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Reckless: A Bad Boyz Anthology

Page 38

by Anthology

  Cautiously, I push open the door. Once I see Laney on the floor with her father’s head in her lap, I rush to them.

  “Why didn’t you call me to come in?”

  “I told you. I didn’t want you to meet my dad this way.”

  Her father opens his eyes and looks at me, but they immediately close again.

  “Can you help me get him up and to his bed?”

  “Yeah, sure. Does he need an ambulance?”

  “No, he’s wasted. He’ll sleep it off. I’ll keep an eye on him, though.”

  I manage to lift Laney’s father off of her. She jumps to her feet and helps me move him to his bed. He falls back onto it, all while mumbling shit.

  I see that Laney gets her short height from her father, and he appears way too thin.

  While she undresses him, I follow the stench of vomit into the bathroom. I shut the door and rummage through a closet for towels and washcloths. I find a cleaner under the sink and quickly make work of cleaning up the mess.

  I turn around after I’m finished, and Laney is standing by the door crying. Setting down the cleaner and towels, I wash my hands and pull her against me.

  “I can’t believe you cleaned all this up.”

  “I’ve done it before. Shane and I often get too shit-faced. Does he do this often?”

  “Yeah. He’s a binger. He drinks every day, but every time one of his young girlfriends leaves him, he goes on a binge. This is what I’ve been so worried about finding.”

  “What else can I do?”

  As she stares up at me, tears coat her pretty green eyes. She completely pulls free from my hold.

  “I want you to leave. I’ll pay you back the money for the plane ticket, but I want you to go.”

  “I don’t care about the money. Why do you want me to leave?”

  “I just do. We can’t be together.”

  I glide a hand over my hair before I tighten it into a fist. “Don’t put up a wall. We’re not going backward.”

  “We never should’ve went forward.” Large tears fall onto Laney’s cheeks. The words coming out of her mouth aren’t what she feels. I know it, and I can’t for the life of me understand why she’s doing this.

  “Fine. You want me to leave, I’ll fucking leave, but we’re not a mistake. I don’t understand why you’re fighting this.”

  I turn my back on her but not on her heart. She’s doing that all on her own.


  I hear a shower running as I open my eyes. My legs are over an arm of a chair in my father’s room, and there’s a blanket covering me. The bed is empty.

  I rub my burning eyes. They’re dry from all the tears I quietly shed as I watched my father sleep.

  Wade’s gone, and although my heart feels shattered in two, it’s for the best. As soon as he mentioned regularly getting shit-faced and vomiting I knew.

  He drinks every day. I mean, he owns a damn flask. I can’t be with someone who drinks that much, and I have no right to try and change a man I barely know.

  I wish it felt like I barely knew him. The amount of hours we’ve spent together leaves me feeling like I’ve known him a lifetime.

  I cover my aching heart with my hand. Why does heartbreak have to hurt so deeply? I will myself up and trudge downstairs to make coffee.

  Reaching the bottom of the steps, I eye my suitcase sitting in the foyer and begin to cry again. I open the door and see that the truck is gone.

  A small part of me pictured it sitting in the drive with Wade asleep in it, but he did what I asked of him, and I can’t blame him. If he only knew how much I wish I didn’t have to reject him.

  I make a pot of coffee and sit on a stool at the island. My father strolls in, and he looks like shit. His khaki shorts and button-up, cream shirt are neatly pressed, but his physical being looks aged and worn.

  “Good morning, Laney.”

  “I’d hardly say that it’s good.”

  “I apologize. I wasn’t expecting you.” He swipes a hand down over one of his hazel eyes. His grey hair is still damp, but it’s in its usual short style.

  “I guess not since you wouldn’t answer my calls.”

  “I’ve been going through a rough time.”

  “So have I. I’m broke, and my car was repossessed. I had to hitch a ride all the way here. It took four days, Dad.”

  He stops pouring his coffee and turns to me.

  “Laney, I’m sorry. I had no idea.”

  “Is that because you’ve been wasted for weeks?”

  My father shifts back and finishes pouring his coffee. He pulls out the stool across from me and takes a seat.

  “I’m sorry. I truly am.”

  “You’re always sorry, yet it happens over and over again. Will told me about the company. Are you going to have to get another job?”

  “Sienna wiped out the blanket payment I received for leaving the company. Because of that I will have to go back to work.”

  “I’m guessing Sienna was your flavor of the month.”

  My father rolls his eyes. “We had been dating for six months. I’d hardly call her that.”

  “I see she was a gold-digger like the rest of them. When will you learn not to give them access to your accounts?”

  “I’m too trusting.”

  “Dad, you need help. The drinking has to stop.”

  His forehead scrunches. “Did you have someone with you last night? I vaguely recall a young man.”

  “Wade’s a friend of mine. He brought me here.” My father has managed to change the subject, and now I want to.

  “Do you love him?”

  “I believe so, but like you, he drinks too much.”

  “Did you ask him to stop?”

  “Why bother? It sure hasn’t worked with you.”

  “He’s young. Maybe it’s not a problem like you think. You need someone else in your life. I’m not always going to be here to take care of you.”

