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SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology

Page 39

by Joseph P. Farrell

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  1. Note that the “S” craft was allegedly a design based on the wartime Louisiana recovery, done with the assistance of the Paper Clip scientists, implying that their special expertise was needed in order to bring the project to completion (“The ‘loaned aircraft’ was acquired in 1945 from the Air Technical Services Command (ATSC, now AEDC, Air Force Systems Command). The “S” aircraft was was (sic) designed from a aerodyne (sic) recovered in 1942 in Lousiana(sic). Reconstruction commenced in 1945 with the assistance of German scientists at Wright Field.”

  2. Note also that the propulsion unit is both atomic and magnetic – like the Bell -and has some connection to Tesla, implying a kind of field propulsion. (“Propulsion programs tried to duplicate the atomic power plant found on the aerodyne captured in Lousiana (sic) and integrated the magnetic drive system developed by Tesla.”) These statements corroborate William Lyne’s version of the Two Space Programs Hypothesis, with his peculiar reliance on Tesla’s ideas.

  3. Note that the “S” aircraft lacks an adequate ejection mechanism for ejection at high altitudes and/or high performance, a problem specifically solved by wartime Nazi research in conjunction with their own research into high altitude high performance ramjet aircraft. The report mentions the building of 12 “S” aircraft.

  4. The craft were developed to carry and deploy atomic weapons remotely.

  5. Finally and most importantly, the Air Force apparently developed Blue Book as a deep cover story to cloak the development of these craft and conceal their extraordinary flight characteristics behind the ET Myth as a disinformation operation designed to persuade the Soviets that the US had no such technological capability. This suggests that the nature of the recovered craft in Missouri in 1941 and Louisiana in 1942 were of extraordinary, though terrestrial and unknown, origin.

  9: Document 10: Edward Teller’s Pitch to president Reason for SDI:


  1 2 TJC


  Edward Teller’s pitch to President Reagan for SDI

  I wish to bring to your attention of a very real(sic) and dangerous situation that threatens not only us, the world, but our very existence as a race. For over forty years I have been involved in developing advanced technologies in the defense of this country which would insure our security, freedom, and our form of government from surprise attack. As you must be aware, the Defense Department has initiated several space defense programs of vast proportions and at great expense. But there is a new and alarming development of which I am compelled to inform you of(sic). A menace greater that the nuclear arms race exists. It does not originate here on earth but comes from space itself. The agent of mass destruction has no reasoning psychology other than the ultimate destruction of our civilization and our way of life as we know it.

  Obtaining critical information of this menace has been hard and time consuming and the facts seem to be tangled among dark threats of ultimate destruction; our innate fear of the unknown has interfered with our ability to comprehend it. A space attack could be real in the near future bringing with it the truth that by our inaction global war could be immensely accelerated. No longer can the United States be in the position which it found itself in 1947. This was realized and in January 1950 President Truman made the decision to go ahead with a defense program exceeding in scope and cost of the Manhattan Project. Late in president Eisenhower’s office, several attempts

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  was (sic) made to limit further development by prohibiting the testing of space defense weapons. A moratorium was entered into, a “gentlemen’s agreement” whereby Russia and the United States concurred that testing be halted until further notice.

  Unfortunately, secrecy and denial has prevented further work of which I now propose. A more detailed proposal is difficult to address in my brief, especially since I want it to be realistic and acceptable. Yet such a proposal is made here, both to give warning of what could happen and to begin a concrete discussion on the Space Defense Initiative program. The Defense Department could continue “classification” of critically key information of knowledge collected in 1947 and, therefore, its secrecy in its present form. Only a small number of documents might need to be kept secret for a longer period, but in those cases a few highly responsible persons would have to certify, year by year, that continued secrecy be maintained. What I wish to impress upon you is the need for absolute secrecy for the real reasons for a space defense. The real danger is the existence of secrecy can not be kept secret for ever. Our scientists will not turn to national defense unless they perceive an actual danger to the United States. A danger was perceived in 1939, only two years before Pearl Harbor. It is vital to the program that scientists should perceive the danger now, before it is too late. What is at stake is not only the prevention of defeat, but the prevention of cosmic war. Nevertheless, convincing the American people that military research is necessary is a difficult thing.

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  I am not speaking of another arms race, but rather a race of technology. One individual familiar with military technology and engineering of special intelligence, Dr. John S. Foster, Jr., estimates that in 1960 the United States and the USSR spent equal percentages of their military budgets on space defense and research and development, while in 1974 that percentage was three times as high in Russia as in the United States. The quality of future space defense weapons depends more on research and development than on any other factor; the obvious recommendation is that we should spend more on it. Today we spend approximately 10 percent, so this recommendation does not seem too difficult to implement.

