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Reckless: A Bad Boyz Anthology

Page 69

by Anthology

  “You sucking his dick too?” one of Stew’s friends said.

  “Now, that,” she pointed to the guy. “I will tell Jess that you said that.”

  “Aww, fuck,” Stew turned towards the guy. He turned his glare back on me, then he said, “We’ll chat later.”

  I moved Savannah behind me and walked straight to Stewart, “Let’s chat now.”

  He stepped back a little and nodded. “No worries. It’s settled.”

  I laughed at him because the wager was only for him to get the bike and I was well aware of that. I was also aware that I was faster than him and if he wanted to try to take the bike, I would have further embarrassed him.

  The thing was the Bennett’s were outcasts because we needed to be. Nobody could know and should know what we did for a living. It was a long tradition that we continued and would always be a part of us. This was why my father was dying alone and had only his sons to keep him company and why Seth and I would likely be single bachelors, fucking when we needed and never staying around for breakfast.

  That was my one and only encounter with Savannah Jones. I heard plenty, saw enough, but she and I. That just would not work.

  I nodded my head to my brother and said, “Naw, I am good.”

  Going to my room, I pulled out my guns, rifles, and automatics and began to clean them.

  The next job was coming up tomorrow.

  Chapter 3: Savannah

  THE WHOLE HOST of Heaven was coming back like a mighty rushing wind. Well, it was only my alarm blaring this morning at six-thirty in the goddamn morning. I forgot to turn it off before I went to bed. Especially since I had to stroke my own kitty cat to sleep since Troy Bennett was too scared.

  Well, maybe he did save me because everything he was talking about was what I wanted. Even thinking about the way he spoke those things, I knew he’d deliver on every single one of his words. I wondered if he would help me fulfill my fantasy of a threesome.

  My fingers happily stroked my taut clit as I thought of him all over me. Now I had to have him. A taste was all I could ask for, shit I’d probably be hooked on it like a drug, but that was a drug that I would not mind.

  Troy Bennett, bad boy extraordinaire, secluded and up to no fucking good. It was written all over him and there was something almost lethal about him. Shit, even Keith saw it, because he surely backed away from me. Now, I was curious and I wanted to find out.

  It was Saturday afternoon and my shift did not start until eight that evening. My clothes were no longer fitting me since I worked at Clyde’s and eating his greasy ass food on a regular basis. Therefore, my trip to the mall a few towns over was warranted.

  As I was strolling towards H & M, I saw a man sitting on the bench that looked a lot like Troy. However, this guy was wearing dark sunglasses and a hat. We were on the inside of a mall and there was no need to have on glasses or a hat unless you were trying to hide.

  Wait, was he following me?

  Marching over to him, I plopped on the bench and said, “Troy Bennett, please tell me that you are not following little ole’ me.”

  At first, he did not acknowledge me, then he turned and said, “May I help you?”

  “What are you doing here?” I leaned in.

  He moved away from me and growled, “Leave.”

  “You’re following me and you want me to go?” He kept his face forward and would not face me anymore.

  “Leave,” he said through gritted teeth.

  “What! I know what they say about you and your family, but you really are going to act like you do not …”


  The next few minutes happened in slow motion. It seemed like a scene from the matrix. Troy pushed me off the bench to the floor as two speeding objects flew by my head. While I was in mid-air, Troy pulled out a gun from under his newspaper and shot twice towards the top level of the mall. A man catapulted from the balcony, landing in the massive fountain. Gasps, screams, and panic filled the mall almost instantly. Troy ran towards the guy, touched him on the neck and pulled up his sleeve. He did this as the crowd begin to surround the man, who I presumed was dead.

  I noticed this while on the floor because I was also trying to crawl away without being noticed. That was until I saw Troy stalking back over to me. His legs were moving fast and without skipping a beat he picked up a bag under the bench and grabbed me up with one arm. My bags were wrapped around my wrist and they were lagging behind me as he was practically dragging me to the stairwell exit.

