Howard Hawks: The Grey Fox of Hollywood
Page 101
Holmes, Phillips, 119–20, 180
Holmes, William, 314, 316
Holt, Charlene, 597–98, 603, 607, 610, 618, 620
Holt, Jack, 61
Holtz, Mary Lou, 231
Holubar, Allen, 51, 52, 53, 56
Homoerotic subtext in Hawk films, 89, 216, 425, 508, 652–53
Homolka, Oscar, 325
Honesty—the Best Policy, 71
“Honor,” 186–87
Hooper, Tobe, 483
Hoover, Herbert, 181
Hope, Dolores, 377
Hopkins, Miriam, 208, 209, 211, 212, 232
Hopper, Hedda, 422
Horton, Edward Everett, 106, 109
Houseman, John, 171
Howard, Bernice, 26, 29, 33
Howard, Charles W. (maternal grandfather), 6, 24–33, 39, 233, 234
Howard, Euphemia (née Brown) (maternal grandmother), 25, 26, 33
Howard, Helen, see Hawks, Helen (née Howard) (mother)
Howard, Jean, 319, 320, 321, 351, 364, 365, 399, 521
Howard, Leslie, 354
Howard, Neil, 26, 28, 30, 33
Howard, Noël, 514, 515, 516, 517, 521, 522, 523, 525, 527, 531, 534
Howard, Sidney, 167
Howard, William K., 62
Howard Hawks (Missiaen), 641
Howard Hawks (Poague), 77, 90, 660
Howard Hawks (Wood), 14, 641
Howard Hawks: A Jungian Study (Branson), 14, 661
Howard Hawks, Storyteller (Mast), 441, 660
Howard Hawks: The Great Professional, 641
Howe, James Wong, 44, 120, 192, 196, 337, 338, 340
How Green Was My Valley, 316
How to Marry a Millionaire, 510
Hubbard, Lucien, 59
Hudson, Rochelle, 271
Hudson, Rock, 15, 67, 597, 599, 601, 602, 603
Hughes, Howard, 5, 15, 82, 130, 132, 174, 246, 251, 278, 358, 399, 413, 474, 484, 491, 503–504, 619
friendship with Hawks, 156–57
Hell’s Angels and, 80, 104, 109, 111, 112–15, 129, 153, 185, 440
Hollywood establishment and, 123, 137, 150
The Outlaw and, 295–99
Red River’s ending and, 425, 439– 41, 486
return to film production, 278, 291–92, 400, 468
RKO and, 440, 468–69, 472, 476, 495, 504
Scarface and, 8, 121, 129–54, 296, 297, 396
Hughes, John, 310, 311
Hulburd, Merritt, 239
Hunnicutt, Arthur, 13, 487, 490, 555, 620
Hunt, Chuck “Roughhouse,” 35
Hunt, Myron, 293
Hunter, Ian McLellan, 189
Hurlburd, Merrit, 210
Hurricane’s Gal, 56
Huston, John, 8, 174, 332, 380, 450, 514, 523, 544–45, 574
Sergeant York and, 304, 307–308, 311, 312
Huston, Walter, 119, 120, 157, 170, 296, 297, 304
Hutchinson, Samuel S., 41–42
Hyams, Joe, 373
Hyer, Martha, 555
In Again—Out Again, 42
Informer, The, 247
International Pictures, 400
In Which We Serve, 343
Ireland, John, 385, 412, 425, 427, 554
Ivens, Joris, 354
Ives, Burl, 426, 555
I Was a Male War Bride, 12, 70, 166, 229, 265, 442, 452–63, 506–507, 509
“I Will Live and Have My Baby,” 541
Jaffe, Leo, 595
Jaffe, Sam, 320
Jason, Peter, 635–36
Jazz Singer, The, 94
Jennings, Dean S., 354
Jewell, Isabel, 219
Joan of Arc, 401, 459, 460, 515
Joan the Woman, 43
Johann, Zita, 12, 169, 171, 197
Johannes, Henry, 109
Johnson, Nunnally, 15, 177, 226, 227, 228, 500
Johnson, Van, 397, 460, 554
Jones, Carolyn, 555
Jones, Jennifer, 407, 542
Josephson, Julien, 302
Joslyn, Allyn, 271
Jourdan, Louis, 399
Jours de France, 586
Joy, Colonel Jason, 138, 139–40, 144, 145, 147–48, 149
Joy, Leatrice, 62
Jumbo, 201
Jump Cut, 648
June, Ray, 212
Justice Department, 468
Kael, Pauline, 235, 626
Kane, Walter, 484
Kantor, MacKinlay, 351
Karloff, Boris, 119, 120, 136, 141
Karlova, Irina, 403
Karlson, Phil, 402
Karp, Jacob M., 580
Kaufman, Ben, 259
Kaufman, George S., 279, 324, 353, 399
Kawin, Bruce F., 14, 360, 363
