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Megans Alpha Male1-- pdf

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by Becky Wilde

  I may be wrong, but I have a feeling they have been watching us for some time. I think someone is after the Alpha position of the pack. Your mate will have to be watched as the Malibu Pack Alpha will probably try to get to you through her.”

  “I thought the same thing, Harry. The question is why?”

  “Well, there was a time when your father had first met his mate, your mother. The Alpha of the Malibu Pack, John Sampson, was courting your mom.

  Everyone knew she wasn't his mate, but for some reason, he didn't want to acknowledge that fact. Your father met your mother in town one night. She was out with some of the other females of the pack. Your father took one sniff and look at your mom, and that as they say is history. Needless to say your father won your mother's heart. Ever since then the Malibu pack has been holding a grudge against our pack, Trinity Pack. Even though the Alpha who presided over the Malibu's is no longer alive, I would think he told his son, Travis the story and he is now trying to exact revenge.”

  “Why have I never heard of this before? Why didn't my father ever say anything?” Nik stated with frustration.

  “I believe your father thought the trouble was over. There have been no tussles between our two packs since you mother was mated with your father. I don't know why Travis Sampson would want to exact revenge now. But as I said, Sire, it is only a theory,” Harry stated.

  “I have a feeling you are right on the nose, Harry. I want you to keep an eye on Meg as much as possible, as well, Stefan. She needs to feel comfortable with us now she knows what we are.”

  “You told her? Bloody hell, Nik. You could have given her time to get used to you, before you told her about us. She is going to want out as soon as she can.

  If I know Meg, and believe me I do. She is going to try and escape as soon as she can.”

  “Why do you think I have asked Logan and Seamus to be her bodyguards during the day; and have some of the Omega's at her bedroom door during the night?” Nik said with a grin. “She is one feisty little woman. I can't wait for her to try,” Nik stated with a chuckle. “Let the games begin.”

  “You are one sly man. You know that don't you?” Stefan grinned at his brother. He knew Nik was looking forward to every challenge, Meg placed in his brother's way.


  Meg drew the curtains back from the window and looked out into the dark night. The windows were sliding doors and she could see a balcony attached.

  She unlocked and opened the door; then stepped out into the clean, crisp, night air. She moved to the railing and clasped her hands around the cool, white metal.

  She listened to sounds of insects and birds, hidden from view. Taking a deep breath, she peered over the side of the balcony. The drop to the ground was at least eight feet high. There was no way she could jump down without seriously hurting herself. If she could climb over and hang from the bottom of the metal rail structure, the drop to the ground would be much less harrowing.

  Meg went back into her room, thankful she had for packed a backpack in her suitcase. She grabbed her wallet and shoved some clothes into her pack, then made her way back towards the open glass doors. She carefully climbed over the top of the railing and since she had changed back into her jeans and sneakers, had no trouble placing her feet.

  She crouched down, breathed in deeply, grasped the bottom rail of the balcony structure and pushed her feet out slightly until they fell over the edge of the house. She was dangling by her hands and knew she had to let go so she could land on the ground. She let her breath out and let go at the same time. Meg landed with a thud and fell to her knees. She didn't hurt herself, but hoped like hell no one had heard her landing. She quickly gained her feet and took off across the grass. She ran as fast as she could, aiming for the driveway but keeping amongst the trees so she wouldn't be seen. She ran and ran, until she could run no more. She gave a smile of elation when she saw the iron gates within view as she slowed to a walk.

  Meg was just about to put her hand on the gate latch when she heard a low rumbling, growl behind her.

  She turned around slowly and stared into bright, glowing, green eyes of a wolf.

  “Ah, nice doggy. Sorry, wolf. I didn't mean to insult you, whoever you are. Look, I don't belong here. I don't want to be here. Just let me open this gate and I’ll leave you to whatever it is you do,” Meg stated, turning sideways, keeping the wolf in her peripheral vision, as she reached for the gate latch.