  “Keep up,” he barked.

  This was all happening too fast for me and I am sure I was in a state of shock. All I could do was take in the scenery, exits, how many stairs I took, and the pressure he had on my wrist. My mouth was open, but nothing escaped, not even a breath.

  We took seven steps from the second-floor exit, walked alongside the wall to what I could only guess was his truck. But was not the same truck from last night. He opened the door, picked me up and roughly planted me in the passenger seat. After four cars passed by, he followed a mini-van out of the parking lot. Once we reached the ramp, he took off his glasses, flannel shirt and the hat revealing his full face.

  Even from the side profile, it was hard as stone. No emotion, no remorse, no nothing.

  Oh my God.

  Troy Bennett was a stone-cold killer.

  As the realization of my discovery hit me, he pulled out of the parking lot, reached in the side of his seat and pulled out a gun as he rolled the window down and shot twice. A woman jerked twice from the impact and slowly dropped to the ground. Troy put the gun away, while rolling up the window and did not even lose control of the steering wheel.

  Cold-blooded motherfucking killer.

  My reaction was delayed. Almost ten minutes delayed, but when the reality caught up with my brain, I lost my mind. I started hitting Troy and screaming for him to let me out.

  “No.” He was resolute. “Stop Savannah.”

  He was holding me back with his right hand while I continued to scream, “Pull over this motherfucking car. You’re a killer.” I screamed. “A killlleerrr.”

  “Calm the fuck down.” He yelled, but I did not hear him.

  I would not listen to him, I just starting swinging on him. He pulled the car over and I scrambled to get out. My bags were on the floor and that is where they would stay because I needed to get away from him. As I was opening the side door, Troy was already there with that same emotionless face. He swung it open and I hopped out only to meet his hand in my chest as he pressed me against the side of the truck.

  “What were you doing there?” he asked with a calm voice.

  “Get off of me,” I screamed. “You do not lay your hands on me.

  “Savannah,” he barked. “Shut the fuck up.”

  That was when I saw he had a gun in his right hand.


  “W-what are you doing with that?” I looked to his hand.

  “What were you doing there?”


  Oh my God. Troy Bennett was about to kill me. I saw him. Oh my God. I saw Troy kill two people and now I had to go.

  “I will not say anything, Troy.” My heart was beating at least fifty miles per hour. “I promise.”

  All of the things I’d never done came flashing before me. I had not had a happy life, no happy marriage and a bunch of empty encounters. I didn’t talk to my pops or my mom because she stayed with his ass. My list of deadbeat boyfriends and one husband were not to be praised and I had one friend. Daisy. I worked as a goddamn waitress at Clyde’s, which was the cheapest and probably the worst food around, but there were always the loyal ones.

  I had nothing to live for. Nothing to go back to. No children to fight for. If I would die, I’d die. I guess. So, I stopped pleading and looked at him.

  “I told you to fucking leave. Why didn’t you listen?” He put his head down as his grip tightened on my shirt.

  “I’m sorry, Troy. I didn’t mean to put you in this sor
t of situation.”

  He looked up at me with wide eyes.


  “I’m sorry. I just was hoping you had been stalking me because I really wanted to take you up on that offer from last night. You’re never around, so I was just trying to make that happen.” I nodded, then finished. “So, I’m sorry.”

  He looked at me, but he was looking through me. His gaze seemed to penetrate my soul.

  “Fuck,” he yelled out.

  I remained quiet because there was nothing else to say.

  “Come on, we’re running out of time. Grab your shit. All of it and let’s go. Got to torch this truck.”


  He pressed me against the truck harder with his fist still gripping my shirt, then said, “Savannah, this is no fucking game. When I say something, I need you to fucking listen and do that shit quickly.”

  As much as I wanted to argue and fight because no man would talk to me that way and my momma always taught me to fight for what I wanted. She also told me to know when to hold it and know when to fold it.

