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SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology

Page 34

by Joseph P. Farrell

  e. Metal similar to lead with a chocolate brown color;

  f. U-235 in metallic form;

  g. Plastic-like material similar to NE 102;

  h. Beryllium;

  i. Pure aluminum;

  h.(sic) Thorium isotope material;

  j. (sic) plutonium powder.47

  As I point out in Reich of the Black Sun, this list of materials, while exotic, was not beyond the technological capabilities of l940s manufacture, either for Germany or for America. But what is unusual is that these materials are all components of what the document itself specifies is a “neutronic engine.” Moreover, as other MAJIC-12 documents make clear, some of the scientists consulted by the early Roswell investigators were precisely the Paperclip expatriates Von Braun, Steinhof, and others.

  As is likewise observed in Reich of the Black Sun, this exotic mixture of materials, like much else in the documents’ technical descriptions of the Roswell wreckage, points to technologies clearly associated with the Bell, technologiues similar to “Xerum 525”, and thus clearly point to Nazi Germany.48

  E. A Summary and Conclusions

  So, looking back over part two, what does one have?

  1. The Bell represented the culmination of a project possibly begun in the mid-1920s, under the instigation and inspiration of Walther Gerlach;

  2. The Bell was intentionally designed, if one combines the insightful views of Witkowski with my own speculations, as “a plasma trap” and oscillator designed to subject highly doped radioactive elements in compound with mercury to extremes of mechanical rotation and electrical stress;

  3. The purpose of this device may have been, in part, to test the gravitational, vorticular, and “scalar” physics implications of Gerlach’s and his student Hilgenberg’s views of the vorticular structure of matter and of the aether itself, the ultimate ingredients in any planet-busting doomsday weapon;

  4. Thus, the project may have been inspired in part by a paleophysical “reconstruction” of ancient esoteric and classical texts regarding the properties of mercury and its “transmutability”, as Gerlach’s references to “alchemy” suggest;

  5. Thus, the project may have also been intended to study not only the uses of this theory and technology for energy production and propulsion, but, as the existence of “Xerum 525” and its similarities to the alleged “ballotechnic” Red Mercury suggest, it may also have been intended to create and or investigate the areas of extremely high density matter states and their use as potential weapons in their own right, as distinct from any “scalar” weapons potential as may have existed under point 3 above.

  Thus stated it is small wonder that the SS went to such extreme lengths to protect and preserve the secrets of the Bell. After all, what little is known of it is known only from one war crimes trial affidavit of an SS general being tried in postwar Poland for crimes against his own SS, and from the handful of surviving concentration camp victims who worked on the project or in its immediate environs, and who witnessed its effects. And of course, one of its original team members, Dr. Kurt Debus, was subsequently employed by NASA in a very critical position: as a director of the Kennedy Space Flight Center in Florida. Interestingly enough, Debus never once mentioned any connection, or gave any inkling, of the existence of a project as secret and as advanced as the Bell. Were it not for the action of the Polish government declassifying SS General Sporrenberg’s – the general who was actually tasked with murdering the Bell’s research technicians for the SS - war crimes trial affidavit, were it not for the stories of the few remaining eyewitnesses, and for the efforts of Igor Witkowski, nothing whatsoever would be known of it to this day.

  But what they do tell is enough, if one follows the technical and theoretical clues through to their modern physics analogues, for they tell of a physics, a technology, a propulsion and a weaponry so advanced and so potentially destructive, that their conceptual basis remains hidden and cloaked behind the “public consumption physics” of relativity and an equally if not more severely flawed nineteenth century electrodynamics. Something else altogether occurred in Nazi Germany; some other paradigm was adopted early on and pursued with all the economic and scientific resources and intellectual brilliance that a modern and technologically sophisticated great power could muster. A whole new paradigm of physics – a combination of vortex aether, scalar, quantum-electrodynamic and nuclear physics – appears not only to have been outlined, but conceptually and experimentally developed. And if the speculation introduced here is correct, the Bell may represent a project begun approximately nine years before the Nazis even took power.

  And the SS murdered its own to keep it a secret.

