Beautiful Nightmare

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Beautiful Nightmare Page 19

by Johnna B

  “You know my girl come hard every time. Shit! She just be on some crazy time type stuff.”

  “You stupid as hell. Was Kidd up here yesterday?”

  “Yes, he was, and he was very upset. We were up here for hours; then you come talking about you don’t want to see anyone for the rest of the day. We almost broke in here to kick your ass again.”

  “What did he say? I really don’t want him to see me like this.”

  “Nothing really. He was real quiet. I think I caught him crying a couple of times. Me and Moochie were in our own little world,” she said smiling big time.

  “You and Moochie? Give me the juice, bitch. Right now, and don’t you leave out not one, single, solitary detail.”

  “It was nothing really. He stayed with me all day and night,” she squealed.

  “You got the D, you funky whore! Ooh! Was it good?”

  “It was wonderful.” Sena fell onto the bed with Vee.

  “Ssss shit, Sena!” Pain struck Vee so fierce she almost lost her breath.

  “I’m so sorry, honey.” Sena was looking worried as she jumped off the bed.

  “Girl, please! Don’t worry about that. You finally cleared those coochie cobwebs out, huh? And with Moochie! I’m happy for you. So what does this mean?”

  “I don’t know. I mean, I like him . . . The sex was wonderful, but I ain’t gonna sweat him like that. I really like him, but I don’t want to run him away.”

  “I feel you, but you also want him to know you are interested in him, right?”

  “Yeah, he knows. I left it in his hands when I walked out of my house this morning, and he was still in his boxers.” She smiled big time at the thought of him in his boxers.

  “You left him at your house? You got to really like him to be leaving him at your house.”

  “I know you aren’t talking. Kidd got a key to your shit.”

  “I never said I didn’t like him.”

  “True enough, but anyway.” Sena had been trying to find a way to change the subject to the Houdini act she pulled. “Where did you go?”

  “What do you mean?” She was trying to play stupid.

  “You know what I mean, trick. Don’t get cute.”

  “I didn’t go anywhere. I just needed time alone to get myself together. I was dealing with the demons of my past and didn’t need any interruption, that’s all.”

  “Yes, the hell you did go somewhere! I was at your house every day for three weeks straight! I even slept there for a week, and you never showed up!”

  “Really?” Valencia honestly didn’t know Sena had been to her house that many times. Raven never went back after she left.

  “You could have called to tell me you were all right or something. I was worried sick, and Kidd called me every day looking for you.”

  “I know. He called me like every day too. I just couldn’t pick up the phone.”

  “I gotta pee. I’ll be right back.” Sena got up to go to the bathroom.

  “Ain’t that cute? She came to take care of her BFF.” Raven barged in without any warning.

  “Oh! Shut up, bitch! Would you just go the fuck away?” Valencia was done playing her games.

  “Now you all tough and shit, bitch. You ain’t tough. You still need to recognize I’m me, bitch, and don’t forget it. I can come and take your life in a heartbeat.”

  “Not this time! We both will die before that happens, you better believe that. And I mean that. You almost got me killed, and it won’t happen again!”

  “Whatever. I’ll give you enough time to heal. I don’t want to be walking around hurting and shit. I’ll let you take in some of the pain this time, but I will be back, so don’t get too comfortable. Peace out, bitch!”

  “Yeah, whatever. I’ll be waiting and ready.” Vee was determined not to let Raven take over again. By any means necessary, she would fight to the end.

  “Ready for what?” Sena asked as she walked back into the room.

  “Shit. I’m ready to eat, but I can’t. They’re feeding me through an IV. I hope I don’t get skinny and sick looking.”

  “As long as you’re still here, it doesn’t matter.”

  “Yes, it does. You’re still looking beautiful with no worries about being ugly and alone. I do.”

  “And neither do you.”

  “No one will ever want to be with me after what I did.” Vee could feel tears coming into her eyes.

  “Do you really think getting skinny is going to make that man stop loving you?”

