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Undying Hunger

Page 12

by Jessica Lee

  Don’t do this, Alex!

  Lowering her arm to her side, she inhaled deeply through her nostrils. Stay in the moment. She had to concentrate on the here and now. Like a bass drumbeat, her pulse thumped inside her head. She forced her gaze away from the man’s and woman’s lifeless bodies and drilled her focus onto their predators. She needed this. Needed to balance the scales and correct what she had the power to change.

  “Well, well…” Eve drawled and sauntered a little closer, drawing the DEADs’ attention. The beasts had been so engrossed in their feeding they hadn’t even heard the Enclave’s approach. The bloodthirsty animals’ heads swiveled in their direction, their mouths and chins stained with the thick garnet fluid. “Look what we have here,” she added, fisting a dagger in each of her palms.

  The trio hissed, slowly rising from their crouched positions. “Well, if it isn’t a couple of Enclave bitches,” a dark-headed male snarled right before swiping away some of the bloody drool from his chin with his sleeve. “I guess we must be too tame, boys, to justify a team of males.” He cocked his head, cracking the bones in his neck.

  “I think I’m just a tad bit offended,” one of the DEADs said, this one with a head full of dirty-blond hair. He frowned and stepped over the limp body of the human female, joining his partner in crime.

  “You know, Bubba…” the first vamp began, reached behind his back, and pulled his own blade. “I do believe my feelings are hurt, too.”

  “Yeah,” the last one yelled out, as if he’d been left out of the party. He rolled his thick shoulders and rounded the feet of the man he’d drained. “But I can think of a few ways you ladies can make it up to us.” Running a wide palm over his bald scalp, his thin lips twisted into a vile grin.

  Alex was willing to bet before he’d been turned and become an addict, the male had already been a sexually depraved bastard. Even after the introduction of the vampire antigen, a brain that was fucked up in the light of day retained all its original pathways in the dark of night. Nothing got scrubbed or purified all snowy white and innocent.

  No such luck for the world. The tarnished gray matter was now housed inside a superhuman shell. And capable of even more debased acts than before.

  “If you mean by me sinking my blade into your blackened heart?” Eve raised her dagger, the serrated point aimed in his direction. “Then by all means, allow me to apologize.” Mirroring her stance, Alex lifted her weapon.

  The DEADs didn’t have to say a word; the expressions on their faces easily read can you believe this chick? They glanced at one another as if to challenge who would make the first move.

  A thump sounded behind the bloody trio. They spun, claws extended.

  “Let me help you make up your minds,” Guerin said from his crouched position, a dagger in either raised fist, blades pointing downward. He looked like an assassin who’d just leaped out of The Matrix, and Alex couldn’t help but grin at the perfection of his surprise entrance. “I’ll go first.” He sprang toward the males, his movements a blur of slice-and-dice precision.

  Clamping down hard on her jaw, Alex leaped into the action, aiming her booted heel for the depraved bastard with all the “ideas.” Her foot slammed into his chest with a satisfying thud and knocked the addict back. He hit the pavement, his ass skidding across the wet surface until he came to a sudden and spine-cracking stop by the light pole.

  Baldy groaned and rolled onto his side. “You bitch,” he spat, shaking his head. “I’m going to make you fucking pay.”

  Alex marched toward the vamp, her dagger firm in her palm and ready for action.

  That’s it, you savage asshole. I’m coming for you. Based on the grunts and curses emanating from behind her, Eve and Guerin were making short work of clearing two more DEADs off the streets of Elizabeth Bay.

  At the bloodsucker’s side, Alex grabbed a fistful of his shirt’s collar and hauled him up, ready to shove her blade home. The male lunged to his feet, knocking her off balance. Seizing her upper arms, Baldy surged forward, connecting his forehead to hers with a sharp whack. Stars exploded before her eyes, and the world tilted off-kilter. Dammit.

  He twisted, swung his leg up and around, aiming for her face.


  She ducked, his foot breezing past the top of her head. Rebounding, Alex straightened and jumped on his back. Got him! She managed to snake one arm around his throat while targeting his throat with her blade. The DEAD roared and bucked, doing his best to throw her. But Alex wasn’t about to let this one get away. The edge of her weapon found the soft flesh at his neck and dug in.