  “Alpha, you need to come to the front gate. Your mate is trying to escape. I will keep her here until you arrive,” Seamus advised, using the mental like he had with Nik.

  “I'm on my way. Don't let her leave, but do not hurt or scare her,” Nik replied.

  Seamus moved in close to his Queen and latched onto her backpack with his teeth. He tugged gently, pulling her away from the gate.

  “Hey, stop that you overgrown dog. That is my bag, you're trying to steal,” Meg stated, using all her body weight to pull back toward the gate.

  It was a wasted effort. The wolf was so much stronger than she was. She felt herself being pulled further and further away from the gate. She only had one option left to her. She was going to have to ditch her backpack. Using the wolf's strength to her advantage, Megan slipped both of her arms from the backpack shoulder straps and let go. She turned around to see the wolf tumbling over. She gave a bark of laughter, then ran to the gate once more. Instead of wasting time by trying to open the intricate latch, she grabbed the iron rails and began to climb. There was only one horizontal rail to place her feet on. She was going to have to use her arms to pull herself up and over the gate. She was up the creek without a paddle.

  She never had been strong enough in her arms to lift her body, using only her arms.

  Megan gave a squeal of fright when she felt hard, warm, masculine arms wrap around her waist. She looked over her shoulder slowly, knowing who had her before she could see. As soon as he had touched her she felt a tingling down the length of her spine and goose bumps raised all over her skin, her pussy clenching and her clit throbbing with desire.

  “What do you think you are doing? I can't believe you were going to leave. Do I scare you so much, that you would leave yourself vulnerable to strangers?” Nik whispered quietly into her ear.

  He was too angry to listen for an answer. He hoisted Megan over his shoulder and began the trek up the long driveway, back to the house. It was time he claimed his mate. He had wanted to give her time to get used to him and the other members of Trinity Pack. Now he had no choice. If he didn't claim her and she ended up escaping, she could end up in the hands of the Malibu Pack. That was the last thing he wanted for his mate. He had no idea what the other pack would do to Meg; and he had no inclination to find out.

  “Put me down you overgrown baboon. What do you think you are doing? You can't keep me here against my will. I am going to have your ass in jail for kidnapping me, holding me against my will. I can't believe you are doing this!” Meg finished on a sob.

  “And I can't believe you would be stupid enough to try to leave. You have no idea of the danger you would be putting yourself in. I can't let you do that, my mate. It is my job and the job of my pack members, to keep you safe at all times. We can't very well do that if you leave, now can we?” Nik stated, smacking Meg's ass.

  She was wriggling around on his shoulder and thumping his back at the same time. Nik was worried she would injure herself. He smacked her butt again.

  “Ouch. Stop hitting me you bastard. I can have you arrested for abuse. Don't think I won't.”

  “Stop being so melodramatic Meg. I only smacked you. There is a big difference between a disciplinarian smack to abuse. Learn the difference. I told you I would never hurt you; and I meant it.”

  “Bloody Neanderthal wolf. Who do you think you are? Just let me leave this loony bin,” Meg finished on a sob.

  “Ah, I can't do that. You are my mate. Why would I let you leave me?” Nik asked.

  “Because I asked you to and because I
want to.”

  “We were made for each other, Meg. Just give me a chance to get to know you,” Nik stated.

  “No. I don't want to be here. I want to go home,” Meg cried out, as tears slid down her cheeks.

  Nik pulled Meg from his shoulder, until she was cradled against his chest with an arm beneath her bent knees and the other around her back. He carried her up the steps to the front door of the house and walked through. He didn't pause, but took her straight up to the second level of the house to her bedroom. He placed her gently on the bed, stood up straight and stared down at his mate. She was so beautiful. She took his breath away. There was no way he was letting her leave him. He moved toward her and sat on the bed next to her, reached out and hauled her into his arms. Her struggling was futile. He didn't give her a chance to protest.