Kaye, Danny, 15, 433–36, 437, 443, 472
Kazan, Elia, 3, 450, 565
Keck, Howard, 543
Kehr, Dave, 276
Keinen, Richard, 476, 477–78, 479, 480– 81, 482
Keiter, Harvey, 662
Keith, Kenneth, 659
Keith, Lady Nancy, see Hawks, Nancy Raye (née Gross) (Slim) (second wife)
Kelly, Shipwreck, 289, 332, 406
Kennedy, Arthur, 466, 472
Kennedy, Burt, 591
Kennedy, Edgar, 202
Kennedy, Joseph P., 416
Kerima, 527
Kern, Jerome, 353
Kessler, Bruce, 600, 606, 609, 610, 612
Kibbee, Roland, 435
Kilian, Victor, 271, 274
Kinematography Weekly, 68
King, Henry, 234, 303, 449, 499, 540
Kinsky, Leonid, 325
Kipling, Rudyard, 244
Kirgo, George, 606–607, 608, 610, 611, 612, 614–15, 629, 647, 650
Klein, Philip, 84, 87
Knudsen, Peggy, 394
Kobal, John, 88, 273
Koch, Howard, 304, 308, 311, 312
Koch, Howard W., 611–12, 620–21
Koenekamp, Hans F., 158, 159, 337
Kolb, Clarance, 285
Korda, Alexander, 353
Koster, Henry, 303, 499
Kramer, Stanley, 3, 465
Krasner, Milton, 612
Kruger, Hardy, 576, 584, 585, 586, 590
Krupa, Gene, 326
Kurnitz, Harry, 15, 517, 518, 520, 521, 523–24, 541, 542, 571, 591
Kuter, Leo K. (Kay), 557, 563
La Cava, Gregory, 15, 205, 334
Ladies Home Journal, 541
Laird, Stephen, 353–54
Lake, Arthur, 77, 92, 94
Lambert, Gavin, 95
L’Amour, Louis, 654
Lampell, Millard, 354
Lancaster, Burt, 67, 554
Land of the Pharaohs, 6, 12–13, 13, 155, 442, 513–39, 542, 543, 568, 662
Landon, Michael, 555
Lanfield, Sidney, 99–100
Lang, Fritz, 449
Lang, June, 228–29
Langley, Noel, 514
Langlois, Henri, 91–92
Lansing, Sherry, 633–34, 637–38, 639, 658
La Roche, Chet, 285
Lasker, Edward, 444, 477, 586
The Big Sky and, 489, 490, 491
marriage of, 474, 486
The Thing and, 478, 480
Lasky, Jesse, 59, 61, 62–63, 76, 333
Sergeant York and, 300–304, 308–17
Last Flight, The, 102–103, 269
Last Laugh, The, 73
Last Leaf, The, 499
Last Picture Show, The, 256, 642, 643
Lauer, Jean Philippe, 519
Laurence, Frank, 360
Laurie, Piper, 555
L.A. Weekly, 661
Lawrence, Gertrude, 466
Lawrence, Jerome, 134
Lawrence, Vincent, 106
Lawrence of Arabia, 243, 246
Lean, David, 343
Lear, Bill, 397
Lederer, Charles, 15, 279, 285, 452, 455, 457, 462, 475, 500
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and, 503, 504, 505, 507
Monkey Business and, 495, 497
The Thing and, 473, 474, 476
Lee, Rowland V., 135
Leeds, Andrea, 235
Left Hand of God, The (Barrett), 485, 495
Leisen, Mitchell, 449
Lemmon, Jack, 555
LeRoy, Mervyn, 400, 449, 568
Les Cousins, 575
Les Croix de Bois (Wooden Crosses), 224– 25 Leslie, Joan, 309, 311
Letter, The, 304
Levant, Oscar, 500
Levine, Joseph E., 633
Lewis, Jerry, 467, 596, 609, 614
Lewis, Sinclair, 354
Liberty Pictures, 400
Life magazine, 399, 430, 509, 535, 597
Life’s a Gamble, 96, 99
Light in August (Faulkner), 177, 184
Light of Western Stars, The, 62
Lighton, Louis, 459
Lighton, Louis D., 69
Linden, Eric, 162
L’Insoumise, 84
Little American, The, 44, 45
Little Caesar (Burnett), 131
Little Caesar (film), 129, 134
Little Foxes, The, 302, 303
Little Princess, The, 45
Litvak, Anatole, 322, 466, 512
Livesey, Roger, 246
Lloyd, Doris, 107
Lloyd, Gaylord, 144
Lockhart, June, 309
Loewenstein, Alfred, 91, 106
Lofton, Cary, 397, 581
Lollobrigida, Gina, 526, 527
Lombard, Carole, 13, 53, 201–204, 222, 235, 236, 247, 282, 324
London, Jack, 59, 62
London, Julie, 555
Longest Day, The (Ryan), 591
Loos, Anita, 42, 503