  Space defense plays important roles in military affairs, particularly in communications and intelligence gathering. Both of these functions apt to become increasingly important in the future. An extension of our information gathering, including continuous surveillance of deep space, should have high priority. This could be done in two ways. One is to increase our ability to launch satellites of all needed varieties within a short time. The other is to provide decoys in space, thereby multiplying the number of targets the enemy would have to knock out. A combination of these two procedures could, indeed, avert the enemy from taking out all our space vehicles. A third possibility is to prepare retaliation against the enemy by destroying their space vehicles. But, at least in regard to the important item of information gathering, the enemy relies on stealth more than their spacecraft than we do; therefore emphasis on the first two

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  two (sic) approaches is recommended. In preparing decoys for space vehicles, the main objective would be for decoys to look like space vehicles that function like real ones. One the whole, this is not too difficult. Usually the main problem with a decoy is its mass. In order for a decoy to be inexpensive it must be light, but usually the light weight gives it away – for instance, in meeting air resistance, a lighter vehicle is more easily slowed down. Exceedingly little air resistance is encountered by space vehicles. Therefore, lightweight decoys for space vehicles are more feasible than decoys for almost any other application.

  Remotely piloted vehicles (RPVs) have been developed and tested with marginal success. The possibility of RPVs exist for the enemy as well for us. The use of RPVs was first explored by the U.S. Air Force. It can also be applied to small space objects. An ingenious new circular airfoil design is now in experimental stage. A single wing is used in this design. Another design is also under development. This one uses a single wing as well, pivoting at its center at the fuselage. The wing is at right angles to the plane at takeoff and landing, but as the right wing points forward while the left wing points backward. A third design is the triangle-shaped wing and is the focus of intense development of which I have personal knowledge of.

  There is the possibility that chemical and biological warfare
may be used by the enemy. The fact that these forms of warfare may be inflicted upon us from space only fires my

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  persistence in having the President consider my proposal seriously for a broad and comprehensive Space Defense Initiative.

  There are several fronts which must be considered in my proposal to the president. We must boost spending in new, more powerful radar. We must encourage more research programs for lasers. And, we must investigate the use of microwave and pulse energy devices along with directed energy weapons in space systems. Particle beams are effective over vast distances and could aid in space defense against intruding enemy spacecraft.

  Progress toward such an objective, since the end of World War II, has occurred in discouragingly small steps. Even so, we cannot afford to give up hope; we cannot afford to stop taking small steps. By the same token, we cannot afford not thinking of taking big ones. What I suggest is a big gamble but what if the gamble pays off through a major breakthrough in technology? We have the talent. We have the means. All that is lacking is the political will and determination to succeed. We must not hesitate nor falter. I believe all that I propose is possible and can be done. I ask that you weigh the risks and the benefits and consider what the alternative offers if we fail.

  Presidential Approval [ ] Yes [ ] No

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  1. In Teller’s private letter that the SDI program is called rather the Space Defense Initiative, rather than the Strategic Defense Initiative.

  2. While it is clear from the opening paragraph that Teller’s remarks throughout the letter could be construed as referring to (a) an extraterrestrially based and originated threat, it is also true that his remarks could be construed (b) in the standard terrestrial sense as referring to the Soviet Union, or (c) in a non-standard terrestrial sense as referring to some unknown terrestrially originated and based threat that nonetheless possesses an advanced outer space traveling capability.

  3. With regard to point 2(c) above, observe that the genocidal and “cosmic war” implications Teller alludes to could clearly indicate the presence, within whatever unknown threat constitutes the concern of his letter, of an ideology that is fundamentally a “globalcidal” death cult. It goes without saying that this ideology is consonant to deeply held Nazi beliefs. This may indicate an extraterrestrial spiritual influence on the development of the ideology of Nazism.

  4. Finally it is to be noted that Teller outlines a program of development of an exotic array of directed energy weapons, presumably for offensive as well as defensive purposes against this unknown threat.


  From the foregoing documentary considerations, a broad scenario emerges.

  1. From 1933-1942, the US and the two Axis powers, Germany and Italy, recover and begin the process of back-engineering exotic technology discovered in crashed craft of unknown origin. Alternately, Nazi ideology formed the basis and environment for the development of a whole new physics and technology.

  2. From the memos of President Roosevelt to General Marshall, it is clear that the US has concentrated its scientific efforts on the immediate defeat of Germany and Japan through the development and deployment of the atomic bomb via the Manhattan Project, and thus does not undertake immediate wartime development of the recovered technology.

  3. From The Reich of the Black Sun is it clear that Nazi Germany, conversely, placed the highest priority on the development of the same sort of technology represented in the alleged crashes. It may be reasonably speculated that since the Kammlerstab had one such back-engineering component in its departmental organization that it may have been involved in the reverse engineering of such a craft. Alternatively, as was seen in Part Two, there was sufficient ideological and scientific ferment in Nazi Germany to pursue the development of the exotic physics represented by the Bell entirely independently of any need for an “ET Crash” to provide the motivation or impulse.