  “I wasn’t even talking about him.”

  “Well, who the hell you talking about ’cause you sho’ ain’t got nobody else?” Sena couldn’t help but laugh at her.

  “She bet not have nobody else.” They looked toward the door to see Kidd and Moochie walking in with about thirty “Get Well” balloons and teddy bears and flowers, looking and smelling wonderful.

  The sight of Kidd walking with those flowers took her back to when Kidd had first stolen her heart. She looked him up and down, and he’d never been more beautiful to her. Her heart skipped what seemed like ten beats before it returned to its normal rhythm.

  “I thought you two weren’t coming till later on this evening.” Sena looked to the duo.

  “Yeah, well, peanut head over here wanted to get out here ASAP.” Moochie pointed to Kidd.

  “How you doin, ma?” Moochie kissed Sena on the forehead first, then Valencia.

  “I’m good. How ’bout yourself?” She was staring at Kidd, admiring him. The man was beautiful inside and out. He was her reason for living. He looked like he was trying to look at anything in the room but her. Sena took notice of the expression she was giving Kidd.

  “Hey, Moochie, come buy me some lunch. I’m starving.” She stood up and grabbed his arm.

  “We just got here.” He looked at her like she was crazy.

  “Well, you just leaving, now, come on.” She gave him a look that said come the hell on.

  “A’ight, man. Y’all want anything?”

  “Yeah, bring me a T-bone with a baked potato and side order of sweet potato pie,” Valencia blurted out.

  “Girl, please. What you eat will be pumping in you through that water hose you got coming out of your arm!” Sena yelled over her shoulder as she pulled Moochie out the door.

  Kidd was just standing there, staring at her, not really knowing what to say. She had bandages everywhere. She looked so fragile. It angered him to see her this way. The beautiful, strong woman he had come to love looked so broken. The spirit that was once bright and vibrant was gone. He didn’t know if his heart could take it if she was to be taken from him again. He didn’t even know where to start, and he had so many questions. But he didn’t come to argue with her. First, he wanted to wrap his arms around her and let her know that he still loved her, but he had to, at least, try to play hard. No matter how badly he wanted to be mad at her, he couldn’t stay that way because his heart wouldn’t allow it. She had a death grip on his heart and wasn’t letting go.

  “Well, are you going stand over there the whole visit?”

  “My bad. I didn’t know if you wanted me here or not.” He walked up to her bed.

  “Why wouldn’t I want you here? I’ve missed you like crazy.” She patted a spot on the bed next to her. They just sat there, staring at each other. Not knowing what to say, there was a long and deafening pause in the air. The room’s walls closed them into a small box that only they could fit into together. Tunnel vision kicked in, and they only saw each other. Their heartbeats reverberated off the walls and said what their mouths couldn’t. Tears filled Valencia’s eyes, and she willed them not to fall. But it was inevitable they betray her.

  “I’m sorry.” She looked down at the covers.

  “So, what happened to you? I mean, where did you go all that time you was gone?” Kidd said, finally breaking his silence as he sat down on the bed next to her.

  “I had get away to clear my head from the things that were happening so fast ar
ound me. I felt as though I were falling with no ground in sight.” Half-truths seemed be the thing these days.

  “So you up and left me without so much as a good-bye or nothing? I thought we were better than that.” His eyes were full of hurt.

  “We are so much better than that, but I told you in so many words that this would happen.” She tried to explain without giving too much information away. If she could take Raven to her grave, she would.

  “When? You never told me you were just gon’ up and disappear on me. I would have never put myself or my heart out there like that.” He stood up livid and breathing hard, not believing what she was saying. At this point, he didn’t give a shit about her being in a hospital. She was on some straight bullshit.

  “I told you she would come back. I prayed and prayed she wouldn’t come, but she did to claim what she called hers.”

  “Who is she? What are you talking about?” He sat down, looking at her. Finally, he would get some answers.