  “Shit!” the DEAD reared back, trying to knock her free. “You fucking bitch,” he spat. “Kill you!”

  Fangs burst from her gums, and a growl, originating from somewhere low in her gut, rolled from her throat. She dragged the silver-plated knife across his throat, putting an end to his impotent threats. A crimson fountain sprayed from the sizzling wound. The bald DEAD staggered, clawing at her arm as his life-giving essence emptied down the front of his shirt. Taking advantage of his weakened state, she released her hold, spun, and finished the job with a stab of her silver-coated dagger to his heart. Eyes wide, pupils swallowing every inch of the white space, the DEAD crumpled to the ground. His body swelled, blistering from the toxic reaction to the metal. Then, as quickly as the decomp process had begun, pop, the body imploded, his remains turning to ash.

  Sliding her blade back into its sheath, Alex caught up with Eve and Guerin. The second-in-command pulled his weapon from the deceased DEAD and straightened. Eve had already taken care of her target, and what was left of him had begun to scatter in the breeze.

  “You did well.” Guerin nodded as she approached the couple.

  Eve’s gaze lifted to what had to be a giant goose egg on Alex’s forehead, and she grimaced. “Ouch,” she said and brushed aside a few stray locks of Alex’s hair for a better look.

  “That’s what happens when your head slams into one of theirs,” Alex said. She ran a few of her fingers over the bruised lump, the flesh sensitive to touch.

  “Damn.” Eve frowned. “We’re going to need to work on your ducking skills.” Her frown lifted into a teasing grin.

  “Ha, ha.” Alex rolled her eyes. “I should probably check in with Elle.” Alex lowered the zipper on her leather jacket, reached in, and pulled out her cell. “I’m sure she’s about to jump out of her skin wondering how things are going out here.”

  “That’s a good idea,” Eve said. “Put her out of her misery.” The tall brunette strode over to her mate, and the two proceeded to rehash the last few minutes of the battle while inspecting their weapons.

  Alex tapped the stored number in her phone for the Enclave. Elle answered on the first ring.


  Grinning, she replied, “Yes, it’s me.”

  “What’s happening out there?” Elle’s tone was light, attempting to hide her anxiety, but Alex knew her sister. She could only imagine how many empty bottles of diet soda and blueberry Pop-Tart wrappers littered Elle’s desk. Her go-to foods when she was worried.

  “I’m fine, Elle,” Alex said, trying to put her mind at ease. “We’re all okay.”

  “So, all’s quiet on the docks?” Something tapped the phone, and a swallowing sound registered through the connection. Elle had taken another swig of her drink.

  “At first, yeah, it was,” Alex began. “But we just downed three DEADs.” She glanced over at her partners. Guerin had his cell out. “I think Guerin is arranging for a cleanup of a human couple the addicts took down.”

  “Oh, damn.” Elle groaned. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  Alex’s thoughts wandered back to the moment they’d found the two people bleeding out beneath the DEADs. The scene had hit her harder than expected, but after she’d shaken it off and gone to work… She breathed deeply, reveling in the blossoming sense of empowerment, the satisfaction that had come from taking action. She’d made a difference. “For the first time in a
long while, Elle,” she whispered, and a strange—considering her battle with the DEAD—yet pleasant warmth filled her, “I’m really okay.”

  “You don’t know how happy I am to hear you say that.”

  “You don’t know how good it is—” Movement out of the periphery of Alex’s eye caught her attention. She spun. Her breath hitched. “Oh shit…” Emerging from the fog, at least five more DEADs stood before her.

  “Alex!” Elle shouted. “What’s going on?”

  “Hello, beautiful,” the one in front said, his elongated fangs dripping with drool.

  “More DEADs,” Alex muttered, dropped her cell, and dived for the dagger at her thigh. “Eve!”

  Her palm found the hard, smooth grip of her dagger. She wrapped her fingers around the hilt and yanked it free. A sharp burning sensation exploded in her abdomen. Air punched from her legs. Her knees buckled.

