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by Richa Resa

  Chapter 22


  "I'm so fucking glad you did that, Val," Shay yelled through the phone.

  "Me too, I couldn't fucking go through it anymore. It was becoming fucking torturous."

  "I declare this, as one of the best decision of your life, Val," she screamed

  "Thank you but, it still doesn't satisfy me. I think satisfaction can't come to me until the truth is out."

  "Yeah, about that. I’ve got a very great idea, and someone's great help. I assure the last decision will be yours. I just want you to come to our usual cafe during lunch and meet this very great person who could just be the answer to all your problems and help you satisfy all your needs. It's a bad idea but a great one, baby." She had my interest quipped to the highest level, and at the same time, scared me. Why do you ask? I hope you remembered her idea of burning down Drew's house. It felt good, but it was a crazy idea.

  "Okay, I will see you at lunch then." We said our goodbyes, and I got back to my work. My plate was full. I knew who my sperm donor was, I was Laura's cousin. My dad saddened at the thought of me ever meeting my sperm donor, Laura's father was an ass, Drew was dog's shit, Aiden was a class A Jerk, and I wanted to kill someone. Could anyone die out of brain overuse, because I felt like I would? Why couldn't God have given me a life, where there was less heartbreak and adventure. I would have survived without these many complications. Putting those thoughts aside, I busied myself in work. I was working on a new assignment when my door banged open. I jumped at this sudden intrusion.

  "What do you mean by this, Valerie?" Ms. William stood there dominatingly more like angry.

  "Ms. William," I stood up, instantly. I had never seen her like this.

  "You can't back out of Laura's wedding, when there is only a week, and a half left until her engagement party. You know we signed for all the events related to her wedding, and I trusted you with it, because you have been my best employee. Is this how you pay me?" She fumed.

  "Ms. William, I know this is short notice, but I would rather not take an event in which I would lose my sanity."

  "Sanity, Valerie? Right now, you are putting my name on the line. I recommended you. Do you have any idea how it would affect me, and this firm? Laura's mother is my best friend, Valerie, I promised her, that her daughter's wedding will be the talk for society, for the upcoming months. I can't have you backing out, and that's final. I would not let you ruin my god daughter's wedding, because of your personal life is in disaster, or because of your boyfriend, being in love with Laura. This has nothing to do with my firm, and my reputation. Either you are going to go on with Laura's wedding, or you can pack your things, and show yourself out." Her warning was full, and final, giving me no space to negotiate. I couldn't say a thing to her anymore, because she was out of my office in seconds.

  I rubbed my temples, to ease out the tension I felt. God, why can't I just get a break? I really couldn't go on with planning Laura's wedding. I would rather hang myself, but I couldn't even give up my job, too. I loved my job, even this damn company, but asking me to plan Laura's wedding, was like asking me to commit suicide. This was just not fair on me. If Ms. William knew the truth, she wouldn't have ever done this, left me with no choice. Aiden and Drew played me, and those both were not worthy enough of Laura's love and care. How do you plan a wedding to ruin someone? Can it even be planned?

  "Do you need something?" Melanie asked, from the door hesitantly. I shook my head in denial. I looked at the time, and it was already lunch. I picked up my bag and went to meet Shay. She could surely help me with this, though; she would want me to leave the company.

  When I reached the cafe, Shay was already there, but alone. Didn't she say she wants me to meet someone? Shrugging that thought away, I settled down beside her. She was busy reading something on her phone, that she didn't acknowledge my presence. She was too engrossed in her phone, and at that, I smiled like a cherished cat. Have you ever poked a person who is too engrossed into something? I have, and it's hilarious. Very slowly my finger travelled towards her waist. I was just this close to poking her, when she scared the hell out of me.

  "Don't even think about it?" She whispered, making me jump in my seat. My breath hitched in fear, and my hand rested over my heart. God, my own trick got used on me.