  He covered her mouth with his own. He didn't ask for a response, he demanded one He used his mouth to pry her lips open and swept his tongue into her sweet depths. He felt her hands pushing against his chest. He gave no notice and devoured her. He slid his tongue over hers persuading, then demanding a response. He felt her go limp in his arms as she acquiesced to his dominance. He smiled against her mouth and slowly weaned his mouth from hers.

  He began kissing and licking his way down her neck. He nipped her earlobe and down her throat, until he reached the join of her neck and shoulder.

  Inhaling her sweet scent, he opened his mouth, letting his incisors lengthen, and bit into his mates flesh. It was done. He had finally claimed his mate. He licked at the wound he had left with a growl of approval, as the taste of her blood exploded on his taste buds. She was his and no other would be able to claim her.

  Meg punched Nik on the arm when she felt him bite her. What the hell?

  “You bloody barbarian. You bit me. Let me go.”

  “Never, Meg. I have just claimed you as my wife.

  You will never be able to leave me.”

  “You did what?” Meg asked, her tone close to hysteria.

  “Calm down. No one can harm you anymore. I will know where you are at all times, now. I will be able to communicate with you using my mental powers, even from a long distance. You are my wife. I suggest you try and get used to the idea,” Nik stated firmly as he cradled her on his lap.

  Megan had had just about more than she could stand. She pushed her way off him and rose to her feet. She walked over to the dressing table and looked for something to throw. Her gaze landed on an ornate silver backed brush. She picked it up and hurled it at his head. Nik gave a bark of laughter as he ducked the missile. That just made her downright furious. She didn't look to see what she grasped. She lifted anything she could get her hands on and began to hurl things left and right.

  “You had no right to claim me, you bloody arrogant wolf. I'll teach you to laugh at me.”

  “You are such a joy. You look so sexy when you're angry,” Nik stated, as he perused her inflamed cheeks. Her hair was in wild disarray around her back and her eyes were bright with her fire.

  “Get the hell out of my room. Just leave me alone,” Meg cried.

  Nik walked over to the glass sliding doors, closed and locked them, then removed the key from the lock.

  He turned, letting his eyes slide down the length of her body. He slowly walked toward her as she backed away from him. He took her by her upper arms before she move too far from him and hauled her against his body. He held her captive with his eyes, smiling down at her as he slowly lowered his head. He was not leaving. His wolf and body demanded he consummate his claim.

  Nik slanted his mouth over hers, thrust his tongue into the depths of her sweet mouth and growled low in his throat as he enjoyed the taste of her. He ran his hands up and down her body, pulling her hips in tight against his hard cock, and rubbed against her soft belly. He didn't let up, he made sure to build the fire in her higher and brighter, until she was rocking her hips into his.

  Nik slid his hands down the front of her shirt, releasing each one until he had her flesh exposed to him. He slowly slid the shirt from her shoulders and let it fall to the ground. He wrapped his arms around her and her more tightly against her hard body, then inched his hand up her back, flicking the clasps of her bra free. He weaned his mouth from hers, opened his eyes to slits and looked down at her beautiful body.

  She was exquisite. He could spend hours looking at her, but knew he couldn't give her body a chance to cool too much, letting her mind have control once more.

  Nik slid a hand back around to her stomach as he leaned down to kiss and nibble along the sensitive arch of her neck. He smiled against Meg's flesh as she threw her head back with pleasure. He moved his hand up to her breast, cupping her in the palm of his hand, measuring the weight of the soft warm globe.

  His head traveled down her body, licking his way over the top of her breasts, until he was at her other mound of flesh. He sucked her nipple into his mouth, flicking the sensitive peak, back and forth with his tongue. He gently gnawed on her engorged nipple and was rewarded by the sound of her moans.

  Nik released the other breast from his hand, slid it down her soft warm belly, until his finger reached the button and zipper holding her jeans together. He released the button and slid the zipper down slowly.