  “I do think it’s time I stop counting on you. I can’t stay in town long. I need to get back to South Carolina, so I can find a job. Can you at least help me get back there?”

  “Yes, I have a little cash left in my safe.”

  “Thank you. I’ll stick around for a week and clean up the house. I could help you with job hunting, too, but you have to refrain from drinking.”

  My father looks down at his mug before he takes a sip. “I don’t know if I can do that, Princess.”

  “You can’t refrain for one week to visit with your daughter?”

  “I’m sick, Laney.”

  “Then get help!” Dad flinches from my sudden outburst.

  “I’ll think about it, but it’s never worked in the past.”

  “You have to want to stop for you, not only for me or Will.”

  “OK, I’ll get some help.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  I’VE BEEN AT my father’s home a week. Every inch of his sunny estate has been cleaned and organized. I’ve had to stay busy so as not to dwell on Wade and what could’ve been.

  My father is still drinking, but it’s much less, and he went to an AA meeting for the first time last night. I’m praying things are going to turn around.

  I offered to stay and help him through it, but he doesn’t want me here. That leaves me to believe he’s already expecting failure, but I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt.

  He gave me enough cash to pay back Wade, purchase a junk car and survive for one month. I will have to get a job as soon as I return home and take out student loans for my last year of schooling, but it could be worse.

  I’m actually looking forward to the opportunity to show I can be independent.

  As I pack my suitcase, my phone vibrates. It’s a text from Jessica. She should be home from her honeymoon.

  Jess: I heard what happened at brunch. I’m not mad if you’re worried. No one is. They chocked it up as wedding festivity stress. Are you in California?

  Me: Yes, but I’m heading bac
k today.

  Jess: I’m guessing things are bad with your dad.

  Me: You could say that. I need Wade’s address. Can you get it from Baxter?

  Jess: Why in the world do you need that?

  Me: He drove me to California. Long story.

  Jess: Ooh, I need the deets.

  Me: Lunch tomorrow?

  Jess: Sure, can’t wait.


  I’m lounging in bed in the morning, thinking about Laney. I’ve been without her company for a little over a week, and life has been depressing.

  I’ve been reckless with my job, repossessing cars at moments I shouldn’t. I’ve been chasing a thrill with no success. No rush compares to the one I felt with Laney by my side.

  Shane’s insisting on going out tonight, but I don’t want another woman. I only want Goldilocks.

  My phone rings, and I see it’s Baxter.

  “Hey, Bax. How was the honeymoon?”

  “Hi, actually, this is Jessica.”

  “Oh, hey, is everything alright?”

  “Yes. I’m calling for Laney. She wants your address. She said she owes you money.”

  “She did, huh?”

  I sit silently as I think about what I want to do. Just hearing her name jump starts my heart. “Is she still in California?”

  “No, she arrived home last night. I’m having lunch with her today.”

  “I don’t think I want to give her my address.”

  “Uh, OK. She’s not going to like that answer. Can I have Baxter give you the money she owes you?”

  “I don’t want Laney’s money. I want her.” I end the call before Jessica can respond. I’m going after my girl.


  I’m getting ready to go to lunch with Jessica and do some job hunting. To look professional, I put on a navy chiffon, button-up shirt dress that ties at the waist. I apply my makeup and curl my hair.

  I’m searching for my nude pumps when there’s a knock at the door. Expecting Jessica, I yell for her to come in.

  I round the corner from my bedroom, and there stands Wade. I can smell his ocean scent from across my living room. He’s in a pair of low-hanging jeans and a burgundy V-neck tee that’s snug around his muscular arms.

  “Wade, what are you doing here? Wait, I guess you’re here for the money.” Nervously, I move toward my counter to grab my purse, but he meets me there and places his hand over mine.

  “I don’t want your money.”

  “But I owe you a lot. There is the plane ticket, we stayed at nicer hotels, and I know I damaged the rental truck with the rocks—”

  Wade’s lips are on mine in a second flat. He pulls me flush against him, and I fold right into his masculine frame. His bear-like hug secures me closely, and I want to stay here forever, but I can’t.

  “Wade, I can’t be with you.”

  He tilts my chin and searches my eyes with ferocity. “Tell me why. Give me the honest to God true reason you don’t want to be with me, and if it’s valid, I will leave you alone for good.”

  “It’s not my place to tell you why.”

  “I don’t understand, and I’m not leaving until you explain.” I try to pull away, but he only holds me tighter.

  “I can’t ask you to change, and what I need from you would require you changing.” I avert my gaze, trying not to get lost in his seas of blue.

  “Laney, if anyone is worth changing for it’s you.”

  “You saw my father, Wade. He’s a terrible alcoholic. You own a flask. I drink sometimes, but not like that. Not that excessively.

  “I don’t care what job you have or how much money you make, but I can’t end up with someone like my father.”

  Wade lets me go and glides a hand over his light brown hair. The golden highlights shine brightly from how damp it still is.

  “Fuck. I feel like such a dumbass. How could I have not thought of it?”

  Turning away from him, I begin rooting through my purse. “Like I said, I can’t expect you to change. Here is the money.”