  It stands to reason, then, that no personage, no matter how lofty, would be secure from a similar fate, if he threatened to expose the existence of such a technology or to expose the groups continuing to develop it in the utmost occulted secrecy.

  Igor Witkowski’s Sketch of the Bell (Courtesy Igor Witkowski’s The Truth About the Wunderwaffe)

  “Myron’s” Sketch of the Kecksburg Acorn,Allegedly Taken to Wright Patterson Air Force Base where heglimpsed it.

  1 S.M. Shires, Mercuric Pyro-Antimonate,>, p. 1.

  2 Prof. Dr. Walther Gerlach, “The Transmutation of Mercury into Gold, ,” Frankfurter Zeiting, evening edition, Friday, July 18, 1924. My translation from the German. Emphasis added.

  3 Q.v. chapter 5.

  4 Joseph P. Farrell, Reich of the Black Sun (Kempton, Illinois: Adventures Unlimited Press, 2004), p. 335.

  5 The reason that an atom bomb is required as a “trigger” in a conventional hydrogen bomb is that, according to standard nuclear and thermonuclear theory, the enormous heat and pressures required to initiate fusion reactions can only be achieved by an atom bomb, which heats the atoms of deuterium and tritium – heavy hydrogen isotopes with one and two extra neutrons in their nuclei respectively – with enough energy to cause enough of them to collide and fuse into helium atoms, with a corresponding tremendous explosive release of energy and burst of neutrons. The neutrons which are not required by the helium atom are “kicked out” to form a deadly, but short-lived radiation. Thus, most of the long-lived radiation in a conventional hydrogen bomb comes not from the fusion reaction, but from the fission reaction of the atomic bomb that triggers the hydrogen bomb.

  6 Sam Cohen, “The Dove of War,” National Review(December 17, 1995, 56-58,76), p. 56.

  7 Ibid.

  8 Ibid.

  9 Sam Cohen, “The Dove of War,” p. 56.,emphasis added.

  10 I.e., the energy of the explosive “shock” or pressure wave.

  11 Sam Cohen, “The Dove of War,” p. 56.

  12 Ibid.

  13 Ibid.

  14 Sam Cohen, “The Dove of War,” p. 57, emphasis added.

  15 Ibid., p. 97.

  16 Ibid.

  17 Ibid.

  18 Q.v. my Reich of the Black Sun, chapter 4.

  19 The largest hydrogen bomb ever tested was done by the Soviet Union, which tested a deliverable weapon with a yield of 67 megatons in 1962!

  20 For this story, see Peter Hounam and Steve McQuillan’s The Mini-NukeConspiracy: Mandela’s Nuclear Nightmare (Viking: 1995), ISBN 0-670-86925-2.

  21 Hournam and McQuillan note that Russian spy satellite kept a busy eye on (West) Germany’s version of Area 51, a secret preserve in Zaire, central Africa, run by the German firm OTRAG (Orbital Transport and Rockets, AG, a (West) German company involved in cruise missile research. According to Hounam and McQuillan, the Russians also knew a great deal about the extent of South Africa’s nuclear bomb program. “This may,” they observe, “be connected with a spy swap that took place in 1969 between Moscow and Bonn. According to Chinese (!) intelligence sources, several West Germans held in the Soviet Union were swapped with Soviet spy Victor Loginov. The puzzling aspect of this is that Loginov had been caught spying in South Africa and had been secretly handed over to the West Germans.”(p. 141). Consequently, once
again, the finger points back to West Germany, and not Israel, as the real technological broker for South Africa’s nuclear bomb development. The implication is clear: West Germany was using South Africa as a proxy state to develop its own nuclear arsenal, maintaining a strict adherence to the letter, while simultaneously circumventing the spirit of its NATO treaty obligations. This is not to cast aspersions on the West German government for doing so, for no power in its position would rationally rely on the good graces of its former enemies, France, Great Britain, the United States, or the Soviet Union, in the threat of a war or nuclear exchange between East and West.

  22 Sverdlovsk has been renamed to its pre-revolutionary name of Ekaterinburg. This is the same city where Tsar Nicholas, Tsaritsa Alexandra and their family were murdered by the Bolsheviks.