  My head nodded to signal my agreement and he let me go. Gathering my shit, all of my shit, I turned around to see him stalking towards a black sedan. We were on the side of the highway with nothing but dust, fields, and debris in the quiet outskirts of Tammytown. Nobody was in sight, so even if I did want to escape, he could shoot me and leave me for dead. The fact that he had not shot me yet was a miracle since I swore he had his gun out to do just that.

  His weapon was neatly tucked in the back of his jeans so I would assume that he was not going to shoot me just yet. As he was in the trunk of the Sedan, a tractor trailer emerged from the blurry shadows of the road. I stared at it, thinking of my chances of escaping. A range of emotions passed me, but none of them included fear. Troy and I went to high school together, but I did just see him kill two people in cold blood. He did not flinch or even think, it was like it was second nature to him.

  The truck rode passed us and that was when I turned to see Troy staring at me. He was waiting to see what I was going to do. His hand wasn’t on his gun or anything, it was almost as if he wanted me to escape.

  Shit, maybe I made the wrong choice.

  Instead of panicking, I held up my bags and said, “I got my shit.”

  Troy nodded, then said, “Get in the car.”

  Immediately, I obeyed him and moved to the sedan’s passenger seat. It was definitely used, but spotless. Troy stalked over to the truck and begin to pour gasoline out of the red container. On the truck, in the truck and even under the truck. He was parked near the gravel, so no grass or any flammable objects would catch on to the fire he was about to set.

  Maybe I had watched too much television, but I was calmer than I should have been. Less than thirty minutes ago, Troy pushed me on the ground, killed two people, dragged me with him, gripped me up against the same truck that was burning and was about to kill me. Yet, I was sitting in the next getaway car, waiting to see what was going to happen next.

  I was weird.

  Shit, maybe what they said about me was right.

  I was fucking crazy.

  When Troy returned to the car, he started it up and we rode down the street for another fifty miles or so. He did not say anything the entire trip and neither did I.

  He finally drove up in front of a cabin. I had no idea where we were or which township we were in either. Once he got out, he walked straight to the front, grabbed what I could assume was a key from the top ledge and opened the door. I grabbed all of my shit and followed him inside.

  “Take the second room on the right.” He directed without looking at me. “I have to take care of some business.”

  Immediately, I went to the room he pointed out for me, dropped my bags and plopped down on the bed. What was I supposed to do?

  Oh shit, my shift.

  Pulling out my cell phone, I started dialing the number for Clyde’s and realized I had no service. I ran out to the front, only to hear Troy’s voice say, “I got some extra weight…Yeah, I know…Was she seen…I am going to…no, she can’t stay…you know her…Savannah?...Yes…I’ll get rid of her…right.”

  Oh shit.

  He was going to kill me.

  I tip-toed back into the room, grabbed my cell and left the bags. There was a window that I was able to lift and climb out. Without turning back, I ran into the woods and kept going until I reached a creek. It was a large body of water that I would probably make it through or it was as simple as desperate times warranting desperate measures.

  Halfway across, I slipped on a rock and went under. I was a reasonably good swimmer, but those skills did not help me at that moment. My shirt snagged on a branch or something under the water, causing me to focus on getting free rather than breathing. Water filled my mouth and quickly, my lungs. I tried to rise to the surface to spit it out, but the stupid shirt was holding me down.


  I was running away trying to avoid being killed only for the elements to kill me. Again, resolve settled in me as I realized my death would come one day. I didn’t want it to come so soon, but it was coming. My body relaxed and as I gave up the fight, I asked God to forgive me of all my sins, including the animosity towards my father.

  My entire body jerked and I figured that was death taking its life from me as I started to float. Then I heard his voice.

  “Nah.” My body jerked again, “Savannah!”

  It was Troy and he was yelling.

  At me.