  "You scared me, Shay," I whisper- yelled. I was sure that I might have gained the attention of a few other people in the cafe. Shay smirked, making me smile.

  "I knew you would do something like this, so I learned a lesson from the last time, and made you believe that I was too busy to give you a chance to scare me. When you were too busy trying to poke me, I gave you a surprise just at the last moment. Hope you liked it!" I laughed at this. She knew me too well.

  "Yeah, yeah. Now, where is that great person you wanted me to meet?"

  "Umm, he is running a bit late. I just got his text. It will take him a good ten minutes to reach here. Why did you look so gloomy coming here?"

  "You were watching me? I thought you were busy on your phone," I swear she was.

  "Never reveal your tricks to anyone," I looked at her, like she was a maniac. She burst into laughter watching my face, making me smile, too.

  "I ordered your favourite." She told me, controlling her laughter.


  "But, why were you gloomy? I thought you would have been tremendously happy, after dropping Laura's wedding."

  "Yeah about that Ms. William fired up on me when she came to know about me backing out of it. She has given me the ultimatum to either go on with Laura's wedding or pack my things," I really didn't want to give up on my job, but Laura's wedding wasn't to pleasant, too. I was between Scylla and Charybdis. I had to choose one out of the two evils, but I was so desperately looking for a third way out. Shay looked like she was thinking, and then picking up her phone, she messaged someone. I waited for her to say something, like go to hell Ms. Williams but nothing came.

  "Then go on with the wedding," She said, looking at her phone. My brows furrowed in confusion. That wasn't what my best friend, Shay, would say. What the hell happened to her?

  "What?" I asked, surprised.

  "What, what?" Shay turned towards me. "You go on with Laura's wedding. When you tell Ms. William that you are still going to plan Laura's wedding you make sure to tell her, that you are doing this for her and her firm, and you demand a pay raise." I tilted my head and looked at her with narrowed eyes. Either she was pulling my leg, or she was damn too serious.

  "Do you want me to ruin Laura's life, Shay? I know you don't like her, and I'm also not a great fan of her, but still, I'm not in it for destroying her life." Shay didn't look at me, but at the phone. God, she was acting so mean. What the hell was wrong with her?

  "Shay," I called for her, but rather than looking at me, she looked at the entrance of the cafe. She waved her hand for someone, and it was some suited-up guy.

  "You plan her wedding and leave the rest to me, if you want. We have got a great plan that would help you, and at the same time will satisfy all your wants." She told me, before looking at the suited-up guy, who sat on our table. He was good looking, and I surely would have banged him for a night, but who the hell was he?

  "Val, this is, Arnold Jameson, the editor of the famous newspaper, Daily News. He is going to help us, in telling the truth about Drew and Aiden to the world. However, only if it is what you want." I looked at her wide-eyed.

  "Hello," Arnold greeted, and I gave him a weak nod.

  "I know this must not what had been your mind when you wanted to expose Drew, but I assure you it is one of the best ways to do it. You won't just tell the truth but expose all of his dirty tricks. He will lose everything, and more personally, it will give me a great a satisfaction." He said, making me question about why he would be satisfied.

  "Satisfaction?" I questioned.

  "Yes," He said, giving me a weak smile. "My sister looks a bit like you, and Laura. She was Drew's girlfriend three months back fo
r a span of two months. She really didn't have any idea, that he was engaged. Then, she got pregnant. She thought he would be happy and ecstatic, but he wasn't. He dumped her when she told him this. Threw money at her to have the child aborted, and overnight, she was out of his life. When she threatened him that she would tell Laura, he warned her to stay the hell away. But, my sister acted upon her threat, and she went to Laura's home, only to know that she wasn't there. Drew came to know about it, and the next thing I know, my sister had an accident. She lost the child and battled for her life. She is fine now, but not the same. The accident scarred a side of her face. It destroyed my sister, Valerie. She isn't the sister I knew anymore, but a shell of her. He killed his own child, and didn't feel any remorse over it, but my sister suffered, and she still does. All I want to do is destroy him for what he did. It's alright if you don't want to do this, but I hope you let me publish your story, and expose him to the world by tomorrow morning." His words made me hate Drew more and more until I really wanted to strangle him with my own hands, and see the light leave his eyes. How could someone be so cruel? Kill his own child? How could he do this? He just broke all records of being an asshole. He is a fucking criminal, and he needed to be brought down.