  “Alex!” Eve’s voice rang out, but it was too late.

  Alex hit the pavement, her hand seizing her midsection. Hot fluid seeped between her fingers. Damn, damn, damn. She’d really screwed up.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Two more reps.

  Straddling the weight bench, Markus curled his arm, lifting the seventy-pound dumbbell for another round. Sweat beaded on his flesh. The droplets dripped off his forehead, stinging his eyes, as he watched the black and red tats stretch around his biceps. His right arm had already been punished for the last half hour, so he couldn’t allow his left to feel ignored.

  Jaw clenched, he lowered the weight, drawing in a long breath through his nostrils.

  “Who the hell are you pissed at?”

  Markus glanced up to find Arran standing in front of him, his blond hair pulled back and bound at his nape. Christ, he didn’t need Arran riding his ass tonight. He yanked on the dumbbell once more, air hissing through his teeth. With his free hand, Markus flipped him the one-fingered universal sign for do not disturb.

  Tossing a towel over his shoulder, Arran scowled and crossed his arms over his dark blue wifebeater. “You’ve been in here for the last two hours,” Arran said.

  Damn. He knew the vampire was blond, but he didn’t think Arran was so dense he couldn’t read when a male wanted to be left alone. He lowered the dumbbell, but this time, Markus allowed it to roll from his palm. The weight hit the wood floor with a heavy thud.

  “Kenric’s promoted you to gym monitor now?” Markus swung his leg over the bench, stood, and snatched his own towel from the seat behind him. “And I’ve exceeded my limit?”

  “Nope, on either,” Arran said, unfazed by Markus’s sarcasm.

  Shit. Must be losing my touch.

  “Just an observation,” Arran added.

  “Sweet Elle must not be keeping you occupied enough…” Markus made a quick pass over his brow and face with the terry. “Seeing as you’re spending your time monitoring me.”

  “Fuck you,” Arran growled, shaking his head. “You may act like you’ve changed in front of Kenric”—his lip curled back, eyes narrowing—“but in my gut, I know you’re still the sick son of a bitch who would betray every last one of us if the price was right—or the pussy hot enough.” Arran released a guttural sound of disgust and headed toward one of the two treadmills that faced a wide flat-screen TV.

  “You don’t know shit,” Markus chewed out. The phrase fired off right before Kenric’s words came charging back like a swift kick inside his head: You may be ready, but what you need to work on now is healing the distance between you and your partner.

  Arran rotated on his heels, a slow spin followed by a glare that declared he wanted a piece of him. “Oh, I do know you, Markus,” he snarled. “That’s the problem. A problem I’m willing to fix right now.” Arran tossed the towel from his shoulder to the floor and stepped forward.

  “Seriously, man?” Markus crossed his arms. “We’re going down this road again?”

  “From what I’ve seen, you’ve never left it.” Arran didn’t stop until they were nose to nose. “Bottom line…” Arran inhaled a sharp breath. “I don’t trust you, Markus. You’re unstable. Dangerous. In my opinion, your presence is a threat to the Enclave.”

  “Please, don’t spare my feelings.” Markus quirked a corner of his mouth. Yeah, the words stung, but Arran wasn’t saying anything he didn’t deserve.

  Arran rolled his eyes. “Can’t you be serious for even one damn minute?”

  Diverting his attention to the big screen on the opposite wall, Markus rubbed his palm across his face and over his head. This was his chance. The door had been cracked. A knot, coiled and barbed, pulsed inside his chest. He glanced back to his former partner, swallowed hard, then found his voice. “Tell me what I need to do to prove that I’m the same male you used to know. That you can trust me.”


  That was hard. But Markus kept his tone steady, never wavering from the other vamp’s glare. “Tell me what that is, Arran, and I’ll do it,” he continued. “Seriously.”

  Shaking his head, Arran took a step away from him and spun, giving the other male his back. As if it had been festering somewhere deep in his gut, an agonized groan surfaced and spilled from the Enclave warrior. “How dare you?” Arran whipped around, fire swirling, flashing around his irises. “After everything you did to Alex, my mate, and the Enclave, I don’t even know how to respond to that. How can you even expect me to—”

  Pain, hot and tearing, sliced through Markus’s abdomen, blinding him to whatever else Arran was about to say. His breath stalled in his lungs, and he doubled over.