  Troy was pulling me up out of the water like I weighed nothing. I was free and I was trying to say thank you, but nothing escaped. He was carrying me back across the water to the cabin. Wait, everything was still dark and my mouth would not move.

  Wait, was I dead?

  There were movements in my midsection like he was hitting me or punching me. Then his mouth was on mine. Troy kept switching from hitting me to putting his lips on me.

  My body suddenly jerked again and I sat up, coughing and sputtering out water. My eyes finally opened and Troy was sitting on his haunches next to me, looking five years older than he did a half an hour ago.

  When I finally regained my breath, I turned to him and asked, “Why did you save me?”

  He blinked at me for a moment, then asked, “Were you trying to kill yourself?”

  “No,” I coughed. “I heard you saying you would get rid of me.”

  His brows furrowed, then he said, “I was talking about the car.”


  Oh boy. Talking about fuckups and misunderstandings.


  “Yeah,” he nodded.

  “So, were you about to kill me when we first pulled over?” I asked, for clarification purposes.

  “Depended on your answer,” he said.

  “How so?”

  “Long story. Let’s get you inside and in some warm clothes first,” He said while standing.

  “Okay.” I nodded.

  Troy held out his hand for me to grab so he could help me up. I followed him silently back to the cabin. When we reached back, I realized that he did not see me leave.

  “How did you know I was gone?” I turned towards him.

  “There’s a silent alarm for anyone movement outside the grounds. You triggered it when you climbed out the window.”

  “Ah, is this like your safe house or something?”

  “Something like that.”

  I followed him past my room and entered the bathroom. There stood in the corner, a claw foot bathtub and towels hanging on the side of them.

  Troy turned on the water, tested the temperature and plugged the tub. When he turned back around, he put his hand on my arm and said, “You’re safe here, Savannah.”

  I must have given him a look of what the hell are you talking about, because he said, “You’re shaking like a leaf.”

  Again, the realization that I was having some sort of delayed reactions were shocking me. I was shaking, my t
eeth were chattering together and my knees were on the verge of buckling.

  Slowing walking towards me, his hands went to lift my shirt. The crazy part about that was that I didn’t stop him. I was really a little too shaken up to deal with the stupid clothes. Troy unclasped my bra from the front, then unbuttoned my jeans and made jerking movements to get the skin-tight wet jeans down my thighs. He did the same with my panties and threw them in a pile.

  Clasping my hand, Troy led me to the tub where he tested the water and signaled for me to step in. I must not have moved fast enough because he picked me up and placed me in the water.

  “This will make you feel better,” he said.

  It was then that I noticed that he was soaked as well.

  “What about you?” I found myself asking.

  He raised an eyebrow at me, then said, “I’ll take a shower in the other bathroom.”

  My head bobbed up and down as I relaxed in the warm water that seemed to heat my soul. My eyes closed as I was engulfed in the seductive fragrance and temperature of the water. I was so caught up in the tub, that I did not even realize when he had left.

  An hour later, I left the tub and showered off any of the soapy residue. When I entered my room, my clothes that I bought were on the side of the bed along with some sweat pants and t-shirts. I put those on instead of my new clothes while being thankful that I bought some underwear on this shopping trip.

  Once I was dressed, I left my room and found Troy in the kitchen area. I perched myself on a stool near the bar and asked, “Could I use your phone to let Clyde know that I will not be into work today. I mean, he knows, since it’s after nine in the evening and I did not show up for my shift, but still.”


  “What?” I asked.


  Troy was bent over the oven, stirring something that smelled pretty good.

  “Listen, I will lose my job and I need that job, so I need to let him know.” I pleaded with him.

  “You can’t go back to that life, Savannah. Until we are cleared, we stay here. So, get that out of your mind. As of right now, your life as you’ve known it before is no more. You do not contact anyone.” He turned to face me, then continued, “You do not leave, call, or tell anyone who you are or who I am. Got it.”


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