  23 Peter Hounam and Steve McQuillan, The Mini-Nuke Conspiracy:Mandela’s Nuclear Nightmare (Viking: 1995), p. 37.

  24 Peter Hounam and Steve McQuillan, The Mini-Nuke Conspiracy: Mandela’s Nuclear Nightmare (Viking: 1995), p. 58.

  25 Ibid., p. 59.

  26 Ibid., p. 60. This amount of material seems excessively large for such an allegedly rare and costly substance to produce, and is one reason many official atomic energy agencies in the West dismissed the Red Mercury Legend as a hoax or as deliberate Russian disinformation.

  27 Ibid.

  28 Ibid.

  29 Peter Hounam and Steve McQuillan, The Mini-Nuke Conspiracy: Mandela’s Nuclear Nightmare (Viking: 1995), p.62.

  30 Ibid., p. 64.

  31 Hounam and McQuillan also report that a substance reported to be Red Mercury was analyzed by the Bulgarians and found to be an amalgam of mercury and tellurium.(p. 112)

  32 The year 1968 is significant, since this is the first mention in western literature of the same compound, being investigated by explosives manufacturer DuPont.

  33 Peter Hounam and Steve McQuillan, The Mini-Nuke Conspiracy: Mandela’s Nuclear Nightmare (Viking: 1995), p.. 64, emphasis added.

  34 Another form of “salting” appeared to be a compound of mercury antimony oxide “which came with a stick of uranium down the middle.” (Ibid., p. 120) In regard to the topic of “salting”, one South African researcher, in response to all the claims being made for the substance, concluded that without the presence of some radioactive isotope, “if (red mercury) is used in nuclear weapons at all, it may only be as a carrier for radioactive isotopes….Without enriched uranium or plutonium, red mercury remains only a toxic hazard.” (Ibid., p. 126).

  35 Peter Hounam and Steve McQuillan, The Mini-Nuke Conspiracy: Mandela’s Nuclear Nightmare (Viking: 1995), p. 127.

  36 Ibid., note 1, p. 127.

  37 See my Reich of the Black Sun, pp. 80-86.

  38 “A-Waffe”, the wording again is not “Atombombe” but only A-waffe, or “A-weapon”.

  39 Citing Meyer and Mehner, Das Geheimnis der deutschen Atombombe, p.83.

  40 Reich of the Black Sun, pp. 83-85, emphasis in the original.

  41 Q.v. Reich of the Black Sun, p. 85.

  42 Reich of the Black Sun, p. 85

  43 The characterization of Heisenberg’s notorious “Leipzig” experimental reactors as “failures” is another legacy and component of the Allied Legend. The fact that the reactors caught fire and were barely able to be put out, in a kind of proto-Chernobyl meltdown, is based on the assumption that Heisenberg was attempting to construct a conventional reactor. But as a close examination of the experiments and aims he was trying to achieve will demonstrate, Heisenberg, like his Manhattan Project counterparts, was “tickling the dragon’s tail” and attempting to measure neutron cross-sections, all for the probable purpose of obtaining “the next best thing”, namely, an atomic “fizzle” bomb, or “semi-fission” bomb. In that respect, Heisenberg’s experiments were very successful, and doubtless pointed the way to quick achievement of such a bomb. Such a bomb, moreover, placed in the warhead of a V-2, would not require the heavy mechanism of a cannon shooting the critical mass together, since it could be assembled by the sheer kinetic energy of the impact of the warhead on the ground, thus creating the “fizzle” explosion, one much larger than the largest conventional bombs, but one still short of the Hiroshima or Nagasaki atom bombs. Precisely just such a concept is behind German atom bomb designs from that period. The following diagram, in fact, is reproduced in Samuel Goudsmit’s book as a demonstration of the “failure” of German atom bomb physics during the war, since such a device is unlikely to have fissioned completely:

  It will be noted that the bomb contained alternating layers of U235 and paraffin, which is used as a moderator to stop thermal neutrons from initiating fission in the uranium until the bomb smashed against the ground, assembling the critical mass. Note also the small sphere in the center of the device. This, like its Manhattan Bomb “Fat Man” counterpart, is an “urchin” of neutron emitting material that is smashed by the plunger, spitting out more thermal neutrons into the chain reaction. In short, this bomb is designed to “semi-fission” or “fizzle” with a colossal explosion and, more importantly, being a ground impact device, to churn up a massive cloud of deadly radioactivity. Additionally, there is the extremely slight chance that the critical mass assembly in this device, even though assymetrical, may have been fast enough to achieve full fission, though still well below the levels of efficiency as those achieved in the Little Boy bomb.