Lord Jim, 62
Loring, Hope, 69
Los Angeles Cinématèque, 655–56
Los Angeles Times, 150, 332
Lotus Eater, The, 55
Love, Bessie, 82, 106, 109, 128, 245
Loy, Myrna, 183
Lualdi, Antonella, 576
Lubin, Arthur, 316
Lubitsch, Ernst, 3, 75, 84, 189, 205, 207, 266
Lucretia Lombard, 61
Luddy, Tom, 99, 647
Lupino, Ida, 357
Lusty, Lou, 250
Lux Films, 512
Lyles, A. C., 453, 604
Lyon, Ben, 80
Lyons, Cliff, 427, 448–49
Lytess, Natasha, 506
“Mable and Me,” 464
MacArthur, Charles, 15, 130, 137, 190, 198–201, 206, 279, 280
Astoria Studios and, 207–208
Barbary Coast and, 209–11
Gunga Din and, 244–45, 246, 256, 258
His Girl Friday and, 204
Twentieth Century and, 198–200, 204
McAvoy, May, 49, 68
McBride, Joseph, 14, 62, 65, 76, 594, 601, 642, 655–56, 660
McCampbell, Barbara (née Hawks) (daughter), 78, 163, 245, 281–82, 293, 294, 345–46, 407, 418, 435, 448, 478, 567, 607, 653–54, 655– 58, 660
birth of, 237
career of, 547, 551, 598
education of, 346, 448, 502
on location with her father, 58, 488– 89, 534, 598
marriage of, 547
Slim and, 264, 294, 547
McCampbell, Carrie Dane, 547, 655
McCampbell, Donald, 547, 551, 653–54, 660
McCarey, Leo, 3, 6, 15, 205, 247, 291– 92, 448, 449
McCarthy, Neil, 175
McCarthyism, 468, 477, 548
see also Blacklist
McCauley, Danny, 581
McCrea, Joel, 13, 164, 208, 211, 212, 238
MacDonald, Jeanette, 246
McGoohan, Patrick, 576
McGuinness, James Kevin, 87
Mackaill, Dorothy, 161
McKee, Georgette, 367
McKern, Leo, 574
McLaglen, Andrew V., 629
McLaglen, Victor, 86, 88
McLeod, Norman, 92, 448
McNeil, Steve, 596, 602, 608, 611
McQueen, Steve, 651
Macready, George, 385
Mad Miss Manton, The, 257–58
Mahin, John Lee, 130–31, 132, 133, 139, 142, 143, 170, 182, 183, 189, 460
Mailer, Norman, 506
Malaparte, Curzio, 415
Malone, Dorothy, 13, 385, 386
Maltin, Leonard, 441
Mamoulian, Rouben, 6, 116, 198, 249, 449
Mancini, Henry, 589–90, 598
Mankiewicz, Herman, 83
Mankiewicz, Joseph L., 450, 477
Mann, Anthony, 664
Mann, Michael, 662
Mannix, Eddie, 135, 179, 195, 198, 248, 460
Man’s Favorite Sport?, 553, 595–603
Mantz, Paul, 221, 274, 338, 488
Man Who Came to Dinner, The, 324
Man-Woman-Marriage, 53
March, Fredric, 15, 109, 228, 247
Maria Rosa, 43
Marin, Ned, 346
Marion, Frances, 182, 183, 208
Maris, Mona, 195
Marshall, Charles, 338
Marshall, Marion, 453, 459, 461, 466– 67, 468, 474
Marshall, Tully, 325
Martin, Dean, 467, 554–55, 558, 559–60, 561, 564, 571, 595
Martin, Dewey, 12, 475, 476–77, 479, 480, 486, 491, 512, 520, 534
Martin, Martha, 541
Martinelli, Elsa, 576, 579–85, 586, 587– 88, 589
Marvin, Lee, 555, 631
Marx, Eden (née Higgins), 484–85, 511, 543
Marx, Groucho, 484–85, 517, 543, 557, 659
Marx, Sam, 176, 184
Marx, Zeppo, 219
Marx Brothers, 207, 219
Masked Emotions, 100–101
Mason, Sarah Y., 77
Mast, Gerald, 14, 286, 360, 501–502, 660
Mather, Aubrey, 325
Matthews, Carol, 367
Maugham, W. Somerset, 170, 499, 542
Mayer, Edith, 106
Mayer, Irene, 106
Mayer, Louis B., 5, 15, 58, 90, 103, 123, 126, 138, 173, 181, 182, 183, 188, 194, 195, 196, 232, 301, 319–20, 453, 460
Mayo, Archie, 333
Mayo, Virginia, 435–36
Medcraft, Russell G., 76
Meehan, John, 183
Meet John Doe, 302, 316, 325
Melford, George, 60
Menasco, Al, 397
Mencken, Robin, 648
Menjou, Adolph, 211
Men Who Made the Movies, The, 646
Menzies, William Cameron, 70
Meredith, Burgess, 463
Methot, Mayo, 373, 375, 378, 384, 386, 387, 388