  “I don’t know how to explain it to you. I am indebted to her because she saved my life, and I had to go away for a while to repay that debt. All I can remember is a month later, I woke up in the hotel room not knowing where I was or how I got there.” She was in tears all over again. “I didn’t think I had any more tears left.”

  He softened up a bit and tried to wipe her tears away, but new ones immediately replaced the old ones.

  “I know me disappearing was wrong, but there was nothing I could do. I would never do anything to deliberately hurt you. I knew from the first time I looked into your eyes I would love you some day. Hell, it may have been love at first sight. I didn’t know what I was feeling, but I knew I was feeling something, and being away from you for so long made me realize what I was feeling was love.”

  All he could do was sit there, looking at her. He didn’t know what to say as he was still at a loss for words. He wanted to curse, yell, and scream. But looking at her, all he really wanted to do was hold and protect her. He didn’t know if he should continue with the relationship or not because she had a lot going on, and he still didn’t have the whole story. He didn’t want to press the issue, but something just wasn’t sitting right with him. But he knew one thing for sure, and that was, he loved her and didn’t want to be away from her again. So he decided to chalk it up and help her through it.

  Taking a deep breath, he said, “I love you too.”

  “Why? How could you love me after this? You deserve someone that can make you happy for the rest of your life, and I don’t know if I’m that woman.” Like a river flowing into the ocean, her tears broke loose.

  “Well, you let me be the judge of that, and anyway, I have known for a while that you were the one I wanted to be with, so let’s not sweat the small stuff and just roll with the punches. Can you do that for me?” He pushed her chin up with his finger, so she was looking at him.

  “Yeah,” she whispered, looking unsure. Once again, she found herself praying to a God that seemed to never be on her side. She prayed that Raven was gone for good for her true, uninterrupted happiness. She prayed for peace in her heart. And she prayed that she could keep Kidd in her life.

  Chapter 21

  A New Love

  “All I need in this life of sin is me and my girlfriend, down to ride till the bloody end.” The phone sang as it vibrated across the dresser.

  “What’s good?” Moochie asked, already knowing who it was. She had set that ring tone for herself and told him he better not change it and she better not hear it ring for anybody else.

  “Hey, sexy. Are you busy? I got this itch I can’t seem to scratch.” He smiled at the sexy melody of Sena’s voice coming through his phone.

  “I think I can assist you with that little problem.” He hadn’t seen her in a few days and was ready to get his fix. Since getting with Sena, he hadn’t even thought about another woman. She consumed his mind and was quickly taking over his heart.

  “You think? Naw, I need you to know that you can help me. Otherwise, what do I need you for? I have a thinker at home. And he thinks he’s doing it right, but that’s what I got you for.” The sex appeal in her voice made him play along with her game.

  “Oh yeah? No doubt I got you, ma.” He unconsciously grabbed his crotch.

  “Good. Meet me in the bar at the Radisson Hotel in thirty minutes.” She hung up, smiling from ear to ear. She had never done anything like this before, but she felt she had to step her game up if she was trying to keep him in her life. She had a very sex- and fun-filled night planned for him.

  Sena sat at the bar, sipping her third Midori Sour, tapping her fingers as she was waiting patiently for Moochie to come through the doors. She still couldn’t believe she had put this little shindig together. Her feelings for Moochie were overwhelming. She knew she loved him. She just wasn’t ready to admit it, at least, not just yet. She had fallen for him, which wasn’t part of the game plan. She knew he didn’t want to be in anything serious. Their relationship was going just fine without adding emotions into the equation. But she always wondered if it was going to go any further.

  Her thoughts were cut short when she saw Moochie walk through the door. She had to cross her legs to stop her woman parts from jumping. At the sight alone of him, it made her juices flow. She watched as he sat down at the bar as she twirled her room key in her fingers. Then she got up and sauntered over to him. He hadn’t noticed her yet because she was undercover.

  “Hey, you,” she whispered into his ear. He tried to turn around, but she stopped him. “No, don’t turn around.” She slid her hand down his chest, dropping the room key in his lap. “Give me five minutes, then come up to Room 629.”