  He slid his fingers in beneath the elastic waist band of her panties and nearly cum in his pants as the scent of her honey and the feel of her soft curls entranced him.

  He slid his hand down over her mound, until he reached the top of her slit. He pushed two fingers down, encountering her dripping wet pussy, coated his fingers with her cream and slid back to the top of her flesh. His fingertips found Meg's blood engorged clitoris, and began to rub lightly over the sensitive flesh.

  Nik picked her up with his other arm around her waist, slanting his mouth back and forth over hers as his fingers still rubbed and pleasured her. He carried Meg to the bed and carefully lay her down, glad she was clutching at his shoulders, which made the move much easier. He slipped down to her cunt until he reached her cream filled hole and slowly pushed the tip of a finger into the entrance of her sheath, all the while still devouring her mouth.

  Nik slowly drew the kiss back and licked his way down her body, over the hard peaks of her breasts, down over her stomach, as his busy hands divested Meg of her sneakers, jeans and panties. He licked his way up the inside of her thigh as he pushed her legs apart, giving him access to the place he wanted to be the most.

  Nik opened his eyes to watch Megan as he took his first taste of her delectable pussy. She looked like a goddess. Her head was thrown back, her eyes closed, her red lips slightly parted as she panted for breath. He grasped her hips in his large hands, when she nearly bucked him off of her, as he ran the flat of his tongue over her sensitive bundle of nerves. He wrapped his large, muscular arms around her thighs, one large palm resting over her pubic mound as he moved the other to her tight hole. He slid the tip of his finger into her wet pussy and retreated again in slow pull. She whimpered out loud as pushed his digit back into her body. He slowly increased the pace of his finger, until he was pumping it in and out of her body rapidly. He twisted his finger around until the pad was rubbing against the rough sweet spot he could feel inside.

  Nik pushed in a little further and felt the thin membrane declaring her virginity, growling with satisfaction and possessiveness. He increased the pace of his finger again, making sure to rub over her G-spot. When he felt the warning ripples and flutter of her impending climax, he withdrew his finger from her body, ripped out of his clothes using his beasts claws and covered her naked frame with his much larger one.

  Nik leaned down over her, took her mouth with another carnal kiss, which had her whimpering and wriggling beneath him. He held her thighs wide, slid his hard cock down her slit and plunged into her depths. Her cry of pleasure and pain, brought his wolf to the forefront taking control of his body. He didn't want to hurt Megan, but could no longer control his and his beasts urges.

  Nik withdrew almost all the way out
, then plunged back into her tight, creamy cunt. He set up a fast furious pace, too out of control to leash his wolf. He pumped in and out of her vagina, rapidly. Forging deep and harder with every pump of his hips. He withdrew his mouth from Meg's, gasping for oxygen, his lungs bellowing with the effort, as the sound of his balls slapping her ass echoed through the room.

  He felt the warning ripples of her tight flesh, run the length of his cock, surged forward again and again, making sure to hit her sweet spot.

  Meg arched her hips up into his and he growled low in his throat, her whimpers becoming louder as she teetered on the edge of ecstasy. Nik pumped his hips faster, determined to send her over before he lost total control. She screamed her pleasure as he felt her internal muscles clamp down hard on his cock, rippling the length of his flesh, as he pumped once, twice more then bellowed out his own release. His body quivered on top of hers as he held her hips against his, as he shot his load of cum into her cunt and womb. He slumped down on top of Megan, careful not to give her all his weight, as his breathing began to slow and the quaking of their bodies stopped.

  Nik lifted his head and looked down at Megan's flushed face as he rolled to his side taking her with him, his flesh still in her warm body. He wanted to stay buried in her flesh for the rest of his life. He felt whole for the first time in his life and was awed that he had touched heaven on earth. He slowly withdrew his softening cock and realized he had fucked his mate into exhaustion. She was sound asleep.


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