  44 Q.v.. Geoffrey Brooks, Hitler’s Vengeance Weapons: From V1 to Vimana, pp. 45-49.

  45 ULAT-1 is the name the document gives to the recovered vehicle.

  46 UF6: uranium hexafluoride.

  47 White Hot Intelligence Estimate, cited in Reich of the Black Sun, pp. 294-295. The out-of-alphabetical-sequence itemization is original to the document itself.

  48 Reich of the Black Sun, p. 301.

  Part Three:

  “The Brotherhood”:

  NASA’s Nazis, JFK, and MAJIC-12


  (He takes care to be extremely precise.)

  There was a row of windows. A huge row of windows. Only divided by struts – or structures that prevented it from being one solid window. Or then – it would have been one solid window. And the evil face on the – (He starts to say “leader.”)

  He looks like a German Nazi. He’s a Nazi…” (There is a questioning tone in his voice.)


  “He’s a Nazi. Did he have a uniform?”




  “What kind of uniform?” BARNEY

  “He had a black scarf around his neck, dangling over his left shoulder.” Barney Hill to psychiatrist Benjamin Simon, M.D., under hypnosis, From John G. Fuller’s The Interrupted Journey, p. 116.

  “The old war lords are going to come back. (South America) is full of these Nazis!...They will know that is only one kind of people that would do such a thing… that would have to be the Nazis and that is who is in power.”

  Jack Ruby on the JFK assassins,

  In Kenn Thomas and Lincoln Lawrence, Mind Control Oswald, and JFK: Were we Controlled?, p. 102.


  “The Day After Corso:”

  More MAJIC 12 Documents in the Light of Nazi Technology

  “My boss, General Trudeau, asked me to use the army’s ongoing weapons development and research program as a way to filter the Roswell technology into the mainstream of industrial development through the military defense contracting program.”1

  “The fact that this craft and other flying saucers… seemed to evidence a technology we’d seen evidenced by the Nazis caused the military to assume these flying saucers had hostile intentions and might have even interfered in human events during the war.”2

  Col. Philip J. Corso

  The old adage has it that a picture is worth a thousand words. So, in this chapter of extensive documentary analysis and comparison of their contents with known Nazi technology, perhaps two pictures will be an adequate backdrop for our discussion. I am not the fi
rst to notice this comparison, nor, I imagine, will I be the last. Nonetheless, it is worth mentioning again that fact which most UFOlogists know: that the “modern era” of the UFO began with pilot Kenneth Arnold sighting several silvery metal objects skipping across the skies of Washington state while he was flying his private plane. Arnold’s sighting, just a few days before the celebrated Roswell incident, inaugurated the modern era of the UFO.

  Kenneth Arnold and his Sketch of His UFO, 1947

  But few are aware of the peculiar resemblance of Arnold’s “UFO” to a piece of very real, and very German, hardware already flying in 1939. the Flying Wing of the Horten Brothers.

  The Horten Brothers’ Flying Wing over Göttingen in 1939

  And a close comparison of Arnold’s sketch with the Horten brothers’ designs for a jet-powered flying wing will exhibit even stronger parallels.

  The Hortens’ Design for a Jet Powered Flying Wing

  So, with this pictorial backdrop, let us now review some of the more notorious MAJIC-12 documents.

  A. MAJIC-12 Documentary Analysis

  Many UFOlogists took their cue from Frank Edwards’ bestselling Flying Saucers, Serious Business, maintaining that the early postwar UFO activity was reconnaissance of our military bases, and particularly, of our atomic testing:

  To this growing list of such “coincidences” we should by all means add the following cases:

  The explosions of the first manmade atomic bombs in 1945 were followed by the appearance of UFO’s in numbers in 1949….


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