  4. It is not germane to the case whether the pre-war and wartime recoveries were of extraterrestrial origins or not. However, the quickness with which the USA was apparently able to redesign the recovered craft in its own “S” craft after the war indicates that the technology is not so exotic as to compel an ET interpretation of its origins. It is, however, as the MAJIC-12 Cooper-Cantwheel documents repeatedly note, exotic enough to require the assistance of the Nazi Paperclip personnel. In short, home-grown American talent is too unfamiliar with the type of physics and engineering that the recovered vehicles, whatever their origin may be, imply.

  5. It also appears from the analysis of documents in the previous section that MJ-12 was involved, and may form the ultimate motivation behind, the murders of JFK and Secretary James Forrestal. The subsequent spin-off and privatization and internationalization of the group – as alleged by Cooper’s Source 1 – would seem to indicate that some internal influence, with such international and financial connections, within the MJ-12 group was successful in gaining control of the group and wresting it from the control of the US government. Only two such groups are alluded to in the documents examined thus far: (a) the Masons, in the form of “the 33 investors” of Document 5 (implying the participation and involvement of fraternal groups in the financing and research of these Black projects); and (b) the Paperclip scientists, implying a connection to, and the continued existence of, postwar international Nazi organizations such as O.D.E.S.S.A. and others.

  6. In such documents as have been examined, no specific technological or performance characteristic of the recovered craft is of sufficient performance characteristics to indicate an interstellar origin much less and interplanetary one, since the stated speeds for the vehicles are far below what they would need to be to make such travel possible. Moreover, it is apparent that the performance characteristics in most respects is consonant more with very high altitude high performance craft flying within the terrestrial atmosphere. Other than the allusions to atomic and magnetic drives, which would be consonant with exo-atmospheric flight, the speeds are still far too slow for practical interplanetary travel within our own solar system.

  7. This in turn suggests that at the highest levels of MJ-12 a “deep cover” disinformation operation is being waged, to make people think in terms of (friendly) extraterrestrial visitation as an explanation, while it is apparent from the examined documents that there is an even deeper level of concern that the craft are indeed hostile and have “globalcidal” intentions. Such an ideology is consonant with deeply held Nazi beliefs and is thus another subtle indicator of the nature of the US government’s concern and the reason for the high security operation that is MJ-12.

  8. In respect to point 7, it is to be noted that Robert and Ryan Wood seem unable to concentrate on internal technical details of any MJ-12 document without obfuscating them in favor of the ET Hypothesis.

  9. A possible means of explaining MJ-12 motivations behind the murder or sanction of the murder of JFK should be noted. If, as one of the documents suggested, JFK planned a joint expedition with the USSR to militarize the moon as a means of defense against the threat posed by UFOs, then this would seem, in light of the pattern emerging of US-USSR cooperation regarding Antarctica, that Kennedy posed a threat to MJ-12 and thereby to the secret Paperclip influence over MJ-12 and over the monopoly on the research and technology and weapons developed under its aegis.

  10. The year 1969 is the year MJ-12 is privatized and internationalized. Thus, this might represent, on one point of view, a step in the reassembly of the broken and scattered parts of Nazi secret weapons black projects. If so, then corroboration is rather easy to find: it should be a relatively easy thing to look for details of corporate actions, mergers, and maneuvers and technological developments from that time forward to see if a pattern – if any – emerges that would corroborate or deny this hypothesis. Alternatively, one might look for strange corporate actions immediately prio
r to and during the period of the JFK assassination that have a German connection or flavor.

  With these thoughts in hand, it is time to turn to the most sensational MAJIC-12 document in the Cooper-Cantwheel collection on the Woods’ website. This is

  10. Document 12: The MJ-12 “Bowen Encyclopedia on Flying Saucers”: The Kammlerstab and Nazi Saucers

  The Bowen “Encyclopedia on Flying Saucers”, dated by Robert and Ryan Wood on their website to sometime in 1959, is the most crucial piece of MJ-12 documentary evidence that one can adduce in support of the above scenario and the thesis advanced in Reich of the Black Sun that what crashes in Roswell was a Nazi “saucer.” In their website dedicated to the Cooper-Cantwheel and other MJ-12 documents, a website dedicated also to defending the ET Hypothesis as the primary explanation for 1940s UFO observations and crash retrievals and whose header motto is “Evidence That We Are Not Alone”,25 the following introductory summary is given to the Bowen “Encyclopedia of UFOs”:

  Perhaps the most stunning physical evidence for the existence of the TOP SECRET/MAJIC program is this original 339 page manuscript about flying saucers. Written by Vernon Bowen, the original is on watermarked paper with red TOP SECRET/MAJIC stampings on some of the chapters. Most of the rest of the document is marked CONFIDENTIAL. Original handwritten marginalia shows linkages to Project White Hot, Twining, Vannevar Bush, Moon Dust, and Donald Menzel. A well written snapshot of the public history of flying saucers from 1947 to 1954. Bowen was personally well-connected to many top people.


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