  With that being said, she walked away. He turned to see her hitting the corner. If it hadn’t been for her coat, he would have never known it was her. She sported a bleached blond wig that went down to her ass. The red leather pea coat stopped just short of her ass itself, the red fishnet stockings made her legs look thick and juicy, while the red leather pumps made them look long and flexible.

  “Aye, let me get a shot of Patrón,” he yelled to the bartender.

  He looked back toward where Sena had gone and decided he needed a little more. “Make that two double shots.” He downed the shots and headed for what he knew was going to be a fun night. As he approached the room, he could hear music coming from the door. He opened the door to see Sena lying in the middle of the bed, her legs cocked open with one hand massaging her clit and the other working on her nipple. She moved her body to the music as she watched him enter the room. She had candles all over the room, and the candlelights flickered and danced off her skin, freshly covered in a sweet-smelling oil, the scent, of which, rivaled the aroma coming from the candles.

  “Have a seat,” she whispered as she pointed to the chair directly in front of her.

  Moochie did as he was told and walked over to the seat and watched her bring on an orgasm he wished he had participated in. His dick was so hard he thought it would implode. He had to squeeze the tip the relieve some of the pressure.

  “Come taste me,” she moaned as she pulled her fingers out of her soaking wet pussy and placed them in his mouth. He licked all trace of her juices off her fingers. Then he moved from her fingers to her nipples on down to her secret passage to heaven. She moaned in delight at the sensation of his tongue circling around her sensitive area. He finally let go of her clit and moved up to her mouth and planted a sensual kiss on her lips that made her damn near rip his shirt off his body.

  “I want you inside of me right now!” Sena panted as she pulled and tugged at his clothes. Roughly she pushed him down on the bed and climbed on top of him. Positioning herself over his dick, she slid down on it with no hands.

  “Sssss,” Moochie hissed as he felt her walls constricting around his pole.

  She dug her nails into his chest as she sat all the way down and felt him hit the back of her hot box. Once she got used to the feeling she moved her hips to the rhythm of the song t
hat was playing in the back. Ironically, R. Kelly was in the background telling her to slow wind for him. And that’s exactly what she was doing. She rubbed her hands up and down his chest as she grinded her vagina all over his rock-hard phallus. Then she firmly wrapped her right hand around his throat and whispered in his ear.

  “Fuck me like you hate me.”

  “Say no more.” He obliged her request as he stroked her long and hard all night long. When he awoke the following morning, she was gone and had left a note on the nightstand with $200 sitting on top of it. He picked up the note along with the money and laughed.

  Hey, you!

  Thank you for a wonderful night. You were all that I hoped you would be and more.

  I couldn’t have dreamed last night would be so perfect. Until next time, keep me on your mind, and, if I’m not already there, find a small place for me in your heart.

  Smooches, Kiss Kiss,

  The Lady in Red

  He smiled because he knew she already had his heart. He read the letter three more times before he put it down. He looked at the money and started to laugh again. Is this how women feel when the sex is over and all they get is a funky-ass $200? Shit! I know my shit was fire and deserved, at least, a guap. He laughed again.

  * * *

  Kidd was there every step of the way helping nurse Vee back to good health. Every day and night, he was at her house. Anything that needed to be done, he was doing it. If it wasn’t him doing it, Sena was there. They were fussing over her day and night. She couldn’t lift a finger without one of them yelling at her and telling her they would do it. Valencia thought surely she would go crazy, loving and hating the attention at the same time.

  Valencia was finally back to good health. She didn’t lose as much weight as she originally thought she would. In fact, she lost it in all the right places. To celebrate, they were all going out to party.

  Bzzzz Bzzzz Bzzzzzz. Valencia heard her phone vibrating across the table.

  “Get that for me, Sena,” she yelled from upstairs.

  “What’s the business?” Sena answered the phone trying to sound hood, but it wasn’t working. Kidd only laughed at her.


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