  “I’m not taking your goddamn money. I want you. It’s always been you since I saw you from a distance in that bar the first night we met.”

  Wade takes my arm and turns me back around. He pulls me close again and lifts my chin.

  “I didn’t just happen to be sitting by you. I took that barstool because you were the most gorgeous woman in the place.

  “Then, I got to witness the fire you had to your personality, and it only made me want you more. After that on the trip, I got to know the sweet yet determined side to you.

  “You’re everything I want, Laney. You’re worth giving up liquor for, and you sure as hell make me want to accomplish amazing things because all I see in my future is you. That means I want to be the best me I can be.”


  “I don’t even have that flask with me, and if you give me another chance, it will go in the trash the second I get home. Please, once and for all, give us a real chance.”

  I nod swiftly as the tears bask my eyes.

  “OK. I’ve missed you like crazy.”

  “I’ve missed you, too, Goldilocks. I love you.” Wade plants a solid kiss on my lips. My fingers caress his cheek, and I melt into his loving embrace once again.

  Our kiss goes on and on until I’m certain my lips are bruised. Then, I gaze into his sincere eyes that are full of light and possibilities.

  “I love you, too. It turns out I’m not a Cali girl after all. I heard once that it’s the unexpected trips that bring us back home. You’re what feels like home, Wade. Only you, sweetheart.”

  End Notes

  Thank you for reading Wade and the rest of the Reckless Anthology. Your purchase helps fund a great cause.

  Watch for the individual release of Wade in spring 2016 when it will be available in digital and paperback format.

  Additional books by Scarlet Wolfe are available in the teen/YA, contemporary and erotica romance genres. To keep up on the latest release information, teasers and covers, follow me on the web at, Facebook, and Twitter.

  If you enjoy my writing, I’d greatly appreciate it if you would leave me ratings or reviews. Thank you!


  To Author Kim Black for organizing this anthology. It’s super exciting to be a part of it.

  I want to thank my loving husband, Patrick Wolfe. Like always, you’re amazingly supportive, and I couldn’t own my accomplishments without you by my side.

  My family and friends, I love you, and thank you for your support.

  Samantha Wiley, thank you for editing Wade. If anyone needs editing services, you can find Samantha at Proofreading by the Page.

  Tammy Becraft, thank you for beta reading. Your feedback was a huge help.

  Thank you to the members of Red-Hot Readers for believing in me and for spreading the word about my writing. I love each of you.

  Readers, I can’t thank you enough for taking time out of your busy lives to read my writing. Your support and kind words continue to lift me up and inspire me to bring you more stories. Many of you have given me your friendships, too, and I’m so grateful for that.


  By: Kirsty-Anne Still



  WHAT DO YOU DO when the bliss you’ve been suspended in comes tumbling down?

  I drifted through denial, progressed into the anger pretty quick and lingered in it. It was the base note to my emotions as I struggled to bargain with the facts that were printed in black, white, and blood red. The depression that was already ebbing into my system was going to be a vast friend I knew it, but in the end I accepted it for what it was.

  The love of my life was a killer – I had known that for a while now but the deceit that was presented to me was too much to cope with. In the end I started to mourn a relationship that I was yet to end. Why? Because I knew after that today, I couldn’t continue to love a woman who would never wholly be mine. I couldn’t s
hare her with the loyalties that kept her tied to her family anymore. They were corruptive, full of damnation and always came with the threat of stealing her from me completely.

  So I was aiming to cut a loss and run – as far as I could, and as fast I could.

  I made the decision as fast as I had known it, but I hadn’t realized I had come to terms with the fact that my relationship with Amelia Abbiati was one forever hanging on a time limit.

  I came home to wait for her because I knew she would always come back to me. The domesticated bliss we had reveled in was one we had both come alive in and here I was, sat in total darkness, waiting to bring us down from cloud nine.

  And for what reason?

  To break her heart for a second time in exactly the same manner as I had done over a year ago.

  We had our second chance and it was like the past was always set to repeat itself. We meet, we fall so whole-heartedly in love it’s consuming, but her life and what she is will always be the devil waiting to end it all.

  Like before, it’s happened again.

  The pain that rips through me at knowing I was never enough for her is suffocating, but it’s the disappointment that my love for her could never eclipse her father’s hold on her that shatters me most. I wanted to give her everything, grant her freedom but it seemed we were always destined to be apart.

  I’m sorry for breaking her heart; I am, even without doing so just yet.

  When I hear the door to the apartment open, I know my opportunity is about to arrive and the lump that forms in my throat is one I won’t be able to get rid of. I remain silent, still sat in the dark. Waiting as she moves further into the apartment.

  “Zane?” I hear her call out, but I remain unmoved.

  I can sense her moving, hearing her footsteps coming closer and the ache in me becomes far worse than ever. Even in darkness, I can’t escape my raging emotions and the fact she’s here exacerbates them.

  I notice as she puts on lights as she trails through the apartment, that her body becomes a silhouette in the doorway. I look, my eyes straining to make her out in the darkness and my heart begins to beat in fits of pain.


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