  "I will let you publish it,” my words loud and clear. "But I don't want mine or Aiden's name to be revealed. As much as I would like to destroy, him I don't want to. He was better than Drew, and even if he was a jerk? At least he told me the truth. You will write about him, but not reveal his name, just like mine, and to make the story better and bring more destruction to Drew's so clean image. I will give you the non-disclosure agreements that he had his mistress’s sign. However, I would like to know one thing, Arnold. How can I trust you? What if you are one of Drew's men and all you told me was a story." He smiled.

  "Val, he isn't like that," Shay intruded.

  "No, it's alright. She is right. You are a scorned woman, Val. If I was in your place, I wouldn't have trusted myself. I came prepared for it, though." He took a folder out of his bag and placed it in front of me. "If this story doesn't appear on the front page of tomorrow's newspaper, you will own everything I have. From my house to my clothes." He laughed at the last part with us.

  "These papers are notarized." He showed me. "It is legal and binding upon me. Keeping this aside, I want you to tell me your story, Valerie. Everything Drew did with you, before and now. I want every juicy detail, and every dirty secret out. I hope you have enough time to tell me this?" He was so fucking ready to destroy Drew, and it gave me hope that things will be alright.

  "I have," Shay decided to stick with us, and she was so fucking happy. I called in Melanie and told her that I would be late and I would work on Laura's wedding later on. I don't think there will be much of wedding after this news gets out. We sat in the corner of the cafe, and I told him everything and anything. Arnold was at times shocked himself, when I told him things about Drew and Aiden. He sympathised with me, but I didn't see pity in his eyes for me. When we were done, he thanked me for it, and promised me to send me a copy, before publishing, and will call me to get my approval. We shook hands and parted our way.

  "I hope this goes well," Shay said, from beside me.

  "Me too, well I have to go to the office now. I sure Ms. William won't be antsy now." I chuckled, and Shay laughed at it.

  "Yeah and don't forget to ask for that pay raise. It would be better to ask for it today. Who knows what happens tomorrow." That was true. What happens tomorrow morning, we didn't know. I could either get wealthier or satisfied. Whatever it was, I would be happy. We bid our goodbyes and decided to meet tomorrow evening for a celebration. There would be a celebration for sure, but if we came to know Arnold was a liar, we were going to hunt him down and kill him. Okay, not kill him but maybe mess with him. I really hoped he wasn't a liar, because I would really love to see Drew destroyed, and I couldn't really go on with Laura's wedding.

  I wanted to see Drew fall, because what he did was horrible. He was a monster in my eyes. He had crossed the limits. Killing his own child, his own flesh. I felt bad for Arnold's sister. I hoped for his sister to get better, after what Drew did to her. I prayed for Drew to get under a truck and die.

  Was it too harsh?

  Well, I don't think so, that fucker deserved it.


  Chapter 23


  I swear that phone is the most irritating thing to hear in the morning. The blaring ringtone was making my ears bleed. The sun was peeking inside my room, but I just didn't want to wake up. Well, who does? The incessant ringing of my phone forced me to move and pick up my phone.

  I looked at the screen this time before picking up. I didn't want to ruin my day like the last time when Drew called me. To my relief, it was Shay. Well, why was she calling me so early in the morning? She has never been awake until the hour hand was on nine!

  Then, it struck me. The article! Has it been published already? I had given Arnold some of the copies of the contracts and videos late last night so he could give solid proof. He had promised to send a copy of the article but as he was working on it he told me he might directly publish it without letting me know. My belief in him had started to shift but he had reassured me that the article will be in the newspaper, front page.

