such as rockets and “aerodynamic saucers.” The cover-up continued after the war under the aegis of the National Security Act and the Nazi-influenced CIA, which had taken over the whole of German military intelligence on the Eastern Front, General Reinhard Gehlen’s Fremde Heere Ost (Foreign Armies East). These combined government, military, corporate, and Nazi entities conspired to conceal the aether physics behind Relativity. This Teslian “aether physics”, according to Lyne, is the “’classified science’ that the government conceals pursuant to the National Security Act.”113

  What is one to make of Lyne’s version?

  First, while certainly possessing its outlandish and fantastic elements, it is clear that many aspects of it resonate with other researchers’ more recent inquiries. In fact, it was Lyne who first connected Tesla, exotic Nazi technology, the Nazi influence in the postwar American military-industrial complex, and the notion of hoaxes and disinformation in the UFOlogy community.

  Second, Lyne clearly believes that there is a suppressed, or occulted, physics, developed in secret, but recoverable if one carefully sifts the published physics papers and views them in a certain way, along the lines of the aether paradigm. This, as will be seen in chapter five, is quite similar to Tom Bearden’s belief in a similar such repressed – but reconstructable – physics.

  Third, Lyne has indicated certain signatures of the application of that physics when weaponized: atmospheric heating or, alternatively, “cold explosions.” Moreover, Lyne has clearly indicated the planet-busting potential of such weapons.

  While most of Lyne’s version of the Hypothesis sounds like the sheerest fantasy, this aspect, at least, is also shared by Bearden, a highly credentialed and widely published scientist.

  5. Both Feet In Atlantis: the “Jan Van Helsing” Version

  On the decidedly bizarre end of the Two Space Programs spectrum are the curious allegations of the pseudonymous “Jan Van Helsing,” a researcher into the occult basis of exotic Nazi technology. Like the other pseudonymous source “William Torbitt” examined previously, Van Helsing outlines a scenario of a coordinated “private” group of secret societies behind the Nazis pursuing exotic weapons technologies. Unlike Torbitt, however, Van Helsing also displays evident sympathy for some of these societies and by implication for the Nazis themselves. Nonetheless, Van Helsing’s allegations are too important to be ignored.

  Van Helsing published his views in a work entitled Secret Societies: Their Power and Influence in the Twentieth Century, a work not easily available except in an excerpted version on the internet.114

  Van Helsing repeats many of the themes of the Nazi UFO Legend, including those that place the beginning of Nazi secret weapons research in very secret pre-war projects of these secret societies, namely, the so-called “Vril Gesellschaft,” named after the “vril” or aetheric energy of Sir Edward Bullwer-Lytton’s famous novels of a long-lost subterranean civilization that had preserved the secrets of this mysterious energy, and the more famous or infamous Thule Gesellschaft, the secret society that actually helped to midwife the Nazi Party into existence. These ideas are nothing new in the lore of the Nazi UFO legend. What is new with Van Helsing are the odd details that he adds to the mix.

  For example, Van Helsing states that the Vril Society “was mainly occupied with the building of UFOs. They had, next to Viktor Schauberger and Dr. W. O. Schumann, also Schriever, Habermohl, Miethe, Epp and Belluzo working for them.”115 In other words, Van Helsing makes the astonishing claim that all of the alleged “flying saucer experts” that were associated with the development of these exotic technologies since Rudolf Lusar first broke the story in the 1950s were members initially of a secret society whose primary purpose was the building of such craft. All the Nazis did, apparently, was to continue the project under their own occult-inspired jurisdiction: the SS.

  But beyond this, Van Helsing also makes two other assertions with this remarkable statement, one very blatant, and the other only implied. In the first case, he baldly asserts that world-renowned scientist and physicist W.O. Schumann, discoverer of the so-called “Schumann Resonance” of the earth, was himself an initiate into this society, and was cooperating on these projects. In the second case, Van Helsing is clearly implying by his unsubstantiated allegation that some group inside Germany was involved in the secret development of an “off-the-books” physics and technology long before the Nazis came to power. In this, his allegations are similar to those who believe that the 1890s “airship” flaps in the USA were brought about by a secret group that had covertly designed, perfected, tested, and flown the first “airships”.

  Were these the only allegations that Van Helsing makes, it would be fairly easy to simply dismiss them with a smile and a chuckle, and move on. However, Van Helsing also couples his allegations to the known occult doctrines of these secret societies as the primary motivation behind the Nazi projects, and in so doing, proposes his own “Nazi” version of the Tw
o Space Programs Hypothesis. The importance of his allegations lies, therefore, in its odd corroboration of Richard Hoagland’s belief that many NASA launches and mission “logos” were coordinated in reference to occult doctrine and practice, particularly to celestial alignments.

  This strange history begins, according to Van Helsing, in 1917, during World War One, when

  The occultist BARON RUDOLF VON SEBOTTENDORFF, the Gurdjeff (sic) disciple KARL HAUSHOFER, the ace pilot LOTHAR WAIZ, PRELATE GERNOT of the secret “Societas Templi Marcioni” (The Inheritors of the Knights Templar) and MARIA ORSIC, a transcendental medium from Zagreb met in Vienna. They all had extensively studied the “Golden Dawn”, its teachings, rituals and especially its knowledge about Asian secret lodges. Sebottendorff and Haushofer were experienced travelers of India and Tibet and much influenced by the teachings and myths of those places. During the First World War Karl Haushofer had made contacts with one of the most influential secret societies of Asia, the Tibetan Yellow Hats (dGe-lugs-pa). This sect was formed in 1409 by the Buddhist reformer Tsong-kha-pa. Haushofer was initiated and swore to commit suicide should his mission fail. The contacts between Haushofer and the Yellow Hats led in the Twenties to the formation of Tibetan colonies in Germany.

  The four young people hoped that during these meetings in Vienna they would learn something about the secret revolutionary texts of the Knights Templar and also about the secret fraternity DIE HERREN VOM SCHWARZEN STEIN (“The Lords of the Black Stone”).116


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