  “Markus!” Arran shouted. “What the hell’s wrong with you?”

  The room tilted, and he stumbled back. Arran grabbed his biceps, stabilizing him.

  “Talk to me!” the warrior demanded.

  Giving his head a shake, Markus did his best to knock away the stars from his line of sight. “Shit,” he grunted, his voice rusty.

  With his palm still pressed to his abdomen, he massaged what felt like a burning hole in his gut. His chest ached as if someone had a chokehold on his heart. What the hell was happening to him?

  “I don’t know, man,” Markus managed to get force out between breaths. “I was fine.” He glanced up at Arran while trying to unfold his body from the fetal position it was determined to assume. Fuck that. “Then this sharp pain, like a knife cutting through me…” Markus looked down at his bare midsection and pulled his hand away, half expecting to find his palm dripping with blood. That’s when it hit him. Icy tendrils of panic slithered on a fast-moving current through his veins, nearly shutting down his ability to function.


  “God, no!” Fear launched his body back into action. He lunged for the door, slamming his shoulder into Arran’s, knocking him out of the way. “Alexandria!”

  “Markus!” Arran called out. The heavy fall of footsteps behind him relayed that the other vampire followed him down the hall. “What about Alexandria?” The warrior’s voice echoed off the narrow corridor’s walls.

  “Something’s not right,” Markus called over his shoulder.

  “How do you know that?”

  Markus dug his fingers into the flesh over the epicenter of the pain, choking back the suffocating knot of fear in his throat. “I feel it.”

  As if someone had tripped up his former partner’s sprint down the hall, Arran’s footsteps faltered. Glancing back, Markus captured the other male’s gaze. Anxiety greeted him in the vampire’s stare. He understood all too well what Markus meant. “Oh, fuck,” Arran groaned and charged forward.

  By the time he reached the mansion’s basement, the heart of the Enclave, Markus’s pulse had morphed into a jackhammer inside his head. And judging by the elevated pitch of Elle’s voice as they neared her desk, unfortunately, it appeared his instincts hadn’t been wrong.

  Something had happened to Alexandria.

  Dread spilled like a putrid oil slick inside his gut. Its stained fingers melded with the pain there until he was sure nothing wou
ld be able to hold back the bile crawling up his esophagus. Enrique had made good on his threat.

  Rushing past him toward his mate and the Enclave’s commander, Arran reached Elle first. “What happened?” he asked, glancing at the anxious female, then Kenric.

  It took everything inside Markus not to be the one in the master’s face demanding answers. Instead, he hung back, his claws digging a trench inside his palms.

  “It’s Alex and the rest of the team,” Elle said, her voice tight with anxiety. “She called, and at first, she sounded good. They’d run into a few DEADs, but Alex said she was okay then she suddenly whispered, ‘more DEADs,’ and called out to Eve right before I lost her.” She glanced over at Arran, then Markus for the first time.

  “Lost her?” Markus edged closer. “Lost her how?”

  “What are you doing down here?” she snarled.

  An inferno raced inside his veins, and he was sure his irises were burning a fiery red. But at that moment, he didn’t give a shit if Elle was upset or not. No one was going to keep him away.

  “Don’t worry about him.” Arran cupped her cheek, drawing her attention back to the details. “Is there anything else? Have you heard from Guerin or Eve since then?”

  “Not yet,” she said. “I tried calling back the second the line went dead, but no one’s responding yet. I think Alex may have dropped her cell, because after she called out for Eve I heard a loud pop.”

  Arran looked to Kenric. “What area were they patrolling tonight?”

  Kenric started to respond, but Markus didn’t have time for this shit. Alex needed him now. Not minutes from now.

  “I’ve heard all I need to here.” Markus headed toward the stairs. If he left things up to them, she’d be dead. And he wasn’t about to allow that to happen. He’d been too lax about her safety, allowing others to protect the only damn thing in the world that mattered to him. His reason to exist.


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