  "Did it happen?" I asked as soon as I picked up the phone.

  "No, sorry Val," Shay told and I could feel my heart stopping. Everything stopped for me. I didn't breathe for whole fucking thirty seconds. I was in shock, and it wasn't good. It felt like this was the end. I could never trust anyone anymore. Never.

  "You didn't become richer, but your level of satisfaction will be fulfilled after you read the newspaper!! It is on the fucking front page and continues again for two full pages inside."

  When she said that, my heart started beating again and air filled my lungs. The world started moving, and the clock started ticking again for me.

  This had never happened to me before. I was going to have a fucking heart attack.

  "I’m going to fucking kill, you Shay!' I screamed at her, to which she laughed like a maniac.

  "I’m sorry, Val. I love the article though!" she said between laughs.

  "Loved it, my ass. How could you do this to me? I mean how? I was on the verge of having a heart attack! You could have killed me Shay!" she was still laughing, and it pissed me off.

  "Okay. Give me a minute." I heard her taking deep breaths.

  "I’m sorry okay? I was just super excited that this happened, Val. It is published, and it is the buzzing news on gossip blogs. All the tweets over it were hilarious! There is this one woman who wants to feed the dicks of Drew and the unnamed man, that is Aiden, to her dogs and cats! She would prefer if they eat it off their bodies when they are alive. There is one, who wants to throw them in the pits of hell. Another, would like to summon the hellhounds to take them to hell. There are so many of them Val! I might die of laughing if that is even possible. You won't believe this, but many people actually want to meet you! They want to know about who you are and how you had got the guts to do it. They empathise with you and feel genuinely sorry for you. I can tell from their heartfelt comments and tweets, Val. You just have become a sensation through this." I couldn't believe what she said.

  For a moment there, I thought that I was dreaming. I instantly felt this sudden urge to see it with my own eyes. With the phone to my ear, I rushed out of my room as if there was a zombie behind me. My dad was reaching for the newspaper, but I managed to beat him to it. He frowned at this.

  "Hey, what's happening?" he asked, while I was busy spreading the newspaper on the table and scanning the contents. The headlines were bold and attention-seeking. I was on fucking cloud nine!

  Wedding of the year jeopardised by the Groom's Illicit actions.

  Read more to know the truth that even the bride didn't know.

  Photographs of Drew and Laura were all over the page. The snapshots of contracts that Drew made his mistresses sign were splash
ed on the next page. The whole story I told Arnold was there! Aiden's and my name were kept anonymous, but the story of how Drew destroyed a woman was written precisely.

  He had even written about his sister and how cruelly Drew had hurt her. There were questions about how a man could do this and how much of a fool Laura was to not have known about all of this. There were even questions focused on her parents about how they couldn’t have known all about it.

  The most eye-catching question to me was that Laura was to be blamed for the broken heart I carried. There was a whole article on me. Just me. No fucking Drew, nor Aiden. Just me. How did I feel about being used by two lovers who were in love with Laura but not me?

  “The love that she had thought to be hers was never hers, to begin with,” it said. Arnold had written about how I had felt and how lost I was. He had labelled me as a woman with two lovers having no love at all for me and just a pretence of love only.

  Even Laura's father was questioned about why he didn’t believe the said girl, who was me, when she told him the truth. Was it for his personal gain? There was so much, so much more than I could have ever expected.

  "Val what is happening?" Dad asked. When I didn't give a reply and stared at the newspaper as if it was my everything, he took the phone from my hands and talked to Shay. I felt happiness from the inside that I couldn't possibly describe in words.

  Everything that had happened with me was out here. Out, for the whole world to know about it. Shay said that people were empathising with me. Tears brimmed in my eyes. This was really happening. Now, Laura will come to know everything. I don't have to live with the regrets of not being able to tell her.


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