Metty, Russell, 274
Meurice, Jack, 609
MGM, 58, 62, 80, 173–96, 198, 295, 347, 468, 495
Milestone, Lewis, 6, 82, 118, 129, 151, 170, 197, 249, 279, 322, 325, 353, 432, 450, 512, 628
Milholland, Charles Bruce, 199
Milius, John, 14, 662
Milland, Ray, 247, 554
Miller, Donald, 259
Miller, Seton I., 15, 72, 84, 149
collaboration with Hawks, 72–73, 75, 87, 92, 112, 119, 133, 158
Miller, Winston, 334
Minnelli, Vincente, 646
Minnie, 56
Minotis, Alexis, 531
Missiaen, Jean-Claude, 641
Mr. Gus, 628–29
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, 315
Mitchell, Norma, 76
Mitchell, Thomas, 269, 271, 292, 296, 298
Mitchell, Walter (Morosco), 54
Mitchum, Chris, 632
Mitchum, Robert, 472, 486, 554, 555, 618, 619–20, 622, 623–24, 626, 631, 632
“Moll,” 188
Monkey Business, 12, 13, 70, 495–99, 500, 501–502, 509, 510, 513
Monroe, Marilyn, 5, 15, 510, 571, 574
in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, 503, 505–10
in Monkey Business, 497, 498–99
Monroe, Thomas, 323
Montand, Yves, 574
Monterey Productions, 401–
402, 416, 417, 418, 427–28, 434, 439, 440, 441, 444–45, 451, 468
Monte Walsh, 631
Montgomery, Robert, 246, 247
Moontide (Robertson), 333
Moore, Dick, 308, 309–10, 311
Moore, Joanna, 597
Moraga Spit and Polish Club, 397–98
Moran, Dolores, 367–68, 375
Moravia, Alberto, 586
Moreno, Antonio, 60
More Pay—Less Work, 78
Morley, Karen, 136, 155
“Morning Star,” 464–65, 468, 472
Morocco, 116, 180, 208–209, 234, 277, 369
Morris, Reginald, 87
Moss Rose (Shearing), 352, 404
Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals, 448–49
Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), 462, 463, 487–88, 497, 505, 551–52, 612–13
Motion Picture Investors Corporation (MPI), 402, 416–17, 428, 439, 440, 443, 444, 445
Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America, 353
Movie magazine, 593
Movies, The (BBC-TV series), 641
Muhl, Eddie, 607
Mulvey, James A., 443
Muni, Paul, 13, 15, 134, 135, 136, 141– 42, 146, 154, 155
Murder, My Sweet, 379
Murfin, Jane, 232, 235, 239
Murnau, F. W., 73, 75
Murray, John Fenton, 596, 601–602
Museum of Modern Art, Hawks retrospective at, 592–93, 594
Myers, Carmel, 106
My Four Years in Germany, 50
My Life with Caroline, 322
My Story (Astor), 81
Napoleon of Broadway, The, 199
Narbon, Jean, 627
National General Pictures, 631
Negulesco, Jean, 400, 499, 510
Neilan, Marshall (Mickey), 41, 45–46, 51, 52–56, 106, 112, 608
Neill, Roy William, 64
Nelson, Ozzie, 555, 559
Nelson, Ricky, 555, 556, 558–59, 560, 561, 562, 564
New Hollywood, The (Bernardoni), 661
Newsweek, 610
New York Film Critics award, 316
New York Film Festival, 154
New York Graphic, 161
New York Post, 327
New York Times, 463, 615, 640
Niblo, Fred, Jr., 119
Nichols, Dudley, 15, 246, 247, 254, 336, 337, 339, 340, 342, 470, 471, 487, 491
Nichols, Mike, 659
Nicholson, Ivy, 526
Nicholson, Kenyon, 157, 160, 208
Nikki, 102
Ninotchka, 266
Nissen, Greta, 84, 85
Niven, David, 211, 263, 466
Noonan, Tommy, 509
North, Robert, 111
North, Sheere, 555
North of 36, 60
Nyby, Christian, 332, 368, 448, 449, 471, 474, 483, 544, 555–56, 566, 605
The Big Sky and, 490, 491, 497
Red River and, 431, 438, 441, 442, 475
The Thing and, 475, 477, 479–81
Nyerere, Julius, 586
O’Banion, Deanie, 137
Oberon, Merle, 353
O’Brien, Edmund, 554
O’Brien, George, 70, 73, 100